Conspiracy Theories

Rumour has it that the distribution of birth control pills in Africa (for free, by Western pharmaceutical companies) was/is not executed out of sheer generosity and concern. With the birth rates decreasing, in Western countries; and the increase of those rates in Africa (despite the wars, civil conflicts, global warming side effect, hunger and Aids) there is a need to control the African population for the following paranoid reasons:

1- “They” may outnumber the westerners, which could translate into serious social and economic issues if “their” own countries are not developed in time to be able to support such growth.
2- If “their” population exceeds the one of the western world, mass migration would be the concretization of the western’s worst nightmare.
3- If “they” do succeed in mass migrating, “they” will marry western women, breed a new race and perhaps install a new world order...God forbid.

True? Untrue? I can’t really tell...

Fama est [1] that society is controlled by a few number of families, that worked really hard to get where they are and, do whatever there is to be done to maintain their powerful position.
When an heir is born, and his family decides right there and then (when they haven’t decided years prior to his conception) what that kid’s future will be; may God have mercy on whoever stands on their way. Their philosophy is:

I. Visualise the family’s goal. Plan for it – they plan the kid’s schools, college; the type of girlfriends he’ll have; they decide which family will marry theirs; how to get the kid into the Parliament/Senate and eventually become the country’s leader.

II. Organise it – “the right people” must be in place; and what better way to ensure that then attending every relevant social gathering there is? Political-Jet Set is the key word.

III. Implement it – the kid is an adult now. He’s been introduced, he keeps society with powerful people; he’s sympathetic and a true leader...”the right people” will eventually indicate his name to run the, a sub-plan must be designed: the general public must keep thinking that there is a Democracy indeed; it is real and not a dream...Oligarchy is an Utopia.

IV. Control it – keep an eye opened. If someone tries to interfere with the Big Plan (be it family members or strangers)...he risks to be found in a ditch.
True? Untrue? I don’t really know...

The latest conspiracy theory was brought to light by Russia. Prime-Minister Putin said, in an interview with CNN, that the recent Georgian conflict was planned and executed by the United States as a form of creating a “neo-cold war climate” that would directly benefit the Republican candidate to the White House (and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect: the Democratic candidate was away in vacations, when the events took place). Putin’s own words were “The suspicion arises that someone in the United States especially created this conflict to make the situation more tense and create a competitive advantage for one of the candidates fighting for the post of US president,” for further reading, click here.

Putin went even farther in saying that Russia “had serious reasons to believe that directly in the combat zone citizens of the United States were present” this supports a serious innuendo: Russia holds some sort of “X-files” on American agents and soldiers...

Vraiesemblable? Invraiesemblable?[2] Who the bloody hell knows...

I, now, encourage you to read more Conspiracy Theories on Livingsword’s blog: Here. (No longer Active)

[1] Fama est: Latin expression meaning “It is said”
[2] Vraiesemblable/ Invraiesemblable: French words for “True/Untrue”


  1. This is really provocative - although well written Max!

    I've always felt the pharmaceutical industry has never been on the human side, more like on the monetary side.

    I think birth control is beneficial for women when they are in control, but this is plane bad intrusive politics.

  2. wow ! I am speechless.. after reading your write up... Is it true ?

  3. Hello Max!

    Congratulations on an attention-grabbing stab at conspiracy theories….

    Let me place my observations per category…

    “the distribution of birth control pills in Africa”:

    1) Respectfully…Africa is a disaster without any interference from the West. Social unrest is but a small part of Africa’s mess so it seems very cost ineffective for the West to conspire in such a way…Also it would mean the West would be able to actually find Africa on a map…

    2) The birth rate and immigration are both increasing the population in the United States. Europe, Canada, Japan and China have rapidly aging populations so I suppose we can count the US out on this one….Africa is doing a good job of mitigating its own population they don’t need “help” from anybody else…Why would anybody even care if there was a mass migration to the West from Africa, we have one from China and India and it isn’t bothering us…we welcome with open arms….

    3) There will not be a “new” race we are already blessed with any number of racial variants, the world is better off with this growth in mixed races…LOL A “new world order” is this an order you can “super size” at McDonalds?

