Can the People Still Trust the Government?

By Max Coutinho

No, it can not. One looks at most of the world and realises the concept of Government is becoming redundant since instead of improving the lives of people it only makes it harder for them to live. Fiscal policies are criminal, health policies are negligent, food and drug policies are murderous, services are pitiful, there are too many civil servants and corruption is rampant. So, is the Central Government still an honest Entity?

Answer: No, it is not. The people are being scammed.

The American Case

It is a fact that America needs a better border security policy. The US needs that Wall in the South border and yet what is the Government doing? Nothing because the opposition instead of serving the People’s interests they are serving their own. How do you explain that Democrat figures, like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Senator Schumer, once defended building a wall (via the Secure Fence Act 2006, during the Bush era) but now are bent on promoting the blockage of President Trump’s efforts to secure the country? The Nancy Pelosi is putting her party’s interests above the People’s. Ideology, emotions, reactionary moves and nonsensical positions come first and risk imperilling the United States of America.

The Threat is real. In South America and in the Caribbean, as we speak, sit hundreds of Terrorist Cells (Hezbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Khorasan etc) working closely with Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers. Such groups are mingling desperate people with operatives in order to infiltrate the latter in US territory while the desperate ones are used as cannon fodder. Don’t the Democrats find it strange that, just like in Europe, the majority of the “migrants” is composed by military-age males? Deep down they do but ideology makes them turn a blind eye. And here is where the danger lies.

So, what is the solution?

If Congress is bent on blocking any effort to build a protective wall in the south border, then the People should take the matters into their own hands: the good patriotic Americans (from all walks of life) must pitch in and help POTUS raise the funds to build that wall. 

Bypass the House of Representatives because they are NOT doing their job. They are not representing the People and they are not serving their interests.

The Venezuelan Case

What is happening in Venezuela is a disgrace: the people do not have food, medicine, water, electricity, the stores are empty and the wages are miserable. Socialism and Communism did that to the Venezuelan people. And it’s incredible that no one, absolutely no one, did whatsoever to put that President Maduro out of business. Nicolás Maduro doesn’t have the credibility to continue at the helm of that once great country. Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro once again showed the world that Communism doesn’t work and they managed to destroy a whole nation in less than twenty years.

What is the solution (because the Venezuelan people deserve better)? A Pronunciamiento is the best way to go. However, the real Venezuelan Military (not the corrupt drug dealing one) doesn’t have the means to do it, therefore reasonable States (like Brazil, Argentina, the US and others) should support the Venezuelan Military in exile so they can plan their Actions after the Venezuelan People requests their intervention.

The Portuguese Case

The Portuguese people can hardly rent a house at affordable prices these days, they can hardly keep warm in winter because the energy bills are one of the most expensive in Europe (even though the salaries are one of the lowest); gas prices went up 10%, transportation prices went up 2%, food prices went up between 2%-3% - all above inflation (which was 1% last year); and the government can’t even raise the minimum wage to €1,000 (standing presently at €600 in the private sector, and €635 for civil servants) only because the socialist ideology doesn’t allow them to lower corporate tax (IRC). Hospitals do not have the means to treat patients, nurses are not paid properly; and cops, intelligence officers, firefighters, etc earn wages unworthy of their risky line of work. Is this serving the people’s interests?

Yes, the State’s deficit is allegedly low (to please the European Union) even though the debt is incredibly high; yes, everything seems rosy on paper; however, the people is in economic agony – even though the Government keeps repeating the Austerity is over, but is it? Portugal is good for foreigners (who have now a tax exemption during 10 years) but not for the Portuguese (who are being multi-taxed all the way to misery). So, what’s the solution? The solution is a broad political purge, a change of the Constitution (to remove every socialist hurdle) and new blood.


The examples are endless but certainly most readers get the point. If Governments continue to serve politicians’ interests rather than those of the people, then it’s time to review the entire Political System and work towards tangible change. But one thing is certain: right now, there’s no way the People can trust the Government; right, Yellow Vests?

(Image: The Portico of the Parliament House, Dublin - James Malton)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Politicians in government are self-serving and that's why we can't trust the government. And to make things worse they will block any decent politician who really cares for the people! That's what's happening to Donald Trump, he's being blocked by the self-serving douche bags!

  2. The problem is not the government itself, the problem is the people working in it! They are essentially corrupt but then again it's a reflection of our society, isn't it?

  3. A lot of us over here in India trust our PRESENT government. In fact, we are mobilising to canvass for the same dispensation for the coming elections to our parliament.

  4. In Israel we trust Bibi and his government! But in Europe I don't think anyone can trust any government!

  5. Max, Portugal is simmering for now but I fear for the Portuguese once the whole situation starts boiling. What a shame.
    I agree that if the Democrats insist on not funding the wall, they once approved and voted for, then POTUS is to circumvent Congress and consult the People directly. Power to the People!

  6. Endorsing Trump with a real fund raising would be a good way to show power of the people, but do Americans have the courage to do it?

  7. President Trump needs to be smarter than those congressmen! If Pelosi doesn't give him the money than he should declare a state of emergency, it's the natural thing to do especially now the dems are busy trying to pass laws to stop future government shutdowns! They messed up and now are trying to look good in the eyes of the people. No, we can't trust the government.

  8. In Africa, you cannot trust governments cause they steal from us and they don't serve us the people, they serve themselves and their friends and family! It's embarrassing!

  9. Not in the west and most of the world, no.


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