
What are the dangers of “Negative Will” and the advantages of the “Positive” one? Are dreams the wheel of Will?
Two interesting questions and, as per my usual style, I will address each issue separately so that we can all understand the thread of my thoughts.

To will: to make it happen (or try to make it happen by using the mental effort rather than physical means); to want it to happen (= wish) [Source: Collins and Cobuild English dictionary].

Positive Will Vs Negative Will
Imagine what it would be like to be depleted of Will…that is correct: one would be no better than a rock or even a vegetal.
Will is the moving force of life: one wants material things, he will work to get them; one wants a lover, he will predispose himself to attract one; one wants a promotion, he will do whatever to get it; one wants a works to work and his mind will Will it so that the “spell” will be successfully cast…
Of course these are examples of “Positive Will”, since one will put himself into action to actually get the things he wants, without the preoccupation of the time frame (i.e. he is patient enough; he does not bend to Will alone for he bears in mind the time needed to satisfy that wish).
But then there are cases where “Negative Will” predominates. These are the cases where people find themselves completely submitted to Will: they want to satisfy their pleasures; their wishes at all costs and whenever they want it. Their most common imperative is “I want it now!”. The downside to this negative form of Will is that usually a person does not see his wishes met and ends up by wanting more, more and more. This dissatisfaction (accompanied by undisciplined patience) will eventually lead to an obsession with a never-accomplished-satisfaction, which in turn will lead to numbness, inaction (of both mind and body).
Will is the driving force of action if, and when, hand-in-hand with time reverence.

Dreams as the wheel of Will
It has been said that dreams are the reflections of fears, however I find this view a too simplistic one. Dreams are much more than fear indicators; they are also warnings; a tool for clairvoyance; an escape for life’s vicissitudes; a canvas for the colours of our imagination and, undoubtedly, the wheel of our Will.
For most people dreams indicate them what path they should take in life (even if they do not remember it) and this puts in motion the Will cart. When they wake up they know exactly what to do (perhaps this is reason behind the expression “sleep on it”); what they want in life, how to satisfy their needs…
When people dream their mind builds a corridor of options through which they walk in order to choose whatever they wish. Once they select the object of their wishes immediately the cloud of Will is formed and then it will pour the rain of action upon the fields of creativity (when “Positive Will” predominates).
When the “Negative Will” takes over a certain individual; he dreams, the cloud of Will is formed yet it doesn’t produce the rain of action, instead it produces thunders of frustration when it doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it.

Will is the parent of construction, progress and modernity when (and only) time is revered.
Image: "The Knight's Dream" by Antonio de Pereda


  1. Interesting post Max. My nephew is a psychiatrist, and recently shared on his blog a link about how neurofeedback can help us improve performance. Many athletes use this to help them "think outside the box" in terms of their capabilities. For example, for many years most runners thought it was impossible to beat the four minute mile. Now, it is expected that a star athlete will be able to beat a 4 minute mile. My nephew's boss has been giving lectures to companies. I think all of us could benefit from a positive mental attitude. But when you speak of "will", I can't help but think of faith. Faith is a moving force that enables us to act on what we believe. I suppose that will could be considered a synonym.

    Your comments about dreams were interesting as well, and I had just commented on LS's blog about having read part of Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. I think in many ways dreams allow us to think thoughts that the conscious part of us refuses to allow in waking hours. In our dreams we are able to do things that in our real life we don't have confidence to do. (of course they also allow us to do things we are UNABLE to do in real life...like fly. lol) I think the key to using this to our advantage is to allow ourselves to dream a little more when we are awake, then will our selves to accomplish those dreams.

  2. Max,
    I can't imagine a life without will. As I always say, 'Where there is a (wheel) there is a way.' Okay I didn't originate that adage, but the use of the word wheel in this case is the same as will. They both require motion. (either by thought or physical force) Will is action and action is an energy force. The result can be positive or negative depending on the actions taken to achieve the desired goal.

    "...there are cases where “Negative Will” predominates. These are the cases where people find themselves completely submitted to Will: they want to satisfy their pleasures; their wishes at all costs and whenever they want it. Their most common imperative is “I want it now!.”"

