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Max Coutinho
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A week ago was the 11th anniversary of the 9/11.
On that day, the US was attacked in Egypt and in Libya (resulting in the death
of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other diplomatic staff members). It is said
that a movie titled “Innocence of Muslims” sparked the violence last Tuesday,
Thursday (Yemen) and Friday (Sudan, Lebanon & Tunisia).
The timing of the attacks confers them the quality of
a concerted action. The movie and the timing of its dissemination were part of
the plot. The reported presence of Mohammed al Zawahiri, the younger brother of
Ayman al Zawahiri (the leader of Al-Qaeda), in Tuesday evening’s rally supports
the suspicion. The Islamists protesting before the US Embassies were supposed
to be angry over the production of a movie; however their signs and chants
condemned US-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan plus the alliance between
America and Israel – the allusion to the two wars (one that has ended and
another that is coming to an end) is an indication of the Jihadist spirit
behind these protests; the reference to the US-Israel alliance is a warning
against Israel and Israeli targets.
The Egyptian producer of “Innocence of Muslims” claims
to be a Coptic Christian, but this is highly improbable (after watching the
movie and analysing the dialogues, dubbed over the voices of the actors, I
concluded that the contempt behind the portions referring to the Torah and the
New Testament give the producer’s belief system away). This Egyptian citizen
may very well be a Salafi who infiltrated the Coptic Christian community in
the US (for obvious reasons). Plus, his MO fits one the profiles of the New
Jihadist Style: productions in English and their dissemination through the Net
(in this case, the YouTube).
On the 8th of September, the Salafist TV,
in Cairo, broadcasted a two-hour programme where the infamous movie was
profiled. However, protesters only hit the streets 3 days later…
“I don’t think that we would consider them an ally,
but we don’t consider them an enemy. They’re a new government that is trying to
find its way,” (PresidentObama)
Egypt is a suspect because it is the ground zero of
the Islamist outbreak. However, it may also be a victim. President Mursi has been trying hard to prove that he
and his Muslim Brotherhood supporters are trustworthy partners of the West and,
are committed to uphold the Peace Treaty with Israel – this hasn’t pleased
Saudi Arabia who not only fears that the Islamists may vie for US diplomatic
perks and influence an already discontent Saudi people but also sees the MB
working against its plans regarding Israel. Some, in Dubai, are even spreading
the rumours that the Muslim Brotherhood is a US instrument to topple the ruling
Therefore, causing Egypt to be at odds with the US
(who was in the process of negotiating terms under which Egypt would see its
first tranche of $1.5 Bn in debt forgiven and, who sent a trade delegation of >100
US businessmen to rekindle investor interest in Egypt) would very much serve
those who fear the Muslim Brotherhood the most.
It would be convenient if Egypt were an ally, but what
if Egypt is becoming a foe?
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Olá Max,
ReplyDelete"Innocence of Muslims" is a bad bad movie, not only for its contents but mainly due to its awful production. They tried to convince us that an Israeli had produced it with $5 million donated by Jewish contributors - just by looking at the "movie" I knew this was a big lie. The movie itself and, like you said, the timing of its dissemination raises a lot of questions (that are not being answered).
The movie was an excuse because the Arab World had nothing, no motive, to attack America and they needed one (because Obama didn't give them the obvious reasons they needed to do it).
I agree with Obama: Egypt is not an ally although it is not a foe either. And people should read this sentence beyond what it seems to convey.
Great article, Max!
Olá Celeste :D!
DeleteI concur: the so-called movie was a disgrace. Well, I suspected the amount of money involved in the production, to tell you the truth (because with Jews like Mr Sheldon and other Mitt Romney supporters we never know) - there is no way that it cost $5Mio.
And the more information is released the more I conclude the movie was part of the plot.
"I agree with Obama: Egypt is not an ally although it is not a foe either. And people should read this sentence beyond what it seems to convey."
Hear, hear!
"Great article, Max!"
Thank you, darling *bowing*.
Celeste, thanks a million times for your input :D.
Max, Mr Nakoula B. Nakoula has so many aliases that I deeply believe this is not his name either. I think I saw someone saying that he is not a Coptic Christian either, so the plot thickens (i.e. he is a salafist).
ReplyDeleteThis movie story was like killing 3 birds with one stone: attack the US, stir emotions against the Coptic Christians in Egypt and inflame the Arab World against Israel. 3 in 1.
Hi Anonymous :D!
Delete"Max, Mr Nakoula B. Nakoula has so many aliases that I deeply believe this is not his name either. I think I saw someone saying that he is not a Coptic Christian either, so the plot thickens (i.e. he is a salafist). "
Do you suspect what his name might be? Oh, someone has already said it? I didn't know.
"This movie story was like killing 3 birds with one stone: attack the US, stir emotions against the Coptic Christians in Egypt and inflame the Arab World against Israel. 3 in 1."
I just hope it was not even more vicious than that...
Anonymous, thank you ever so much for your input :D.
All I know is that this story is not being told properly. Too many gaps, too many questions. The only certainty we have is that the attacks were planned but with what purpose? Not the 9/11 birthday for sure...
ReplyDeleteHi Celia :D!
Delete"All I know is that this story is not being told properly. Too many gaps, too many questions."
"The only certainty we have is that the attacks were planned but with what purpose? Not the 9/11 birthday for sure..."
Do you have a theory?
Celia, thank you so much for your input :D.
I haven't seen much news lately, so didn't hear many details about this event. So I decided to click on the link to see more information about the Ambassador who was killed. It was so sad to read that he had only served in Libya since June. He probably had no idea of the possible danger when he took the post. I know that all Ambassadors accept a certain amount of danger, but no one really expects it to happen.
