Lies: The Universal Truth

It is so easy to turn a lie into a truth.
If we keep repeating a lie over and over again; eventually it will become true (since we begin to believe in that same lie). We cease knowing which one is which and then…we witness the birth of a whole new truth.

Consensual truth is a fine example of it.
A group of religious people (of any denomination) convenes and discusses several issues. Each party (or individual) offers its opinion, its own interpretation of sacred texts; its own version of the facts and then negotiations commence. After much deliberation, a consensus is reached and the intellectual fruit of their agreement (not necessarily true) is now considered a Truth.
And all members of the congregation are to learn and repeat it as if it were the absolute truth.

Governments gather and decide when the people should spend or save (i.e. they go to the television and repeat n times the same sentence “We are now in a recession!” [People start saving]; “We are now in recovery!” [People start spending]). They even decide when people should globally be concerned with environmental issues or not (ex: intelligence services had satellite images proving that the Arctic had been melting for years, but only now [now that nations want to develop green energies] they reveal these pictures…). Global warming was a “lie” before but now it is surely a universal truth.
Governmental lies can become universal truths, in such a fashion that wrong wars may end up being fought.

Marketing is the biggest lie-turned-into-truth industry in the world.
It decides when people need futile consumption goods that they don’t really need, and then fabricate lies in order to lead consumers to buy superfluous good (the latter, hypnotized by the machine of lies keeps repeating “It’s true; I do need it…I have to buy it!”).
The biggest example of a lie turned into a universal truth is the anti-cellulite creams: Lord Marketing says that creams will fight cellulite, but forgets to mention that for it to work one has to exercise, drink lots of water, eat healthily (McDonald’s, and alike, is the closest friend of peau d’orange [1]) and keep buying anti-cellulite creams for eternity…otherwise “Welcome back, lunar craters!”…

And then we have the most endearing party whose “lies” are a universal truth (in a sense that the people in this category behave the same way all over the world): I am talking about mothers.
When before danger or crises, the first thing mothers will say is “It’s all right! Everything is going to be all right!” (they can be dying with their heads cracked open and still they’ll say this).
Kids see that it is not true; nothing is all right; they even doubt things will ever be all right (specially when moms die) but in that moment, out of love, they take that lie for an absolute truth.

The absolute Universal Truth is: everybody lies.

I’d like to thank Alexys for having suggesting this wonderful theme: you know you rock, girl!

[1] Peau d’orange: cellulite (in French).

Image: The Astronomer (detail) by Johannes Vermeer


  1. I think the Nicene creed is a perfect example of this.

  2. Hi Max,

    Happy Tuesday! You know you never disappoint. Great title and photo too.

    Lies, lies, lies, we love them, we hate them, we live for them, we die for them.

    The ones I despise the most are government lies. When politicians run for office they repeat the same rhetoric and people really believe it. I think when people like a politician, NOTHING he says matters, they will just vote on his appearance, clothes, smile, hair, charm, etc. Al Gore's company makes over $100 million a year pushing the global warming show. I am not convinced that HE even believes what he's pushing. In California, they are going to outlaw big screen TV's because they use too much energy, but lights and computers are left on overnight in government buildings. The recession/recovery hide and seek game is funny too. One day we're in it, the next day it's gone. We don't have any idea what's really going on, all we know is that we will wind up paying for it sooner or later.

    Marketing is another major lie. How come the burgers are not as juicy as they are on TV? What if we were all like the Michael Douglas character in Falling Down, when he marched into the burger shop and asked for the one like the picture.

    I understand why parents lie to their children, but those are not as vile as government lies. Parents want to protect their kids for as long as possible before they are released to the hounds of government, marketers and media spin.

    Great topic my friend. Kudos!

    Honesty Cheers!

  3. Hi D!


    "I think the Nicene creed is a perfect example of this."

    It is indeed. But again, any creed from any religion is a perfect example of this...

    Thanks for your input, D... :D!


  4. Hi Alexys :D!

    "Happy Tuesday! You know you never disappoint. Great title and photo too."

    Happy Tuesday!! Why, thank you *bowing*! I have to thank you for that title, girl ^5! It is a great image indeed, thanks!