    I think negative will is comprised of super ego. The mantra may go something like this; 'I want what I want and I don't care who gets in the way, I will still get what I want.' It is an endless and selfish pursuit to blaze a path of glory, but what the culprit may not realize is that the road to success is not guaranteed and even if it is attained, it is not necessarily permanent. Success is nothing without someone you love to share it and if you've stepped on those people to attain success then you have nothing in the end.

    "The downside to this negative form of Will is that usually a person does not see his wishes met and ends up by wanting more, more and more."

    Yes, nothing will satisfy negative will. It's like an endless pit of futile energy that turns those who pursue it into reprobates.

    "It has been said that dreams are the reflections of fears, however I find this view a too simplistic one. Dreams are much more than fear indicators; they are also warnings; a tool for clairvoyance; an escape for life’s vicissitudes; a canvas for the colours of our imagination and, undoubtedly, the wheel of our Will."

    I agree. Dreams are much more than meets the eye. It's what's behind the eye where your spiritual blueprint lies. Once one learns how to read the blueprint, one can decipher one's existence. Documenting one's dreams can help them to understand the blueprint.

    "When people dream their mind builds a corridor of options through which they walk in order to choose whatever they wish."

    Just like choosing options for a car, you can choose options for your personal vehicle - your body (temple).

    "When the “Negative Will” takes over a certain individual; he dreams, the cloud of Will is formed yet it doesn’t produce the rain of action, instead it produces thunders of frustration when it doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it."

    And a lifetime of nightmares where the individual is really running from her/himself. When they stop running, then they will begin to see what they are running from.

    "Will is the parent of construction, progress and modernity when (and only) time is revered."

    Not thy will, thy will be done.

    Great post Max.

    Goodwill Cheers

  3. Hey Delirious!

    "Interesting post Max." - thank you so much *bowing*!

    Psychology is extremely interesting, and it is a subject that I enjoy hearing about and reading too: that being said I'd like to thank you for having shared this story with us :).
    However psychology doesn't explain everything, it excludes a lot of things and that is why it isn't as even more effective as it could be.
    Notwithstanding a good attitude can help a lot regarding all sorts of achievement, there is no doubt about it.

    "But when you speak of "will", I can't help but think of faith. Faith is a moving force that enables us to act on what we believe. I suppose that will could be considered a synonym." - well, faith is related with belief, with having a strong sense of confidence or trust or optimism; whereas will is related with wanting something to happen, to wishing for something. Faith is about belief, Will is about wanting. Perhaps Will is the moving force of Faith which in turn could (or not, depending on the individual and if whether he is taken by either Positive or Negative Will) be the driving force of action.

    LOL true, dreams also allow us to fly lol. But did you know that it is said when we fly in dreams it usually means that the soul left the body to go visit the first realm (either to receive information, orders or just to fly as you said lol) and holds onto the world of the living by our navel? It is a very interesting concept too.

    "I think the key to using this to our advantage is to allow ourselves to dream a little more when we are awake, then will our selves to accomplish those dreams." - I agree with you, my friend :). It is also a way out!

    D, thank you so much for this most precious comment; I love our chats :D!


  4. Dear Alexys,

    The sun is shining on my blog...you brought it with you :D! Thanks *bowing*!

    "I can't imagine a life without will. As I always say, 'Where there is a (wheel) there is a way.' Okay I didn't originate that adage, but the use of the word wheel in this case is the same as will." - LOL LOL "where there is a wheel there is a way" LOL LOL...you are right, in this case it is the same lol!

    "They both require motion. (either by thought or physical force) Will is action and action is an energy force. The result can be positive or negative depending on the actions taken to achieve the desired goal." - I hear you, girl!

    "I think negative will is comprised of super ego. The mantra may go something like this; 'I want what I want and I don't care who gets in the way, I will still get what I want.' It is an endless and selfish pursuit to blaze a path of glory, but what the culprit may not realize is that the road to success is not guaranteed and even if it is attained, it is not necessarily permanent. Success is nothing without someone you love to share it and if you've stepped on those people to attain success then you have nothing in the end." - BRAVO; BRAVO!!!!!! *clap clap clap*! This is beautiful, my sista: and so right! There is nothing else to be added here....

