Dignity: Pres. Dilma Should Admit She Failed & Accept Her Fate

Brazil's political crisis has been a sad affair to follow. Not only has the crisis exposed the corruption of most of the country's politicians, but it has also revealed a much undignified Dilma Rousseff. This Latin American nation is once again seeking to impeach a president; but this time the process is more bitter, more divisive, more demagogic and more insidious.

The Writing Was on the Wall

President Dilma, Brazil's first female president, is going through a process of impeachment for having concealed the size of the State's deficit in order to seek a re-election. She and her party (PT) induced her supporters to scream “coup d'état” and “illegitimate power grab” in the streets, but the fact is she had it coming for a long time:
  1. President Dilma acted as former President Lula's puppet. She never emitted an opinion of her own without invoking “her beloved President Lula”; she did not control her cabinet, her party, she controlled nothing. Instead of cutting the flow of corruption that flooded her party, she simply allowed business to run as usual. 
  2. President Dilma is a professional demagogue. If the right criticises her, she invokes the military dictatorship that imprisoned and “tortured” her. If the right questions her ability to lead, she plays the female card (something like 'I'm being persecuted because I'm a woman, because I'm the first female president and they can't take it, in this sexist country'). If the right accuses her of mishandling State affairs, she deflects by talking about the minorities (being her obsession the Brazilian black folks). 
  3. President Dilma's foreign policy is a joke and her team doesn't know how to pick international friends nor which battles to avoid (e.g. Dani Dayan).
  4. President Dilma, just like former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, suggested that being in power is not for all women, since they get emotional and are subserviently grateful to the men who ushered them into office – which is quite embarrassing. 

It's curious that when the impeachment process was initiated against President Fernando Collor de Mello, in 1992, no one spoke of a “coup d'état” and PT's supporters accused him of being the biggest corrupt leader of all times; even though, over 20 years later, Collor de Mello was absolved of all charges against him. But now that it has been proved that Pres. Dilma's administration cooked the books, and two police investigations and a Judge revealed the depth of the Brazilian political class' corruption involving many in President Dilma's cabinet, plenty of labour party members (in addition to elements of other parties, including right wing ones) and the former president Lula da Silva, the left is playing the victim of a profound injustice.

Demagoguery Taken to Extremes

Interim president Michel Temer is at the helm of Brazil. President Dilma and supporters regurgitated cheap demagogy by accusing his interim cabinet of not having a woman or a black person. Please, take a minute to look at the picture of President Dilma's government, inaugurated in 2015:

How many blacks can be found in the above image – where's Waldo? Inserting one black woman in the middle of a group of fair skinned people is hardly a demonstration of diversity. Surely, PT and supporters will come up with all sorts of justifications to explain the disparity, however, they should spare us from any sort of explanation because governing, in principle, is about finding competent individuals to govern and not about filling the administration with quotas of blacks, Indians, Asians, just to show how diverse a society is. Having women in a government is not an absolute requirement either, especially when female political leaders have been giving such a bad example – they are just as bad as men when they are weak, demagogic, corrupt and incompetent.

President Dilma should admit her failure and accept her fate with dignity. Not admitting her responsibility as the commander-in-chief; being constantly on the Media, accusing the opposition of having acted illegally (when it's not true) or of having conducted a coup d'état (which is not true either), is desperate and unbecoming of a proper president. Dilma Rousseff failed. She failed as a politician, she failed as an economist, she failed as a leader. She must admit it, accept it and move on (by withdrawing from the public to spare her image and regroup).

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society]


  1. After reading this I am suddenly a bit sympathetic to her: How can you possibly be a good leftist without being a demagogue? So at least half of the complaints apply to many governments close to me. Only point 4 - claiming deficiencies in certain groupings regarding an ability to lead - would get her in trouble up here in gringo land.

    1. Hi Looney :D!

      lol are you, now?

      "How can you possibly be a good leftist without being a demagogue?"

      LOL LOL LOL that's all they do, right? But President Dilma's demagogy is nonsensical, more than usual.

      Point 4: well, she didn't suggest the deficiencies by words but much by her behaviour. Her behaviour, her cowardice, her hiding behind Pres. Lula, suggests that she's not good for the job. And the same happened with the Argentinian former president. It's sad.

      Looney, thank you so much for your comment :D. Always a pleasure.


