Accused of being Far-Right? The Old Establishment is Afraid of You. Good.

Nowadays if people think in a more conservative fashion, or refute in public the fallacies of the International Socialist Web, they will be accused of being either populist or of belonging to the far-right. But these accusations are an expression of fear: fear of a sudden change in the Status Quo; fear that the World Order will be altered; fear of Change. Human beings like to squat in their comfort zone; however, we are fortunate to know that a New World Order will be established since Socialism ruined the globe.

Introduction: What does today’s World look like?


The LGBT community (and I am pretty sure there is a letter missing somewhere) makes all sorts of silly demands as if they were in control of society. I have always defended the right of Gay People to be respected as Human Beings and I have always defended their civil rights (i.e. the right to co-own a property, have hospital visits [and be informed] when a partner is admitted, inheritance rights, filing joint Tax Returns etc); however, I never expected them to take abuse and pervert the definition of words (e.g. Marriage: a union between a man and a woman) nor to push for the brainwash of children (e.g. Disney characters having to include a homosexual personage as if to teach that homosexuality is normal).

Homosexuals, and everything in between, are humans and are to be treated as such but they shouldn’t push it. They are not normal, their sexual orientation will never be considered normal, and they are not even close to being the majority; so, they should tone it down to prevent problems in the future – given the human reactive nature.

White People Hatred

Stop blaming white people for all the evils of this world. The so-called white people (which for purposes of simplicity shall hereby be called “white people”) may have done some indecent things in the past but let’s remember that white people were the very ones to end the whole thing and change paths.

  • Fact: African Black people were the ones to teach white people about slavery after they learned it from the Arabs (still, it doesn’t justify the way slaves were treated, especially when the Bible teaches to respect the slave)
  • Fact: White people ended slavery and fought for the Civil Rights of Negroes, Mulattoes and other minorities 
  • Fact: White people colonised most of the world, and some were vicious, others were not; nevertheless, white people (and mulattoes, in the African case) were the ones to start the Liberation Movements across the globe buy planting the idea in the natives’ minds
  • Fact: White people started the apartheid, but white people also ended it (or do we really think that without their help, Black People in South Africa could’ve done it alone? Get real) 
  • Fact: White people were the ones to give opportunities to Black people, who for too long chose to drown in their resentment, and victimisation, instead of moving forward. 

People who live in the past lose both their eyes. Do ‘minorities’ really want to lose their sight? Wake up and move on.

Fentanyl-laced Feminism

Some women today hate men. And when I say “hate” I mean the KKK kind of hatred. Some women are not well and they are using their public status to wage a war on anything male: what is this trend of accusing men of rape or sexual assault without corroboration or evidence? What is this shameful trend of dragging people’s name in the mud for political ideology?

And no, we are not to believe in absolutely everything many women say just because they are women, because guess what: they lie and they are vicious. 

It's time to make these Fentanyl-laced feminists understand that having a vagina doesn't grant them a special status nor favours, that the law is the same for all and that their actions have consequences: if they lie, if their accusations cannot be corroborated they will be prosecuted and incarcerated.

What Needs to Be Done

We need to have law and order restored. We need to inject Conservatism back into society – without exaggerations; although I suspect that if nothing is done soon exaggerations will come our way because of the Cause and Effect principle.

In the past, puritanism and savage capitalism led to socialism/communism/national socialism (Nazism). Now, savage socialism will result in a more furious form of Conservatism – though we must strive to prevent it from reaching unwanted levels of strictness in order to impede a future comeback of any form of socialism, and derivatives.

Today we see that:

  • If we love law and order
  • If we want to bring back (economic and physical) security
  • If we want to restore values and the fear of G-d to our society
  • If we want to abolish Fake News and Bring Truth Back
  • If we want less government, less taxes and more money in people’s pockets
  • If we want Human Development for All (not just for some)
  • If we defend the Sovereignty of our Countries and are deeply Patriotic
  • If we are against Global Governance (which is anti-Democratic, unlike Populism)
  • If we are dynamic, combative and believe in the Cause…

…We are labelled Far Right. But now we know this is all based on fear. Notwithstanding, there is a question that begs to be asked: is there a new definition of Far Right out there? Because the old definition is nothing like what was described above. The old version of Far Right is narrow-minded, racist, stale; putrid, delusional, anti-G-d and it lives in the past. So, what the Media and the so-called pundits have been spreading out there doesn't make any sense at all.