    "Lies, lies, lies, we love them, we hate them, we live for them, we die for them."

    LOL sad but true!

    "When politicians run for office they repeat the same rhetoric and people really believe it."

    Tell me about it! Politicians are so blatant and people just fall for it. If they'd repeat the same things and act differently, ok...I'd get them (the electorate seems to love to be lied to); but no...they repeat the words and disappointing.

    "I think when people like a politician, NOTHING he says matters, they will just vote on his appearance, clothes, smile, hair, charm, etc."

    This is absolutely true. I don't know how to vote for someone based on its looks - it's ridiculous.

    "Al Gore's company makes over $100 million a year pushing the global warming show. I am not convinced that HE even believes what he's pushing."

    LOL LOL LOL I hear you on that one!

    "In California, they are going to outlaw big screen TV's because they use too much energy, but lights and computers are left on overnight in government buildings."

    Really? That is an absurd.

    "The recession/recovery hide and seek game is funny too. One day we're in it, the next day it's gone. We don't have any idea what's really going on, all we know is that we will wind up paying for it sooner or later."

    Exactly! Have you ever seen a recession that has gone so quickly as this one? (October/November 2008 the recession starts and a year later it is gone. Banks were almost closing their doors, and now they are up again...companies turned into beggars, now they have reported billions in profits...this quickly?). This is a well hidden secret, girl...

    "Marketing is another major lie. How come the burgers are not as juicy as they are on TV? What if we were all like the Michael Douglas character in Falling Down, when he marched into the burger shop and asked for the one like the picture."

    LOL LOL you know? ROFL ROFL I loved that movie (can you imagine if we all flipped and reacted that way?). People are scammed everyday; scandalously scammed...

    "I understand why parents lie to their children, but those are not as vile as government lies. Parents want to protect their kids for as long as possible before they are released to the hounds of government, marketers and media spin."

    That is why I said they are endearing. Nevertheless, parents are the first ones to teach us how to lie...

    "Great topic my friend. Kudos!"

    LOL you chose it ^5! But thank you *bowing*!

    Lady A, thank you ever so much for your outstanding comment (what a pleasure)! :D

    Honesty Cheers

  5. Ciao Max,

    "Everybody lies" - so true, but why do we? One can argue that it is a defense mechanism due to fear or self-obscure interests. Either way I think we all lie cause we hope that our wishful thinking will become a favourable truth.

    Max, I loved this one :)!

  6. Ciao Dux :D!

    ""Everybody lies" - so true, but why do we? One can argue that it is a defense mechanism due to fear or self-obscure interests. Either way I think we all lie cause we hope that our wishful thinking will become a favourable truth."

    Beautifully said! And I must admit that I am inclined to agree with you - in absolute (because I have personally witnessed your explanation).

    "Max, I loved this one :)!"

    I am glad you did, thank you *bowing*!

    Dux Probus, outstanding comment: thank you :D!


  7. Hi Max,

    1. Church and governments lie for the need of bringing people under control and we all play along with such untruths for it serves everyone's purposes.

    2. Marketing industry is deceptive because consumers beg to be deceived. In today's world consumers demand rapidity; everything has to be instantaneous thus marketing takes advantage of the niche (i.e. the public's vanity) and makes billions.

    3. Moms genuinely believe that they're their kids' guardian angels, therefore they soothe.
    Kids sometimes, in the back of their head, know...but they prefer to accept the "everything is going to be all right" for it keeps them going when things get tough out there.

    Max, we loved it! :)

  8. Hi C.C. :D!

    "1. Church and governments lie for the need of bringing people under control and we all play along with such untruths for it serves everyone's purposes."

    You are correct; the key word is "control".

    "2. Marketing industry is deceptive because consumers beg to be deceived. In today's world consumers demand rapidity; everything has to be instantaneous thus marketing takes advantage of the niche (i.e. the public's vanity) and makes billions."

    Very well put! That is exactly it: they play with people's vanity and need to consume like crazy (to fill a void of some sort)!

