PES Congress: Drop Socialism, Adopt Social Democracy

Last weekend, there was a PES (Party of European Socialists) Congress: European socialists voiced their admiration for the Portuguese PM António Costa and even expressed their willingness to follow his model. In turn, PM Costa gloated over his ‘achievements’ and made an incredible revelation. In this Congress, many platitudes were said and the conclusion is that PES lives in illusion and is detached from reality. The term “Social-Democracy” was also interestingly mentioned and it’s worthy of analysis.

Brief Comment on Social Democracy

Social-Democracy is basically an ideology seeking to take advantage of Capitalism to advance its agenda: social justice (redistribution of wealth, regulation of the economy, state interventionism, welfare state, representative democracy and equality). Socialism is anti-Capitalism whereas Social-Democracy uses Capitalism to its advantage.

Now that socialism and communism have been proven a failure; the new generation of leftists finally embraced the term “Social-Democracy” after they had a taste of capitalism in the West, and after they saw the success of the Chinese Capitalist-Communism – although the Chinese model is far from the Social-Democratic one – but like Hitler believed his National Socialist paradigm was much better than the Soviet Marxism-Leninism (i.e. the Dictatorship of the Proletariat) the new Socialist Generation believes their social-democratic model is much better than the Socialist one they till recently advocated for.

There are right wing political parties (called Neo-Liberal) that bear the “Social-Democratic” label: the PSD (Social Democratic Party in Portugal) and the PSDB (Social Democratic Party of Brazil), for example. In the Portuguese case, the original name of the party was PPD (People’s Democratic Party) but then they changed it to PSD when they wanted to work with the Socialists within the context of the post-1974 Revolution period. What is grave is that most of my adult life I saw this party call itself a Liberal Party (in the true definition of Liberalism, not the hijacked one) however, we have to wonder whether they are truly liberal/right wing, or if they are a travesty to redirect votes to socialism.

PM António Costa’s Revelation

The Portuguese Prime Minister presented the formula to lead the Neo-Socialists into power: to affirm “the social-democratic values” while presenting economic and social results.

This is remarkable because PM Costa just announced the Neo-Socialist ideology for the third decade of the 21st century: to drop Socialism and adopt Social-Democracy. Since they can’t beat Capitalism they join it while seeking to advance the same illusions of the past – and here is exactly where they will do us a favour and cause their own fall.

In sum, there’s nothing new under the sun. It’s all a PR stunt.

PES Congress: Some Interesting Quotes

“If the European political establishment carries on with business as usual, the fake populists of the far right will fill the vacuum.” - Jeremy Corbyn

“The fake populists of the far right”…this is very interesting an affirmation as Mr Corbyn seems to be one of the very few who knows the definition of Populism (power by the people for the people, democracy); and therefore, he calls the far right “fake populists” but there’s an interesting detail to take into consideration: Socialists, Neo-Socialists, Marxist-Leninists, Communists and derivatives are also fake populists because under their rule the people don’t have rights, power, and have their lives dictated by the State. Thus, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

“Inside or outside the European Union we are internationalists to our very core." – idem

After more than 50 years under the socialist yoke, that opened way to Globalism, it is fair to say everybody had already surmised it; therefore, Mr Corbyn didn’t say anything new here (with the exception of vowing to spy for Europe after the Brexit).

"We can say, and we have to say, to all citizens that we understand there are reasons to fear; however, the answer to fear is not closing borders, it is to build a social-democrat European Union, with our values, that responds to the everyday needs of our citizens." - António Costa

Enough said: the European Union is in truth a socialist project. I am, however, glad that PM Costa acknowledges that the present situation is stark and that people do have reasons to fear; notwithstanding, there's a contradiction when he says the answer to fear is not the closure of borders when what the people fear is exactly the Mass Migrations and the all dangers and threats inherent to them.

Suddenly all the Security Concerns (Islamic Terror) have been set aside by the Socialists - by magic, we are to forget that Jihadi Operatives infiltrate the West through Mass Migrations. 

“Build a social-democrat European Union, with our values” that is able to respond “to the everyday needs of our citizens”; there is a problem with this affirmation: multiple taxation, redistribution of wealth, state interventionism, welfare state, representative democracy (which promotes corruption), the illusion of equality (of any kind), social engineering, open borders, anti-religion policies, transferring decision power from National States to Regional Blocs (like the EU) etc doesn’t help the everyday needs of citizens, au contraire (as we can see by the plight of the “Gilets Jaunes”/Yellow Vest Movement).