    The controlling families:

    Well this is hardly a secret conspiracy since almost everybody on the planet is trying to do this at the same time…. LOL This may be possible in some small insignificant country (North Korea) for a period of time but is not sustainable in large democratic nation states over a number of years.

    Another factor that negates this is the constant ebb and flow of power and wealth around the globe. These are not static for example Bill Gates wealth is hardly “old money”.

    Plus in democracies people can actually vote for change if they choose to do so. They may also choose to accept an oligarchy as long as it is chosen in a free democratic vote…

    The Putin Conspiracy:

    It is just plain silly like the wacko theory that the US went into Iraq for the oil.
    It sports an interesting misconception about US politics. There are multitudinous other much more profitable and cost effective ways to help McCain over Obama if in deed they chose to do so (Obama is flying to Atlanta right now to stop the invasion of Georgia from those Russians in Florida LOL I couldn’t resist)….. Also the Georgia-US Theory can be used the other way that Russia has done this to “prove” that a Republican executive is “incapable” of handling Russia…

    Should we now blame the hurricane hitting the US on Russia? LOL (Or maybe Bush and climate change)

    The fact of the matter is Georgia and Russia can make a mess of things without US intervention. Georgia and Russia have been saber rattling over this area each August of the past 4 years such a clash was probably predictable. Georgia underrated Russia’s resolve and preparedness….hmmm how/why were they so prepared? It was logical for them to make such preparations in the event of this kind of thing happening…

    Max thank you for a provocative insightful article as per usual…

  4. WOAH!!! What a post! I sometimes think only God knows the TRUE nature of a person/group of persons. Even sometimes when you want to do something good, there's this little voice inside you that tells you that you can also get some fringe benefits by doing so...and only God can purify your thoughts and intentions...because humans are weak to temptations, even the ones with the best intentions of all.

  5. could all these be true? i never thought that birth control pills could be used for politics. rumor has it that they developed HIV for the same reasons.

    i'm glad to hear that you had a great weekend. i had a good one too.


  6. Hey Renny!

    "This is really provocative - although well written Max!" - lol why, thank you *bowing*! But I cannot take credit for the theme Graffiti partner (Livingsword) chose it; and it was a great idea :D!

    "I've always felt the pharmaceutical industry has never been on the human side, more like on the monetary side." - I hear you...

    "I think birth control is beneficial for women when they are in control, but this is plane bad intrusive politics." - politics...tell me about it!

    Renny, thank you so much for your input :D! Always a pleasure to see you here!


  7. Hey Kbguy!

    "wow ! I am speechless.. after reading your write up... Is it true ?" - lol like I said in the end "who the bloody hell knows?".....

    Thanks for having dropped by; I must go to your place and check out your great photos :D!


  8. Hi Max,
    You bring up so many hot button issues that I don't know which one to run with. Hmmmmm. Let me see....

    African birth control. I never knew the deeper implications of a racial take-over; a new world order. We are told through the media that birth control "is for their own good," they don't believe in birth control," "they have a high rate of Sudden Infant Death, disease, contaminated water system, etc." I don't know what to believe any more. I have always been suspect when people say, "it's for your own good." How do other people know what is good for individuals? For instance, some retail outlets ask to see your I.D. when you use a credit card and their response is always, "it's for your own good." Although this practice is illegal they still do it. I can only assume that on a much grander scale, the Africans aren't getting accurate information just like we are not getting accurate information.

    Sometimes, I have complete news blackouts where I don't watch or listen to any news except the news in my head. I feel like Mel Gibson's character in Conspiracy Theory where he is tied to a chair and his eyelids are taped open. (there is just so much to take in.) I hadn't heard about Putin's latest interview with CNN. I must read it further. It sounds very interesting. Politics are always interesting. Thanks for the link.

    Happy Conspiracy Cheers!

  9. Hello LS!

    "Congratulations on an attention-grabbing stab at conspiracy theories…." - thank you so much *bowing*!

    "1) Respectfully…Africa is a disaster without any interference from the West. Social unrest is but a small part of Africa’s mess so it seems very cost ineffective for the West to conspire in such a way…" - indeed, Africa is a disaster (unfortunately); nevertheless the West goes a whole a lot of trouble to send birth control pills there, to engage in scientific experiences with the "poor blacks" there, to test vaccines there, to fund conflicts there...despite it being so "cost ineffective".

