President Obama Has the Obligation to Know Better

President Obama delivered a Speech at National Prayer Breakfast, nearly a fortnight ago, through which he decided to lecture us on the Crusades and the Inquisition.
I do not know who wrote that speech, but whoever did it – in his/her attempt to be “tolerant” (a contemptible adjective) – did nothing more than reveal his/her utter ignorance and inflate the problem.

“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," -- President Obama


What we need to remember is that the Crusades (8 in total) were a direct response to Islamic expansion and aggression. Perhaps, president Obama would like to take some time to recall two important facts:

  • In 1076, Muslims captured Jerusalem and closed the access to it. Such a move was unacceptable to Christian nations, since Jerusalem (the City of God) is a centrepiece of the Judeo-Christian Faith. In 1096, the era of the Crusades began. 
  • After Jerusalem was conquered by the Crusaders, Muslim expansionists proceeded with their Jihad against the Christians, for political reasons, until they conquered the Crusader States in 1291.

So, were the Crusades really fought in the name of Christ (i.e. an unjust war intended to impose a faith on others) or were they political wars (based on a casus belli – the capture of Jerusalem and denied access to it) commissioned by the Catholic Church that determined that “those who joined the armed pilgrimage would wear a cross as a symbol of the Church.”?


A “special ecclesiastical institution for combating or suppressing heresy” (source) basically meaning that the Inquisition was created to enforce the Catholic Church's dogmas and rules within the Catholic community. Having said this, the notion that the Inquisition acted in the name of Christ is highly questionable because that body acted on behalf of one Church, based on that institution's dictates, not on Christ's teachings.


"Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshippers and when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Salat and give the Zakat, you shall let them go. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." [Sura 9:5]

The Crusades were a political war with a religious footprint; whereas the Islamic expansion is based on the message of Al-Quran, the very same book that commands Muslims to either kill Christians (whom they perceive as idol worshippers) or make them submit to the Prophet's guidelines – there's no other option. The Crusaders wanted to secure access to Jerusalem and to protect their nations from the Islamic invaders; Islamic invaders want to either submit the world to the Prophet's commandments or kill them if they refuse...the difference is huge.

The Islamic Expansion started around the 7th century AD and that effort remains in the minds of those who want to revive the past Islamic glory; hence the Caliphate/Islamic State dream. A dream that threatens to come true not because of a perceived Islamic might but because the West seems utterly inclined to just make that dream come true.
When a politician refuses to call things by their proper names, the only reading to be made is that he/she is more than willing to help the enemy to achieve its goal. Therefore, I would like President Obama to answer a few questions:

  1. Who advised you so illy, who is the ignorant that is telling you to avoid using the word “Islamic” each time a terror act is perpetrated by Islamic Groups (based on Islamic teachings)?
  2. Who is advising you to designate anti-Semitic attacks as “random attacks” on a “bunch of folks”? Certainly that individual is aware that the attackers in France targeted the Kosher deli exactly because it was a Jewish store (i.e. the store of the Little Satan)'s a fact.
  3. Who is suggesting you to make dangerous concessions to the Iranians without issuing the proper warnings? 
  4. Which PAC is collecting the favour of your election/re-election, thus undermining the mandate bestowed by the American People to their President? 
  5. Who is the witless human that is making you look weak and treacherous? 
  6. How long will it take until you realise that you are being set up? 

The Problem with Tolerance

Tolerance is a contemptible word inasmuch as it means that although we don't like someone, or a group of people, we endure them the same way an organism endures an infection by a parasitic or pathogenic organism, despite having the ability to resist/fight it. Are politicians sincerely telling me that they want us to view Muslims like parasites causing us an infection that we must endure? It seems like it, otherwise they wouldn't go through such a hard work to make us all look so offensive.

President Obama, you were wrong. You didn't bother to do a fact-check before reading that unfortunate speech out loud. You made a fool of yourself; you were counter-productive (in the midst of a war against Islamic terror); and you acted like a dastard.

