The Khashoggi Affair, Migrant Caravan, Pittsburgh Attack & President Bolsonaro

While much is being done in the background, there are a couple of political issues that deserve a public comment: the Khashoggi file, the Migrant Caravan in Latin America, the Pittsburgh Anti-Semitic Attack and the results of the Brazilian Elections.

The Khashoggi File

What is being told in public is one thing, what is really going on is another completely different matter. Yet, in public one can say the following: this whole affair is a poor attempt to sabotage the Saudi Crown Prince – and if the reports are correct, then the goal has been achieved (i.e. Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is to be replaced).

MBS, as the Prince is affectionately called, is an obstacle to many actors around the world since his vision clashes with the Globalist Agenda: he wants to develop his country, he wants to bring the Saudi funds invested abroad back to the Kingdom so that they can be invested at home, he signals willingness to normalise ties with Israel, he shows no patience for the Arabs in Palestine, he sought reforms to grant more rights to Saudi women, he is against religious radicalism…in simpler words, he is too liberal for the old establishment.

MBS was revealing himself difficult to be played by the Europeans, and on top of it he is too Pro-Trump. That was something the Europeans, and others, couldn’t bear. Look at the usual suspects screaming for sanctions against Saudi Arabia due to the alleged death of Jamal Khashoggi: France, Germany, the European Union, but above all…Turkey.

Erdogan – acting on behalf of Iran - is leading the bandwagon against the Crown Prince and yet this is the very same man that violates the basic human rights of the Turkish people, who persecutes and assassinates the opposition, who persecutes and incarcerates journalists, who tells women how many children they have to give birth to, who shot down a Russian jet with no justification, who had a Russian diplomat assassinated in public in his territory (on his watch) and yet everybody is singing and dancing to this little dictator’s tune. What is the matter with these people?

Banks are pathetic, politicians are pathetic, the Media is pathetic and the so-called activists are even more pathetic. Saudi Arabia has always been a country with a poor Human Rights record (women were second class citizens, the Royal Family is under siege by the Muslim Brotherhood, there is no religious freedom, it sponsored terrorism etc) and yet:

  • Every bank welcomed their funds
  • Every company accepted them as shareholders
  • Everybody travelled there for holidays
  • Saudis were invited over to people’s parties around the world
  • Saudis were granted private beaches in Europe
  • Whatever Saudis wanted they got it (including women)
  • They spread mosques like mushrooms throughout Europe
  • They funded the Clinton’s Global Initiative…

In sum…they were the primordial partners for everything even though they had an expansionist foreign policy. In the present, there is one Prince that wants to change all that and suddenly he becomes the Number One Evil Public Enemy.  So, let’s sabotage his “Future Investment Initiative” Conference because “Western companies fret over the risk to their reputations of doing deals” with the Saudis – what? So, when women were being disrespected, enslaved, when a Christian couldn’t profess his belief system freely in Saudi Arabia, when they were sponsoring Terrorism against Western Countries, and when a Blogger was flogged for exercising his freedom of speech, these companies were not fretting over their reputation…everything was just fine.

I reiterate: what is the matter with this despicable people?

The Migrant Caravan in Latin-America

Let’s not waste much time on this issue, except to point the obvious: these people are not looking for a better life. These folks were paid to participate in this attempted invasion of the United States of America. What we need to know is how many ISIS/Hezbollah/Hamas etc elements are embedded in this caravan. People, we have seen it before: ISIS managed to infiltrate 4,000 of its operatives in Europe through the Mass Migrant invasion via Greece, Italy and Spain.

President Trump does well to protect his country, his countrymen and himself, against this illegal, baseless (there is no war, no famine, no plagues, nothing in their countries of origin to justify such a mass wave of displacement) Provocation. 

Who planned it? Who paid for it? Who used innocent poor people to camouflage the relocation of terror cells?

Fact: Mexico offered temporary work permits to this “caravan” they rejected it saying their objective is the US. Case closed.

The Pittsburgh Anti-Semitic Attack

Jews are under attack, once again. Last Shabbat morning, more than a 100 Jewish Congregants were attending a Service at the Tree of Life Synagogue when a criminal and evil individual entered the building and started shooting yelling “all Jews must die”. All Jews…he said.

In the aftermath, world leaders hurried to condemn the attack and the blatant Anti-Semitism in the act. Well, I would personally like to thank UN Sec-Gen António Guterres, Pope Francis, PM Justin Trudeau, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron, PM Theresa May, the European Union and President Abbas for their words of support, but above all for their hypocrisy.

World Leaders incite against Jews every day. So, the Jewish Blood spilled during the Pittsburgh Attack is on their hands. 

There are several types of incitement against Jews but the best crafted one comes in a package:

  • Jews in Israel are not Jews since they came from Europe.
  • Jews are occupying their own Land. The Promised Land.
  • Jews oppress Arabs and practice apartheid.
  • Jews employ disproportional strength when defending themselves against Arab terror.
  • Jesus was a Palestinian, not a Jew.
  • Jerusalem, established by King David (a Jew), must be divided with the Arabs.