    "Also it would mean the West would be able to actually find Africa on a map…" - LOL LOL LOL LOL *nodding*...those that had colonies there know very well how to find it on a map. On the other hand, those that are practically a British colony until today and some of those that were colonised by Britain until 1776 may not "be able to actually find Africa on a map"...yes, you are right.

    "2) Africa is doing a good job of mitigating its own population they don’t need “help” from anybody else…" - apparently Africans are not doing such a great job "mitigating" their own population. I believe you missed the part of the article that says that despite wars, conflicts, hunger, AIDS etc Africa's population keeps on growing; now imagine if there were peace, food and good health systems. The West is so apprehensive about Africa that it prefers to keep giving them a fish for them to eat for a day; instead of teaching them how to fish, so that they can eat forever...

    "Why would anybody even care if there was a mass migration to the West from Africa, we have one from China and India and it isn’t bothering us…we welcome with open arms…" - oh, but it isn't just anybody who cares; it's the Patriots, the neo-Nazis, and the Front-Nationalistes, the skin-heads; the ignorants that sit in high places and so think that the "negros" pose such a great threat...
    About China and India....the first holds Western debt and, the second has nuclear weapons...I think they better welcome them...

    "3) There will not be a “new” race we are already blessed with any number of racial variants, the world is better off with this growth in mixed races…" - the more mixed races the merrier....and less genetic diseases too...

    "Well this is hardly a secret conspiracy since almost everybody on the planet is trying to do this at the same time…. LOL This may be possible in some small insignificant country (North Korea) for a period of time but is not sustainable in large democratic nation states over a number of years." - LOL I didn't know that you were this naï lovely! If North Korea is that insignificant why, once more, is the West all over it? Plus in NK only one family rules, there is no exchange; whereas in the West a few families rule; and I can give you three of them just as an example (in your favourite country): the Bush family, the Kennedy family, the Clinton family.
    And let's not be oblivious of the families that rule the economics and finance in the world.

    "Another factor that negates this is the constant ebb and flow of power and wealth around the globe. These are not static for example Bill Gates wealth is hardly “old money”." - I believe the article referred not to money...

    "Plus in democracies people can actually vote for change if they choose to do so. They may also choose to accept an oligarchy as long as it is chosen in a free democratic vote…" - I have a theory on this, but I rather silence for now...

    "It is just plain silly like the wacko theory that the US went into Iraq for the oil." - why? Because it strikes President Bush and Senator McCain?

    There are multitudinous other much more profitable and cost effective ways to help McCain over Obama if in deed they chose to do so" - not all conspiracies are profitable & cost effective, LS. But I could agree with you on this one...

    "(Obama is flying to Atlanta right now to stop the invasion of Georgia from those Russians in Florida LOL I couldn’t resist)" - LOL LOL you are absolutely terrible lol....

    "Also the Georgia-US Theory can be used the other way that Russia has done this to “prove” that a Republican executive is “incapable” of handling Russia…" - LOL that could be true; since Russia showed that it has not respect for the US (long gone are the days when the US spoke and people would practically obey)...

    "Georgia and Russia have been saber rattling over this area each August of the past 4 years such a clash was probably predictable. Georgia underrated Russia’s resolve and preparedness….hmmm how/why were they so prepared? It was logical for them to make such preparations in the event of this kind of thing happening…" - you may be right; but you must admit that it was a bold move by Premier Putin to give an interview to CNN exposing the "conspiracy" LOL...I think he really used this ongoing clash to show the US that it no longer had the diplomatic power it had a few years ago (quite a white glove on President Bush administration's face)...

    "Max thank you for a provocative insightful article as per usual…" - LS, thank you for this amazing theme *bowing*!

    And thanks for your fantastic comment, provocative comment lol :D!


  10. Hey Gorgeous!

    "WOAH!!! What a post!" - lol thank you *bowing*!

    "I sometimes think only God knows the TRUE nature of a person/group of persons." - true!

    "Even sometimes when you want to do something good, there's this little voice inside you that tells you that you can also get some fringe benefits by doing so...and only God can purify your thoughts and intentions...because humans are weak to temptations, even the ones with the best intentions of all." - this is fantastic! Yes, indeed...yes, indeed, darling! I am not even going to ruin these words by adding another verb...*bowing*...

