Politicians Bypassing Mainstream Media and Fixing Venezuela

By Max Coutinho

This week, we are addressing two topics that are intimately related:

  1. Politics being done via Social Media
  2. Time to fix Venezuela up. 

Ditching Mainstream Media for Social Media?

The Mainstream Media, unfortunately, is on a crusade against the politicians of change and censorship is the MO of the moment.

From 2000 till 2014, I dedicated hours to watching all kinds of news channels from all over the world and it was incredible to realise how insidious the Media can be: they lie, they manipulate information, they edit footages to misrepresent people and situations; they stir emotions and even incite against specific countries and ethnicities – all the while defending the principles of equality, freedom of this and that, and of Human Rights (only for some). Where did the Media that respects the true spirit of journalism/reporting go?

Since 2000, I have also dedicated a lot of time to reading the written mainstream media and it’s appalling to realise their lack of honesty and short-sightedness (not to mention blatant hatred for Israel/Jews and Conservative People): they lie, they manipulate headlines, they alter facts, they hide the truth, they don’t inform…they push their worldview unto their readers. In simpler words, they brainwash the population; and they no longer answer the five questions (taught in Journalism classes): What? Who? Where? When? Why?

Raise your hand if you noticed that newspapers, or online news sites, are mostly about opinion pieces rather than informing the general public. 

We want to be informed not fed with commentary by people who do nothing but repeating the same rubbish everybody else does (i.e. to disseminate the propaganda produced by the ISO).

Politicians and Social Media

Given the present environment in the Media, why should politicians bother with them? They can always bypass reporters and insidious editors (with a clear agenda) and inform the Population via Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and other means of communication.

Even though Barack Obama was the first to understand the impact of the social media in politics, it was actually Donald Trump who was the very first candidate to analyse the Media Environment, to understand that journalists could be bypassed and that his message could be directly taken to voters without filters. Then others followed: Bibi Netanyahu, Matteo Salvini, Jair Bolsonaro (who inclusively live streams his addresses to the Brazilian public in case the Media gets creative), Juan Guaidó et al.

Like the White House, other administrations should open Youtube Channels and broadcast (or live stream) their events, their speeches there because the Media will not show the people the facts and they will edit your words. Then let your surrogates do the spreading of the message throughout the Social Media. It’s time to create a subgroup of the Media - many fed up reporters will join the project.

The Venezuela Crisis

78% of Venezuelans say, that during last year, at times they didn’t have money to buy food for the family, 87% say they didn’t have the financial means to buy clothes their family needed and 80% had no means to pay for medical treatment (source). We should put ourselves in those people’s shoes. Try to picture yourself living under such conditions: how revolting is this?

Yet, Russia, Turkey and others have the nerve to accuse the United States of America (and allies) of trying to destabilise a failed state. Has Moscow no shame? Has Erdogan no shame? I am not even going to mention China because we all know what will eventually happen there and then we will see how the Chinese will respond to the incoming Judgement.

Questions to Vlad Putin:

  • When are you going to have the courage to act differently? A static mind is the foe of progress, and your mind seems to have stagnated in the past and in old formulas. 
  • What has exactly been Russia’s contribution to the advancement and development of people? 
  • Hasn’t Russia ruined the world enough: Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, Middle East and Asia? 
  • Why pursue obsolete formulas that do not work? And in the name of what, money? 

I promise President Putin that if money is what he wants, there are other ways of making it without causing misery and destruction, all the while maintaining his support system. Enrichment through destruction, bloodshed and tears of civilians is the easiest and laziest form of wealth acquisition…will this be Vladimir Putin’s legacy? Is this how Mr Putin wants to be reminded by History: a mediocre who sold his soul for fast cash and ephemeral power?

