Oprah and the End of the World

About Oprah: I’m not much of a fan, really. The way she never lets her guests finish what they’re saying always puzzles me, and her work, in my opinion, is simply not appealing. Nevertheless: congratulations for what you’ve accomplished, Ms Oprah. 

About the End of the World: even if humans would engage in a nuclear war (God forbid), would the globe end? I am not sure it would and, plus, making such assumptions would be bestowing too much power upon humans; a power they do not hold. 

God created the world, and everything in it, therefore it can be assumed that the intent behind creation is to have a stage where souls incarnate their characters and play their assigned roles. These can be translated into either constructive or destructive behaviour, however they do not hold the ultimate destructive capacity to obliterate the world at will. The world’s creation is a further expression of God’s Omnipotence and not a sheer expression of human lack of power. 

For something to end, there must be a beginning: true. Humans begin life at birth and end it at demise. The world began at creation and it would logically end at destruction. We instinctively acknowledge the rotating cycle of life by the use of the Present Tense (“humans begin and end life/life begins and ends...”) whereas when we speak of the world we instinctively acknowledge continuity (if not infinity) by referring to its creation in the Past Tense and its end in the Conditional (denoting, therefore, uncertainty or doubt).

Will the world ever come to an end? Some people say it will; others say it won’t...but the truth is: it is pointless to think about and debate the theme; it is a waste of energy to generate collective hysteria over it because only the Creator Knows. 

Until He decides what to do with our majestic stage, just breathe and live your life as you may. 

For a more apocalyptic vision, please visit the Blade: Here.


  1. Everything comes to an end at one point or another but it probably won't be the way we expect it. Things will slowly... we'll still be around in 2012 ;-)

  2. We have our own religious beliefs about the future of this earth. It would probably take too long to explain here. :)

    But as for Oprah, I am not a fan either. She is perhaps one of the biggest egotists in the media today. Think about it. Who else do you know owns their own magazine, and insists on being on the cover of EVERY issue! In her world, the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, it revolves around her. :P

  3. Hey Zhu :D!

    "Everything comes to an end at one point or another but it probably won't be the way we expect it."

    You are probably right...

    "Things will slowly... we'll still be around in 2012 ;-)"

    LOL I agree ;).

    Zhu, thank you so much for your input, girl :D.


  4. Hi D!


    "We have our own religious beliefs about the future of this earth. It would probably take too long to explain here. :)"

    I hear you!

    "But as for Oprah, I am not a fan either. She is perhaps one of the biggest egotists in the media today. Think about it. Who else do you know owns their own magazine, and insists on being on the cover of EVERY issue! In her world, the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, it revolves around her. :P"

    LOL I didn't know she was on the cover of every issue of HER own magazine! LOL LOL LOL *nodding*...you are right: no one does that.

    Ah, D...loved your comment (fu-n-n-y): thank you so much :D!


  5. I commented once before and it disappeared with google coming into hijacking it!

    I think that Oprah is a highly over rated phenomenon. I naturally speak from a different country so, may well be way off the mark.

    I believe that the world as we know it now will end. All of us are doing our level best to speed up the process. The Creator, hopefully will take good care of the future generations, or may be He will mutate them to be able to survive there.

  6. I'm a different kettle-of-fish entirely, I LOVE OPRAH!

    Take Care,

  7. And I couldn't agree more with your thoughts. Indeed we should live every moment of our life to the fullest with all the positive energies rather than debating on a topic which will never give definite answers but only make our mind remorseful. And popular media personalties who today are more than celebrities should strive to spread happiness and joy in the entire world rather than the opposite....nice to be back in your blog after a long time.

  8. I love Oprah!!!but...the end?
    I think that the end wont happens,like we feel...
    NEVER it wil, cause we are ending, every day,.,.

    For example...

    We have a family...and in different stages...each one will die...but NEVER WILL END the entire family...do u understand?

    Perhps, it could be possible...with a storm, a tsunami, etc it attack all over the world......but I feel, dear Max, that God is very very busy with other things....like to find the way back to our past life...

    Maybe..we could be more...simple, happy

  9. Hey Rummy :D!

    "I commented once before and it disappeared with google coming into hijacking it!"

    It happened the same to me when I commented on LS' blog *nodding*.

    "I think that Oprah is a highly over rated phenomenon. I naturally speak from a different country so, may well be way off the mark."

    I agree with you. No, it has nothing to do with that: you wouldn't believe the amount of people (around the world) that like her.

    "I believe that the world as we know it now will end. All of us are doing our level best to speed up the process. The Creator, hopefully will take good care of the future generations, or may be He will mutate them to be able to survive there."

    lol you are right. Amen to that!

    Rummy, excellent comment for which I thank you :D.


  10. Hey Peter :D!

    "I'm a different kettle-of-fish entirely, I LOVE OPRAH!"

    LOL you do? Wow...

    You never cease to surprise me, Peter: thank you for your input :D.


  11. Hey Kalyan :D!

    "And I couldn't agree more with your thoughts."


    "Indeed we should live every moment of our life to the fullest with all the positive energies rather than debating on a topic which will never give definite answers but only make our mind remorseful."


    "And popular media personalties who today are more than celebrities should strive to spread happiness and joy in the entire world rather than the opposite....nice to be back in your blog after a long time."

    Agreed. It is nice to have you back, man: you were missed :D.

    Kalyan, thank you so much for your input :D!


  12. Hey Shooting Star :D!

    "i like oprah but not a fan!!!"

    Thanks for your input :D.


  13. Hey Grace :D!

    "I love Oprah!!!but...the end? I think that the end wont happens,like we feel...NEVER it wil, cause we are ending, every day,.,."

    You do? That is one beautiful and deep thought: I love it.

    "We have a family...and in different stages...each one will die...but NEVER WILL END the entire family...do u understand?"

    I understand perfectly what you mean. This is very well put.

    "Perhps, it could be possible...with a storm, a tsunami, etc it attack all over the world......but I feel, dear Max, that God is very very busy with other things....like to find the way back to our past life..."

    I so hear you!

    "Maybe..we could be more...simple, happy"


    Grace, what a fabulous thought and I thank you so much for having shared it with us :D.



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