Analysis: The Plague of Locusts in Mecca and the Catholic Anti-Jew Plot

By Max Coutinho

*Disclaimer: this post targets an audience fluent in Political-Religious Matters and in Semiotics.*

It was reported that the Grand Mosque of Mecca was plagued by swarms of locusts and cockroaches, on the 7th of January. This phenomenon took place on the week when Jewish communities began reading the Torah portion called Bo (describing the plague of locusts, the death of the first born and the beginning of the exodus) – this is not a coincidence.

The Vatican is playing a very dangerous game by not putting some of its elements under control. Word in the street is that Catholic Organisations, in Europe, have been preparing lists with Jewish Names and certain families have been flagged: they are not to be allowed to reach Jerusalem. This is very grave and we wonder why Rome is silent: is it complicit? If the Vatican is ignorant about events on the field, then we will hereby gladly keep them on the loop.

The Plague in Mecca’s Grand Mosque 

The Grand Mosque (Masjid Al-Haram), one of the Five Pillars of Islam, was struck by Allah with a Plague of locusts, grasshoppers and cockroaches. When Egypt was first attacked by a similar plague, it happened because the Pharaoh wouldn’t let the Children of Israel go to Serve G-d and take possession of the Land He Promised our forefathers. It is interesting, however, that G-d now added an extra element: cockroaches. So, what’s the message here; why did Masjid Al-Haram suffer such a great Sign from G-d?

Message #1

The plague occurred on the 7th day of January. The number 7 is perfect and therefore holy: a complete and whole cycle (to read more on the Number 7 click Here).

Without the fullness of “seven” there is an emptiness, an unripeness, still awaiting its time. (Rabbi Eliyahu Safran)

Saudi Arabia is a vital actor in Middle Eastern Affairs and, therefore, the time has come for it to shift positions and do what is necessary for the region, not for the West. The United States is a great friend but, ultimately, the US will do what is best for the US (as it should); so when is Riyadh going to start doing what is best for its people and for the Middle East?

Saudi Arabia needs to become truly holy and complete its mission. However, this can only happen when, as one of the Pillars of Islam, it respects entirely Al-Qur’an.

Message #2

Let the Children of Israel go to take possession of the Land G-d promised them.

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning." - Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104 (source)

The Qur’an is true to Islam, and going against it is a heresy for any Muslim (a Submitter), is it not? So, when did it become all right to desecrate the Prophet’s words and go against Allah’s decrees? Saudi Arabia, children of Ishmael (son of Abraham and Isaac’s brother), you are being urged to review your position towards Israel: it’s time to normalise diplomatic ties between the two countries, drop your support for the Palestinian Cause (which is a heresy created by Egypt in 1964), and usher peace and prosperity for all in the Middle East.

Insisting upon a fake cause will only bring more hardship not only to your country but also to all Islamic Nations.

Message #3 

In the West, Cockroaches are a symbol of change; so, Saudi Arabia should begin to change by following the counsel in Message Number 2. In Islam, however, Cockroaches bear a different meaning (often negative):

  1. Weak enemies that can do a lot of damage  
  2. Member of the family sowing discord in the shadows

Islam is in peril if it doesn’t change course. Jews are deemed weak, because they are small in numbers; but we promise you that weakness is apparent and a lot of damage can be done. This statement has nothing to do with the Jewish State; this is strictly between the Saudis and a small, apparently weak, group of Jews who can inflict a lot of damage from the Shadows.

It is not a secret that the Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, has been threatened by his own cousins and uncles – who are plotting to discredit him and have him replaced by the King. But this threat can be diffused if MBS thinks matters through and reaches an understanding with the House of David.

The Catholic Anti-Jew Plot

Regrettably, one of our Units had access to lists containing Jewish names and orders to prevent specific Jewish families from reaching Jerusalem. Such lists were in the hands of groups composed by Catholic elements. One could absolve the Vatican from such undertakings as Catholics are free to do whatsoever without having to resort to Rome, however the level of sophistication of such documentation suggest these groups wouldn’t be able to do it alone – higher levels of influence must be involved.

Could this plot be the reason behind the ‘sudden’ Vatican support for Islam? The Pope called “an Angel of Peace” to the leader of a Hybrid Terrorist Organisation (PLO) and Rome, under Pope Francis, has been too adamant in dividing Jerusalem with Muslims who call for the slaughter of Jews ogni giorno. So, what else can be surmised from this if not an involvement of the Vatican in the plan to keep specific Jews away from the Holy City? We advise the Catholic Church to put a leash on these so-called Catholic Organisations persecuting Jews and specific Jewish Families because those families are under DS’ protection and are already on their way to Jerusalem. The Wicked never prevail.

From our perspective there is only one solution here: either Rome sits and explains to the Rabbinate exactly what is worrying it or the 2,000 year project will crumble piece by piece with no human intervention – and the Third Secret will finally be fulfilled.

As long as in the heart, within,
A Jewish soul still yearns,
And onward, towards the ends of the east,
an eye still gazes toward Zion;

Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope two thousand years old,
To be a free nation in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem. 

(Image: Seventh Plague of Egypt - John Martin, via fma)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. I was surprised to see the plague hitting Mecca and the timing was spot on! So I agree it can't be a coincidence.
    The Catholics are still persecuting Jews? To what end and why can't those families not reach Jerusalem, what have they done? The Catholics never learn!

  2. The Plague of the locusts is the 8th plague. The number 8 means being one step above the natural order, higher than nature, higher than nature's limitations; so maybe Saudi Arabia is being urged to go higher than what she sees as being natural (hating Jews and Israel) and to go beyond her limitations (hating Jews and Israel). 7 and 8 are both perfect numbers ב"ה.

  3. Catholics still persecuting Jews? This is grave! Guys, if you have evidence of this then put it out there now! Time to bring the mofos down!

    1. Hi Anonymous :D!

      Not everything is for public eye. But thanks for your comment.


  4. I look at this from another angle: Saudi Arabia is being told to announce the temple mount is not one of the pillars of Islam, Mecca is and Mecca alone is where Muslims should turn to and go. Al-Quds has always been Jewish and will always be! But what if Saudis refuse to take heed? What will happen?
    The Catholics don't learn!

  5. Saudi Arabia is about to fulfil her political destiny and that is why G-d is warning her. I hope Riyadh understood the message.
    As for the Vatican: what a shame, if confirmed that Rome is involved. Great things could've been done but if they are bent on repeating past mistakes, then so be it...ב"ה

  6. What happened in Mecca was amazing! I never thought I'd see a miracle in my life time.
    So the Catholics are at it again? They never learn, do they? In the past they were used as a tool by G-d to punish us but this time they may be the ones ending up being punished; something like Balaam and Balak, know what I mean? Shabbat Shalom!

  7. Didn't know that Mecca had been attacked by a plague, it's so Exodusy, ain't it? Anyway, if it's a warning they better pay attention cause the last one to ignore was burried under the sea!
    Now, regarding the Catholics: they what? I thought they had grown out of it! Well, this time we will kick their ass, I promise you, Max. As a Jew I don't accept to have my brethren being persecuted by Catholics again, no fucking way! Thanks for keeping me, at least, in the loop!

  8. When God warns you you better listen!
    I am Catholic and I support Israel and the Jews! This pope does not represent me! If the Church is persecuting our Jewish friends and brothers I will fight along with the Jews. I will.


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