"[Portugal] proved that it was possible to have a different policy and better results than the policy of austerity" – idem

Did it really? Then explain us why Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Judges, the Judiciary Police, Fire-fighters, Transportation workers (trains, buses etc) and public servants are constantly going on strike for lack of working conditions, absence of promotions, low wages and a minimum wage unworthy of a European Country. The French are breaking and setting everything on fire because they lost purchase power even though their minimum wage is +/- €1,480/month (US$1,684) – what should the Portuguese do with their €600 (US$682) - the estimated minimum wage for 2019 - and the ever higher costs of living?

PM Costa, are you sure the austerity programme is over? Ask the common Portuguese people and ask the cops who earn €760 net (US$864).

Portugal, the country that discovered the world; the country that opened the gates to cultural interaction; the country that opened way to generate people like me, like PM Costa (i.e. mulattoes); the once great Empire is now reduced to have third world wages just to look good on paper…

Have the Portuguese no pride?

Old Formulas, Old Failures

The PES Congress passed 8 Resolutions:

  1. For a Europe of gender equality and empowered women
  2. Progressive economy
  3. Social Europe
  4. A healthy environment and food, green growth and modern industries
  5. For a stronger democracy in Europe
  6. For fair and progressive asylum and migration policies that work for all
  7. Empowering youth
  8. For a fair, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous world

Let’s briefly translate these old formula-based resolutions:

  1. Use Women as Puppets of the International Socialist to avert the PR crisis created by the Guys; instead of earning 25% less than men, they will now earn 15% less – that’s progress
  2. Redistributive economy with never-ending multiple taxation and squeezing the Rich
  3. Socialist Europe (Censorship, Anti-Semitism, Muslim-Philo, Racism, Perversion of Values, Abolishing Sovereignty)
  4. Healthy Food (with Palm oil – a cancerogenic ingredient present in chocolates, cookies, cereals, cakes, industrial croissants etc). My advice is: grow and cook your own food before the socialists kill you all
  5. Stronger democracy in Europe through representative democracy (i.e. secret ballots) to ensure socialists, and social-democrats always win elections
  6. Allow for the invasion of Europe to guarantee voters for leftist parties
  7. Brainwash the youth to standardise their thought and reject Religion, Family Values and National Pride
  8. Fair, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous PES and its associates (who guarantee their business continues to flow quietly)

True Meaning of Following the Portuguese Model

Make no mistake, when the Socialist Club spoke of following the Portuguese example, they were not talking about PM Costa’s governance (which hints at failure); nay, they were talking about implementing across Europe what António Costa did when Portugal re-elected the former PM Passos Coelho: all Leftist Parties are to join forces, create a majority in parliament and form a Government, if voters fail to elect comfortable right wing majorities.

Conclusion: The Art of Deception

"There's no need to be afraid of socialism." - António Costa

We are not afraid of socialism, we abhor it. Socialism is an anti-G-d and anti-Human Nature ideology that destroyed the basic values (G-d, Family and Country) constituting the pillars of Law and Order. Socialists won't sweet talk us all down the abyss.

The Art of Deception: this is what DS promises to the International Socialist Organisation. Atheism, Globalism, Corruption, Perversion, Promiscuity, Anti-Semitism, Racism, Eugenics, Social Engineering, Envy, Censorship (and whatever else they come up with) will not prevail.

(Image: PES Banner[Ed] - Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2018 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Socialism is a damn cancer and socialists are the most ridiculous bunch of people. And what's funny is that they think they fool us!

  2. Ouch! This may put a target on your back, Max, be careful!

  3. PES reminds me of the Nazi Party and their ideas are similar to Hitler's: socialism is socialism regardless. Now they call themselves social democrats but the spirit is the same! But you are right, it is all a PR stunt. Great post!

  4. Same old, same old. And they keep on throwing sand at our eyes, however we all know that people are beginning to wake up and see the lie that Socialism really is. They can change their name, they can even adjust capitalism to their ideals, but their ideology remains rotten and will never fully work. Good job, Max. Shabbat Shalom!

  5. God help the Socialists. They do not seem to understand that they and their philosophy is in the twilight zone.


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