When Truth & Gender Equality = Destroy Men

This week, we will briefly address an example of how feminists tried to destroy a man's career just because he told the truth. Nowadays, the truth seems to be repulsive. Saying it may cause one to lose its job, its good standing, and the support from its peers. Such is the sad state of modern affairs.
This blog is a huge proponent of truth – albeit not an advocate of the axiom “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” since sometimes it is more convenient to let some truths remain in obscurity (for national security and stability reasons); furthermore we and Political Correctness are foes.

Sir Tim Hunt and the problem of working with “girls” 

"Three things happen when [girls] are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry."

This statement alone was  deemed just cause for the University College of London (UCL) to invite the honorary professor to resign. Under the guise of defending “gender equality”, the UCL is teaching its pupils that giving your honest opinion, telling the truth, is so great an inconvenience that they might as well lie their way through life. Moreover, the university is sending the message that men are never again, in the history of mankind, to give their opinion in public; society does not want men to tell the truth, even though half of it complains about their “chronic dishonesty”.

"Men and women are equally likely to engage in an office romance – 55% of men surveyed said they have participated in some type of workplace relationship while 56% of women surveyed have done the same." - in Vault's 2014 Office Romance Survey

Sir Tim told the truth, as uncomfortable as it may have sounded. There are women who flirt with their male colleagues (and even female ones); women who sleep with their colleagues; women who get hysterical in the workplace, and women who once a month either become irrational and intransigent or cry when they are confronted with a mistake. We never know when one of these "professionals" will be allotted to us but when they are, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be allowed to talk about it to create change. It seems like there are only two solutions here: either the mentioned type of woman changes her behaviour or she remains true to her irrationality and accepts the criticism gracefully - but to censor others, due to her feminist susceptibilities, is unacceptable and unattractive (there's nothing worst than a Gestapo wannabe).

One would think that women wanted to be respected, but by going after men who share their opinion and tell the truth, women lose the respect of society at large, because who wants to deal with petty females who can't handle the truth and react in a vindictive way? Such individuals deserve our utmost contempt.

“(..) the same women that declared war on males are exactly the ones that find themselves powerless, helpless and sometimes submissive (even though not consciously) when before their male counterparts. I wonder if these pseudo-amazons realise how futile their efforts are...” - in Above All: Humans

The feminist question is now as exhausting as the racial one; because not only it hasn't kept up with times but it also became a movement hell-bent on destroying men's lives (going thus against the very nature of things).


  1. Wow! I am still afraid to say too much on this subject, but since I am reading Marx and Engels, I must note that they trace the origin of the mixing of men and women in the work place to the insatiable greed of the Bourgeois capitalist. They also observe that the mixing of the sexes in the grubby factories led to an explosion in illegitimacy, along with mothers who had lost their natural instincts to care for their children. Presumably UCL has been infected by capitalist greed.

    I personally have no opinion on the subject, beyond stating that I find it explicable that some might hold to the opinion that changing social relations might have social consequences! OK, I am one of those.


    1. Hi Looney :D!

      This brief comment may draw fire and sulphur from feminists, so perhaps this is best for you to stay away and survive the possible incoming assault lol.
      Yes, Marxie was extremely opinionated regarding the bourgeois capitalism and family:

      "Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
      On What foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeois. (...) The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital" - in Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx

      The complement he spoke of was the absence of the family among proletarians and in public prostitution (I wonder what Marx understood by private prostitution).
      In Marx's view capitalism is also an excuse for men to seduce other men's wives; but at the same time he stated communists defended an "openly legalised system of free love" not based on capitalism (since the one based on capitalism is prostitution) - I would love to understand how that legalised system would work exactly.

      The UCL has been infected by feminist greed.

      Any kind of change bears consequences, but we need to ask ourselves what kind of change we want to create that will bear a harmonious consequence (in my opinion, if that change challenges the laws of nature, then the consequences will be dreadful).

      Looney, outstanding conversation: thank you *bowing*. But I wouldn't want to put you on the spotlight lol :)


    2. Howdy Max,

      You have done a great job with this. One thing further to consider is whether or not a liberated woman (i.e. feminists) deserves a liberated man: That is, a man whose temper, discipline, manners and cravings are all liberated!

    3. Howdy Looney,

      LOL good question. I'm not sure a liberated man would even want a feminist, but we never know...


  2. Women women women...the problem is not women, the problem is the feminazis! They are the ones causing all the problems here and by the love of God I don't know why we give them power.

    1. Hi Anon :D!

      Well, yes...feminazis, irrational feminists and females. A tiresome bunch.

      Thank you for your comment, Anon :D.


  3. You have stated what I wish I had in my blog but was afraid to for being politically incorrect.

    Thank you Max.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      You know this blog is proudly against political correctness, so of course I had to address this serious social problem.
      You are most welcome, my friend; and thank you for your comment :D.


  4. How are we women supposed to get more empowered when we have women like you undermining our work, huh? This man insulted us collectively cause he said in very basic terms that women are distracting in the work place, so are we supposed to stay at home just to please men? This is stupid!!

    1. I'm empowered without resorting to man bashing, Celia. Sir Tim didn't insult me, sorry to disappoint you! Sir Tim shared his experience with others and us and I'm glad he did. Perhaps some western women need training in how to conduct themselves near men in the work place?

    2. Sure, you are from Africa, right? African women submit to men don't they? That's not what we fought for, we fought so that women like you wouldn't have to depend on men!

    3. Wow that's so sad of you! Define "depend on men"? What you call depend on men, we call building a family, being there for our men and helping them build something. We are happy with our men, how about you Celia, are you happy alone?

    4. First of all, I have a boyfriend! And then depending on men means depending on his money, on his support, on his love, depending on men to live, breathe, whatever, don't you understand English? You don't need men to build a family!

    5. Good for you but with your attitude, it won't last! Oh I understand English just fine what I don't understand is your stupidity, so respecting men, loving men is depending on them? In your twisted little mind African women do nothing all day and depend on men's money, is that it? I'm impressed.
      If you are a lesbian, no you don't but you still need a man's seed, don't you?

    6. Hi Celia :D!

      I'd say we are pretty much empowered but perhaps we should ask what is your definition of "empowerment"? Wait, after reading your replies to Leila, it can be said that your definition of empowerment = intellectual enslavement.

      I'm a woman and I don't feel insulted by the truth; it's a shame you do and it's even a greater shame that you don't understand what is being said.

      Thanks for your input.


    7. Did Celia insult African women, Celia the leftist-oh-I-worry-about-humans? HAHAHAHA You are an idiot, but I'm guessing you already know that, Celia! Women like you are an embarrassment to our species, go away already!

  5. Txo, feminists are ridiculous women who never find a man who can put up with them! In Africa we don't need feminism cause we know what being a woman means and we know how to deal with men, the old fashioned way ;-).
    We need more women like you, Max who are not afraid of speaking out against the lunatics! Loved this post, just loved it.

    1. You are calling me ridiculous?!!!

    2. Hi Leila :D!

      lol Many feminists find a man who puts up with them.
      LOL the old fashioned way, eh? I won't dare asking any further...

      Thanks, darling *bowing*. But I can assure you that there are plenty like me out there.

      Leila, thank you for your comment and support :D.


  6. Follow the IDF advice ladies:

    "Never pity yourself. Don’t psyche yourself out. Never pity yourself, no matter how difficult it may be for you. Follow other women like the religious female pilot who graduated from the elite Pilot’s Course this summer. She didn’t dwell on how hard it was, but rather charged forward and made her dream a reality."

    1. Hi Patty :D!


      That's right: it's an excellent advice. Thank you for sharing it and the link :D.



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