Letter to Eros

Dear Eros,

I hope this missive finds you in excellent health and fitness.
Today I went to Athens (the day was beautiful, the city as lovely as ever) and my ears were severely attacked by vicious gossip and hideous plots. I promise you, the delightful meal that pampered my stomach was nearly regurgitated.

The purpose of this letter is to warn you. Now, do not be frightened although apparently serious, the matter is less worrying than anyone would think (in fact, I personally found it quite ridiculous), nevertheless, be warned:
There are individuals who wish to sever the ties that deeply bond you to Psyche (as if it were ever possible: what God united no man tears asunder). They ignore that both of you are already married and therefore endeavour to juggle with your sentimental life as if you were a ball, a pin, a dog or even their slave.
From what I’ve heard (and please, ask me not the source of this classified information) they think very highly of you (to them you are a precious gem, and that is why they have lined up a group of virgins for your selection [but I ask, from man to man, who the bloody hell wants a virgin?]), it is Psyche they view not with good eyes: her ancestry is not appealing to them and her beauty can only lead you to the abyss (she’s the devil, they say: her art in love will distract you; her witchcraft will deviate you from the path of the gods; her blood will generate dark offspring...and “God forbid that!” [their own words, my friend, certainly not mine]; her psyche is a menace to their plans [fools!]; her femininity will enslave their sons and her ways may inspire their daughters to become harlots).

Please, my friend, caution I beseech you. Do not permit rage to cloud reason: do not go out and start shooting your foes – mind your Divine wings.
You are Eros: show them you are not their dog, their slave, not even their lackey...you are not a fly to feel drawn to turd; you are the finest bee that is attracted to the most luxurious and luscious of flowers: Psyche (so fly to her).

Eros, my friend, end these pitiful gossips and ludicrous plots once and for all: surely you know what’s to be done.
I leave you with friendship in my heart. The next missive you’ll receive from me will offer you accounts on how I managed to snatch an exotic young woman (it was quite an adventure: negotiations were involved – so refreshing!).

Truly your friend,

Image: The Fortune Teller by Caravaggio


  1. Dear Max,

    Fear and prejudice can bring out the worst in people which is a shame for as the commercial says "We are one!".

    Virginity? Try to have a conversation about the pros and cons of the subject, with all religious groups, and the outcome is rather confusing than enlightening. Bottom line: virginity is about choice, not enforcement.

    When Eros lays his eyes on the letter, I'm pretty sure that he'll fly, without any delay, to his beloved Psyche.

  2. Ciao Dux :D!

    "Fear and prejudice can bring out the worst in people which is a shame for as the commercial says "We are one!"."

    Isn't that so true? I am telling you, I do not understand prejudice (I tried to get it, but I don't).
    We believe in reincarnation, right? So we know that for a fact "we are one": today we may be white, tomorrow we may be black; today we may be male and tomorrow female and so forth so forth....

    "Virginity? Try to have a conversation about the pros and cons of the subject, with all religious groups, and the outcome is rather confusing than enlightening. Bottom line: virginity is about choice, not enforcement."

    LOL I stopped trying many years ago. Religions use virginity to control women's vagina...it is that simple.
    Like you so well said: it is about choice, not enforcement.

    "When Eros lays his eyes on the letter, I'm pretty sure that he'll fly, without any delay, to his beloved Psyche."

    I hope so :)....

    Dux, thank you a million times for this awesome comment :D!


  3. Hi Max,

    Prejudice is prejudicial and should never be taken lightly for it destroys societies.
    Uncultured and jealous creatures are frightened of intellectual people like Psyche. By the way, virginity is a relativity for some care about it while others wouldn't care less.

    If Eros allowed his life to be ran by busy-bodies, he would be a fool; unworthy of Psyche's love.
    After reading the letter, Eros will make Chaos a proud friend and the latter shall raise a placard stating: "Love conquers all".

    Max, you are hilarious!

  4. Dear Max,

    Thank you for your concern in bringing this pressing issue to my attention. I have forwarded your letter to one of my agents in the field, in fact the Fair-field.

    Love Eros

    Hi Max,

    OMG. Eros just told me what chaos is up to. It is because chaos doesn't have love that it is trying to ruin love. I assure you that it won't work because love is stronger than steel, softer than butter and more precious than the most precious gem. Whatever chaos does, it does to itself. Love is here waiting to take chaos in it's loving arms. Chaos will not win, we will not let it. We will fight it tooth and nail with love. We will win it's heart and chaos will be banished for good.

    No Chaos Cheers!

  5. This is such an interesting read (what else can I expect from you?), Max dear he he he...especially when I read who signed the letter he he he...