  2. President Dilma's government gave plenty of space to terrorists to thrive in her country in exchange for financial support too. It would be great to investigate who received funds from Iran, Palestine and Erdogan's Turkey. Glad she was impeached anyway, it was about time.

    1. Hi Anonymous :D!

      They were already there due to Brazil's corruption but Pres. Dilma's government, with their lenient stance on terrorism, did open the gates to all sorts of Jihadist groups to conduct their business there. But last month or so Brazil passed its first CT bill.

      "It would be great to investigate who received funds from Iran, Palestine and Erdogan's Turkey."

      Indeed, it would.

      Anon, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  3. In politics anything is possible, and it is possible that she really is not guilty! Anyway, I am not informed enough to make a comment one way or another. It is time we started worrying more about the Olympics.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      She may have not received money (I believe she didn't) but she is responsible for what went down on her watch. She was the head of Petrobras when its money flowed in every direction into the pockets of senators; then she was the president when members of her cabinet, and of her party, were receiving money by the millions. Then she was the president when she allowed her people to cook the book to have her re-elected. So, the buck stops with her, really.

      Pres. Dilma's case is a fine example of what happens when leaders fail. And it sends the proper message. Plus, she allowed her people to pick the wrong fights and she said the wrong words to the wrong people. She had it coming.

      The Olympics? Yes, we need to start worrying, indeed, given the number of jihadist groups she allowed to controlled the southern parts of the country (how much did her people receive from those groups?).

      Rummy, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  4. Correct me if I'm wrong: isn't the new president Lebanese? So he's not white. I also saw some colored men in his team, so they are not white. What else? Ah, are there any white people in Brazil at all? That woman is a lunatic.

    1. Hi Jake :D!

      Yes, the interim president is a Lebanese-descendant. No, he is not white, he's Middle Eastern. LOL LOL Fama est there are no white people in Brazil: they are all somehow coloured.

      Jake thank you so much for your comment :D.


  5. That woman and her people are seeing it all wrong: the interim gov has a Lebanese, a Jew born in Israel, and some mixed men. As far as minorities go, I'd say they got it covered. If the president did cook the books then she deserves to be given the boot.

    1. Hi Carl :D!

      lol right? That's a way of looking at it, but you know leftists, right? The interim president is a light-skinned man, the other is a Jew, then you have José Serra as FM, all the type of people they don't like, so it's easier to accuse them of being sexist and racist, even though they are not.

      It's disturbing when people assume that all women want to serve in governments or in politics at all. Most are not interested in it. So what are we supposed to do: force them to and then have incompetent women serving in public office? Give me a break.

      Carl, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  6. It is quite possible that a lot of these allegations took route under the previous Lula Government and Dilma just continued with the status quo. As for the acting president and his Lebanese background, this good as the country and indeed the Continent have a lot of immigrants from the Middle East and Asia. It is significant as it shows how Influential Middle Eastern descendants are in Latin America and the Caribbean. They are very monopolistic and aggressive in their Business and Political practices. Dilma herself has Eastern European and communist routes. I can say that terrorist activity have existed in Brazil for quite some time and Iranian influence really began under Lula. The influence of the PLO, Hamas, AQ is significant but they are low key and operate through proxies. Worrying, is how secure will the Olympics be amidst all of this political turmoil. The Security forces have not given the assurances that they have control for this global event.

    1. Hi Anon :D!

      I think they did take root under Lula's administration. We still haven't received an explanation to how he managed to end his mandate with a billion dollar fortune when he had none when he was elected.

      President Temer is a Catholic Lebanese (Maronite) so how would that help the Islamic community stemming from the ME, in your opinion? I ask this because middle easterners are primarily about religious identity, then tribal identity and so forth.

      "It is significant as it shows how Influential Middle Eastern descendants are in Latin America and the Caribbean. They are very monopolistic and aggressive in their Business and Political practices."

      Agreed. Indeed they are.

      True, every thing Lula planned and did in terms of foreign policy was to accommodate Iran (and this should be investigated). But under Dilma, the PLO hugely increased its influence, and this is worrying. Yes, the Olympics are a concern right now, and Sec forces have been dodging the right questions.
      This summer we have two major public events and we have to be attentive. We have to follow closely airliners too and Euro-borders. It's going to be a busy summer.

      Anon, thank you so much for your great comment :D.



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