Pondering on Brexit: Guardian Angels Sang Rule Britannia!

Britain voted to leave the European Union. The world now pretends to be shocked, as if the writing had never been on the wall and the EU is acting as if it hadn't come out of the vote weakened (i.e. arrogance to disguise fear has taken over some of the Eurocrats who now demand the UK leave as quickly as possible). Below, you may read my observations on this truly historic moment:

When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Observation #1

On the same day the British voted to gain their sovereignty back, the European Parliament hosted President Mahmoud Abbas who, before the MEPs' eyes, activated PLO cells in Europe. The Palestinian leader repeated the very same words he has been delivering ever since the de facto “third Intifada” started, in October 2015 – this is not a coincidence. In the EU Parliament, the same buzzwords were carefully used, in the same boring tone. Any Counter-Terrorism analyst knows what this set of circumstances mean and does the proper correlations.

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Observation #2

The saddest explanation for the Brexit win was “the poor, the old and the less educated people” voted to leave while the young, urban, wealthier and educated folks voted to remain – what is wrong with this assessment?
  1. It is an immature and arrogant analysis because it gives the impression that the vote of the poor, the elderly and the less educated counts less than the vote of the “other side”.
  2. The same people who made and repeat this assessment are probably the very same set of individuals who use the poor, the old and the less educated folks for political purposes when expedient (and so now they are disappointed and fearful that they may not use them again in the future).
  3. The UK is not America nor Continental Europe. The folks who live in the British country are the wealthiest, the most educated, the high breeders (i.e. they make lots of babies) and the patriots. Yes, the country also has poor people and less educated ones (though the concept of education today is a bit blurred, when we have masses of college-degree youngsters who are dumber and more uncultivated than an Asian farmer who has never set foot in school) but the urban areas have them more; thus, it would be interesting to know who is the set of ignorant people disseminating, swallowing and repeating such fallacies. 
I also read somewhere that the so-called “Millennials” are accusing the Baby Boomers of having ruined their life. Well, the so-called Millennials are a bunch of entitled little brats who have been taught by State Education that they have all sorts of rights but no duties; that the State is their god, while their parents are to be used as survival tools only (i.e. to provide them a roof, a car, laundry services, free meals till they day they decide to leave the house, never visit them again and blame them for their shallowness and bad decisions for the rest of their lives); therefore, I'd say that Baby Boomers have not ruined their life, but saved them from themselves.

To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Observation #3

When a Prime-Minister announces he is placing a question before the people to let them decide on capital matters that either threaten or strengthen the sovereignty of their nation, he must not take sides. He is to step aside and let all the camps involved battle for votes. He who proposed the referendum is to remain neutral, especially when he is the leader of the whole nation, of those for and against the matter.

PM Cameron made an electoral promise and delivered: the British people were able to make the decision to regain their sovereignty. However, David Cameron made a wrong decision: he took sides. So, as displeased as I am to see him go (for he was a good premier at a time when Britain needed one), I understand his decision for he has lost credibility as a leader. May he learn from his mistakes.

Observation #4

Her Majesty, the Queen, has clout. It is customary to say that Queen Elizabeth II is apolitical, however, she came to the rescue of her Kingdom. All it took was for the Media to print that the Queen had been asking dinner guests 'give me three good reasons to why Britain should stay in the EU' when it seemed like the shooting of the late-MP Jo Cox was boosting the “Remain” camp.

The Queen, and the future King, should stop being apolitical. It is their birth right to veil over Britain, over British interests, and offer their take on issues. We are living new times. New yet Old: society is gradually shunning the concept of liberal democracy and we are increasingly seeing monarchic behaviours within democracy itself. Thus, Her Majesty should set the example for, so far, she is the best one of a proper Monarchy (in spite of everything).

Observation #5

Brexit is a warning to the unelected. The people will no longer accept decisions made by bureaucrats who have not been chosen by them. The unelected have had power for far too long (not only in Europe but also elsewhere – e.g. State Department in the US) and they have abused that power. They have been warned. Either they change or change will occur despite them.

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves." 

(NB: The verses in this post are quotes from Rule Britannia)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society]


  1. Abbas had the last chance of having the Euro attention cause after this brexit Europe won't give a damn about Palestine for years to come if they survive that long. It's actually funny!

    1. Hi Anon :D!

      You share the same opinion as some experts. Yes, it is interesting how things may change, isn't it?
      What is curious about this referendum is that it exposed the hypocrisy of those who keep calling for change. They repeat the word as if they really seek to achieve it but then when change comes they cry like babies.

      Anon, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  2. Yes I'm very happy for Britain. The courage they showed to face the EU, a corrupt union that boss people around is incredible and an example to all of us. The EU did not deliver prosperity to us, only to the bureaucrats while the people sit in the lurch. May Britain be the first of many! If I didn't know better it could be said this was the change Obama promised we could believe in hahahaha.

    1. Hi Pietr :D!

      Yes, against the odds they did the right thing.

      "If I didn't know better it could be said this was the change Obama promised we could believe in hahahaha."

      LOL LOL LOL who knows? :)

      Pietr, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  3. Let us wait to see what happens in reality. Only the vote has gone in favour of the exit. There are still formalities to be completed and quite whether they will be is yet to be seen.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      Should I gather you are not in favour of the Brexit? The formalities will be triggered as Eurocrats are now demanding the UK to leave as quickly as possible and the Scandinavians are already preparing treaties to be signed with the UK. The Commonwealth of Nations is seeing a huge opportunity here. Israel has not been affected and African countries understand the long term opportunities of this exit. From where I'm standing, things are going very well.

      But if by any chance the vote of the people is not respected, there will be troubles. Can the UK afford an internal dissent? Food for thought. Besides, with what is coming in Europe's way, the UK does well to stay out.

      Rummy, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHNfvJc99YY

    The youth of every generation believe what their corrupt old professors tell them to believe. I don't know how anyone can swallow the idea that the latest wave of juveniles is endowed with a superhuman level or knowledge, wisdom and moral conscience.

    1. Hi Looney :D!

      "I don't know how anyone can swallow the idea that the latest wave of juveniles is endowed with a superhuman level or knowledge, wisdom and moral conscience."

      Right? I don't know either. The arrogance of these kids, the arrogance of those who use and brainwash these kids is appalling. Thank G-d, there are still plenty of sane people around to show them their place.

      Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves! Britons never will be slaves! :)
      Thank you for the video, Looney, and thanks for your great comment :D.


  5. Correct me if I'm wrong but if the old, poor and ignorant outvoted the so-called young elites doesn't this mean the EU project has failed? The Eu promised peace and prosperity for all and while they have delivered on peace it is debatable they delivered on prosperity, and if the poor, old and the ignorant voted to boot them out doesn't it expose their failure? I supported the brexit. Anything to see the EU bastards squirm in their seat and boy are they squirming now!

    1. Hi Carl :D!

      Good point: yes, it would mean exactly that.

      "The Eu promised peace and prosperity for all and while they have delivered on peace it is debatable they delivered on prosperity, and if the poor, old and the ignorant voted to boot them out doesn't it expose their failure?"

      Indeed, it does. Another great point.

      Carl, thank you so much for your great comment :D. I hadn't thought of that. I see you in August, man. Time for our summer break.



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