Forget the #MeToo Movement! There's a New Movement in Town...

By Lenny Hannah

Have women lost their mind? Let’s start by defining the several types of relationships between males and females:

  • Business between sex needy/addicted and sex dealers
  • Emotional/sentimental relationships between men and women
  • Hook-ups/One Night Stand relations between blokes and b*tches. 

There are basic rules of conduct for when two people meet for the first time, that is, the opening of the line of communication: in case of business one draws the terms and conditions; in the emotional/sentimental field there must be a prior period of interaction between the man and the woman before things move forward; and finally in case of Hook-ups/One Night Stand, if the goal is to score points anything (positive or negative) can happen for there are all different sorts of blokes out there. 

The #MeToo Movement (managed by frustrated, petty and vindictive b*tches) was launched under the assumption that all little women are defenceless. This movement is nefarious and intellectually disloyal because it isn’t based on the indubitable but on faded memories. This group of actresses (convinced they are political activists) is quibbling because they want to pass the idea that a woman is always an innocent and pure victim. These militants of the immaculate deportment – most certainly under the advice of a member of the LGBT community – decided that the alleged offenders are to be prosecuted on TV shows, on news channels, on Tabloids, on the press and on the social media rendering thus the courts and judges redundant. 

Although Cristiano Ronaldo’s sex life is not any of my business, I will open an exception here and make a brief comment on his case (i.e. the American hussy who claims to have been anally raped by the Portuguese soccer player). I am just guessing though that only one thing that may have happened there was that she was anally virgin. 

This case (which is closely followed by the planet’s voyeurs) is not well explained: after the alleged rape she went to the police to file a complaint but didn’t give the boy’s name; she went to the Hospital to perform sexual assault forensic tests and still failed to produce the name of the alleged aggressor and as if she hadn’t gone through enough she still found the time to go back to the scene of the alleged crime to hang-out with her rapist once more. Later on, she met with his legal representatives to sign a pact of silence for damages caused to her back orifice and get $375K…My goodness, what makes a woman sign a stupid agreement instead of pressing charges and say his name out-loud [both at the hospital and police station] to prevent another woman from becoming the next victim of this alleged rapist? 

In my opinion, women must go back to the basics (that is, the advice that our mothers used to give us before the madness of May of 1968), when a woman meets a man for the first time, even if he is famous worldwide:

  • The woman does not rub her body against his
  • If, by any chance, the man forgets his manners, the woman must walk away
  • The woman must not enter his hotel/motel room, not even his house
  • Even though the “No” may be pronounced, it becomes redundant when the woman gets in the stockyard of a bull she just now saw, without even knowing his breaking point or when/how he can become dangerous. 

I am not the kind of person who accepts the concept of “If it happens to you in this life it’s because you have done it to someone else in a previous one”. I believe in the exemption of guilt in true victims of sex crimes; I believe there are sexual predators whose life style is to stalk women, youngsters and children. I also believe that the punishment for this sort of crime is the Death Penalty because these monsters murder their victims’ essence and they stigmatise their existence in perpetuity. Nevertheless, I think that no one should allow this type of crime to proliferate and neither should the suffering of those who truly and desperately see their existence shredded into pieces be made banal. 

The relationships between men and women can be fascinating but we must warn our children about the dangers in those very same relationships; therefore, dear girls, boys and ladies be careful – mind your instinct and never ignore it. 

As a woman, I am frankly tired of walking around in shame because of the #MeToo and the #EleNĂŁo (Brazil) Movements, based on insidiousness and arbitrariness; therefore I suggest a different kind of movement (a more assertive one based on respect and mores): #SueTheBitch. 

See you Next Time. 

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. I'm shocked that a woman uses this kind of language but I guess it's a better for a woman to say it than a man cause then we're accused of being bastards. The truth needs to be told and at least someone is telling it, yes. Who is supposed to sue the bitch?

    1. Hi Pietr :D!

      I think that Lenny means that the men who are accused of rape, or sexual assault, should sue those women for two reasons:

      1- If guilty, for not having stopped them from raping, or assaulting, other women.
      2- If innocent, for making baseless accusations, for whichever reason.


    2. Olá, Pietr!
      If there is a slander or assassination of character, men should sue and ask for indemnity for psychological damages.
      I am a woman and I'm telling if those women lie and drag your family name to the mud please: #suethebitch don't be afraid and stop the nonsense, once and for all.

  2. One thing is true: this whole thing has gone out of control! All this misandry is disgusting. #Suethebitch

  3. Ronaldo did what? I don't believe that!!! If I were him, I'd #SueTheBitch. I believe in his innocence.

  4. Agreed: if a woman accuses me of sexual harassment and I'm innocent, you damn right I'm gonna #suethebitch

  5. LOL hell yeah, sue the bitch! Count me in, Lenny!


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