    "3. Moms genuinely believe that they're their kids' guardian angels, therefore they soothe.
    Kids sometimes, in the back of their head, know...but they prefer to accept the "everything is going to be all right" for it keeps them going when things get tough out there."

    And indeed moms are our guardian-angels (real moms, at least). I hear you!

    "Max, we loved it! :)"

    I am so glad you guys loved it, thanks *bowing*!

    Circulus Ciceronis, thank you a million times for having shared your thoughts with us (loved it) :D!


  9. Max, this topic is indeed thought-provoking. It is the focus of my Self-Disclosure: Changes from within book. I invite readers to learn not only why they think and feel as they do, but also to raise awareness on many different levels.

    You encourage people to realize they are often unaware of that they do. As people evolve as energies, they have free will to do more and more advanced work. People are in multiple dimensions simultaneously. You are not bound to this place. You may choose to expand your energy vibration and energetic experiences.

  10. Max excellent post as always. You know I want to comment on the commercial/marketing. When first time I saw ads on TV I thought they were real, and it took me so long to actually unlearn that. I think I tried many things as a teenager yet to find out that it was complete waste of money, but I would do it again [those damn ads]....and now finally I got smart, lol. Max thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Anna :)

  11. couldn't agree more with you Max...once again you're right on you're money and has hit just at the right common theme running through all the themes I gather is a strange behavior of the administrators or the regulators who nonchalantly just uses the situations as per their requirements...they just feed it to a selective media even though it may be wrong and slowly tries to gather the steam to what eventually becomes a "White Lie"...Governments and the Business class is going hand in hand to create these white lies to serve their narrow interests and sometimes the media also joins in their exercise to create public opinion 'per se' and take the tradition forward...nice reading!

  12. Yes everybody lies (as House would say). And for another good reason: truth doesn't exist.

    Truth is cultural, biased, constructed. People don't necessarily realize that what they say and what they have been taught is not a universal truth. For example, a lot of Americans truly believed their lives would have been at risk if Bush hadn't declared war on Iraq. On the other hand, some people in other parts of the world truly believe that the US was only looking for oil and pursuing an hegemonic policy. Both are true in the head of the believers. Yet both are probably lies as well.

    My truth is somebody else's lie.

  13. I'm afraid you're right, again, Max!

    In addition to what you've said, I was thinking of the expression: White lies. They might be convenient at first, but impossible to defence in the long run.

    Maybe people only see what they want to see - truths or not?

  14. Big fat lies that became truth

    1. Chinese economy: yeah right...
    If the West (Japan and South Korea included) would repress its People, make its labour force work 12 or more hours under a miserable wage and lock them up in shoddy compounds: I guess that G7 wouldn't take much to grow at a rate of 10% in 2010.

    2. China as USA banker: give me a break...
    In a blink of an eye China is the whole-mighty guru of economics and finance just because this country made a massive acquisition (around $800 Billion) of USA Treasury Bills with the sole purpose to rub it in the Japanese's noise as retaliation for those Japanese glorious days on the international financial stage.

    3. China as the world wide main investor: big deal....
    African leaders, in the midst of their corrosive and corrupt politico-system, have found in China the ideal partner who can validate their policies without any question whatsoever; thus selling themselves and national resources at a cheap rate.
    In China, they are cracking wise jokes, within the politburo high sphere, at Russia's expense because the former USSR leaders had, once, in their hands all socialist/comunist countries in places like África and Latin America and yet due to their incapacity the Russian domain collapsed and the nation became banal.

    4. Obama's debt: come on...
    GOP Senator Judd Gregg a shrewd demagogue issued a statement claiming something like: it took one hundred and something years to the USA to build a $10 trillion debt but it took 18 months to the democrats to create a $2 trillion debt: Is he for real?
    The world was praying (mostly China) to watch the heartless capitalism re-address free markets by repeating the 1932 sad spectacle: suicides, lawless jobless people, endless lines of people begging for a bowl of hot soup, dirty childreen licking their noses covered with dried snot and a lost youth. However this time America preferred to make use of almost $2 trillion which barely had to serve a common good; Republican lawmakers cried foul...for they're convinced that their people is obtuse enough to ignore the concept of endurance.