    Amel, thank you very much for your precious input :D!


  11. Hello Liza!

    "could all these be true?" - who knows *shrugging*?

    "i never thought that birth control pills could be used for politics. rumor has it that they developed HIV for the same reasons." - yes, I heard that too! And i heard that ebola was also created for that sad...

    "i'm glad to hear that you had a great weekend. i had a good one too." - Ah...that is music to mey ears :D! I am glad, darling!

    Thanks for having dropped by and left a precious comment :D!


  12. Hi Alexys!

    It is quite a surprise to see you here today :D! A delightful surprise!!

    "You bring up so many hot button issues that I don't know which one to run with. Hmmmmm. Let me see...." - lol I did, didn't I? But let me read your comment, for I am extremely curious to read your thoughts on this....

    "African birth control. I never knew the deeper implications of a racial take-over; a new world order." - I believe we all ignore the deepest roots of the implications, but imagine if it would is understandable why some wouldn't want it...change is difficult, but not impossible...

    "We are told through the media that birth control "is for their own good," they don't believe in birth control," "they have a high rate of Sudden Infant Death, disease, contaminated water system, etc." I don't know what to believe any more." - all I can say is: go see with your own eyes. Before I went to Africa, I had this misconception of what it was: poor people, starving people, kids with flies over their mouths...*nodding*...when I got there I got a reality check!

    "I have always been suspect when people say, "it's for your own good." How do other people know what is good for individuals?" - exactly! It is so arrogant and prepotent!

    "For instance, some retail outlets ask to see your I.D. when you use a credit card and their response is always, "it's for your own good." Although this practice is illegal they still do it." - *nodding*...shocking...if it is illegal how can they practice it?

    "I can only assume that on a much grander scale, the Africans aren't getting accurate information just like we are not getting accurate information." - absolutely! Nobody is being accurately informed. Did you know that when I was in Zambia (a few years ago); pills had just been introduced there (they were being distributed for free by western ONGs) and they weren't being informed about its side effects? I remember telling a young girl what it was all about and she was utterly shocked...she had no idea...

    "Sometimes, I have complete news blackouts where I don't watch or listen to any news except the news in my head." - I hear you! Sometimes I feel like doing the same :D!

    "I feel like Mel Gibson's character in Conspiracy Theory where he is tied to a chair and his eyelids are taped open. (there is just so much to take in.)" - lol great movie!! I watched it four times and I loved it. LOL LOL feel like your eyes are taped open lol (I can picture you: you look great LOL LOL)....

    "I hadn't heard about Putin's latest interview with CNN. I must read it further. It sounds very interesting. Politics are always interesting. Thanks for the link." - you must watch it; it is rather interesting. Oh yeah, politics are a great game! You are most welcome, dear!

    Lady A, thank you so much for this superb comment; you know I value your thoughts immensely *bowing*!

    Merry Conspiracy Cheers

  13. MAX:

    Congratulations on stirring up the pot. I see you've generated quite a bit of discussion.

    I was never big on conspiracy theories myself - UFO cover ups are an exception, of course.LOL

    My only comment is that I don't have any expectations for the pharmaceutical companies to do anything even remotely righteous. Why should they? It's not a requirement for their corporate charter. In fact, I don't know of any other companies that do righteous stuff either. But, I know of a lot of righteous people who do unrighteous stuff! Go figure.

    Happy trails.

  14. Hey Swu :D!

    "Congratulations on stirring up the pot. I see you've generated quite a bit of discussion." - thank you so much *bowing*! lol indeed, this article has stirred things up a bit...

    "I was never big on conspiracy theories myself - UFO cover ups are an exception, of course.LOL" - LOL LOL UFO cover ups are good too. I actually have a theory on them that might be seen as a conspiracy theory too...but who knows if I won't put it in an article one day lol....

    "My only comment is that I don't have any expectations for the pharmaceutical companies to do anything even remotely righteous. Why should they? It's not a requirement for their corporate charter." - I hear you...

