How the "Money Laundering Law" is Ruining the Middle Class

By Lenny Hannah

Translated from Lenny's original piece 'Liberalizar o Capital e Progredir de Uma Vez Por Todas'

The Money Laundering Law was created in the United States of America because of the Prohibition. Later on it was revived to fight Drug and Human Trafficking and, finally, it was applied in the fight against the funding of Terror Groups after the 9/11.

I have noticed that after a major event, in any given country, a “one size fit all” law is quickly passed and, of course, the result is a huge waste of financial resources and an endless waste of time.

The Prohibition

Let’s look at Chicago at the time: Al Capone (in order to control the monopoly of the illegal distribution of alcohol) employed methods that led him to commit atrocious crimes – aggravated assault and murder; yet, everybody turned a blind eye to the booze activity justifying it with social-philosophical arguments like "He directly/indirectly fed a lot of families", but once the piling of the bodies became amoral the cops indicted the man and, even with evident proof, the smuggler/murderer wasn’t condemned for the lives he took, nor for the money laundering, but for tax evasion. Rumour has it that a lot of people prospered in the business of illegal alcoholic beverages in impunity: allegedly, one of them was the Patriarch of the Kennedy Family.

The Fight against Drug and Human Trafficking

The Money Laundering Law was, in this case, irrelevant because the money stemming from this type of criminal activity is rarely apprehended and only one major boss of organised crime groups is arrested every 20 years – the human debris is rarely accounted for, if accounted at all.

Terror Funding

Please, spare me lullabies cause I don’t want to sleep. To begin with, the biggest Terror Sponsors are all the world Governments (since all countries donate to Hamas and to PLO/PA); Hezbollah openly does business in all of Africa, where they operate through Lebanese and Syrian citizens (and we received information that Hezbollah elements are stockholders in big banks in the West). Therefore, we have a case where terrorists are Bank Owners who enforce the money laundering law on the average Joe when he goes to the bank with €15K in cash. Not to mention that they demand all sorts of documentation from him just to open an account in their institution: ah, the perversion of lawmakers!

A Decent Proposal

I propose that we shred this law coated with perfidy cause not only it is a law made to have the police work cut out for them, but also this thing became a monster with several tentacles because when they involved the Banks, Bankers seized the opportunity to extort fees for each deposit, fees for calling to know about the status of a bank account, fees for calling the client, fees for sending a letter, fees for re-issuing a card, fees for withdrawing money at the counter, fees for flushed water, fees for toilet paper, fees for the rent of each Branch, fees for hiring/firing an employee etc etc…

This stupid law, to which every government clings to, is ruining the world middle class; for the jealous International Left adjusted it to make every financial move liable to money laundering charges:

  • If you are gifted with a cottage, by a relative, you have to pay a tax – otherwise an investigation will be triggered to verify whether the funds used in the acquisition don’t stem from tax evasion
  • If you sell a building you have to hand over part of the profit (50%) to the Government
  • If you decide to do savings you have to pay a fee to the bank and a tax to the Government
  • If you make an investment in the Stock Market and then sell your shares you must help the Government by paying X percent of Tax
  • If you are a High Earner you are penalised with an Income Tax plus the Solidarity Tax of 2% 
  • If you subscribed to a Cable TV Pack you still need to pay the State Media Tax + VAT
  • If you spend €30 of water your final bill may end up being, for example, +/- €75 (due to Taxes on solid and liquid waste, domestic garbage collection + VAT)
  • Your electricity and natural gas bill will be made up by what you actually consume plus all the other Taxes + VAT
  • Fuel pays Tax, Cigarettes pay Tax, Crisps pay Tax (a sodium tax to fight hypertension), sodas and sugary beverages pay Tax (to fight diabetes)
  • To keep the Welfare State going, the International Left will rip off any and every citizen that earns more than the minimum wage (which is €630 in Portugal)

This Money Laundering Law is a guillotine over the head of anyone who wants to make it in life.

The Welfare State promotes idleness, poverty, social dependence; in one pocket and out the other; it fosters envy and hatred towards those who generate wealth. 

This perversion of the law is so crazy that a member of the Socialist Party, in Portugal, who was a member of the government, who was the Administrator of the State Bank (Caixa Geral de Depósitos) and Vice-President of BCP (Banco Comercial Português, a private Bank) confessed, a priori to save his daughter who has been indicted for corruption, that he received €2 million in cash and hid it in Switzerland through a company that renders such services.

Governments need to stop acting as a procurement agent (i.e finding clients) for Banks by demanding everybody to open a Bank Account (to get their wages, benefits etc) – when we all know that Bankers play with our money and, thus, are not the most trustworthy people on earth.

Gentlemen, I suggest that we shred this law that only serves to fill up jails with the “average Joes” who carried more than €12K in their pocket while the big fish – who happens to draft the laws – gets away with only a slap on his wrist. Therefore, I propose that whomever evades taxes should be incarcerated for 15 years (minimum) with no more questions asked; I also propose the death penalty to human traffickers, paedophiles, rapists (be it a priest or layman); I further propose that corrupt people get a minimum sentence of 10 years in jail and have all their assets confiscated to help the state and citizens to pay his “rest” - talking about a proper deterrent to serious problems...

Till next time

(Image: Dollars and Euros[Ed]  via Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. There are too many taxes, I agree. But that's the legacy of socialism and what's sad is that even conservative governments took up on it! So sad!

  2. Governments are ripping us off since the great war!

  3. Hi Lenny, I already left a comment on the Portuguese version. Cheers

  4. Yes, it's time to get more creative and stop exploiting citizens. This is why we now see the people fighting in Movements like the Yellow Vests. It's time to open our eyes. Kol HaKavod, Lenny!

  5. Dudes, I feel my money stretches less and less by the day!! This is an assault to our pockets and it goes against everything economic liberalism stands for! Down with Socialism and down with Taxes!

  6. Is it just me or is there something really grave going on here?


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