Inside a Woman's head on Valentine's Day

Every 14th of February is the same business hype: exchanging presents is nearly compulsory.
Men are not the most creative creatures when it comes to offer gifts, therefore they rely on stereotypes (of what women “really like”) and on marketing. What goes inside a woman’s head when she gets a present she doesn’t particularly fancy?

A man offers his beloved chocolates

“Why is he offering me chocolates? He knows I am on a diet. But it’s ok, I’ll go earlier to the office and I’ll give them to Juanita (the cleaning lady) – she's such a cute little chubby woman, and she's always so nice to me.”

Yes, TV commercials tell men that chocolates are an appropriate gift, and then when women ask them how fat they are…men lie.

A man gives red roses to his darling (accompanied by a teddy bear with a big heart)

“Roses…again!? Oh God, I hate roses [«Thanks, sweetie: I love them, they are beautiful *kiss*!»]! And this toy; what am I: 13? This is so Lolita…”

Men have this notion that all women love roses, flowers in general. A small advice: get your facts straight. And teddies for grown up women: forget about it!

A man bestows upon his lady perfume (the one he saw on TV)

“Oh Lord…so predictable! Oh well, I’ll wear it once and then give it to my mother.”

A man should take the time to know his lady’s skin scent; because not all perfumes go with a particular skin type – so, don’t let TV commercials tell you what to offer.

A man presents the cell-phone he saw on an outdoor to his significant other

“If I wanted another cell-phone I would’ve bought it with my own money (and in the right colour too: I hate pink).What kind of angle is he trying to play here?”

*No comments*…

The traditional Valentine’s dinner

She might be tired and she might not want to go out on this particular evening, she might just want to stay put, read a book…in silence.

Marketing and stereotypes are a man’s worst enemy, and somehow he keeps falling for them.
As a woman, I’d suggest men to study their women attentively and give them what they really like; otherwise when “sweatin’ up the sheets” their lovers might be singing (inside their heads) “Oh yessss, I’m the great pretender!”

Image: Eve by Hans Baldung Grien


  1. May be it's just me but I'm indifferent to Valentine's Day. I don't expect anything special... well, probably a Chinese meal this year given Chinese New Year is on the same day!

    All the example you gave are stereotypes and I agree with you, I'd be disappointed. I mean, I don't get gifts often but I truly appreciate when I'm being surprised. Which girl would be surprised by chocolates/ roses etc....!

    I hope you get something nice and which match your personality: interesting and surprising!

  2. We did valentines a week early this year. Bf went & bought red roses, breakfast & cooked it for me- then we went to a surprise artshow and then onto dinner at a nice restaurant. Best part was the surprise art show & that he'd thought about what i loved doing. Awesome! Thats why Im marrying him in June- he thinks about it.

  3. As i always say, if you are a couple who are full with passion and love, then it's in your hands to make each of your day as ' valentine's day'. It doesn't require something special.
    For example i am planning to stick each corner of the house small 'post-it'. Wherever he touches -the cabinette, looks at the mirror,tries to get a glass from cupboard, tries to wear his shoes or shirt- he should read how much i love and need him. Just a tiny pleasure to mention valentine's day :)

    What's your idea Max ?


  4. I wish I would have read something like this a few years ago, I'm so clueless when it comes to what a woman wants,:(

  5. Hi Max! Now lets go through your list.

    Chocolates: yes, they're a silly idea especially here as I end up eating them.

    Roses: My wife adores roses! Especially single roses! As for teddies, I don't have the figure for them!

    Perfume is at the top of her list as long as I get the right one and don't use it myself!

    A cell-phone sounds a little odd but that could be sweetened by having him pay the bills.

    Valentine's dinner: If she wants to stay put and read a book in silence I'd say the relationship may well be over!

    Here's another one for your list: new tyres for her car.

    Take Care,

  6. Hi Max,

    St. Valentine is the Saint of ridicule.

  7. The most effective gift always seems to be just spending time with my wife.

  8. Max, You are getting better every week! :)

    Not few but several times when a woman is asked what kind of flowers she fancies the answer is "Any flower" or "surprise me for they are all beautiful", therefore if she gets roses, it's because she wasn't specific.

    Perfume: do you know how hard it is to get the real scent of a woman? Nowadays, from the soap, bath bubbles, body milk, make-up, line reducing, day & night creams, everything is perfumed...thus it is not an easy task for not all men are blessed with a nose and the ability to use it.

    Teddy bears and pink mobiles can only come from a confused guy.

    You know, sometimes, the use of that tool called lack of imagination becomes handy to men for it saves a lot of trouble.
    The truth is that a lot of women demand their Valentine's celebration.

    Darling, thank you for this article...

  9. Max, lol, you are so funny and you nailed each nail in the head, lol. Marketing is too too much, not just for valentines, but for all the occasions. Everyone these days things that all is about gift giving, saying that we don't get to really truly get to know each other. Thanks Max, for heads up and you to have blessed and happy sweet relaxing weekend. Anna :)

  10. Max:

    I admit to not being too creative when it comes to a Valentine's Day gift for my Queen. I tell her to pick out what she wants. Actually, that's fine with her. But I try to write a nice poem, totally original, a surprise, that tells her how much I love her.

    Happy trails, happy Valentine's day.

  11. Hi Max,

    What can I say that hasn't already been said?


    I am often amused at the commercials every year. The latest one is for pajama grams.

    I love when men are creative, totally off the grid. When he can cook AND clean, that's bonus. Whatever comes from the heart is fine. Love is everyday.

    Lovely Love Cheers!

  12. I think women who say they love something when they don't are being dishonest. If they are honest about their wants and needs, their husband will make an effort to meet them. It is the husband who doesn't know his wife's wants that has to rely upon marketing to guess.

  13. I never got any flowers from my husband, though it's alright w/ me I still wondered why. So one time I asked him why he never gave me flowers and this is the answer I got "I want you to be different from all the ladies I've met. Flowers won't make you feel so special, most women get flowers on Valentine's Day and other occasions."

    Sorry for coming here only now. I had a busy weekend and still have a lot of catching up to do. I hope you are doing well sweetie. I miss you!


  14. HI HI HI HI...I can't help laughing when reading your last sentence, Max. ROFL ROFL...well, we never do anything romantic on Valentine's Day, though if I'm asked what I want, I want a LOVE LETTER he he he...


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