    "Yes, nothing will satisfy negative will. It's like an endless pit of futile energy that turns those who pursue it into reprobates." - not to mention that people who suffer from this disorder end up by going crazy and being miserable, cause they are so focused on their wanting that they obliterate others, love, life...everything that is good (including chocolate lol)!

    "I agree. Dreams are much more than meets the eye. It's what's behind the eye where your spiritual blueprint lies. Once one learns how to read the blueprint, one can decipher one's existence. Documenting one's dreams can help them to understand the blueprint." - exactly! Documenting dreams is of extreme importance, but unfortunately most people do not do this. Helas, they don't even believe in this type of things *nodding*....

    "Just like choosing options for a car, you can choose options for your personal vehicle - your body (temple)" - True! And speaking of it, if more people would consider their bodies as temples there wouldn't be less addicts (of any kind)....

    "And a lifetime of nightmares where the individual is really running from her/himself. When they stop running, then they will begin to see what they are running from." - only when they stop running it might be too late (in this life, I mean)! They might hear the Big Boss saying "Go back! And don't run this time!"...

    Thank you, dear *bowing*! And thank you for your great comment: to say that I loved it does not reflect the proper intensity produced by your words *bowing*!

    Positive Will Cheers

  5. Thanks for dropping...
    Positive thingking produce good result as compare with negative one..

  6. Well, I must have a very strong umbilical cord because in my dreams, I start to fly, but keep landing and have to kick off to keep going. lol

    When you spoke about will being different from faith, it reminded me of the concept of "intentionality". I"m not sure if this is what you were thinking of, but my understanding of intentionality is that it is the motivation that moves us forward to act on what we want.

    I have an odd sort of story to go along with this. Years ago I decided that I wanted to find a "secretary" which is a piece of furniture much like a fold down desk, but with drawers below like a dresser. We didn't have much money at that time, so I spent many hours searching thrift stores and garage sales searching for a secretary, but with no success. A few months later, my mother in law came to visit, and without knowing about my search, brought me a gift.....a secretary. Intentionality? Will? Faith? I think they are all closely related.

  7. Hello Max;

    Interesting approach to this topic…

    Great image, I have actually spent some time looking a this one in the past, some amazing detail work, I like the edge of the table closest to us, the whole way along it looks amazing…

    I am curious at to where “trust” or “faith” may lay in this perspective…

    You said:
    Imagine what would be like to be depleted of Will…that is correct: one would be no better than a rock or even a vegetal.

    I respond:
    Free will is a great gift from God, probably the greatest after our actual creation…

    You said:
    Will is the moving force of life: one wants material things, he will work to get them; one wants a lover, he will predispose himself to attract one; one wants a promotion, he will do whatever to get it; one wants a works to work and his mind will Will it so that the “spell” will be successfully cast…

    I respond:
    I suppose one could venture to ask where the genetic component is in this….

    Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will? Some would say that God forces everything, I don’t believe this but some do, Islam is fatalistic in this way….

    You said:
    Of course these are examples of “Positive Will”, since one will put himself into action to actually get the things he wants, without the preoccupation of the time frame (i.e. he is patient enough; he does not bend to Will alone for he bears in mind the time needed to satisfy that wish).

    I respond:
    In many ways what you describe is why capitalism works; the question is why do other things such as seeking the greater good, putting others first also flourish?

    What kind of construct does that leave time exposed as? Why then was time created?

    You said:
    But then there are cases where “Negative Will” predominates. These are the cases where people find themselves completely submitted to Will: they want to satisfy their pleasures; their wishes at all costs and whenever they want it. Their most common imperative is “I want it now!”. The downside to this negative form of Will is that usually a person does not see his wishes met and ends up by wanting more, more and more. This dissatisfaction (accompanied by undisciplined patience) will eventually lead to an obsession with a never-accomplished-satisfaction, which in turn will lead to numbness, inaction (of both mind and body).

