Three Appalling Things

I’ll be direct and concise…

Appalling thing #1

The use of children as human shields and the sudden international shock. The Syrian government has been using children as human shields and it has tortured them (maybe to find out the location of a member of their family who might be linked to the opposition). Obviously, this shocked the world; as it should. 

But this international shock is appalling, because when Israel warned the world that Hezbollah and Hamas used children and women as human shields, in each conflict with the Jewish State, the international community didn’t miss one opportunity to rebuke Israel for its excessive force and, thus, legitimise the PR campaigns carried out by terrorist groups. As we can see now, using children as human shields is standard procedure in that part of the world. Wait until they start implementing their plan of using children to commit terrorist acts in the West…

Appalling thing #2

Political unaccountability. Politicians are used to get into office, mismanage a village, a city or a country; make money and when things get tough or when the tenure is over, they leave office with their head high and, despite their incompetence, they are rewarded with a job at the UN, EU or any other political body.

The day political leaders (who squander public funds, who steal from the people and blatantly throw the countries they are supposed to run into the mud) see themselves before a court of law responding for their crimes (i.e. fraud); we would have better and more responsible politicians.
N.B: when I speak of politicians I also include the presidents of central banks.

Appalling thing #3

Journalists disrespecting members of a Royal Family. Last week, I was introduced to a show that is being broadcasted in Portugal, on Sundays. The show is actually rather interesting and given the fact that my countrymen have issues with confrontation, it must be a real challenge for them to watch Rita Ferro (a Portuguese writer) saying some truths, Live. But that is not the appalling part; the revulsive thing about the show, last week, was one journalist (answering by the name of Ana Mesquita) who referred to the late Princess Diana as “a broad” – and out of respect for Prince William and Prince Harry, I will not expand the rest of this journalist’s stupid and disrespectful remark.

The occasion required a comment, and therefore I respectfully left a few words on the show’s Facebook page, advising Ms Mesquita that she lacked etiquette, class and a proper upbringing (among other things). I don’t think that being on TV automatically grants Fashion journalists the right to be rude and tacky. It is quite obvious that whomever gave this missy a job didn’t do the necessary due diligence (DD).


  1. Cherie, the world is hypocritical: haven't you noticed it? Mais ouis, now they are shocked that children are being used as shields and tortured, now they realise Israel was right but they won't admit it.
    About politicians: ouais, they should be held accountable for their political misdeeds. For example, Hollande made a big mistake to decrease retirement age cause it will cost us money, that we can't afford to spend, and he did it only to get votes for the legislatives. Now, that he has full power over the country what other mistakes will be done? Will he tax the rich at75%, as promised? C'est grave!
    I never heard of this Ana Mesquita, but she sounds very vulgaire. Princess Diana was a true Lady and she deserves respect.

    1. Hi Louis :D!

      "Cherie, the world is hypocritical: haven't you noticed it? Mais ouis, now they are shocked that children are being used as shields and tortured, now they realise Israel was right but they won't admit it."

      lol Yes, I have noticed, mon pote. You know?

      "About politicians: ouais, they should be held accountable for their political misdeeds. For example, Hollande made a big mistake to decrease retirement age cause it will cost us money, that we can't afford to spend, and he did it only to get votes for the legislatives. Now, that he has full power over the country what other mistakes will be done? Will he tax the rich at75%, as promised? C'est grave!"

      I agree that it was a big mistake to lower the retirement age to 60. A mistake that will cost France billions; so much so that the government didn't even release the report saying exactly how much it will cost *nodding*.
      I am much interested in seeing what else Hollande will do...I thought he'd surprise us, but so far he is doing as expected from any leftist.

      "I never heard of this Ana Mesquita, but she sounds very vulgaire. Princess Diana was a true Lady and she deserves respect."

      I had never either. But a relative sent me a recorded show (Moeda de Troika) and told me to watch it - I liked it, overall speaking, but I didn't like Ms Mesquita's intervention.
      Yes, she was and she does.

      Louis, thank you ever so much for your fab comment :D. Always a pleasure.


  2. For me, any crime that involves children is the worst and most appalling. Any act that takes advantage of, or hurts the most innocent among us, is worthy of the worst punishment.

    1. Hi D! :D

      "For me, any crime that involves children is the worst and most appalling. Any act that takes advantage of, or hurts the most innocent among us, is worthy of the worst punishment."

      I hear you! And we must expose it whenever we hear about it.

      D, thank you ever so much for your comment :D.