    Anyway, THANKS for your support about my blog - and for telling me about the problem. I wouldn't know about it if you hadn't told me. (((HUGS)))

  6. Lol Max, lol 'who the bloody hell wants a virgin?' you said, someone have to give a chance to a virgin too - I say :). Max girl how in the world you get ideas like that, lol. Excellent entertaining post. Anna :)

  7. max:

    If I have learned anything from my time aboard this earth, it's that every living person has prejudice---everyone---no exceptions. So maybe prejudice is the natural order of things. Maybe prejudice is the tool that we use to try and repair our social problems. Prejudice helps us to find peace. I wonder what the world would be like if there were no prejudice? None, not a trace. Nobody had any opinions whatsoever. I wonder what even a single person would be like if he or she had not one ounce of prejudice against another human being, or animal, or science, or religion or anything else? No prejudgment? No thought? Imagine that. I wonder if the rest of us would be prejudice when we spoke of that person?

    As you can tell, I'm getting a little nuts sitting her in front of my computer. Someties I hate computers. Whoops, am I being prejudice?

    Happy Holidays.

  8. Hi Circulus Ciceronis :D!

    "Prejudice is prejudicial and should never be taken lightly for it destroys societies.
    Uncultured and jealous creatures are frightened of intellectual people like Psyche. By the way, virginity is a relativity for some care about it while others wouldn't care less."

    I hear you (on all accounts).

    "If Eros allowed his life to be ran by busy-bodies, he would be a fool; unworthy of Psyche's love."

    I happen to agree with you...but apparently Chaos thinks that Eros has been allowing his life to be dictated by everybody around him...

    "After reading the letter, Eros will make Chaos a proud friend and the latter shall raise a placard stating: "Love conquers all"."

    Amen to that :D!

    "Max, you are hilarious!"

    LOL thanks, guys :D!

    C.C, thank you so much for your incredible input: I loved it :D!


  9. Hey Lady A :D!

    "Dear Max,
    Thank you for your concern in bringing this pressing issue to my attention. I have forwarded your letter to one of my agents in the field, in fact the Fair-field.
    Love Eros"

    ROFL ROFL ROFL Agent Fair-field...a competent agent, I'm sure...

    "OMG. Eros just told me what chaos is up to. It is because chaos doesn't have love that it is trying to ruin love. I assure you that it won't work because love is stronger than steel, softer than butter and more precious than the most precious gem. Whatever chaos does, it does to itself. Love is here waiting to take chaos in it's loving arms. Chaos will not win, we will not let it. We will fight it tooth and nail with love. We will win it's heart and chaos will be banished for good."

    Wow...I love your interpretation of Chaos' intentions (or should I say, intents?)! Indeed, let's not evil people ruin love :D!

    Lady A, I am impressed: I loved your comment, girl....thanks :D!

    Absolutely No Chaos Cheers

  10. Hi Amel :D!

    "This is such an interesting read (what else can I expect from you?), Max dear he he he...especially when I read who signed the letter he he he..."

    Thank you so much *bowing*! LOL LOL LOL Chaos is the god of air (and air represents communication...which in this case could be viewed as gossip lol)...it was fun to make him Eros' friend lol.

    "Anyway, THANKS for your support about my blog - and for telling me about the problem. I wouldn't know about it if you hadn't told me. (((HUGS)))"

    You are welcome, girl!! I'm here to help *Hugs*!

    Amel, thanks a million for your comment (you were missed) :D!


  11. Hey Anna :D!

    "Lol Max, lol 'who the bloody hell wants a virgin?' you said, someone have to give a chance to a virgin too - I say :). Max girl how in the world you get ideas like that, lol. Excellent entertaining post."

    LOL LOL true, virgins need a chance too LOL ;). LOL Anna, I have too many men in my family lol *nodding*.
    Thanks, I am glad you liked it :D!

    Anna, thanks for having dropped by and left such a great comment (you always make me laugh) :D!


  12. Hey Swu :D!

    "If I have learned anything from my time aboard this earth, it's that every living person has prejudice---everyone---no exceptions. So maybe prejudice is the natural order of things. Maybe prejudice is the tool that we use to try and repair our social problems."

    So true, my friend. Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like without prejudice...
    Now, prejudice as a tool to try repairing social issues...Hmmm....it makes sense, because we can only solve what is wrong, and prejudice is wrong but if it doesn't exist what is there to solve? Your line of thought makes sense, but still I need to give more thought to it.

    "Prejudice helps us to find peace."

    It does?

    "I wonder what the world would be like if there were no prejudice? None, not a trace."

    Humans would invent it.

