UK National Security in Peril, Tories Slapped on the Face

We have Security Coordination on paper yet in reality it is absent – thus endangering Public Security. We have scientific advice and guidelines available and yet the Food Industry just ignores it completely – thus endangering Public Health. The British Conservative Party took quite a slap on the face last Thursday.

Public Security in Jeopardy

The MI5 must be distracted with a much more important issue than the safety of the British population. The MI5 states that its “mission is to keep the country safe” - but what does keeping the country safe mean to the UK Security Service exactly?

The MI6 has not been paying attention either – is it losing its touch? The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) says “We work overseas to make the UK a safer and more prosperous place” - as it has well been demonstrated by the way the agency completely ignored Italy's warning against one of the three London Bridge terrorists.

On the 3rd of June, London suffered a terrible Terrorist Attack (bearing, once again, the Palestinian signature); and it is intriguing that, for example, despite having been flagged by the Italian security services as a dangerous element, Youssef Zaghba (22 years old) was still allowed to enter the UK twice, even though the red flags were there: he tried to travel to Syria because in his words he “wanted to be a terrorist”.

The MI5 is described as being the United Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency, yet it completely overlooked the intelligence sent by its Italian counter-part on Zaghba who ended up carrying out a horrific attack on British soil - talking about Regnum Defende. The MI6 is supposed to work abroad for the safety of Her Majesty's kingdom and yet it fails to take heed to what is going on within the Muslim community in Italy – Semper Occultus doesn't mean keeping vital information occulted from the top brass.

What are we to conclude about the state of the British Intelligence and Security agencies:
  • That they are not doing their job properly?
  • That they lack resources?
  • That they are focused on obscure issues, under the guise of protecting Her Majesty's throne? 
The London Bridge attacks show there's a problem within the counter-intelligence department; and whatever that is, I would suggest a re-focus for the sake of the British People's safety.

Public Health under Threat

The European Food Safety Authority issued a warning that Palm Oil is a genotoxic and carcinogenic product, and yet the food industry seems to be ignoring this fact entirely; exposing us, thus, to diseases and allergies.

Instead of focusing too much on going after American Hi-Tech giants, the EU should go after all the European companies that produce cookies, cream-crackers, cakes, caramel, chocolate, bread and keep ignoring all the health warnings by continuously using Palm Oil in their products.  The European Union did well to prohibit the use of hydrogenated fats in food; but now it must take a further step in prohibiting the use of Palm Oil in products directly ingested by children in particular.

Palm oil is a major contributor to 3-MCPD and 2-MCPD exposure for most individuals. Estimated average and high exposures to 3-MCPD from both forms for young age groups including adolescents (up to 18 years of age) exceed the TDI and are a potential concern for health. - European Food Safety Authority

The European authorities are under the obligation to protect the health of the citizens living in European territory. Having said this, companies should be encouraged to go back to using healthy oils and fats (like cocoa butter for chocolates and cookies) – no more Palm Oil.

Tories Slapped by the People

Theresa May lost the majority in parliament. Of course she did, after all the British electorate voted for David Cameron not for her. If the Conservative Party truly wanted to win it should've voted for either Boris Johnson or Michael Gove in the primaries. It has been made clear that Ms May is no Mrs Thatcher.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the European Right Wing is confused, lost and if it doesn't get its act together it will die soon. It is a pity because Liberal Economics is the path to State and Social Wealth.

We would advise the Tories to change their stance and converse with us. It would benefit them greatly.

If Jeremy Corbyn was applying to join any of this country’s security services – MI5, GCHQ or the service I used to run, MI6 – he would not be cleared to do so. He would be rejected by the vetting process. Far from being able to get into MI5, in the past MI5 would actively have investigated him. - Sir Richard Dearlove

Well, everything was different in the past...the MI5 is simply not what it used to be. May G-d Save the Kingdom.

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society]


  1. The MI5/6 is not what it used to be, that's for sure. God save the Queen!

  2. Theresa May was ill advised. "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." (Prov 11:14)

  3. Europe is lost! MI5 or any other is too busy welcoming immigrants to destroy our civilization. Palm oil in bread!? Never heard of it.

  4. Theresa May didn't make the proper calculations. But speaking of security: is anyone suspicious of that fire yesterday at White City? I am.


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