  3. That's quite the clever excuse for Israel to bomb orphanages.

    1. Hi Vid :D!

      "That's quite the clever excuse for Israel to bomb orphanages."

      That was quite the usual excuse for you to senselessly attack Israel :)...

      But do share the facts with us: when did Israel bomb orphanages?

      Vid, thank you so much for your input :D.


    2. It was during the Gaza War in 2008-2009.

    3. Vid,

      Thanks for answering the question "when?". But where are the facts? Under which circumstances was that orphanage allegedly attacked: did it harbour militants; was it being used as weapon storage; were militants launching rockets from there?

      Come on, you can do better than that ;)!

  4. Max, what do you mean by using children to perpetrate terror acts in the west? What have you heard? I wish politicians would be sued for their incompetence. I wish they'd sleep a few months in jail to think about the mess they created and left the country. I wish José Sócrates would face justice for what he did to Portugal.
    Aaah, only now you were introduced to Moeda de Troika? Where have you been, Max? It is a bloody good show but I don't like Ana Mesquita: she is a bit dumb and I don't have the patience for her. They should call Helena Sacadura Cabral back (now there's an intelligent lady). Did you know Ana Mosque (for those who don't know Portuguese, Mesquita = Mosque) is Mozambican? She is your countryfellow, Max....did you really leave a message in facebook or are you just pi**ing with us? I'll check their page!

    1. I checked the Moeda de Troika's facebook page: you did it! Oh my God, I just hope Celeste sees it: it is awesome. Do you think Mesquita received the comment? I bow to you, Max Coutinho!

    2. Hi Ana :D!

      "Max, what do you mean by using children to perpetrate terror acts in the west? What have you heard?"

      I can't comment much except for what I said in the article.

      "I wish politicians would be sued for their incompetence. I wish they'd sleep a few months in jail to think about the mess they created and left the country. I wish José Sócrates would face justice for what he did to Portugal."

      I hear you. Indeed. You are not alone.

      "Aaah, only now you were introduced to Moeda de Troika? Where have you been, Max?"

      lol I have been out and about.

      "It is a bloody good show but I don't like Ana Mesquita: she is a bit dumb and I don't have the patience for her. They should call Helena Sacadura Cabral back (now there's an intelligent lady)."

      It is a good show indeed; refreshing even. I don't know her so I can't say much about the missy (as a person, I mean); all I can say is that I didn't like her lack of respect and etiquette toward a late member of the Royal Family.

      "Did you know Ana Mosque (for those who don't know Portuguese, Mesquita = Mosque) is Mozambican? She is your countryfellow, Max....did you really leave a message in facebook or are you just pi**ing with us? I'll check their page!"

      Well, I didn't at first (cause I had never heard of her before) but before leaving my comment at the show's FB page I googled her; so yes, I know she is from Mozambique (and that is why I told her she had embarassed the nation that had witnessed her birth).

      Ana, thank you for your wonderful comment and humour :D. Always a pleasure.


    3. Ana,

      I don't know whether Ana Mesquita saw it or not; but I know that the production did (which is enough for me).
      lol come now...

    4. Max, you are always so diplomatic. I keep trying to push you to my side of the fence to no avail - I am started to get frustrated ahahahah.

    5. Ana,

      Why thank you ;). LOL LOL LOL you kill me, darling.

  5. Hi Max,

    Happy Tuesday/Wednesday my friend,

    Appalling thing #4

    The advent of reality television. # 1 reminded me of a reality show called Toddlers & Tiaras which I don't watch, but the use of children to fulfill a mother's lost dreams of being a beauty queen is appalling. Little girls take the stage wearing makeup that makes them look like women with spray tans that damage their skin all to be judged on "beauty, personality and costumes." Parents sell the soul of their children when they should be shielding them from this type of self-esteem damage. Though it is not in the same league as the Syrian government, we have to protect our children from the ravages of the world.

    Keep up the good fight Max. We need you.

    Children Should Be Children Cheers!

    1. Hi Lady A :D!

      "Happy Tuesday/Wednesday my friend,"

      Thank you, darling and likewise :D!

      "Appalling thing #4: The advent of reality television."

      LOL you are so right!

      "# 1 reminded me of a reality show called Toddlers & Tiaras which I don't watch, but the use of children to fulfill a mother's lost dreams of being a beauty queen is appalling. Little girls take the stage wearing makeup that makes them look like women with spray tans that damage their skin all to be judged on "beauty, personality and costumes." Parents sell the soul of their children when they should be shielding them from this type of self-esteem damage."