    "In fact, I don't know of any other companies that do righteous stuff either. But, I know of a lot of righteous people who do unrighteous stuff! Go figure." - I know what you mean....

    "Happy trails." - thanks :D!

    Swu, thank you so much for your input! I love reading your thoughts :D!


  15. Hi Max,
    As far as the pharmaceutical companies go, I wouldn't put anything by them. However, the US/Russia connection seems just a little far fetched.

    However, you gave me some great ideas for some categories on my new site.


  16. Hi Max,

    I wanted to surprise you. (you deserve it. :D)

    "I believe we all ignore the deepest roots of the implications, but imagine if it would is understandable why some wouldn't want it...change is difficult, but not impossible..."

    Change is a challenge for many people.

    "...all I can say is: go see with your own eyes. Before I went to Africa, I had this misconception of what it was: poor people, starving people, kids with flies over their mouths...*nodding*...when I got there I got a reality check!"

    So what WAS it like?

    "For instance, some retail outlets ask to see your I.D. when you use a credit card and their response is always, "it's for your own good." Although this practice is illegal they still do it." - *nodding*...shocking...if it is illegal how can they practice it?"

    The employees don't know it's illegal and unless you want to stand there and challenge the manager on the legality of it, it is not worth it. Some say it's store policy, but store policy doesn't supersede the law. It's a strange country.

    "Did you know that when I was in Zambia (a few years ago); pills had just been introduced there (they were being distributed for free by western ONGs) and they weren't being informed about its side effects? I remember telling a young girl what it was all about and she was utterly shocked...she had no idea..."

    I know what you mean? Every drug has horrible side effects. It kills one thing and causes a thousand other problems.

    "I feel like Mel Gibson's character in Conspiracy Theory where he is tied to a chair and his eyelids are taped open. (there is just so much to take in.)" - lol great movie!! I watched it four times and I loved it. LOL LOL feel like your eyes are taped open lol (I can picture you: you look great LOL LOL)...."

    ROFL. I'll try not to fall down the stairs though.

    " must watch it; it is rather interesting."

    It doesn't sound that farfetched. I know there are a lot of behind the scenes shenanigans that the public has no idea about. It's funny how it took your blog based in Portugual to inform me in America about something said in Russia and printed in England. I feel like I have been around the world.

    Thank you for a thorough post, eloquently articulated my dear.

    Articulation Cheers.

  17. Hey Mel!

    "As far as the pharmaceutical companies go, I wouldn't put anything by them. However, the US/Russia connection seems just a little far fetched." - I hear you! The intention of Premier Putin was to white glove the US...

    "However, you gave me some great ideas for some categories on my new site." - I am glad, my friend :D! I'll over to your place to check on the news...

    "Thanks," - you are most welcome! ;)

    Mel, thanks for your input, and for making me smile!


  18. Hi Alexys,

    "I wanted to surprise you. (you deserve it. :D)" - oooh, that is sweet: thank you ever so much *bowing*!

    "Change is a challenge for many people." - oh yeah...and many are willing to do anything they can to hinder change...

    "So what WAS it like?" - fantastic!!! When I first got there I felt like kneeling and kissing the floor - I was grateful to God for returning to my birth continent. I felt so much was amazing! I saw three social classes; I saw some development, I witnessed blunt corruption (one of the things that annoyed me the most), but I also learned that you do not need a lot to be happy (cause the poor always had a smile on their faces, they danced, and whenever I'd ask "how are you?" they'd always answer "I am fine!"). I can say that when I went to Africa I was practically an European spoiled brat, but when I returned to Europe I was a decent human being...
    What else did I learn? That political propaganda & corruption is killing that continent and, particularly, its people.

    "The employees don't know it's illegal and unless you want to stand there and challenge the manager on the legality of it, it is not worth it. Some say it's store policy, but store policy doesn't supersede the law. It's a strange country." - I see what you mean...strange country indeed. In Europe nobody asks your ID when paying with a credit card (only when paying with checks)...but I don't know what the law says about it...

    "I know what you mean? Every drug has horrible side effects. It kills one thing and causes a thousand other problems." - true, true! That is why I don't take them...if pharmaceuticals had to depend on me to live, they'd go bankrupt lol. Sometimes people tell me about pills they take (and they know all their names) and I just look at them like "what are you talking about?" and let them be...*nodding*....

