Musical Video: "Depois de ter você" by Maria Bethânia & Adriana Calcanhoto

Last week we were introduced to Bossa Nova (performed by João Gilberto & Tom Jobim).

This week, we will experience MPB (Música Popular Brasileira [Brazilian Pop Music]) genre, by listening to an artist, who is considered the biggest MPB singer: Maria Bethânia.
In this video (of a show that celebrated the 35th anniversary of her career) she invited Adriana Calcanhoto (another top MPB artist) to sing, along with her, a beautiful love song "Depois de ter você" (After having you).
Below the video, you'll find the lyrics to this song and its translation.

I hope you enjoy it, and have a smashing weekend!


Depois de ter você

Depois de ter você
Pra que querer saber
Que horas são?

Se é noite ou faz calor
Se estamos no verão
Se o sol virá ou não
Ou pra que é que serve
Uma canção como esta?

Depois de ter você
Poetas para quê?
Os deuses, as dúvidas
Pra que amendoeiras pelas ruas?
Pra que servem as ruas?
Depois de ter você...

After Having you

After having you
Why would I want
To know what time it is?

If it's night or if it's hot
Or if we're in summer,
If the sun will rise or not
Or what is the aim of
A song such as this?

After having you
Poets, what for?
The gods, doubts,
Almond trees, what for?
Streets, what for?
After having you....

Translated into English by Max Coutinho

Image: Maria Bethânia (taken from


  1. Always love the guitar work on your vids, another beautiful song Max, love the talking in the video, so cool, even though I can't understand,lol

    BTW, love the trumpet with the mute, did you know I play trumpet? always keep a mute in the case, just in case,lol.

  2. Oi, Max!

    Muito obrigado, mas muito obrigado mesmo, por você espalhar aos quatro cantos nossa MPB!! Ainda mais tendo a Bethânia no post com uma de suas belas interpretações! A música é linda e a letra é belíssima, apesar de curta!! :-)

    Espero poder dar sequência às minhas visitas por aqui e lá no Etnias! Tenha um lindo final de semana! :-)


  3. Lovely song. I think I like Maria's voice better. She's got a powerful voice. :-D THANKS for sharing!

  4. I love it Max, it's a beautiful song! I agree with Amel, she has a powerful voice. :)

    I had a busy week but I enjoyed the long weekend. Have a great week sweetie! :)

  5. Muito obrigada!

    I feel like I'm back in Brazil...:$

  6. Thanks Max for refreshing music! You have beautiful week too. Anna :)


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