Translation: Desafinados

Se você disser que eu desafino amor
Saiba que isso em mim provoca imensa dor
Só privilegiados têm ouvido igual ao seu
Eu possuo apenas o que Deus me deu

Se você insiste em classificar
Meu comportamento de anti-musical
Eu mesmo mentindo devo argumentar
Que isto é bossa-nova, isto é muito natural

O que você não sabe nem sequer pressente
É que os desafinados também têm um coração
Fotografei você na minha Roleiflex
Revelou-se a sua enorme ingratidão

Só não poderá falar assim do meu amor
Este é o maior que você pode encontrar
Você com sua música esqueceu o principal
Que no peito dos desafinados
No fundo do peito bate calado
Que no peito dos desafinados
Também bate um coração

Off Key
Love, if you say that I am off-key
Know that much pain you cause in me
Only the privileged ones have a hearing like yours
I only possess what God betsowed upon me

If you insist in defining
My behaviour as anti-musical
I can argue even if lying
That this is Bossa Nova and that is quite natural

What you know and feel not
Is that the off-key ones also bear a heart
I took a picture of you with my Rolleiflex
And your ingratitude it reflected

You can not speak of my love this way
For it is the biggest that you'll ever find - "ok?"
You, in your music, forgot the main thing

That in the bosom of the off-key ones
Deep in their bosom, in silence, beats
That in the bosom of the off-key ones
A heart also beats

Written By Tom Jobim
Translated By Max Coutinho

Image: Taken from Here.


  1. Max:

    Yeah baby. Clearly an eloquent testament to the unrecognized and unrewarded toils of the underdogs. I have always had a special place in my heart for those who cannot fight the good fight, not because they have been ill equipped by nature to do so, but simply because the aristocrats and highbrows keep them down through their cruel and insensitive machinations of privileged class. But they live just the same. For as the author clearly enlightens us in his salient prose,

    "That in the bosom of the off-key ones
    Deep in their bosom, in silence, beats
    That in the bosom of the off-key ones
    A heart also beats"

    It brings tears to the eyes.

    Happy trails.

  2. Max, that is so beautiful yet so sad, and that is only the translation, I can only imagine how it comes across if one could speak and read the language it was written in,wish I could write like that.

  3. Hi D!


    It is, isn't it? You should hear the song (this is a song also composed by Tom Jobim, a Brazilian artist)!


  4. Swu, hey :D!

    "Yeah baby. Clearly an eloquent testament to the unrecognized and unrewarded toils of the underdogs. I have always had a special place in my heart for those who cannot fight the good fight, not because they have been ill equipped by nature to do so, but simply because the aristocrats and highbrows keep them down through their cruel and insensitive machinations of privileged class. But they live just the same."

    This is a nice interpretation of the poem (it is one way to view it indeed)...I like it *bowing*! You are a box full of surprises, Swu :D!

    "It brings tears to the eyes."

    Aww...but I know where you are coming from...this song also moves me to death.

    Cheers, my friend

  5. Hi Bob :D!

    "Max, that is so beautiful yet so sad, and that is only the translation, I can only imagine how it comes across if one could speak and read the language it was written in,wish I could write like that."

    True. Well, it is written in Portuguese...and it conveys pretty much the same as the translation (however, when you hear it in the song - because this is a song, composed by the Brazilian artist Tom Jobim - it could fool you, since it is so smooth), disappointment, disappointment disappointment...

    I wish I could write like that too...


  6. Hey Vision :D!


    Thank you so much :D!


  7. What a beautiful poem - so well written and a good reminder of the importance in life!

    Happy weekend to you :-)

  8. lovely lines...beautiful!

  9. Max did you do the translation - then you pull out some great stuff. Nice read before bed. Thanks for sharing, Anna :) PS Max my dear [little secret] I am not very good in poem decoding, so I cannot talk about it much, but I liked it, lol....

  10. Hey Renny :D!

    It is beautiful indeed!!

    Thank you, I hope you had a magnificent weekend yourself :D!


  11. Hey Kalyan :D!

    Tom Jobim was quite an artist :D!


  12. Hey Anna :D!

    Yes, I did the translation myself (now that I think of it, I didn't clarify that in the post...I will, so thank you for reminding me *bowing*).

    It's ok, girl...if you liked it (if you felt good about it) then you decoded it just fine :D!


  13. Hi Max,
    great you translated Desafinados, it's a brilliant song. I was very impressed, it seems that you know Portugese very well!
    I was looking for a good translation of two of its lines for my blog, I am a photography enthusiast and the post is about a Rolleiflex camera which is mentioned in the lyrics. I linked to your post, hope it's ok.
    All the best,

  14. Hi Anna,

    It's fine and I thank you for having linked this post to yours.

    Thank you so much for your visit and comment :D.



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