    I respond:
    This brings these thoughts back again…Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?

    Could it be that when a person comes to this point they are then prepared to receive the Other? Pride has been pealed away exposing the true nature of all people; this person recognizes they NEED the Doctor….They realize the charade they were playing with life?

    You said:
    Will is the driving force of action if, and when, hand-in-hand with time reverence.

    I respond:
    Those same questions: Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?

    What is the “power supply”?

    You said:
    It has been said that dreams are the reflections of fears, however I find this view a too simplistic one. Dreams are much more than fear indicators; they are also warnings; a tool for clairvoyance; an escape for life’s vicissitudes; a canvas for the colours of our imagination and, undoubtedly, the wheel of our Will.

    I respond:
    Who says this?

    Ok I know you are speaking here of sleeping dreams. Not “I think I will start a non-profit society to help feed starving children” dreams….

    I see nothing mystical in dreams themselves. Let me walk along this path a bit to glean more data so I can learn ok?....You can teach me more…If I said I had a dream that you became a Jesus follower Max what would you think of that? What if I said 10 people I know had similar dreams what would you think of that? (Thanks for playing along I think it will help me learn more about what you are speaking of)

    I see nothing that has “moved the wheel of my will” from sleeping dreams…

    Non-sleeping “I have a dream” ideas that I have thought thru, meditated upon and studied yes but not sleeping dreams, completely different…

    You said:
    For most people dreams indicate them what path they should take in life (even if they do not remember it) and this puts in motion the Will cart. When they wake up they know exactly what to do (perhaps this is reason behind the expression “sleep on it”); what they want in life, how to satisfy their needs…

    I respond:
    Would you suggest that people should follow what they have sleeping dreamt instead of using their minds? If they dream something evil should they enact that dream?

    You said:
    When people dream their mind builds a corridor of options through which they walk in order to choose whatever they wish. Once they select the object of their wishes immediately the cloud of Will is formed and then it will pour the rain of action upon the fields of creativity (when “Positive Will” predominates).

    I respond:
    So if a person obsesses about money and it stays in their latent memory when they fall asleep causing them to dream about money and they will be effected by this dream to attempt to enact the situation of getting money? Then somehow he gets some money and it was because he dreamed it? Am I at all in the right field here?

    You say:
    When the “Negative Will” takes over a certain individual; he dreams, the cloud of Will is formed yet it doesn’t produce the rain of action, instead it produces thunders of frustration when it doesn’t get what he wants, when he wants it.

    I respond:
    What do you mean by “takes over”, like a corporate take over, obsession, possession, etc?

    You said:
    Will is the parent of construction, progress and modernity when (and only) time is revered.

    I respond:
    This prompts my earlier question again: Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?

    What is time? And how can we “revere” it?

    Well Max. sorry you have probably prompted more questions out of me more than anything else, I hope that I haven’t frustrated you that was not my intent, and neither was my repetition, it is because so much hinges on the kinds of questions I asked for me to gain greater understanding of what you are talking about….You know me I always want to nail down these things. LOL LOL

    All that aside I found this very interesting indeed, it must be if it brought up so many questions!!!

  8. Hi Max;

    I wanted to make one more observation, it seems at times that you use will almost like “hope”; thoughts? Would you like to add that into your response to my other comment?

  9. Hello LS!

    Always a great pleasure to see you here :D! Let's see what intellectual wonders did you bring us this week *bowing*!

    "Interesting approach to this topic…" - thank you *bowing*!

    "Great image, I have actually spent some time looking a this one in the past, some amazing detail work, I like the edge of the table closest to us, the whole way along it looks amazing…" - ah, yes! I came across it by accident, but when I looked at it I was marvelled! That table is amazing...the edge you are referring to is full of symbology! The table is exposing the content of his dreams: wealth (money and jewellery), power (the pistol), success (music sheets), ability to conceal his true colours (mask)...very interesting! I tried to translate the words on the Angel's banner but I didn't quite get the first word, but the following ones mean something like "easily fly and kill" ...it makes us wonder already...