    "ROFL. I'll try not to fall down the stairs though." - LOL LOL LOL I'll help you, and you won't fall...

    "It doesn't sound that farfetched. I know there are a lot of behind the scenes shenanigans that the public has no idea about." - I hear you; politics is a dirty game (although a highly interesting game)...and Russia just wanted to make a point: the present US administration is not respected...

    "It's funny how it took your blog based in Portugual to inform me in America about something said in Russia and printed in England. I feel like I have been around the world." - lol and you have been lol ;)....

    "Thank you for a thorough post, eloquently articulated my dear." - don't mention it; besides I should be the one thanking you for your kind words *bowing* thank you :D!

    Eloquent Cheers

  19. It doesn't make sense that Putin would work with the Republican party to plan the attack, then tell everyone. More likely, this is an attack on the Republican party because Putin would rather deal with liberal/no-war democrats and Obama in the next 4 years than with the tough/behave or pay the consequences republicans and McCain.

  20. Hi Max,

    "When I first got there I felt like kneeling and kissing the floor - I was grateful to God for returning to my birth continent. I felt so much was amazing! I saw three social classes; I saw some development, I witnessed blunt corruption (one of the things that annoyed me the most), but I also learned that you do not need a lot to be happy (cause the poor always had a smile on their faces, they danced, and whenever I'd ask "how are you?" they'd always answer "I am fine!"). I can say that when I went to Africa I was practically an European spoiled brat, but when I returned to Europe I was a decent human being..."

    Thank you for taking me there in your memory. It sounds nothing like we've seen in films, newspapers, TV, etc. The job of the media is to paint a bleak picture, except when it comes to tourism. They will show the most beautiful places that are around the corner or not far from the dilapidated places with poverty etc. When I see pictures of Paris, I always see the part that everyone sees, Eiffel Tower, etc., but I have also seen the ghettos of France, with graffiti-ridden neighborhoods, criminal element, etc. The same is true in Jamaica and many of the islands.

    Did you find that even though they were "poor" that they were wealthy - and the richness of their spirits came through?

    "What else did I learn? That political propaganda & corruption is killing that continent and, particularly, its people."

    That's really tragic. Never nice to hear.

    "That is why I don't take them...if pharmaceuticals had to depend on me to live, they'd go bankrupt lol. Sometimes people tell me about pills they take (and they know all their names) and I just look at them like "what are you talking about?" and let them be...*nodding*...."

    Yet another thing in common. I don' even take aspirin. My sister can recite almost every drug and tell you what it does. She studied to be a pharmacy technician, but she also has asthma and needs to take certain medication at times.

    "I'll help you, and you won't fall..."

    Thanks for helping me up.

    "I hear you; politics is a dirty game (although a highly interesting game)...and Russia just wanted to make a point: the present US administration is not respected..."

    I know and I often have to hear about it from my Europeans connections. Thanks for that reminder. Politics is a dance in the dark, you don't know whose hands are touching you and whose feet you are stepping on.

    Again, awesomely eloquent post. Thanks.

    Politics of Dancing Cheers!

  21. I sometimes think that we, the Western Powers, try to influence the rest of the world to behave like us, even though some continent, regions or countries have their own way to lead their people. An example would be our democratic model which I don't think can be exported everywhere (i.e China or Middle East). Which doesn't mean citizens of these countries shouldn't enjoy human rights - it's a different thing.

    But I'm in favor of birth control because I think it's freedom for women around the world. I don't see a conspiracy here...

    Very interesting post Max!

  22. Hey D!


    "It doesn't make sense that Putin would work with the Republican party to plan the attack, then tell everyone." - the Premier Putin said the Republican party worked with Georgia...

    "More likely, this is an attack on the Republican party because Putin would rather deal with liberal/no-war democrats and Obama in the next 4 years than with the tough/behave or pay the consequences republicans and McCain." - lol...well, I think that for Russia it doesn't matter who is in charge: America is America. But Russia's intentions were to give an open hand slap on President Bush's administration mouth; as to stress the fact that the US are no longer respected by the international community...which, at the moment, they are not.

    D, thanks for your input!


