Pre-War in Gaza Border: Beginning of the Fall of 'Palestine'

The rioters carried signs saying – “Kill the Jews.” (source)

Arabs in Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and others never disappoint. As calculated, Hamas, Fatah and allies selected thousands of militants to riot, in the Gaza border, hoping – praying – that the Israel Defence Forces would respond. Of course, the IDF responded – and rightfully so. The Result? 17 Hamas gunmen were killed. Now, the same old rhetoric is back, the same old socialist reactions can be heard, the same old formulae are being employed and the same actors are on stage again. Boring.

Timing of Events

The timing of the riots is not a coincidence: it happened a couple of hours before the Pesach started. It is also curious that violent Muslims always choose Fridays to riot and wreak Havoc. Friday is the resting day in Islam, a day that should be spent on listening to the Prophet's teachings, but instead young men decide to spend those days shouting, breaking things, taking up arms and killing people. How Holy of them.

Recommended Read

Same Old Actors

Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, the EU and the UN SecGen all condemned Israel's response – because apparently the Jewish State was supposed to just allow the Hamas militants threaten the border's peace and do nothing, while terrorists would infiltrate the Israeli territory either by surface or underground.

Egypt and Jordan should revise their position in this conflict because at the end of the day they will play an important part in taking back the “Arabs in Palestine” (Nasser was spot on about this term). Both countries will contribute to change the notion of the Arab “Right of Return” to the Promised Land.

Recep Erdogan's words are a sheer reflection of his meagre intellect and should be placed in a special box for later on...

The Creator of the world deceives and distorts all countries around Israel and the world. - Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita

The EU and António Guterres are more of the same: no political creativity and a total disregard by the Laws of Warfare and the International Law. Has anyone bothered to investigate certain officials and the UN SecGen? It will be interesting...

Same Old Behaviour

With so many dangerous things happening in the world, the same old Pretenders want to distract the world with the Pre-War between Hamas/PLO and Israel. Are the Arabs really telling us that they won't change their 100th old course of action and will subject their own People to desolation?

This Time Around...

Let's be clear about one thing: Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Islamic Jihad et al (at the behest of their sponsors) will wage a war against Israel – and believe me, it has nothing to do with the American decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem – but, as we warned in the past, this time Israel will do what it has to do (i.e. no stone will be left unturned ב"ה).

Prophecy is a powerful thing and those who don't believe in it are like ostriches sticking their head in the sand to avoid Reality – only She is inevitable.

Every nation, every president or prime minister, from all the countries of the world, including all of them, who want to harm or plan to harm the people of Israel, or to take parts of the Land of Israel, The Creator will give them blows that will leave them in shock and fright for the rest of their lives. Whoever is a hero - try and see. (Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi Shalita, 2nd of July 2017)

Pesach Sameach to Am Yisrael: may our Redemption come soon.


(Image: Pre-War in Gaza - Times of Israel via Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. The countdown to Fakestine's fall has started, huh? T'was about time too!!

  2. All the leftist idiots are out again, aren't they? It's like they had nothing to do for a long time and now they are back in business! Anyway, I know Palestine will falll cause it never existed to begin with, but hey I have a question who is making big dough with this war?

  3. I believe that the resolution to the Israel / Palestine problem is close at hand.

  4. This latest uproar over security matters in Israel is the very proof that Palestine is about to be swept under the carpet. And now that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is shifting his stance regarding Israel, we have even more reasons to believe that the assessment is true. Guterres, the EU and others are simply resisting that change and trying to keep the cause afloat. They will fail, of course. Good job, Max.

  5. Someone wrote that it's a mistake to ignore Erdogan's words but there's a difference between ignoring his words and letting him shoot his foot in public and suffer the consequences later on. Palestine, like the EU, is bound to fall. חג שמח

  6. I read Gazans are using these protests to test a new weapon: kite firebombs? It's a shame they are only creative to kill and not to build a future for their children.


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