Phase 3: Adulthood

Lisbon, 20th of July 2010

Dear friends and readers,

Adulthood: a wonderful stage in life. We get more mature (at least we are supposed to), we are eager to live to the utmost, to experiment, to love, to be loved, to be happy. We are ready to Be.
I must say that I absolutely adore growing older; I love everything about it: I feel like a good bottle of Porto wine (the older the better).

Now, in this stage of existence many songs have left a mark (and still do) in me; however I will share a video of a song that always gives me the goose skin: Usher's "Burn".
Although a sad song, Burn has a bloody sexy beat. Not to mention the fact that Usher makes "breaking up" look stylish (i.e. yeah, she left your sorry butt but keep your head up,  keep your style and keep dancing). 

Adulthood: I'm in love, I'm alive, I'm happy. Ciao!


  1. Never heard that song before...not bad he he he...and I LOVE your sentence: I'm in love, I'm alive, I'm happy. GO, GIRL!!! HUGS!!!

  2. Max, are you one of those peculiar type who actually listen to the words? ;-)

  3. Hi Max,

    That's a good song, but the stark honesty of "Confessions Part 2" really gets me. He is singing his heart out with so much pain and emotion, about something that affects many relationships - infidelity. I must have listened to that song over 100 times in iTunes.

    Unfortunately his songs now are not as profound.

    Even though our musical tastes expand in adulthood, we never forget the songs of our youth. Everyday we grow older and our wine gets sweeter with time.

    Don't Stop The Music Cheers!

  4. Hi! What a voice! If only I could sing like that. Now, three cheers for Max..To be in love, to be alive, to be happy, is all that anyone could ask for.

    Take Care,

  5. Max:

    Isn't it interesting how, as we grow older, we tend to pick up these markers of years past? Memories accumulate on us like moss, and we cling to them because they help us remember our thoughts and emotions and even our desires and aspirations. We hear a song or a tune and it reminds us of those long lost feelings. You are attached to Burn. I understand completely. It's alive and it's beautiful, and it reminds you of a wonder time in your life. I am attached to the songs of the fifties and sixties. It was a much different time and place. It was far out man. But, unlike you, I can't say with all honesty that I actually like growing older. It's okay to a point, but then it starts to become a real drag. There's old, and then there's ancient. Old is acceptable, ancient is well...ancient. But such is life, and nobody lives forever.

    Happy trails.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Max you are precious. I love growing older too, sometimes I actually enjoy looking at my 'appearing wrinkles', lol. Hope you are doing well girl! I am with you every day. Anna :)

  8. Usher was just here but I didn't get to watch the concert. I like this song too.

    I have no issues with growing old except... I'm getting more white hair everyday! Haha.


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