  23. Hi Alexys,

    "Thank you for taking me there in your memory." - it was my pleasure *bowing*!

    "It sounds nothing like we've seen in films, newspapers, TV, etc. The job of the media is to paint a bleak picture, except when it comes to tourism." - the media is most of the times a means to political propaganda and people manipulation.

    "They will show the most beautiful places that are around the corner or not far from the dilapidated places with poverty etc. When I see pictures of Paris, I always see the part that everyone sees, Eiffel Tower, etc., but I have also seen the ghettos of France, with graffiti-ridden neighborhoods, criminal element, etc. The same is true in Jamaica and many of the islands." - oh yeah! They never show the ugly parts of the main touristic spots, that's for sure...they must offer the impression that paradise is flawless (and for some it is - those who go there, stay at their fancy hotels and resorts and don't even bother to check the reality)...

    "Did you find that even though they were "poor" that they were wealthy - and the richness of their spirits came through?" - yes, I did find that they were wealthy despite their state of destitution...always with a smile on their faces, amazing!

    "That's really tragic. Never nice to hear." - indeed...but you know what they say: the truth hurts!

    "Yet another thing in common. I don' even take aspirin. My sister can recite almost every drug and tell you what it does. She studied to be a pharmacy technician, but she also has asthma and needs to take certain medication at times." - *High 5*! I am sorry to hear about your sister...having asthma can be very uncomfortable!

    "Thanks for helping me up." - you're welcome :)!

    "I know and I often have to hear about it from my Europeans connections. Thanks for that reminder. Politics is a dance in the dark, you don't know whose hands are touching you and whose feet you are stepping on." - oh Europeans are terrible, but it is only what we are seeing! Don't mention it! LOL LOL LOL oh my...what an analogy (it reminded me of High school games LOL)!! But you are right....

    "Again, awesomely eloquent post. Thanks." - *bowing* merci! "Parakaló", Lady A :D!

    European Cheers

  24. Hey Zhu!

    "I sometimes think that we, the Western Powers, try to influence the rest of the world to behave like us, even though some continent, regions or countries have their own way to lead their people." - indeed....indeed...

    "An example would be our democratic model which I don't think can be exported everywhere (i.e China or Middle East). Which doesn't mean citizens of these countries shouldn't enjoy human rights - it's a different thing." - I agree...

    "But I'm in favor of birth control because I think it's freedom for women around the world. I don't see a conspiracy here..." - it is freedom for those who know what they are taking, its side effects and its consequences; but for those who are unware of is not freedom - it might be a dangerous and immoral game (and there is where the conspiracy lies)....

    "Very interesting post Max!" - thank you, cherie!!

    And thanks for your great input :D!


  25. "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy", just thought I'd throw that in there, so much going on in this world that I don't care to know about, just gets me going,lol.

    My wife calls me a conspiracy nut, I say hey, they happen, what concerns me are the ones no one knows about,lol.

    I wouldn't put much, actually no weight on the words of Putin, looking in my conspiracy book , they , they being the Russians have 3,039 known conspiracies and 235 unknown going on ,lol.

    Having said all that max, another interesting post bringing some interesting possibilities forward, like you said who really know what's going on.

  26. Conspiracy, of any kind, is something that I will always connect to cowards hiding behind powerful positions that they held. I sed it as a very selfish and cowardly maneuver for people who doesn't know how to play fair.

    Hey Max, your post roused that feisty side of me, lol. This is great topic, and a wonderful post. Cheers!:-)

  27. Hey Bob!

    ""There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy", just thought I'd throw that in there, so much going on in this world that I don't care to know about, just gets me going,lol." - thank you so much for the quote, Bob *bowing*! LOL I know what you mean, and perhaps it is safer like that...

    "My wife calls me a conspiracy nut, I say hey, they happen, what concerns me are the ones no one knows about,lol." - LOL you are right! The ones that are kept in the dark are usually the most lethal ones....

    "I wouldn't put much, actually no weight on the words of Putin, looking in my conspiracy book , they , they being the Russians have 3,039 known conspiracies and 235 unknown going on ,lol." - LOL LOL LOL I hear you! LOL....

    "Having said all that max, another interesting post bringing some interesting possibilities forward, like you said who really know what's going on." - thank you ever so much,oh Lord of the Astropics *bowing*!

