Angola Should Just Shut Her Trap!

By Lenny Hannah

This week, I will discuss two topics related to Angola: her relationship to Islam and her tantrum over a Portuguese Investigation of a Corruption Case.

Leave Angola Alone!

I read somewhere that His Excellency the President of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, ordered the destruction of all Mosques built in Angolan Territory: Bravo, Mr President!

Angola is the biggest Christian country, in Africa, and she'd like very much to stay that way. Angola doesn't want to see within her borders what we all see happening throughout the African continent. Angola refuses to be the next Central African Republic, that is: a Christian country that allowed in Muslim refugees, from Chad, who in a blink of an eye hijacked power in an attempt to Islamise the country – in no time, they started to steal from and destroy the property of Christians, only to mercilessly kill them afterwards.

Going back to the destruction of mosques: I don't understand why the world is so surprised with the Angolan position because in Saudi Arabia, the country that exports Islam, there's not one single Christian chapel and apparently no one cares about it, nor are they shocked. So, my dear readers, this time Muslims found their Christian counter-part: Christianity is to Angola what Islam is to Saudi Arabia.

From afar, Angola is following what Islam did in Europe (Madrid, London and Paris), in the US (9/11), in Brasil (the Tri-Border – home to Hezbollah, Hamas and alike – the den of drugs, arms and human trafficking etc), in CAR (slaughtering Christians), in Kenya (Westgate Mall and University of Garissa attacks), in Somalia (daily bloodbath), in DRC (the ADF rebels), in Nigeria (the nightmare of Boko Haram whose founder was Christian and became a Muslim in Saudi Arabia), in Trinidad & Tobago (5% of the population is Muslim, who is wreaking havoc in the island, and the founder of Jamaat al-Muslimeen was also Christian before converting to Islam in Canada).

Angola has no illusions, nor her president suffers from a false moral superiority like President Barack Obama (USA), like PM David Cameron (England), like President François Hollande (França) and like the Chanceler Angela Merkel (Germany) who – under the mask of intellectual superiority over Islam – only reaped death and rape of young girls and boys in their respective countries.

The Angolan President is merely refusing to have Islam ruling in his homeland. Whomever wishes to profusely profess it, is free to do so in Islamic nations, stay there and marry 6-10 year old children – which is completely legal since the Quran does not establish a suitable age for girls to get married, and, in Islam, making use of good sense is also out of question. The Prophet did not receive any revelation concerning marriages (only about beating up broads, as written in Sura 4:34) and himself, he married a babe (of 6 years old) called A'isha.

Angola: silence is far from being golden; silence is a smart-arse...

In Portugal, there's an investigation going on against an employee of BCP Millennium (who used to be a District Attorney at DCIAP [Central Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Department]). Mr Orlando Figueira is being investigated for having allegedly committed crimes of active/passive corruption, money laundry and computer data counterfeit. When he was a DA he allegedly 'took care' of cases related to several Angolan politicians, among whom was Mr Manuel Vicente – the Angolan Vice-President.

Regarding this investigation, some voices were raised in the Country of Diamonds against Portugal; and some absurdities like “the coloniser is repressed” and “the coloniser needs therapy” were said. Bullocks, Angola reminds me of those who like to victimise themselves for everything and for nothing – in this category are the Blacks in America and the Muslims in the West. I tend to cut some slack to Blacks and Muslims cause Leftist Politicians convinced them they didn't have to fight when in a pickle, like the rest of us; thus, making them invalids, beggars, lazy and inferior beings. They didn't have to continue striving if opportunities were denied to them, cause after all they were all victims of the white man. So, all they had to do really is to shout and be stupid because Affirmative Action and Social Benefits were right there in the corner waiting for them.

But I still don't get Angola's reaction. I admit I'm disappointed:
  • Yes, they were colonised by Portugal; so what?
  • Yes, Portugal – after the independence – didn't have the brains nor the ability to carry out a rapprochement to her former colonies; so what?
  • Yes, the colonised made their political choices and turned to the worst of all political systems; so what? 
  • Yes, in the colonisation period, the secret police arrested and killed innocent people just because they defended a different society; so what?
  • Yes, the colonised (after adhering to Marxism-Leninism) acted exactly the same way as the colonisers, cause instead of chatting with their opponents they waged unnecessary civil wars – traumatising, mutilating and slaughtering their own citizens; so what?
  • Yes, there's a CPLP - a shitty organisation cause both the former power and the former colonies are a useless, incapable set; so what? 
  • Yes, in Portugal people are investigated and no one is above the law; so what?

Of course, we all know that he who owes nothing fears nothing; but he has nevertheless the right to feel bothered since his good name is being dragged in the public mud. However, as long as there's a judge (a true one) people must remain calm; they can't just smear the work of 11 district attorneys, 8 judges and 60 agents from Polícia Judiciária (Judicial Police). Angolan generals and the Vice-President know very well that there is such a thing as the presumption of innocence (a fundamental legal protection of the individual); therefore, their reaction is highly suspicious (and a bad adviser) especially when the process of indictment hasn't even started. It's a simple investigation, for crying out loud!

Investigations are normal in any democracy, so they mustn't be used as weapons to shaken the relations between countries, and people, who know each other so well. Nor should they serve as proof of force in a tit for tat kind of diplomacy. It is with huge chagrin that I realise that people only join politics to cover their arse; otherwise how do you explain entities like PALOPS and the damned CPLP when former colonies and former power remain in this miserable state of affairs?

One can only imagine that in their meeting they still discuss the past, not the future. One can only imagine that the vulgar language that Angola used against Portugal, and the Portuguese people, is served as the main course. The peoples of the Member-States of those organisations are irrelevant to these politicians until the children of International Socialism finish to lick their wounds, and make some bucks in the process: how come at the end of 40 years, we still see so much lack of intelligence and savoir-faire chez les politiciens?

Your Excellency President José Eduardo dos Santos, you know very well that any individual who sees his good name being dragged in the mud unfairly, can go to the court of law, file a lawsuit for defamation, and get a compensation for psychological and moral damages (ok, in Portugal, good luck with the awarded amount). So, mister president, you had the vision to do what was described in the first section of this article, so please tell your vice-president “Vicente, fusseca I miela pongwé[1]!” like we say in Mozambique.

Until Next Time...

[1] Vicente, screw you and shut your trap.

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society]


  1. Don't know much about Angola but African countries have issues with the rule of law. Take their attitude toward the ICC, they quickly acted as if persecuted when in fact the ICC prosecutes folks from many other countries that are not as marketable as Africa cause they don't victimize themselves like Africans do.

  2. Lenny, much respect to your piece! I will comment more in depth in Etnias though. But I want to say that Africans are boring whenever they go back to their traumas, I'm sick of it! And what's worse, you go there and the people ask us Europeans "why don't you guys come back and help us?" it's sad.


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