    "I am curious at to where “trust” or “faith” may lay in this perspective…" - given the fact that he is dreaming of guns and masks, I would say that he doesn't have faith in the Divine but trusts his abilities to take what he wants by force and by deceit....yet the Angels observe and warn him...

    "Free will is a great gift from God, probably the greatest after our actual creation…" - I agree...but is that free?

    "I suppose one could venture to ask where the genetic component is in this…." - I am starting to believe that the genetic component means little before the concepts of Karma and reincarnation.

    "Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will? Some would say that God forces everything, I don’t believe this but some do, Islam is fatalistic in this way…." - there is no altruism. Our Will is not that free (since it is limited by Karma). I wouldn't say that God forces everything, I would say that He designs things so that His plan comes to be.

    "In many ways what you describe is why capitalism works; the question is why do other things such as seeking the greater good, putting others first also flourish?" - the search for the greater good flourishes cause it is a way of our subconscience to remind itself of the Creator and Home. I am not sure if putting others first flourishes...

    "What kind of construct does that leave time exposed as? Why then was time created?" - men created time (as we know it), for calculation purposes. There is not "time" for God, for the Angels, Spirits etc...and once we go back to our original self (our essence) time will cease to matter; and not minding time (not being preoccupied with it) is revering it (quite a paradox, huh?). We need to look at plans, wants, wishes under the perspective of eternity (no now, no tomorrow, no later)...

    "This brings these thoughts back again…Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?" - there is no altruism. And our Free will is not that free before the concept of Karma. Nature, what nature? Nurture, what kind? Individual soul, is that a real concept (there is not individuality when it comes to the Plan - and souls = spirits + plan)?

    "Could it be that when a person comes to this point they are then prepared to receive the Other? Pride has been pealed away exposing the true nature of all people; this person recognizes they NEED the Doctor….They realize the charade they were playing with life?" - some understand that they are prepared to reach out to the Divine (and there is when the search begins); but many just get lost in their obsessions, and instead of looking for the Doctor, they look for the nurse...know what I mean?

    "Those same questions: Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?" - there is not such a thing as altruism. Our free is not that free when Karma is there to remind us of what we are here to do...

    "What is the “power supply”?" - please explain us....

    "Who says this?" - the same people who say that if one dreams of snakes is because he is afraid of snakes...when in fact snakes (in dreams) bear a different meaning...

    "Ok I know you are speaking here of sleeping dreams. Not “I think I will start a non-profit society to help feed starving children” dreams…." - am I?

    "I see nothing mystical in dreams themselves." - I wouldn't expect you to, LS...

    "Let me walk along this path a bit to glean more data so I can learn ok?....You can teach me more…If I said I had a dream that you became a Jesus follower Max what would you think of that?" - I would think that my becoming a Jesus follower in your dream could be a symbol of your admiring my words, my thoughts and viewing me as evolved as Jesus was. And perhaps in the back of your mind you think I should study theology, and it is a pitty that I don't...

    "What if I said 10 people I know had similar dreams what would you think of that? (Thanks for playing along I think it will help me learn more about what you are speaking of)" - I would think that those 10 people had the same opinion as you do (I mean, as your dream suggests). And the most interesting thing is that by your having this dream, you could wake up thinking about suggesting me to convert and start a Christian group of our own. Of course you would be disappointed, cause I would never agree to that...

    "I see nothing that has “moved the wheel of my will” from sleeping dreams…" - open your mind and you will see that it has, my friend...

    "Non-sleeping “I have a dream” ideas that I have thought thru, meditated upon and studied yes but not sleeping dreams, completely different…" - are you sure that non-sleeping dreams are not an extension of sleeping-dreams?

    "Would you suggest that people should follow what they have sleeping dreamt instead of using their minds? If they dream something evil should they enact that dream?" - sleeping-dreams are mind using. The mind receives information (from the outter world) on how to solve problems, on what path to follow etc. Dreams about evil should be closely analysed, and if they are rooted on witchcraft then they must be dealt with.