    Well, Max, somewhere in a building office a 2 half dozen of invisible individuals decided to reshuffle the world order; hence they picked a couple of obstreperous strategic advisor firms to carry their jiggery-pokery plan off: persuade big business to discard those who made them and turn into China, since the late is the ultimate holy graal in Business.
    Is sophistry killing stoicism? Is the American people crippled mentally, intellectually, morally even phisically? Is the economic disarray preventing Americans from being creative, inventive and public-spirited? Surely if it is the case then USA deserves to be viewed as a Nation on China's food stamp bank.
    Anyway, China's display of power is more about vindication than anything else.

  15. Hey Liara :D!

    "Max, this topic is indeed thought-provoking. It is the focus of my Self-Disclosure: Changes from within book. I invite readers to learn not only why they think and feel as they do, but also to raise awareness on many different levels."

    Your book sounds challenging, for it is not easy to confront ourselves...

    "You encourage people to realize they are often unaware of that they do. As people evolve as energies, they have free will to do more and more advanced work. People are in multiple dimensions simultaneously. You are not bound to this place. You may choose to expand your energy vibration and energetic experiences."

    Very well said. And there is nothing more I can add to that...

    Liara, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, I appreciate it :D!


  16. Hey Anna :D!

    "Max excellent post as always."

    Thank you, darling *bowing*!

    "You know I want to comment on the commercial/marketing. When first time I saw ads on TV I thought they were real, and it took me so long to actually unlearn that. I think I tried many things as a teenager yet to find out that it was complete waste of money, but I would do it again [those damn ads]....and now finally I got smart, lol. Max thanks again for sharing your thoughts."

    LOL yes, those damn ads. Girl, don't mention it :D!

    Anna, my dear friend, thanks a million for your input :D!


  17. Hey Kalyan :D!

    "couldn't agree more with you Max...once again you're right on you're money and has hit just at the right common theme running through all the themes I gather is a strange behavior of the administrators or the regulators who nonchalantly just uses the situations as per their requirements"

    *nodding in utter agreement*...I feel you.

    "...they just feed it to a selective media even though it may be wrong and slowly tries to gather the steam to what eventually becomes a "White Lie"...Governments and the Business class is going hand in hand to create these white lies to serve their narrow interests and sometimes the media also joins in their exercise to create public opinion 'per se' and take the tradition forward...nice reading!"

    Very well put *applauding*! Thank you *bowing*!

    Kalyan, thank you ever so much for this delight :D!


  18. Hey Zhu :D!

    "Yes everybody lies (as House would say). And for another good reason: truth doesn't exist."

    LOL are you still hooked on House? Well, truth've just stated one: everybody lies (which is true) lol ;) - a paradox, right?

    "Both are true in the head of the believers. Yet both are probably lies as well."

    LOL like I said: a paradox - and boy, do we love them!

    "My truth is somebody else's lie."

    This statement is both false and true; if we include the innate notion of Truth.

    Zhu, my darling, thank you so so much for this incredible comment (you spoil me) :D!


  19. Hey Renny :D!

    "In addition to what you've said, I was thinking of the expression: White lies. They might be convenient at first, but impossible to defence in the long run."

    So true, so very true...

    "Maybe people only see what they want to see - truths or not?"

    Absolutely!! People only see what they want to see, in a given period of time (because what they want to see may change over time).

    Renny, superb comment: thank you a million times :D!


  20. Hey Lenny Hannah :D!

    "Big fat lies that became truth"

    Let's hear them...

    "1. Chinese economy: yeah right...
    If the West (Japan and South Korea included) would repress its People, make its labour force work 12 or more hours under a miserable wage and lock them up in shoddy compounds: I guess that G7 wouldn't take much to grow at a rate of 10% in 2010."

    Preach it, sista!

    "2. China as USA banker: give me a break...
    In a blink of an eye China is the whole-mighty guru of economics and finance just because this country made a massive acquisition (around $800 Billion) of USA Treasury Bills with the sole purpose to rub it in the Japanese's noise as retaliation for those Japanese glorious days on the international financial stage."

