Artists & Members of Royal Family Off Politics, Politicians are NOT Celebrities

By Max Coutinho

Artists, Actors, Singers and anyone whose profession is to entertain others, although entitled to have a political opinion, should never emit one in public – it’s tacky. Anyone entering the British Royal Family should abide by the pre-existing rules and never make a political fool of herself in public – it is vulgar. It is capital to avert the crisis that has erupted in society: anyone feels they have to have a political position even though they display an inexplicably high level of ignorance of what politics truly is and how it works. Result? Promiscuity.

Artists et al off Politics

People who have a special talent to convey emotions and depict situations that mirror reality should focus on what they do best and, above all, respect their audience. They are not working only for leftist audiences; they do not get rich only at the expense of leftist folks; so lest they lose everything they worked so hard (and suffered) for, they should respect the right wingers and independent voters who also sponsor their life style.

The Grammys, the Oscars, the Emmys, the Golden Globes etc used to be entertaining for all the peoples in the world. Today, most lost interest because guess what? No one wants to know the artists’ political opinion. That’s not what they pay them for. Just act, sing, tell a joke, strut your stuff…and shut it.

Artists et al will many times accuse the Media of invading their privacy (when it suits them and their publicist), but then they will volunteer private info to the public: their political opinion. If entertainers want their life off the spotlight then they shouldn’t bring bits of it to public either – it’s a matter of good sense.

This doesn’t mean that artists can’t be concerned with social issues.  They can; however, they are to do it in their own free time and off the cameras – it’s more authentic that way, in any case. 

This class of entertainers are utilised to display a sense of glamour and sophistication on the Red Carpet; they are hired to present us with depth on movie screens (and many are awarded for it) but when they open their mouth off screen they reveal their tackiness. And this is quite disappointing; and disappointment leads to financial losses.

As long as an artist is in active duty, he is not to meddle in Politics. Period. 

Members of the Royal Family cannot be Common

The Monarchy is not to be entirely detached from the People’s reality but they can’t be embedded with them either. Royal aficionados will agree with this assessment. It is vital that the mist continues to surround the Royal Family – King Arthur lives forever even though the traces of his existence seem to have vanished in the Mist of Avalon.

The British Royal Family is a National Symbol; therefore, when someone joins the “Firm” she is to abide by the pre-existing rules and understand her new role in society. She must not impose her will and she must certainly not try to alter the natural order of things. If her spouse is unwilling to explain her that the Royal Family is not a reality show but a serious matter, then it’s up to the Shadow Court to do it for him.

Having said all of the above, there are a couple of topics the Second Lady is to avoid:


Feminism is a vulgar word. Today, most of the so-called feminists defend the absurd, heresy, murder and promiscuity, rather than the integrity of women. So, when the Second Lady says something like “I feel the embryonic kick of feminism” in public and her office allows the press to spread that she intends to raise the 7th in line to the throne in gender fluidity, we have to wonder what is this woman trying to do: to undermine the British Royal Family from within?

First, by the 8th month of gestation the baby is no longer an embryo but a foetus. Unless, the Second Lady is telling us that her doctor discovered that she’s experiencing Superfoetation. Or she is simply sending a subliminal message to someone.

Second, “kick of feminism”: people speculated she might have been hinting at the gender of the baby. If that is true then we have a problem. The Royal Protocol says Royals are not encouraged to know the gender of their unborn offspring and if they choose to know then they are not to reveal it till the day of birth – is the Lady defying the Court? If she was not revealing the gender of the foetus then she was signalling that she intends to raise her son or daughter as a feminist – which would be quite silly.

The Lady and her spouse should raise their children to love and respect women but above all to Fear G-d; because when we fear the Lord feminism becomes redundant as you begin to love and respect Human Beings regardless of gender, level of Melanin and religion.


The Second Lady is to discuss political matters with her husband at home. She is to refrain from emitting opinions and from doing political activism as that is certainly not her place.

The Lady must remember the British Crown represents everybody, from all walks of life, not just Left leaning individuals and their nonsense.

If the Lady wanted to be political she should’ve either married a politician or run for a public office. Instead, she chose to marry into an apolitical family and she is to play the part faithfully. 

Political Promiscuity

A Politician is not a celebrity; therefore, he/she must not behave as such.