    "So if a person obsesses about money and it stays in their latent memory when they fall asleep causing them to dream about money and they will be effected by this dream to attempt to enact the situation of getting money? Then somehow he gets some money and it was because he dreamed it? Am I at all in the right field here?" - if a person obsesses about money then that person is on for quite a karmic ride, for starters. And to answer your question, if money remains in their latent memory and they really need to solve the problem, they go to sleep (and hopefully the solution is given to them through dreams) and when he wakes up he gets it, then you bet your life it is because he dreamed of it.

    "What do you mean by “takes over”, like a corporate take over, obsession, possession, etc?" - I mean that it takes charge of an individual's mind.

    "This prompts my earlier question again: Nature, nurture, individual soul….Where is altruism? How free is our will?" - and this question prompts my earlier answers again: there is no altruism. Will is not that free due to karma.

    "What is time? And how can we “revere” it?" - time (as we know it) was created by men for calculation purposes. In the outter world there is no time. By not minding time, not being preoccupied with it, that's how.

    "Well Max. sorry you have probably prompted more questions out of me more than anything else, I hope that I haven’t frustrated you that was not my intent, and neither was my repetition, it is because so much hinges on the kinds of questions I asked for me to gain greater understanding of what you are talking about….You know me I always want to nail down these things. LOL LOL" - LOL no, don't worry, my friend: you could never frustrate me! Your comment was an excellent exercise, LS; and it was my pleasure to read and counter-comment it :D! I just hope that you gained a bit of understanding on my thoughts, if not let me know *bowing*!

    "All that aside I found this very interesting indeed, it must be if it brought up so many questions!!!" - lol you know?

    Thank you so much for this most delightful comment, LS! You know that to me your words are a true delicatessen :D!


  10. Hey Toby,

    You are most welcome *bowing*!

    No doubt about that, old sport :)! Thanks for commenting on this issue!


  11. Hey D!

    "Well, I must have a very strong umbilical cord because in my dreams, I start to fly, but keep landing and have to kick off to keep going. lol" - LOL LOL I believe you, well...we all do! Eventually you have to land otherwise you wouldn't be here talking with us lol.

    "When you spoke about will being different from faith, it reminded me of the concept of "intentionality". I"m not sure if this is what you were thinking of, but my understanding of intentionality is that it is the motivation that moves us forward to act on what we want." - no, I was not referring to "intentionality" (although I would agree with Sartre when he said that intentionality is identified with conciousness), but I understand why you my words (on Will) would remind you of this concept (if we look at it through the eyes of Brentano who defended that mental phenomenons are directed at an object). Perhaps I should write about this too lol.

    Wow...that is an awesome story, D! Thanks for sharing *bowing*!
    I wouldn't call it Intentionality, nor Will, nor Faith; instead I would call it synchronisation! Have you ever heard of this concept?

  12. Hey LS;

    "I wanted to make one more observation, it seems at times that you use will almost like “hope”; thoughts?" - hope could be mistaken by Will in a sense that it is also related with wishing, wanting; but it differs from Will since Will will make you act to get what you want; whereas hoping may or may not lead you to action. In fact, many times hope is associated with sitting and waiting for something to happen.
    I think that D is right when she says that Will and Faith are related, in a sense that you want (will) to believe (faith) and this might lead you to action (if you have the right mindset).

  13. Max, I have so many wills... I wish a lot of things but they don't happen! But one thing is for sure: I never give up my dreams!


  14. Hey Cidão,

    They don't happen or they don't happen when you want them to happen? These are two different things!

    Ah, that is great!!! One should never give up on his dreams :D! May God bless you, gato! :)


  15. I quite agree, Max, that practicality, or "reverence for time," as you put it, is a necessary dimension to having a positive will. Having no concept of appropriate results or of appropriate goals to attain within a realistic time frame, sets one up for frustration and defeat as surely as would having no will at all.

    Have you read the book by Rollo May called "Love and Will"? It's from way back in the 1960s, before you were born(!), but very interesting, I thought.

    I have read a book or two that examined the idea of a loss of will as a prime indicator and/or result of mental illness. So it is good to have a strong will. Yet WILLFUL people ignore the needs and wills of others, isolating themselves in the process, and creating hostile backlash in those with whom they have interacted.

