Religio-politics and Applying Political Zionism to Non-Israeli Situations

By Caleb R. Newton

    It goes without saying, or needing convincing arguments for, that religion is integral to politics in many cases. People are religious and politicians - and voters - are people. Think, for one, of Jihad and Sharia (Islamic Law) - the Islamist attempts to impose elements of Islamic theology upon the political world (see disclaimer below).

    What can be added to the subject of religion in politics is an elaboration; namely, that Judaism has an integral contribution to make, through the theory of Political Zionism, to the human development of the world population. Israel, the product of the modern Zionist movement, is a remarkable country in regards to this matter; take, for instance, the fact that Israel has one of the lowest rates of depression in the entire world. So, obviously, the Israelis are doing, to put it lightly, a good job with their country - Israel’s economic success and success in innovation hinge upon the empowerment of the population through such conditions as to produce one of the lowest rates of depression in the world.

    The political system, though, used predominantly in practice and solely in theory by the Israelis - what could be termed “Political Zionism” - can be applied outside of Israel to the benefit of people everywhere. Political Zionism is actively focused on the individual person as an independent entity. This system is opposed to focus upon the person as he is among all people, as it were, which is the basic underpinning of Western-style democracy. Western-style democracy, which was not the original system of the United States’ National Government (that was termed Republicanism), often, as has been noted, leads to mobocracy - “the rule of the mob.” Under mobocracy, whomever can gather a 51 percent majority gets the rule of the day, to the demise of any components of the remaining 49 percent.

    The qualification of the original American model as not “democracy” does not excuse it, as it led to the present and widespread Western-style democracy of familiarity. The basis for such a model of both historical Republicanism and present democracy draws on the Christian theological idea of the initial “depravity of man” - in Republicanism, political power is taken away from the individual as he/she is deemed incapable of making the proper decisions regarding his own welfare. Under Republicanism, the citizen gives away in elections what is termed only a portion of his power to determine his own life’s course, while in democracy the individual has his power taken away from him and given to the mob.

So What About Judaism?

“For [Moses] Hess, a Jewish State was not an end in itself but a means towards the just social order to which all peoples aspired.”
                         Walter Laqueur, A History of Zionism. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972. p. 52

    Religiously, Judaism does not take an initial negative view, for practical purposes, of anybody. They treat terrorists in their medical hospitals just the same as normal citizens, for one, and their relentless campaign to forewarn the inhabitants of Gaza during summer 2014’s war prior to airstrikes is well-documented. Another example is the remarkable integration of the millions of immigrants living in tent cities during the early days of the state. Out of this philosophy, there is no incentive to take away any power from the every man. It is sure, that the state of Israel could do better, but it is a shining example of what should be applied everywhere for the personal development of persons.

    As a practical example, consider the Israeli domestic political system, drawn out of their emphasis on the person from Political Zionism and Judaism, but applicable to all peoples: The Israeli citizens don’t elect politicians, necessarily, they “elect” political parties in their electoral system. The election of politicians as individuals would cement power out of the hands of the population.

    The Israeli electoral method, then, distributes power among the population much more effectively than the hierarchical and politician-centered methods of what should be called “American style” democracy. More practical applications can be made, but the true person-centered theory used by the Zionists is a striking example of what is needed to advance human development, and an adoption of such would be a strong method towards the same.

Disclaimer: This article discusses the perennially polarizing topic of religion. Please be aware that all comments seemingly regarding merits or negativities associated with a particular religion are not referring to the religion; but, rather, the merits, or lack thereof, are associated with certain, isolated ideas that are taken from the religion and applied to politics.

(Image: The Arno in Florence - Bernardo Bellotto)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society]


  1. That's why the world envies Israel.

    1. We don't envy Israel! We fight Israel's oppression!

    2. Hey, anon, read this article that I wrote about the world's envy of Israel: It's called, "Splicing the terror: analysing the world's relationship towards Israel." It concludes that envy is a driving force in the world's antagonism towards Israel, just like you suggest.

  2. Hi Newton,

    In Portugal, the electorate votes for political parties too and yet power is cemented out of the hands of the population. The same happens in other European countries.
    So, I think that what's so special about Israel is that it maintained its Jewish values. It kept its religious values that necessarily had a huge impact on politics. If we read the Torah, the heart of the Jewish people (whether the left likes it or not), we realise how people-centred it is; the welfare of the people is very important (social justice, partition of the land according to the size of the tribes and their skills etc); therefore, political Zionism suffered that influence too.

    I wonder if the problem in most of the Christian world stems from the fact that countries forgot their religious values (due to the obsession with the separation of Church and State, and multiculturalism)? I think your post seems to suggest a complement between the State & Church; a balance between the two.

    Excellent post, Netwon.


  3. Though I agree we need to put people first I don't agree that Zionism, a racist apartheid regime, can ever teach us how to do it! Political zionism worked in Israel at the expense of poor Palestinians who have no rights and are oppressed by the Jews! We prefer our system cause at least no one is oppressed by us and we respect human rights! Free Palestine!

    1. I pity you. Have you ever visited Israel? I bet you haven't but you like to spit nonsense. Crawl back to your hole, snake!

    2. Besides, Celia, the American system actually is the oppressive one that doesn't respect human rights...

  4. Uhh, Celia, have you ever visited Israel? Read this article, written by me, please:, entitled, the "Muslim extremist who stopped hating Israel." The guy was a terrorist who visited Israel and was like, whoa, this place is incredible.

  5. Hello Caleb,

    It is an excellent post, but I always have to quibble!

    I understand about giving medical treatment to wounded terrorists and forewarning civilians, but it seems that these are a bit broader than Judaism? Israel has gone further, especially in giving notice of bombings, but is that due to Judaism or a desire to not be condemned for the bloodshed when the terrorists use their own people as human shields? (It is quite a historical novelty that a people would think use their own families as human shields to attack another.)

    The key part of American Republicanism was the three bodies with checks and balances, which were initially motivated by the Roman Republic, along with a Greek inspired constitution. But Americans don't know about this, nor of what government followed the Republic, so it probably doesn't matter.

    The principle complaint of the classical Greeks to democracy was that over the long term the entire psyche of the people would gradually degenerate as a love of liberty morphed over a period of generations to a love of licentiousness while true liberty was eventually held in contempt. Islam is perfectly suited to taking root in such soil.

    And I do hope to visit Israel. I would like to hang out for a month or two and take some language classes.


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