“ In 641, Islam spread into Egypt. The Catholic Archbishop invited Muslims to help free Egypt from Roman oppressors.” 

Does Barack Obama wish to act like that 7th century Catholic Archbishop and invite Muslims to help free the West from secular "oppressors"? President Obama should know better.

(Image: Pres. Obama - Google Images)


  1. Obama is turning out to be an Islamic apologist, when are you going to see that Max?

    1. Hi Anon :D!

      My intention is not to join the schizophrenic anti-Obama bandwagon. My views of Pres. Obama have not changed, however he made a grave mistake that deserved my criticism.
      There's no comparison between what the Catholic Church did and what Islamic Jihadist Groups are doing now. There's no comparison between what the Catholic Church did and Islam has been doing since the 7th century. There's no comparison between Catholics and Muslims whatsoever, period.

      The New Testament and the Koran are two distinct books: the first teaches about love and respect for your brethren, the second teaches about love for the submitters only and disrespect for the rest (not to mention the commandment to kill those who don't submit to the Mohammed's teachings).

      President Obama got it all wrong and he must be called out on this mistake. This is a religious war and we must acknowledge it before we fight it; otherwise it won't work.

      Anon, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  2. Obama should get off his high horse and admit that we are at war with Islam once and for all! Denying the truth won't make it go away, Obama!
    When even Max criticizes Obama in public, you know it's serious!

    1. Hi Ana Raquel :D!

      lol Well, President Obama this time deserved to be called out on his gross mistake. All the rest, to me, is politics.

      Ana, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  3. Come on ..... Tolerance should be written in all human DNA... it happens that there are ones that are more human that other...; Don't bet in Obama's Islamics support in any shape. Anyway, we shouldn't be driven just for our raw essence nature, this for sure can't be a jungle preys and predators....besides, using the bio metaphor, our bodys defenses make use of their properties to "learn" and....defense .... they do not want to attack ..... viruses do that ..... and for that, we should have vaccines; As in all, balance can be an answer; fundamentalism always brings ruptures; Unfortunately we've assisted so much to achieve goals..... I wouldn't be surprised if this self pronounced islamic state was sponsored by international companies, countries or groups of persons that simply don't care for religion. Just pure greed.

    1. I bet on Obama's support for Muslims cause he hasn't proved otherwise so far. It all started with that damn Cairo speech! Sure he has droned more Muslim nations then Bush but the devil is in the details, dude.

    2. Mr Gallardo, you are being ironic I hope?

    3. Hi Gallardo :D!

      Tolerance is written in all human DNA: that's how our bodies endure infections before fighting them :) - the best defence is an offense (ever heard of that axiom?). But intellectually speaking, tolerance is a despicable word...offensive even.
      I don't bet on Pres. Obama's support for Islam in any way: his record proves it. However, he made a gross mistake; one easily refuted - and that's unacceptable in a man in his position.

      In your opinion, what should be the exact vaccine for Islam, G? What is the balance?
      Fundamentalism brings Fundamentalism = adherence to fundamental principles. Fundamental = foundation, base, elementary.
      Now, perhaps you meant to employ the words extremism or radicalism, that when mixed with fundamentalism can be disruptive and ultimately destructive (as is the case with Islamism).

      "I wouldn't be surprised if this self pronounced islamic state was sponsored by international companies, countries or groups of persons that simply don't care for religion. Just pure greed."

      Trying to divert the underlying causes of the Islamic State...interesting. Are you becoming an apologist, G? :)

      Gallardo, thank you so much for your comment :D.


    4. Anon, why does the right wing keep holding on to that Cairo Speech? That speech actually called the Arab/Muslim's as simple as that.

  4. He goofed here too. He has unnecessarity antagonised a lot of Indians with his parting shot.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      I know, right? Of course Indians were right to feel antagonised, what the hell did the president think he was doing?
      These politicians are getting too wacky for their own good, my friend. Thank you for the link.

      Rummy, thanks for your comment :D.