    I know quite a few people who would like to be able to put their wills on others. In my opinion, this is exactly because they lack the disciplined and appropriate, reasoned will, to assert mature control over themselves!

    I love discussing ideas with you!

  16. Max, I haven't heard of "synchronization" as used in this instance, but it seems to be the perfect word to describe what happened! I've had this happen alot in my life...it's eery lol

  17. Dear Lynda,

    "Have you read the book by Rollo May called "Love and Will"? It's from way back in the 1960s, before you were born(!), but very interesting, I thought." - no, I can't say that I have (but I will look for it)! Thanks for the tip :D!

    "I have read a book or two that examined the idea of a loss of will as a prime indicator and/or result of mental illness. So it is good to have a strong will." - I hear you!

    "Yet WILLFUL people ignore the needs and wills of others, isolating themselves in the process, and creating hostile backlash in those with whom they have interacted." - I know what you are talking about; however like in most things in life there must be a medium term (Nietzsche called it the Appolonian measure - balance). People should not try to obliterate Will yet they should not exacerbate it too much either. One must know how to balance things: he wants things (or someone), he works to get them (or her/him) yet he must also think that if he doesn't get them right there and then he can always continue to work, and for sure he will succeed; meanwhile put his Will on pause mode and help others get what they want (and this can mean a hug, a smile, his time, his shoulder, a portion of his wealth etc)...this is balance.

    "I know quite a few people who would like to be able to put their wills on others. In my opinion, this is exactly because they lack the disciplined and appropriate, reasoned will, to assert mature control over themselves!" - ooh, I know a few beings like that as well *nodding*. Absolutely, and since they can't control themselves they try to control others (as a test to see if their unaccomplished Will will work on others...odd, very odd).

    "I love discussing ideas with you!" - :D me too; it is always great to exchange ideas with intelligent people such as yourself :D!

    Thank you so much, Lynda; for this conversation....loved it!


  18. Max, I wish we could have some of our conversations over a pot of coffee, in a cozy cafe while watching activities unfold on the street!

    But alas, there's an ocean in the way! lol...

    Thank YOU, my friend!


  19. D,

    lol then allow me to explain you (I won't be long):
    Synchronisation in mysticism is the notion that nothing is by chance; that there are no coincidences (that everything happens for a reason, a determined purpose and has a specific cause). The most used example for this concept is when you think about someone and that exact someone calls you right away - was it coincidence, or is there a purpose?
    Some mystics call it "the conspiracy of the Universe" lol; but I would include this in God's intervention (and plan).
    Of course this is a very simplistic explanation of Synchronisation, but it gives you an idea, right?
    So, when you needed a secretary and you couldn't find an affordable one, I would say that God (many would say Universe) made His arrangements so that you would have one :).

    "I've had this happen alot in my life...it's eery lol" - lol I hear you! I also have endless examples of this type of synchronisation....

  20. Max, another very good book is:

    SYNCHRONICITY: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth and the Trickster -- by Allan Combs and Mark Holland

    I really liked it!

    I almost (wink) believe in the Cosmic Jester, as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds, i.e. between man and God.

  21. Max, another very good book is:

    SYNCHRONICITY: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth and the Trickster -- by Allan Combs and Mark Holland

    I really liked it!

    I almost (wink) believe in the Cosmic Jester, as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds, i.e. between man and God.

  22. Lynda,

    Thanks for the book title :D!

    "I almost (wink) believe in the Cosmic Jester, as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds, i.e. between man and God." - lol I hear you. I think that God always finds a way to put things on track; and that is why I believe that nothing is by chace...that there is always a reason for things to be...

  23. Thanks for sharing some good vibrations - for me a great start to the weekend!

    Thanks also for stopping by! Sorry you where a bit cold from the last post - the next one is much warmer!

    Wishing you a great end to your week :-)

  24. Hey Renny!

    You are most welcome, my friend! I am always willing to share good vibrations *bowing*!

    It is my pleasure to stop by your blog, I love reading your words :D!
    LOL LOL Ah, it's ok...you are forgiven LOL ;)! I'll be there to read the next one :D!

