Is the French Crisis a Prelude to a Popular Revolt Across Europe?

France had a terrible weekend: Paris was literally up in flames set by the “gilets jaunes” (the yellow vests) a spontaneous movement created to protest against the ever hiking fuel taxes charged by the Macron Administration.

The protesters also voice their outrage at the French government's blatant incompetence. The numbers are not reassuring, as Dr Guy Millière shared in his article “France’s Meltdown, Macron’s Disdain”:

  • Unemployment at an alarmingly high level (9.1%)
  • People in poverty also high (8.8 million people, 14.2% of the population) 
  • Economic growth effectively non-existent (0.4% in the third quarter of 2018, up from 0.2% the previous three months). 
  • Median income (20,520 euros, or $23,000, a year,) is unsustainably low - indicating that half the French live on less than 1710 euros ($1946) a month. Five million people are surviving on less than 855 euros ($ 973) a month.

This data may suggest the French President was placed in power not to serve the French People but to serve special interests, especially if we look at what seems to be President Macron’s main focus:

  • The European Union project – instead of calling for reforms, President Manu (short for Emmanuel) seeks to deepen the Euro-assault on States’ Sovereignty (it is worthy to recall his calls for a Euro-Army and for the antithetical concept of ‘European Sovereignty’)
  • The “Islam of France” project – in which he intends to shun what is perceived as “consular Islam” (i.e. Islamic dogma dictated by foreign Islamic States) and create an “Islam” befitting French values. Another antithetical project (one that reveals a complete ignorance of what Islam is all about and ignores the fears of most French People). 

Sidebar Note

The last time I criticised President Macron’s Euro-Army project, DS received feedback from France accusing me of having misled the audience in my article titled “Compulsory National Service To Counter the Millennial Idleness and Futility”. Before, I am accused of having misled my readers when I wrote “Shariah Law: not necessarily anti-democratic”; please allow me to clarify that both articles refer to National Scenarios not Regional or Globalist ones.

The Compulsory Service item was an advice to Sovereign States; and the Shariah Law and Democracy one was intended for Islamic States seeking to modernise themselves while maintaining that important connection to Religious values – not for traditionally Judeo-Christian States.

When I wrote “Germany & France Getting Ready for the Worst: National Guard towards Martial Law?” I certainly wasn’t suggesting the deployment of the Military in the streets to suppress Popular Protest – the People started by peacefully protesting against the Macron Administration but then as the Government ignored their grievances the blood boiled and fire spread out - as the article shows, my words were within a Counter-Terrorism context. 

Emmanuel Macron is revealing himself a complete PR failure. We can no longer deny that these successive Political Experiments (that started with President Barack Obama and then Justin Trudeau) are failing to produce tangible results: all they are doing is upsetting the People even more. And if the International Socialist Organisation insists upon investing billions of dollars in electing young, reckless, shallow and disconnected from reality “political leaders” then certain groups will be left with no choice but to line up some interesting Political Characters that risk upsetting the whole world to make sure the Left doesn’t rule States for almost a century – and it is quite possible to do so, as the Mexican case has shown us. 

What is happening in France is yet another reflection of what happens when the European Union, or the International Socialist, make decisions without taking into consideration the national policies in each country and the impact they may have in people’s lives: the increase in fuel taxes was not imposed only in France. Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands are also suffering from hiking taxes. This concerted action has nothing to do with high oil prices, which are currently low (circa $53); no, the people is suffering this fiscal extortion because Europe decided it is time to push citizens to acquire Electric Vehicles (EV). Unbelievable. And what are those who can’t afford to buy an EV supposed to do? Ah, Marxism dictates that the People must ride in Public Transportation if they can’t afford a decent car – such a violation of Personal Freedoms…

When the Monarchy was a Fiscal Extortionist…

Most European countries abolished the Monarchic Political System because the regime sucked the People dry through heavy taxation. Then the Republic was born in most States. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat was born in Russia to save the Workers from the Opulent Royal and Noble Families – the result was interesting, the spendthrift Nobility was replaced by the greedy spendthrift Communist Elite. Now Republics are extorting the People with never ending Taxation with very little services in return (what is the practical use of electrical kick scooters for old people in an aging Europe?), not to mention the higher cost of life. Must we do away with the Republic now? 


The way I see it, certain people’s political theories (including my own) are being proved right by Macron, Trudeau, Obama and other such experimental failures. Merci infiniment, Monsieur le Président. 

The world should follow Portugal closely: soon we will all discover the economic hole dug by the “Geringonça” (the nickname given to the Leftist Coalition ruling the country) given the reality in most Portuguese homes. There seems to be a dichotomy between the official numbers and the reality on the ground. The People are being squeezed dry - is this the new EU Plan?

Update: Macron SURRENDERS to the rioters: French president caves in and suspends fuel tax hikes in victory for the Yellow Vests after days of violent protests

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Macron likes Europe more than France and he loves the Moozies more than his French countrymen. Didn't you guys see him crying near MBS? "You never listen to me!" heck, he reminded me of my GF "you never listen to me, Adam! You never listen to me!" what a doosh Macron is! Go, yellow vests!

    1. «"You never listen to me!" heck, he reminded me of my GF "you never listen to me, Adam! You never listen to me!"»

      LOL LOL LOL you never change. Still single, Adam? *nodding*


    2. Yes, proudly single but with a new GF. Man, she gives me hassle!

  2. Finally the people do something about their life but the rest of Europe seems sleeping still. What's it gonna take for them to wake up?

  3. It is true that we are all losing power of purchase because of government's incompetence. Politicians only serve their own interests and while their salaries increase ours decrease! As the people we can not continue to accept it, right? It's a legitimate protest if you ask me but will it spread to other cities in Europe? Not sure cause most people are numb!

  4. The yellow vest movement should be careful cause Macron may be giving the impression he is surrendering now and then hit them with something else later, like triggering the martial law to suppress protest! I don't trust Macron, like many leftist politicians of the moment or most Europhiles, there's an authoritarian streak to him!

  5. Fiscal extorsion...I like that expression and it describes very well what is happening across Europe. The people's pockets are being vacuumed to the slightest crumb. I'm glad citizens are beginning to fight for their rights and if a revolt is what they need to make their voice heard, then be it.

  6. Has Macron addressed the country yet?


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