    And you know China has been competing with Japan since the like ever (but I know that in the XVI century, China already dreamed of one day surpassing Japan, economically speaking).

    "3. China as the world wide main investor: big deal....
    African leaders, in the midst of their corrosive and corrupt politico-system, have found in China the ideal partner who can validate their policies without any question whatsoever; thus selling themselves and national resources at a cheap rate.
    In China, they are cracking wise jokes, within the politburo high sphere, at Russia's expense because the former USSR leaders had, once, in their hands all socialist/comunist countries in places like África and Latin America and yet due to their incapacity the Russian domain collapsed and the nation became banal."

    The African reality is indeed sad: it is selling itself cheap to the Chinese, who do worse than the Europeans did when they colonised the continent.
    So, true...China mocks Russia everyday. Former USSR accused China of not being communist enough, but China's "communism" lasted longer than the "purest" one.

    "4. Obama's debt: come on...
    (...) However this time America preferred to make use of almost $2 trillion which barely had to serve a common good; Republican lawmakers cried foul...for they're convinced that their people is obtuse enough to ignore the concept of endurance."

    Plus, have Republicans forgot their huge contribution in generating the present debt?

    "Well, Max, somewhere in a building office a 2 half dozen of invisible individuals decided to reshuffle the world order; hence they picked a couple of obstreperous strategic advisor firms to carry their jiggery-pokery plan off: persuade big business to discard those who made them and turn into China, since the late is the ultimate holy graal in Business."

    lol I like the way you put things...

    "Is sophistry killing stoicism? Is the American people crippled mentally, intellectually, morally even phisically? Is the economic disarray preventing Americans from being creative, inventive and public-spirited? Surely if it is the case then USA deserves to be viewed as a Nation on China's food stamp bank."

    Excellent questions, and perhaps an American could answer them?

    Lenny Hannah, phew...what a comment! I loved it, I'm even with gooseskin....Thank you so so much, darling :D!


  21. I’d be lying if I said the bath didn’t overflow and the carpets in all four bedrooms and the hallway were fine. Not wanting to add to your list, I’ll cut to the chase and admit not all is well here, but that’s another story, too pitiful to mention here.

    Here at work, rumors abound and become fact in no time at all until someone goes to the heart of the matter, the source usually, and confirms whether they’re lies or the truth. It’s all so confusing and all so frustrating, but that’s life!

    The arguments over whether global warming are true or not should be put aside, as anyone can see, including blind Freddy, what damage we’ve done to this planet. Time to join hands and clean up our mess before we have nothing to clean up.

    Marketing? Don’t get me started on that or I’ll be here all day. Suffice to say you’re right; it is the biggest lie-turned-into-truth industry in the world!

    Now, do mothers lie? I believe everything my mother tells me! Like all good sons should!

    Take Care,

  22. Hey Peter :D!

    "I’d be lying if I said the bath didn’t overflow and the carpets in all four bedrooms and the hallway were fine. Not wanting to add to your list, I’ll cut to the chase and admit not all is well here, but that’s another story, too pitiful to mention here."

    Oh my God...really?

    "Here at work, rumors abound and become fact in no time at all until someone goes to the heart of the matter, the source usually, and confirms whether they’re lies or the truth. It’s all so confusing and all so frustrating, but that’s life!"

    You said it all: it's life! *nodding*...

    "The arguments over whether global warming are true or not should be put aside, as anyone can see, including blind Freddy, what damage we’ve done to this planet. Time to join hands and clean up our mess before we have nothing to clean up."

    Indeed, it is obvious what we have done to nature; but it is the way the info has been manipulated that annoys people.

    "Marketing? Don’t get me started on that or I’ll be here all day. Suffice to say you’re right; it is the biggest lie-turned-into-truth industry in the world!"

    LOL...that irritating, eh?

    "Now, do mothers lie? I believe everything my mother tells me! Like all good sons should!"

    LOL they do, but it is out of love. I believe everything my mom tells me too....yet I know... ;)...

    Peter, awesome comment for which I thank you a million times :D!
    Good luck with that thing....



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