The European Union once again showed its coward nature. The EU worries about the +/- 5 million migrants from the Middle East but when it comes to the +/- 3 million of Venezuelan displaced people (in its majority Catholics) Europe is willing to give Nicolás Maduro the benefit of the doubt before doing the right thing. What is wrong with this Euro-Bloc? They will come up with the usual excuses “We have more than X thousands of Europeans there, so we need to take it easy” but guess what, those Europeans are suffering the consequences anyway. So, it’s clear to see this bloc is insidious to the core and that is why it won’t stand for much longer…

The Importance of Fixing Venezuela

Besides the importance of putting a stop to human suffering in that country, there are also vital Security considerations to bear in mind.

Venezuela is a country where Hezbollah opened shop. It is also a country where many African corrupt leaders (including from the PALOP bloc) hide and launder their money – through the Hezbollah network. Venezuela is also the place where Al-Qaeda (and other elements from the Global Jihad enterprise) in association with the corrupt Bolivarian Military, traffic drugs, weapons and everything else you can think of. These are probably the same people who support Nicolás Maduro – and the European Union gave these folks the benefit of the doubt (what is going on here?).

Venezuela is an International Security problem. Planes fly from Brazil (Tri-Border, São Paulo, and the North of the country) to Venezuela carrying crates of cash; from Venezuela, Hezbollah spreads its tentacles to the Caribbean, to other parts of Latin America, to Europe and Africa. From Venezuela and Mexico, Hezbollah and members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps await to attack America.

Nicolás Maduro and his ilk (the Military elements who keep him in power) are selling their country to Iran and to terror groups.

We are also part of the people, and we’ve had enough of supporting a government that has betrayed the most basic principles and sold itself to other countries. - Coronel José Luis Silva Silva

One thing is to sell Venezuela to Terrorism and having the people benefiting from it; another thing is to sell the country to nefarious countries and organisations and starve the people to death - only to create the suitable environment for Jihadism and Cartels to thrive.

But the most difficult question remains: how did the world allow this situation in Venezuela to get to this point? 

For 70 years the international community has been obsessing over the Arab-Israeli conflict and ignored the suffering of billions of people in other regions. For decades, it fed an anti-Israel campaign while millions of people saw their lives being torn by Islamist states and groups. Billions of dollars were handed out to Hybrid Terrorist Organisations who used those funds to keep their own co-citizens in poverty and to spread misery and Terror in Africa and Latin America.

Think about it. Take responsibility. Change paths.  

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Venezuela is a failed state on route to a civil war. I hope they knock Maduro down!

  2. Russia complains always but offers no solutions to world crises. I support international intervention in Venezuela not only because of human suffering but because of the security threats!

  3. I hear North Koreans are also helping Maduro. If this is not cause enough to depose that criminal, I don't know what is! How much louder does the people in Venezuela need to cry for help?

  4. Hugo Chavez transformed Venezuela into a Terrorist Safe Haven. Everybody is there: Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Boko Haram, you name it. Elements from these terror organisations marry local girls, make babies with them and then travel across Latin America and the Caribbean. Do you remember when TT Muslim nationals were arrested in Venezuela? They were there to receive instructions, weapons and passports.
    Based on this, I have to agree that this goes beyond helping the people suffering in Venezuela. This is an international security matter. It affects us all. Good job, Max.

  5. African leaders steal from us and then hide their money in countries like Venezuela, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau etc. I'm glad Maduro is falling and I hope all the corrupt military goes down with him, but Juan Guaidó is giving some of them amnesty so how do we know he is not pardoning Al-qaeda partners?
    The European Union today voted to support Juan Guaidó and it passed. Maduro is hanging by a thread: will he hide in Russia?

  6. Russia saw in this crisis a perfect opportunity to challenge America, but will it work? Is Russia really interested in a war, can she afford it? Moscow was involved in the Syrian war and it practically took a beating, so will she succeed in Venezuela if it comes to that?

  7. So who's making money in Venezuela war this time?

  8. The EU finally got their act together and are sending humanitarian help, unlike the Useless Nothing (UN) who will send aid once Nicolás Maduro accepts their help. How bonkers have the UN gone?


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