Britannia: Slave of the European Union? Never!

By Lenny Hannah

Everybody knows that the International Left controls the designs of the European Union and, due Britain’s exit from the Club 28, the Int’l Left disseminated a new narrative:

  • Britain will be disgraced after the Brexit
  • The English people will be under fire and sulphur
  • The investors will run away from England for it will no longer be attractive to them
  • The price of goods will skyrocket etc etc…

After the Treaty of Paris of 1951 (for Coal and Steel) came the Rome Treaty that gave birth to the European Economic Community, that eventually became the European Union, whose blueprint was inspired by the USSR model. The motto of such Associations is always the same – like in Cuba, Venezuela and Russia: to improve the People’s life. However, when the consolidation of the National Socialism took place, the Club 28 became a perverse, castrating, static and stultifying society. 

In Brussels, Accord after Accord, the politicians who were considered either a bother or a bunch of losers at home, were transformed into some sort of Deep State (a politburo that subversively manipulates the lives of Europeans), a State worse than the Communist one because under the latter people at least know that the endgame is abjection, however the pack of bureaucrat controllers - sitting in Brussels - sweetly chose to walk towards the extermination of State Sovereignty and to quell the Power of the People. 

Nowadays, the European Union is a monster that feeds itself off the sweat and tears of citizens who do not have a saying in whatever goes on in the core of the organisation. At the offices in Brussels, and Strasbourg, they reached the point of nominating themselves as the experts on compassion, nutrition, fishing, agriculture, medicine, genetic engineering, integration, re-engineering of the demographic makeup; the quintessence of human rights (only to Muslim foreigners though), of prohibiting critical thinking and action, you name it…

After having fed the Arab-Israeli conflict for years and offered millions and millions of dollars to the PLO/Hamas Terrorists and facilitated the infiltration of Europe by vile and subversive people (once again, without having taken the question to referendum or even consulted the public through petitions) the politburo in Brussels not only fed a civil war in Syria but also induced cowardice in Syrian young men and men by compensating them and sponsoring (through NGOs) the invasion of Europe with people stemming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Mali, Eritrea and any other place as long as they were Muslim. 

And then…when the people screamed “Enough, I’m leaving!” the bureaucrats of the International Left got offended and were outraged at the British outrage. 

Just like a Muslim husband, the EU says “Yes, you can go but before you do stick around for three months to make sure you’re not pregnant!” (i.e. to see if the UK quits the stupid idea of leaving), then “If you want to keep the children you have to pay X for each” (i.e. the UK has to pay if she wants to leave and under our terms and conditions, otherwise we will retaliate on several levels). Poor Khadija accepts all sorts of abuse, leaves destitute and with a broken heart (i.e. Theresa May is insulted by a Commissioner who looks more like a Drunkard rather than a Head of the EU. Britain is being coerced to lower her head, humiliate herself and pay to leave). 

Hey Brits, have you lost your minds? Don’t you know how to think and move on? A nation whose language is spoken all over the world (cause whoever doesn’t know how to say “I speak English” feels small and practically stupid) wants now to pretend she can’t enter and/or leave any organisation whenever she feels like it? What are you afraid of, of losing commercial advantages, of not being a united nation, of being a people free of dysmorphia?

I am not British but I’m sick of so much lethargy! Therefore, Britannia, do mankind a favour: dust yourself off, raise your head, face the fight, slam the door and leave! I am not sure whether you remember or not that you can always negotiate within the Commonwealth, trade with the United States of America, with Latin America and some countries in Asia. Moreover, there is always a G-d who veils over a people who unites behind a just cause! So you can always take shelter under my G-d's Wings, the G-d of Israel!

Britain, what’s the matter with you? All right, you may not have been such as great an empire as Portugal, but damn you, honour your ancestors and don’t take manure! If you leave at will, what are they going to do to you? 

Till next time.

P.S: Jean-Claude Juncker says that if the Brexit is catastrophic then British enterprises and insurance companies cannot operate in the European Continent. Well, in that case, German and French business enterprises and insurance companies won’t operate in Britannia either. Let’s see if they will have the guts to turn their back on a market such as the English one. ‘Britons never, never, never shall be slaves’!

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Lord Nelson, Queen Elisabeth I, Margaret Thatcher, they are fuming at this uncertainty. Please, madam Teresa May, show your testicular fortitude and relief us all of this madness: say no to blackmail and leave!

    1. I couldn't aree more, the whole structure of Brussels is rotten. The corruption of the Latin countries is moving North.

    2. Paul Armstrong, welcome to DS! It is quite a pleasure to see you among us :). Cheers for your comment.

  2. Wow! Quite a punch you carry in the post. My humble take however is decided one way or the other and ACT.

  3. As far as I am concerned the UK should leave the EU to dry. Who the bloody hell are those bloody bureaucrats to tell us what to do?

  4. Britain is embarrassing, getting on her knees like this! King Arthur must be rolling in his grave...Oy oy oy!

  5. Shame to lose all the EU benefits though, but Britain will survive. Yet the Irish will give us hard time, but then again they live for it, don't they?


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