    "Nobody had any opinions whatsoever. I wonder what even a single person would be like if he or she had not one ounce of prejudice against another human being, or animal, or science, or religion or anything else? No prejudgment? No thought? Imagine that. I wonder if the rest of us would be prejudice when we spoke of that person?"

    It depends on which type of prejudice we are talking about. If we are talking about having adverse judgment or opinion before hand (or a preconceived notion of things) on a certain issue, than I'd say that debates would not exist and this would be bad - from debates rises enlightenment...
    But if we refer (and I know it is not your case in this comment - you were very clear) to intolerance towards a specific race, religion etc...then it would be great if it wouldn't exist...

    "As you can tell, I'm getting a little nuts sitting her in front of my computer. Someties I hate computers. Whoops, am I being prejudice?"

    LOL LOL no, you are not being prejudice...computers can be annoying (even today, I had issues with mine, and nearly went nuts fixing it)...

    Swu, I loved your comment: thank you so much for the honour :D!

    "Happy Holidays"

    Happy Festivities :D!

  13. Max, your imagination and sense of humor never cease to amaze me. :)

    I'm all for Eros! In fantasy only, lol... since Eros has no Ethos!

    I just stopped by to wish you a joyous holiday season. Big hugs to my friend in Portugal!

    ((((( )))))

  14. From what I have learnt Psyche's jealous sisters and Venus, with all the vengeance of a overzealous and overbearing soon to be mother-in-law, are behind this bad mouthing of Psyche.

    Eros would do well to take heed of Chaos's wise words in order to forgo the suffering that awaits any star crossed lover.

    BTW I must have come across one of Cupid's arrows roughly thirty years ago with my mother-in-law never giving me a task I couldn't handle!

    I've also heard on the grape vine that hymenoplasties are becoming quite the fashion!

    Take Care,

  15. Super original post! Love the tone and the message... although I must admit I shall refresh my Greek and Latin mythology to come up with a witty comment.

  16. Hello there, Max! You made me laugh again.

    Just dropping by. I had a few minutes of energy left to bloghop. It's exam week and I helped Jeff with his reviewing ;o)

  17. Hey Lynda :D!

    "Max, your imagination and sense of humor never cease to amaze me. :)"

    Thank you, my darling *bowing*!

    "I'm all for Eros! In fantasy only, lol... since Eros has no Ethos!"

    LOL LOL...

    "I just stopped by to wish you a joyous holiday season. Big hugs to my friend in Portugal!"

    Thank you so much, Lynda *hug*! Greetings of the season to you as well :D!
    Thanks for having dropped by and left your delightful comment :D!

    ((((( )))))

  18. Hey Peter :D!

    "From what I have learnt Psyche's jealous sisters and Venus, with all the vengeance of a overzealous and overbearing soon to be mother-in-law, are behind this bad mouthing of Psyche."

    Is your source reliable? Very interesting...Pete, we must convene and plan a counter-attack...

    "Eros would do well to take heed of Chaos's wise words in order to forgo the suffering that awaits any star crossed lover."

    *nodding in agreement*...I suspect he will...

    "BTW I must have come across one of Cupid's arrows roughly thirty years ago with my mother-in-law never giving me a task I couldn't handle!"

    :D I am sure you did...

    "I've also heard on the grape vine that hymenoplasties are becoming quite the fashion!"

    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL you don't say? *nodding*...

    Peter, thank you ever so much for this awesome comment: loved it :D!


  19. Hey Zhu :D!

    "Super original post!"

    Thanks, girl *High 5*!

    "Love the tone and the message... although I must admit I shall refresh my Greek and Latin mythology to come up with a witty comment."

    I am so glad you loved it ;)! Oh, just drink the words... :D

    Zhu, thank you so much for sharing your opinion of this post :D!


  20. Hello Abelle :D!

    "Hello there, Max! You made me laugh again."

    LOL If I made you laugh, then my day will be perfect :D!

    "Just dropping by. I had a few minutes of energy left to bloghop. It's exam week and I helped Jeff with his reviewing ;o)"

    You did well to drop by, you were missed (but I know you have been busy in your new job) :D! I know Jeff will do fine in the exams :D!

    Abelle, thank you so much for having dropped by :D!


  21. You really got me going on this (again provocative wonderful) post - and you know I love your sense of delicate humour and style!

    So I had to look up on Eros:
    "Throughout Greek thought, there appear to be two sides to the conception of Eros.
    In the first, he is a primeval deity who embodies not only the force of erotic love but also the creative urge of ever-flowing nature, the firstborn Light for the coming into being and ordering of all things in the cosmos."

    I kind of felt like two of a kind - as a Norwegian Viking. I mean, I love nature and beauty and what I see at our nude beaches, but I never want to force... only when the urge is mutual ;-)


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