Politicians should mind their usage of Social Media and weigh their words carefully before typing any comment on such platforms with the same discipline they mince their words when talking to the camera. First rule, stick to political matters and avoid posting pictures of you socialising with the rich and famous.

If Modesty is vital in private life, in politics Modesty is even more capital – it avoids a lot of troubles. 

Political Leaders, Heads of State and Monarchs should never be a nightmare to the Security Forces:

  • Do not kiss the public
  • Do not take selfies with the public
  • Do not hug the public
  • Do not eat everything the public gives you
  • Do not give autographs
  • Do not get too close to the public
  • Do not put everybody in danger. 

A Head of State is a national symbol and property of the State: he doesn’t have will, wishes or whims. And it is up to the Security Forces to explain this to the Leader, even if he was their Law Professor at the University.

Exempli Gratia: the Portuguese President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, abuses his status to charm everybody into doing what he wants, when he wants it and the way he wants it. He kisses everybody, he takes selfies with anyone and he hugs people. He is a complete nightmare to his bodyguards...

Politicians are not celebrities and even though they are not to be detached from the people’s reality, they are not to be that proximal to them either. It is healthy to allow a certain mist to surround them as it teaches the people the meaning of Authority, of Respect for the Authority.

Politics is not a circus: perhaps the time has come to subtract the jesters and wannabees from the Political Arena? It’s time to get serious again. 

(Image: Queen Anne of England, Scotland and Ireland via Wikimedia)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. That is the Portuguese President hugging people in Angola? How did his bodyguards allow him to do that? If I were a member of his protective corps I'd never allow him to get that near to the public. It's down right dangerous!

  2. The Royal Family member you are referring to is a leftist idiot. I wonder what that says about the man who married her! And what was the court thinking when they let a Prince repeat the same story as his Great-Grand-Uncle: to marry a divorcee?

    1. Hi Hannah :D!

      Well, her previous marital status is hardly the issue here (be careful of Lashon Hara): the point is, the Second Lady must avoid issuing Political statements or assuming political positions because it's not her place. Leave politics for the professionals.

      But yes, she does seem a tad leftist.

      Hannah, thank you so much for your comment and welcome to DS :D.


  3. That video is impressive. Portugal colonized Angola, and after all the bloodshed in the independence wars now they love the Portuguese president? What can we read into this?
    Anyway, I agree artists cannot meddle in politics and trash the president like they do in America, it's disrespectful and we don't care to see they being disrespectful! I don't know who that second lady is but any royal family member should be conservative not leftist!

  4. Facebook is censoring you again? Who was the MOFO that flagged you guys anyway, do you know? I stand with DS!
    Yeah, artists and all the Hollywood Bimbos should butt out politics! They don't know what they're talking about and should kiss the floor Trump walks on for making America great again!
    Who the f*ck is the Second Lady? I don't follow the Brits Royal Family cause they are ugly!
    I prefer not to comment on the Portuguese President cause as a foreigner in Portugal, it's not my place to; but all you said is right. Great post, Max!

  5. I wish that all our artists/intellectuals, politicians and erstwhile royals, now politicians and other politicians read this post. I am doing my bit by sending a link to some of these worthies that I know personally from whom I normally keep a safe and long distance.

    1. Hi Rummy :D!

      Thank you so much for your support and for spreading the word. Just bear in mind that FB is censoring us for the moment, so make sure you share the link via other vehicles.

      LOL you "Normally keep a safe and long distance" from certain worthies, eh? lol I understand you quite well...

      Thank you, once again, my friend.


  6. I agree, modesty is of vital importance both in private and public life.
    As for the Second Lady: no good signal is coming from that corner. I'm concerned about the future of the British Royal Family if they continue to give excessive freedom to that lady. On the other hand, perhaps it is so only until the second baby is born?

  7. Xi, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa took a great risk! But it's funny to see Angolans loving him so much when they spend all their lives trashing the Portuguese as colonialists! They hate the Portuguese but they don't have African names!!!
    Anyway, I don't want to know what actors and actresses think of Mr Trump, I don't care about their political fears, I just want them to act!
    Meghan Markle is embarrassing us Africans. She travelled everywhere except to Zambia, why? Afraid of seeing real Africans?


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