    Bob, thanks for having shared your "conspiracy nut" self with us lol :D!


  28. Hey Leofina!

    "Conspiracy, of any kind, is something that I will always connect to cowards hiding behind powerful positions that they held. I sed it as a very selfish and cowardly maneuver for people who doesn't know how to play fair." - say it like you mean it, girl! LOL LOL this is a very powerful input, I'd say...I love it!

    "Hey Max, your post roused that feisty side of me, lol. This is great topic, and a wonderful post. Cheers!:-)" - LOL I can see that! And I am glad it did rouse the feisty in you!

    Thank you for your powerful comment and your kind words *bowing*!


  29. Hi Max! You have blown me away with your conspiracy theory. It all sounds too bad to be true. Who in their right mind would ever consider doing such a thing. Mind you anything is possible today.

    I know here in Australia that quite a few people from Somalia are coming here to escape civil wars and local unrest. It's very sad when you listen to the stories that the adults tell. The ones that I've come across are not very healthy but their kids thrive over here.

    The only thing that I've heard in relation to drugs in Africa is the great quality of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, such as Antiretroviral, TB and Malaria drugs that get passed off as being the real thing.

    As far as I'm concerned, the criminals doing this can go rot in hell.

    Well, that's my two cents worth! Have a great weekend and take care of yourself - Peter

  30. Hey Max, wow, that's new one. Great post as always. You know I have my own conspiracy theories, like antivirus software companies creating new viruses, etc, probably know this one, and how about there is cure for cancer with natropathic medicine but pharamceutical companies do not allow it to enter the market. About the competative adventage. The competative adventage concept been around, and it reminded me how one of the CEOs injected one employee to our team to create a tension, but believe or not we chewed him alive, lol, he eventually quit, and he never really new that been used, lol. Great stuff as always Max. Anna :)

  31. hey max! i had a good one and it's great to know that you had a magnificent weekend.

    take care.

  32. Hey Peter!

    "You have blown me away with your conspiracy theory. It all sounds too bad to be true. Who in their right mind would ever consider doing such a thing. Mind you anything is possible today." - LOL I hear you, mate! There are a lot of loonies out we never know....

    "I know here in Australia that quite a few people from Somalia are coming here to escape civil wars and local unrest. It's very sad when you listen to the stories that the adults tell. The ones that I've come across are not very healthy but their kids thrive over here." - Somalia is a tricky subject, indeed *nodding*. I wouldn't even know where to start! But I am glad to see that their kids thrive there in Australia :D!

    "The only thing that I've heard in relation to drugs in Africa is the great quality of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, such as Antiretroviral, TB and Malaria drugs that get passed off as being the real thing." - oh yeah, that is another dreadfull issue (that I have addressed in a previous post, last year)! But the birth control pills drama is one that I witnessed tragic, specially because they didn't explain people the side effects of taking them...and that is what should make us all wonder *nodding*...

    "As far as I'm concerned, the criminals doing this can go rot in hell." - Hear! Hear!

    "Well, that's my two cents worth!" - Pete, valuable two cents!! Loved them :D!

    Thanks for your input, you know how much I appreciate it your wise words :D!


  33. Hey Anna! :D

    So good to see you here, darling!!!

    "wow, that's new one. Great post as always." - why thank you *bowing*! lol you should thank LS for such a great theme!!

    "You know I have my own conspiracy theories, like antivirus software companies creating new viruses, etc, probably know this one, and how about there is cure for cancer with natropathic medicine but pharamceutical companies do not allow it to enter the market." - oh, those are great conspiracy theories as well, girl!! I suggest that you write about them one day :D: I would love to read about them!!

    "The competative adventage concept been around, and it reminded me how one of the CEOs injected one employee to our team to create a tension, but believe or not we chewed him alive, lol, he eventually quit, and he never really new that been used, lol." - LOL LOL LOL I can imagine, Anna LOL LOL *nodding*! Poor guy, he didn't see it coming, eh?

    "Great stuff as always Max." - thank you so much, darling *bowing*!

    And thank you for your great input! I laughed and thought: you are a gem!


  34. Hey Liza,

    I am so glad, darling :D!

    Have a great week!



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