Expropriations in South Africa: Greed Masked by Racism

When you think the world has evolved and we no longer interact with others based on the colour of their skin, African states go and show us how undeserving of our respect they are. South Africa is one of such countries.

Although I wasn’t exactly a fan of Nelson Mandela, it must be said that he had a vision when he decided to reconcile with his light skinned countrymen. He probably understood that not all light skinned South Africans were involved in the hideous and immoral State Brutality against black South Africans (and against everything else they considered Black).

The rhetoric of the present South African Government is dangerous and its policies are a violation of not only the International Law but also of the Human Rights of the Afrikaner minority group. What do we call persecutions against minorities (i.e. Ethnic Persecution)?

Crimes against humanity

Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender...or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph [e.g. murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, apartheid, and other inhumane acts] or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court. (Art 7.1 of the Rome Stat-ute)

When did it become all right to persecute certain white/fair skinned people? Who’s behind such a decision, the International Socialist? How ironic.

The War against ‘White People’

Many South African black folks, incited by the ANC, are xenophobic (they always attack foreigners, especially Mozambicans and Somalis), they are racist only to conceal their failure (they blame white people for their shortcomings, and are now being incited to murder and steal from them), they are anti-Semitic (their hatred for the Jews is based on their love for the Arab easy money made through Drug Trafficking), they are violent and downright foolish for falling for a corrupt party like the ANC.

I do not believe the majority of black South Africans fit the above description but those affiliated with the ANC and the Economic Freedom Fighter Party (led by Paid-By-Foreign-Whites-Inciter-in-Chief Julius Malema) are exactly it and are the loudest and most dangerous crowd in the country – as any radical leftist affiliate usually is.

The ANC decided to bend over to Julius Malema and implement his expropriation plan (which they call the “land expropriation programme” to make their crime sound more posh).

"Our land expropriation programme seeks to realise the ideal of equality and human dignity,” - Julius Malema

It is easy to see why an intelligent human being can’t possibly respect Julius Malema’s verbal and mental diarrhoea. Any evolved individual is sickened by the fact that persecution and unlawful acts (i.e land expropriation without compensation) are now viewed as acts to bring about “human dignity” and “equality” – what’s the dignity behind the commission of a crime? By equality, are we to understand “since the whites treated us bad in the past, us blacks will equally treat them bad now”? Talking about “bypassing logic by means of psychological pressure”…

The Land Expropriation Programme is Illegal

Definition of Expropriation: "The deprivation of some right of property" (in Expropriation in International Law, Prof B.A. Wortley OBE LLD; p.25)

It is public information that South Africa is planning to expropriate the land of white people without compensation. This is an illegal act according to the International law, not only because a specific minority is being singled out for punitive action but also because even though any State has the right to expropriate according to its own legal system, it is also true that legislation “may be refused in recognition if plainly illegal by international law” (that is, when a State expropriates an owner simply for political reasons without a plausible justification in Public International Law). Furthermore, to carry out any social expropriation without compensation goes against international rules.

To nationalise without compensation is confiscation, it is not in accordance with international law – idem

Of course, South Africa may argue that a national law supersedes international law; however, let’s see how that will play out when it has the need to access international markets (to fund its day-to-day operations and the new black farm owners). South Africa’s life is about to get really dire, if the International community doesn’t recognise the validity of this Land Expropriation Programme:

States which do not recognise the international validity of rights created under international law, are themselves stopped from claiming international validity, or recognition for claims of their own, and a fortiori for claims which do not fulfil the conditions recognised by international law. The need for mutuality goes beyond mere agreement. – idem

The world nations would do well not only to repudiate the events in South Africa but also to declare the planned programme as invalid, lest it really proves that Pacta Non Sunt Servanta these days and that the International Law means jot to them. Allowing Cape Town to go ahead with this crime in utter impunity is tantamount to murdering international law and order.

In any case, Zulu Land seems to be willing to pay the price: where will the money come from (once it is barred from international markets)? Perhaps, Cape Town is relying on the Pakistani Drug Dealers and on Hezbollah to make up for the losses it will suffer in the near future. It is a known fact that South Africa is part of the Hashish and Heroin Smuggling Route stemming from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

President Trump issued the following tweet:

Immediately, articles were published to condemn POTUS for ignoring the Human Rights violations of African People to focus on South African Whites; trolls ran to twitter to say absurdities like “Since when Africa belongs to white people?”; and Julius Malema once again expressed his intellectual impotence by calling the US President a “a pathological liar who should stay away from South African politics” – how boring. All these reactions reveal fear of what President Trump may do next if his administration studies the situation well: diplomatic punitive actions against South Africa.

Leftists are trying to tell us that we are to ignore the fact that the ANC is implementing Nazi policies (property expropriation without compensation from ethnic minorities).  

If honest and just people do not stand up now, today is the “white people” tomorrow it will be the mulattoes (like Angolans who keep calling for the expropriation of mulatto property) and everything else that doesn’t support the ANC and EFF racist chimeras.


Racism is never justified. Black African racism, incited by people who receive kickbacks from foreign whites, is not justified. If the Government of South Africa goes ahead with its illegal expropriation programme, then it must suffer the consequences for it.

Food for thought

Back in the period between the 17th and the 19th centuries, it was discovered that the land owned by the Boers was rich in gold and diamonds. The British wanted that land and so what did they do? They attacked the Boer Population (i.e. First and Second Boer Wars), they put their women and children in concentration camps (where many died of starvation and disease)….all that abhorrent behaviour because of the discovery of gold and diamonds on Boer Land. Ponder on it for a minute.

What if today’s tragedy, which is basically a repetition of historical events (with a twist), is rooted on exactly the same issue: gold and diamond mines? 

Check the pattern of the farm attacks in South Africa and cross-check with the location of the gold and diamond reserves the British wanted so much in the past. There are no coincidences.

In the past the Brits were behind the atrocities committed against the Boers, who are the culprits now? It’s a matter of looking at the ANC’s closest partners and the funders of the EFF party. The more we look at this whole issue, the more we realise that this is not about racism at all, and it isn’t about “black dignity” or “equality” either. This is all about that nasty old lady called: Greed. It’s a question of investigating her nationality and fight back before a bloodshed takes place.

(Image: Farming in South Africa[Ed] - Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. It seems to be a pattern in Africa to create chaos to take over countries. But to pay to create bloodshed and expropriations to get their hands on gold reserves it's too much, ain't it?

  2. Mission accomplished it seems: 'South Africa withdraws white farmland redistribution bill six days after Trump warned he was closely studying the situation'

  3. So the real problem is that someone wants the gold on that land owned by most whites in South Africa, and then they made up this racist crisis to get it? Not surprised. They do it in security issues, in aid issues, and in everything else: Africa is up for grabs.

  4. Julius Malema is an ignorant and a malicious pseudo politician! He should put a sock in it.

  5. They were about to ruin a great country. And once again the local population would suffer greatly. Glad they turned back on their decision.

  6. It's a crime what's going on in most of the world where the trend is to persecute white people and Christians. If you're white you're a target to shoot and that is not good. It will come a point when we have to fight back and it may be dangerous. Hopefully we won't get there!

  7. Hmmm, first they reverted their decision now they are back again with the IMF support, WTF? Why is the IMF supporting an illegal and racist law anyway? Should we assume that people connected to the IMF, and other international institutions, are connected to this gold race?


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