      I hear you.
      I have watched 5 minutes of one episode of Toddlers & Tiaras (it is on in one of the cable channels here) after having read an article on CNN about it - it is truly shameful! How dare those mums (and dads) subject their kids to that freak show?
      I will go even farther and say that Toddlers & Tiaras is the perfect catalogue for paedophiles and those girls' parents are reckless people *nodding*.

      "Though it is not in the same league as the Syrian government, we have to protect our children from the ravages of the world."

      It is not in the same league but the spirit is the same; so, I agree with you.

      "Keep up the good fight Max. We need you."

      Thank you, darling ^5! We need each other to fight the good fight, each in its own way.

      Lady A, outstanding comment for which I thank you a million times :D. Always a pleasure.

      Children Should Be Children Cheers

  6. 1. Agreed.

    2. Agreed.

    3. She must have been 38-24-36 and blond to have got a job from a male hirer.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      "3. She must have been 38-24-36 and blond to have got a job from a male hirer."

      LOL LOL well, the fruit of my research indicated that she is a bottled blond; but yeah, may be on to something right there.

      Rummy, thank you so so much for your input and humour :D. Always a pleasure.


  7. Appalling things in the world? Way too many to list.

    1. Hi Jean :D!

      "Appalling things in the world? Way too many to list."

      I hear you!

      Jean, thank you so much for your input :D. Always a pleasure.


  8. Olá Max!

    It is disgusting to use children as human shields. I watched a video, early this week, where a terrorist was pulling a child, just passing by, against his body to receive the shots instead of him - horrible! I couldn't agree more on political accountability and Ana is right: José Sócrates should be brought to justice for the fraud he committed against Portugal.

    I have a hobby: I read the facebook page of Moeda de Troika to see what people say about Rita, Herman and Ana Mesquita. This being said, I read your comment there last week.
    People don't have a very good opinion about Mesquita, but the way they express their views about her is very crass and vulgar; and I am sure that Ana Mesquita copes with it by telling herself that it is all based in jealousy and envy. But a comment like yours (cold, objective, direct yet classy) must have struck a nerve or two hahahahah....well done!


    1. Olá Celeste :D!

      "I watched a video, early this week, where a terrorist was pulling a child, just passing by, against his body to receive the shots instead of him - horrible!"

      That is indeed horrid: where was this?

      "I couldn't agree more on political accountability and Ana is right: José Sócrates should be brought to justice for the fraud he committed against Portugal."

      Too many setbacks, too little political will (for fear that one day the same may happen to them)...

      "I have a hobby: I read the facebook page of Moeda de Troika to see what people say about Rita, Herman and Ana Mesquita."

      Oh really? I didn't know that.

      "People don't have a very good opinion about Mesquita, but the way they express their views about her is very crass and vulgar; and I am sure that Ana Mesquita copes with it by telling herself that it is all based in jealousy and envy. But a comment like yours (cold, objective, direct yet classy) must have struck a nerve or two hahahahah....well done!"

      I see all too well what you mean.

      Celeste, thank you ever so much for your fab comment :D. Always a pleasure.


  9. Can't agree more with your thoughts...

    1. Only cowards stab at the back and fight at the night.

    2. Please include the Judges also these days. My 3 decades in this planet says that, perhaps in this era as long as Governments will be there, the phenomenon of looting the wealth of the nation will continue. Sometimes more, sometimes less!

    3. I guess the problem is journalists mostly today have started to behave more like celebrities themselves in this digital age and has steered a long way from the very basics and ethics of true journalism. Maybe somewhere they have taken the public too much for granted and in their effort to be all knowing, all pervasive and be the judge of everything. they have perhaps strayed a long way to return back.

    1. Hey Kalyan :D!

      "1. Only cowards stab at the back and fight at the night."

      You know it.

      "2. Please include the Judges also these days. My 3 decades in this planet says that, perhaps in this era as long as Governments will be there, the phenomenon of looting the wealth of the nation will continue. Sometimes more, sometimes less!"

      I should've included them, but I am glad you did it :). Perhaps, Kalyan...perhaps.

      "3. I guess the problem is journalists mostly today have started to behave more like celebrities themselves in this digital age and has steered a long way from the very basics and ethics of true journalism."

      So, so true. But I take solace in knowing that there are still some who abide to journalistic ethics.

      "Maybe somewhere they have taken the public too much for granted and in their effort to be all knowing, all pervasive and be the judge of everything. they have perhaps strayed a long way to return back."

      This is true for many of them, unfortunately.

      Kalyan, as always, you have shared outstanding thoughts for which I thank you a million times. It remains a true pleasure to hear them.



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