  5. It should be noted that the Inquisition was started by Popes who were almost certainly atheists. Their overtly licentious, pagan lifestyle was one of the primary triggers for the Reformation. And it would certainly be helpful if Americans were taught about Tamerlane or how the Turks maintained their empire into modern times before attempting to teach anything about the Crusades.

    A poll that I find interesting is the one that says that 27% of Americans believe that ISIS represents the true nature of Islam. The article is here:

    America's intellectuals have always viewed Islam as a useful ally in their war on Christianity, so indoctrination on Islam being morally and intellectually superior to Christianity is universal for American children. Obama is really just repeating what all Americans are taught in the government schools today, which hasn't changed much since I was in school nearly half a century ago.

    1. Hi Looney :D!

      So true - I was counting on you to complement this post, cheers for that *bowing*.
      I am not sure ISIS represents that true nature of Islam, but I am sure that they act based on the prophet's teachings and on Islamic history of violence. Let's face it, the Quran is very specific when it comes to killing Christians and Jews; but it's also very specific when it comes to Israel (and Jerusalem) belonging to Jews...Muslims seem to cherry-pick the convenient parts of their Holy Book.

      American pseudo-intellectuals, you mean...

      Looney, thank you so much for your super comment :D.


    2. Max:

      Yes, we have lots of pseudo-intellectuals, who have neither knowledge nor intelligence, but are convinced that they excel at both. But I always try to keep in mind that knowledge and intelligence are morally neutral and Satan has more intelligence and knowledge than any human. HIs favorite disciples are true Intellectuals, in that they have intelligence and knowledge which is devoted to evil.

    3. Looney,

      Let me see if I understand where you are coming from: if a person is intelligence and possesses knowledge but is lacks morals than this individual is Satan's favourite disciple?
      To me a true intellectual is someone who possesses three undivided elements: Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. These three words seem simple but they're not. A true intellectual knows how to concatenate the three and if one of them lacks then he's not an intellectual...know what I mean?

    4. Max,

      Yes, I understand. As Proverbs says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction". So clearly someone who has some sort of intelligence and knowledge, but rejects God and also rejects what is good is seriously deficient. Yet how should I call someone who clearly has a high IQ and excels at worldly knowledge and perhaps even has some sort of morals, but deep down is dedicated to doing evil? I would not like to put this person in the same category as the parrots.

    5. Looney,

      Indeed "fools despise wisdom and instruction".

      "Yet how should I call someone who clearly has a high IQ and excels at worldly knowledge and perhaps even has some sort of morals, but deep down is dedicated to doing evil?"

      You should call that person intelligent, in a sense of possessing a developed innate intelligence (but never intellectual).
      Socrates said that all humans are born with intelligence; but some develop it (under the right conditions and predisposition) and others don't. However, an intellectual is the one who possesses the three undivided elements of Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.

  6. Obama is on a lecture mode. He lectured the Indians on national unity beyond religious boundaries, he lectures Christians, he lectures Jews, but interestingly enough he forgets to lecture Muslims, Hmmm. Looney is correct, he's just repeating the same left wing garbage but as the intelligent guy he convinced us he was he should do his homework.

    1. Hi Anon :D!

      Maybe he will still lecture on them...or perhaps he's too afraid...

      Anon, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  7. The crusades were a political war supported by the church, triggered by Muslim aggression and provocation, and here we are there again. Mr Obama is wrong, he shouldn't compare what happened with Catholics to what is happening with Muslims today, one thing has nothing to do with the other. Looney said that Mr Obama's just repeating what Americans learn in public schools today; but what's the excuse for European politicians? Cause we don't learn that in school that is for sure and our leaders repeat the same lies. I'm disappointed.

    1. Hi Pietr :D!

      Indeed. Exactly, it is an extremely poor comparison. I'm just wondering who the hell is advising that man.
      European politicians are proponents of PC, DoubleThink and NewSpeak, so don't be surprised.

      Pietr, thank you so much for your comment, my friend :D.



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