Having said this, Public Relations experts, Media Consultants, and other PR professionals, should help the Press re-set their Language to better reflect reality (and sound a bit smarter for once) – because obviously they are unable of doing it by themselves. The Media should be encouraged to stop undermining society, and contribute to its evolution instead.

In sum, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Matteo Salvini (Italy), Sebastian Kurz (Austria), Nigel Farage (UK), and many others are not Far Right Politicians; they are people who deeply care about their country and their countrymen. They are anti-Establishment folks because the establishment failed us all - they imperilled our well-being.

All those who criticise these people just because they don’t speak nice words (which often mask deception) and are straightforward (since the People are tired of enigmas and actually want to understand what is being said), have most certainly contributed to this present chaos in any way – be it through silent consent to or active participation in the corruption of our societies.

Think about it…

(Image: Burial of St Lucy - Caravaggio)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Readers aren't stupid we know the difference between far right and conservative! But the media is owned by the same perverts that are brainwashing our children, so I ain't surprised they lie to us everyday. What I want to know is when are conservatives going to buy the media?

  2. Gays have to be put in their place. Women need to be put in their place. Minorities need to cut the bullshit. Socialism is killing us and we need saviors! If bringing common sense to society is being far right then I'm far right, don't care but just make the bullshit stop!

  3. In my own way, I am far right and quite proud of it in the Indian context. I have no problems with racial prejudice despite having been on the receiving end during my visits to the UK primarily because I was mistaken for a Pakistani. My far right leaning is based on economics and an aversion to what is practiced as secularism in India.

    1. Hi Rummy,

      "during my visits to the UK primarily because I was mistaken for a Pakistani."

      You are not alone. I was mistaken for a Pakistani too, in London (in fact, I was accused of being a Pakistani from Kashmir, when everybody knows, or should know, Kashmir is Indian territory)...Oy, oy, oy...*nodding*.

      "My far right leaning is based on economics and an aversion to what is practiced as secularism in India."

      Well, I am considered by some as being far right too because of more or less the same reasons. I just tend to look at people and leave them alone...

      Thank you for your comment, my friend.


  4. "Fentanyl-laced Feminism" LOL LOL loved it! These women are crazy and look what that chick is doing to Ronald, not nice. I bet she is just jealous cause Ronaldo is going to marry that hot chick, what's her name? Georgina. And yeah, Gays have to crawl back to anonymity cause they are going too far, just too far!
    Anyway, if doing the right thing is being far right then I'm far right too.

  5. Exactly, most of these politicians are anti-establishment. But the only weapon the corrupt Media, and others, have against them is to call them "far right". The question is it effective? It's not. The polls give Jair Bolsonaro an absolute majority: analysts say voters are supporting him cause they are angry at Lula; but is it? I think pundits and the Media are having a hard time understanding that society is little by little self-correcting; that is, it is beginning to shun Socialism and all its nefarious branches. Kol Hakavod, Max!

  6. Society is rotten and we need strong leaders to put it back into place. Gays, feminists, racists have all gone too far.

  7. Hey, I heard Bolsonaro using the spirit of this post earlier this week, though I am pretty sure he used some of the words contained here. Anyhow, you are right: if they are calling all of us these names it's because we are powerful and they know it! :)
    That guy from KKK is always trying to peg himself to the new generation of politicians but we need to distance ourselves from the racist bastards cause they don't mirror the new kind of conservative movement!

  8. Are you ultra conservative? Then they will call you far-right. Do you love your country, your nation? Then you will be called far-right. It comes with the turf.

  9. Using far-right and Nazi in the same sentence is a contradiction cause the Nazis were Leftist Fascists!!! National Socialism has never been far-right and will never be, not here not in hell! And the fear mongers should shut their trap.

  10. if they want to call me far right, go ahead. I rather be that if it means defending my country and my fellow countrymen than being a damn leftist! Any time, any place!


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