    Thank you so much, Renny! And I wish you the same :D

  25. Max what a lovely post..I love it.. and I love readers comment.

    Have a good weekend dear.

  26. MAX:

    You are so right. Undisciplined patience is probably the cause of more destruction, heartbreak, and sorrow than any other single human factor.

    Interesting analysis, and great, thought-provoking post.

    HAve a nice day.

  27. Hi Max , very interesting and thought provolking writing, especially in the realm of dreams.

    I have never tied my will to dreams, don't remember too much about my dreams, just the scary ones, which I relay to my wife and she looks through this book of interpeting dreams and tells me what they mean.

    In my dreams I do things I wouldn't normal say or do, actually I am more outright and forthcoming in my real life, odd, I would think it would be the other way round, any thoughts?

    As far as will goes, as a Christian I look at will as being free, free as in a gift from God no cost or strings attached , but also free as we are free to choose to live our life as we want, either to do bad things, negative will,or to do good things positive will, with or without God from whom we recieved the gift in the first place.

  28. hey max! i hope you had a great weekend. i miss you! hugs

  29. Hello Angel,

    Thank you, darling: I am glad you loved it :)!
    I was blessed with fine readers who always share their thoughts in such an exquisite fashion, thus offering me the best book collection in the world *bowing*!

    Thanks, dear; I hope you had a great weekend yourself :D!


  30. Hey SWb!!

    It is always nice to see you here :)!

    "You are so right. Undisciplined patience is probably the cause of more destruction, heartbreak, and sorrow than any other single human factor." - intriguing, isn't it?

    "Interesting analysis, and great, thought-provoking post." - thank you so much *bowing*!

    Thank you, once again; and I hope you have a nice week ahead :D!


  31. Hi Bob!

    "Hi Max , very interesting and thought provolking writing, especially in the realm of dreams." - thank you very much *bowing*! :)

    "I have never tied my will to dreams, don't remember too much about my dreams, just the scary ones, which I relay to my wife and she looks through this book of interpeting dreams and tells me what they mean." - lol that is a good strategy: to have your dreams analysed. And has any of them matched the analysis?

    "In my dreams I do things I wouldn't normal say or do, actually I am more outright and forthcoming in my real life, odd, I would think it would be the other way round, any thoughts?" - that is interesting...well, I have read that when this happens is because you might be accessing your memory of past lives; but it can be something else, my friend....

    "As far as will goes, as a Christian I look at will as being free, free as in a gift from God no cost or strings attached , but also free as we are free to choose to live our life as we want, either to do bad things, negative will,or to do good things positive will, with or without God from whom we recieved the gift in the first place." - this is beautifully interesting, Bob!! :D

    It was a pleasure to read your thoughts on this, my friend; thanks for having shared it with us :D!


  32. Hey Liza,

    I did have a great weekend, thanks :D! And yourself?

    Oooh, that is so sweet :)! Let me go and drop by your place....

    *big hug*!!! ;)

    I wish you a nice week ahead, darling :D!


  33. Olá, Max!
    Não sei se fiquei mais feliz com o seu retorno ou com o propósito dele.
    Aproveito então pra comunicar que adicionei seu link aos dos meus amigos, assim não perco mais o caminho.
    Muito obrigado pela gentileza, que na minha opinião é a "moeda corrente" entre os bloggers.
    Um beijo e uma boa semana!

  34. Nice passage Max. It reminded me of a fun quote by the abolitionist, Henry Ward Beecher:

    "The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't."

  35. Olá Oscar!

    Que simpatia!!! :D Se o meu retorno te fez feliz, então está descansado porque irei voltar muitas vezes :D!

    Obrigadão!! Claro que não preciso dizer que retribuirei o gesto :D!

    Podes crer, na blogsfera as pessoas tendem a ser gentis...parece que o melhor delas vem ao de cima :)!

    Um beijo e tem uma excelente semana também tu!

  36. Hey Scott!

    lol lol although fun it is beautiful, Oswegan!! And true lol...

    Thanks for having shared this with us; you are a great chap :D!



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