If you have heard the mentioned politicians, and others, say one of the above things, or all of them, you know they have incited against Jews everyday of their professional life. Robert Bowers, and alike, is the product of all such politicians.

The Brazilian Elections

Congratulations to President-Elect Jair Bolsonaro. But above all: congratulations to the Brazilian People for having voted against Corrosive Corruption, Bloodshed, Chaos and lawlessness. Thank you, Brazilian Electorate, for having voted for Human Development, Family Values, Law and Order.

The President-Elect will face many challenges next year, but I know he is counting on it. Nevertheless, the new Brazilian Government will have our support, if it ever needs it, and we wish them all the best – may President Bolsonaro be as resilient, as tough, as loyal to his commitment to his country, as focused and as successful as President Trump. If everything goes smoothly and if President Bolsonaro keeps his Foreign Policy and National Security promises, then Brazil will finally be well positioned to belong to the future Consortium of Sovereign Countries (i.e. UN’s replacement).

Brazil is to bear in mind that Portugal will be used against the President-Elect for fear of contagion: the old establishment fears a similar movement within Portuguese borders. But Portugal won’t even see it coming…

Brazil, quo vadis? Ad victoriam…

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Congrats to President-elect Bolsonaro, he used a good strategy and created a new paradigm! And yes, world politicians are the true inciters not Trump when they deny the Jewish right to their land and capital! Very well said, Max.

  2. Khashoggi: who is he again? So much noise for a dude we never heard of?
    Caravan of migrants: can we spell I-S-I-S and t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m? US watch your six.
    Pittsburgh attack: I agree with you, Max, our brothers' blood is on these politicians' hands. Every single politician saying we are occupying our own land is inciting against us.
    Brasil: dude, Bolsonaro is part of the new generation of politicians that are tired of the bullshit! And they are here cause we are fed up with the bullshit!

  3. Wahabis have been spreading their tentacles through funding local Madrasas and Mosques as well as Maulvis and it has boomeranged on the Indian Muslim population to the extent that they are now very much on the defensive. I am under the impression however that the new Prince has come down heavily on the Wahabis and have put them under pressure.

  4. The Khashoggi affair is simple: MBS cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood lot and their financiers, so now they are after his ass. Does anyone remember the movie Syriana? It's a miracle no one tried to kill MBS for wanting to change things in his country, as he should!
    As for the world hypocrisy: yeah, they incite against Jews every single day. They incite against them every time they support those fake "Palestinians" and send them money to pay terrorists' salaries in prisons and outside. What the fuck! But never has anyone called them out this way, so props to you, Max!

  5. Portugal being used against Brazil? In the name of what? Anyway, the west is full of shit, pardon my language Max, cause their reputation is not smeared by the Khashoggi death when Saudi Arabia was involved in the 9-11 no one said anything or stopped business with them, so who told them to stop activities with the Saudis now? Who gave the order? This hypocrisy is what is making people vote for alternatives.

  6. I don't know who Khashoggi is but I would find many others reasons to boycott the Saudis, like their involvement in the 9/11. But bygones right?
    I actually liked Bolsonaro's victory cause the 'experts' were saying blacks would vote for Haddad and yet they voted for Bolsonaro. The 'experts' also said the poor would vote for Haddad but the only idiots that voted for him were the ones in the Northeast of Brazil, what a bunch of schmucks!
    I agree that all the politicians in the world incite against Jews and they have our blood in their hands.

  7. Olá folks! At this point it, it's more convenient to support the Saudis to counter the Iranians, especially after the reported terror plots that have been foiled by the Mossad in Paris and in Denmark. Khashoggi allegedly died? So what? Reporters die everyday, everywhere and we don't make a fuss!
    Anti-Semitism starts in the Jewish Community, and that's all I'm saying today.
    Shabbat Shalom to all!

  8. Brazil doesn't fear Portugal cause Brasil will sit at the security council but Portugal will never sit there with her slave mentality! #EleSim #Bolsonaro

  9. Anti-Semitism will always be around. However, the intensity of the hatred will depend on us Jews. We clearly need to clean the House: we can't have this situation of having some sort of Jews wanting to pervert Judaism to fit their agenda; and then having another sort of Jews militating against the Jewish State and Jews and yet claim to be victims of anti-Semitism. Time to wake up. Shabbat Shalom.

  10. I smell a rat in the Khashoggi case. Hey, wasn't a relative of his in the weapons and spy trade? Perhaps the nephew was in the same business?
    What happened in Pittsburgh was unfortunate however it served as a warning to Reform Judaism. Submit to Orthodoxy or face Hashem's wrath.

  11. Khashoggi's sons are asking for the father's body, but where's the body? There are so many conflicting accounts on this case that I say it's all a Saudi hoax.


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