ReplyDeleteI think you are right, that the video was all part of a plot to give them an excuse to attack.
Hi D! :D
Delete"He [the Ambassador] probably had no idea of the possible danger when he took the post. I know that all Ambassadors accept a certain amount of danger, but no one really expects it to happen."
I know what you mean. It is said though that he had been warned a few days earlier (prior to the attack causing his demise) that an attack was imminent and that either he or the Obama administration ignored the intel...I don't know what is true or not, at this point, because there is too much noise in the air (i.e. too many things are being said and told). We must wait and see.
"I think you are right, that the video was all part of a plot to give them an excuse to attack."
It sure looks that way (although many disagree).
D, thank you so much for your input :D.
As the saying goes, countries don't have friends, they have interests.
ReplyDeleteHi Jean :D!
Delete"As the saying goes, countries don't have friends, they have interests."
Also true.
Jean, thank you so much for your input :D.
Al Zawahi claims to be a liaison between the government and Islamists for peace (he said this after his release from prison) but he was at the protests and he asserted "that the group needed to hold on to its weapons because of the continuing uncertainty about Libya’s future, but that it was not responsible for the violence and that it was not aligned with Al Qaeda."
ReplyDeleteHe also said this week: "We are in a battle with the liberals, the secularists and the remnants of Qaddafi. Our brave youths will continue their struggle until they impose Shariah."
Yeah, he is really committed to peace. Is there any doubt that this was a plot?
Hi Ana :D!
DeleteMohammed al-Zawahiri was the one who claimed to be the liaison of peace (the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri - the leader of AQ) . You are talking of Mohammad Ali al-Zahawi; who may have confessed something here despite his claims - what do you think?
He should have said that they are in battle with Democracy, period. And I say it because the Libyan people chose a more liberal society through a democratic election a few months ago. One citizen even said "I am a Muslim but I don't want anybody to tell me how I should be a Muslim" and that is exactly what these Islamists want: to impose their version of Islam on others.
It is time to fight them.
Ana, thank you ever so much for your input :D.
Max, you are right! Such a gross mistake, sorry about that. I think he was definitely confessing Ansar al-Shariah's involvement in the attacks. But for some reason he doesn't want to publicly admit it, why? It is related to AQIM? Don't know...
DeleteYou didn't say anything about the US ignoring the warnings given and I think we will have troubles in the Sinai - it is said that AQ may be there.
Delete"Such a gross mistake, sorry about that."
No need to apologise. I made the same mistake when replying you (then I realised it and corrected my mistake). I must pay more attention to Arabic names: sometimes they seem so similar that I make huge mistakes *nodding*.
"I think he was definitely confessing Ansar al-Shariah's involvement in the attacks. But for some reason he doesn't want to publicly admit it, why? It is related to AQIM? Don't know..."
That is one good question. Perhaps he is telling us that another group is being born (that AQ is dying)? I haven't thought much about it yet.
"You didn't say anything about the US ignoring the warnings given and I think we will have troubles in the Sinai - it is said that AQ may be there."
The troubles in the Sinai have already started: earlier today terrorists crossed the border into Israel with explosive belts to commit terror acts - one IDF soldier died. Do you think this is a sign that Egypt isn't capable of controlling the Sinai? If so, what will this mean?
I prefer to wait for the result of the FBI investigation.
Hi Rummy :D!
ReplyDeleteThat is a good suggestion and I agree with you on the "cooks spoiling the Muslim world today".
Thanks for the link (I had already read about it in another site): it is all part of the plot; also to show the world that Islam can still rise against the West.
Given Saudi Arabia's position (and sponsorship of Salafi doctrine around the world), I am strongly inclined to agree with your finger pointing.
Rummy, thank you ever so much for your input :D.
Thanks for noting that the "Coptic Christian" might not have been a Coptic Christian. I suspect that the decision to attack the embassies was made first and the pretext of the video was settled on later. The real question in my mind is whether or not the attackers would have known that the video was the pretext for the attacks if the Western Main Stream Media hadn't informed them. But that might be a stretch too far.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that president Morsi is too obsessed with keeping the Egyptian economy intact at the moment - which can only be done with US money - to bother considering whether or not he is a friend or foe.
Hi Looney :D!
Delete"Thanks for noting that the "Coptic Christian" might not have been a Coptic Christian."
No problem. I suspect that it was part of the plan to implicate the Coptics in the middle of the mess, so that Egyptian Islamists could attack them back at home (they only represent 10% of the population but it seems like they are powerful).
"I suspect that the decision to attack the embassies was made first and the pretext of the video was settled on later. The real question in my mind is whether or not the attackers would have known that the video was the pretext for the attacks if the Western Main Stream Media hadn't informed them. But that might be a stretch too far."
Agreed. I see what you mean...you have raised a very interesting point. And the detail to have produced the movies (first "The Innocence of Bin Laden" a few months a ago, in a movie theatre - by an Egyptian producer; and then the 14 minute "Innocence of Muslims" on YouTube - again by an Egyptian producer, inspired on the first) in the US; with American actors, was very well thought out and coordinated.
"I suspect that president Morsi is too obsessed with keeping the Egyptian economy intact at the moment - which can only be done with US money - to bother considering whether or not he is a friend or foe."
You may be right; and that is why he was quick in cancelling the Muslim Brotherhood's protests in Cairo last week after President Obama's words: he was seeing the dollars escaping Egypt through his fingers.
Nevertheless, we must keep a close eye on that region.
Looney, thank you ever so much for your input :D.