Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 3 Preliminaries - Part I

By Stephen Cheney



I prefer to use the term “waza” instead of the word “technique”. Waza is shorter, also easier to spell. For ease of comprehension the use of plain simple words, if available, should be preferred.

Technique: via Greek, from the Sanskrit of ancient India, ‘Takshan’, ‘a carpenter’, from the verb ‘Taksh’ to cut wood. Thus Technique is the method that one uses to do anything. The skill or art of doing.

Waza: (wa-za), from the Japanese, a purposeful act. The skill or art of doing. In sound it relates to ‘wizard’ — which is what any stealth fighter wishes to become: to be a wizard at what they do.

The Ability to Choose

To have the skill to Kill, and yet not kill: is a sign of great self control. Self control is just as important as both knowing dangerous techniques and mastering them by practice.

Children are extremely vulnerable to violence for they are not big enough to deal with bullies or attackers larger then themselves using strength alone. As in physics, a bowling ball crushes a ping pong ball. There are also too many suicides by sensitive victims who see no way out of their predicament: authorities will not isolate bullies from their victims permanently, nor outside of school grounds defend victims who must make their way home alone.

To defend themselves they need to be skilled in dangerous techniques. However, children in the school playground cannot be allowed to seriously damage a bully, even if the bully appears to deserve it. But a bully needs to be reminded of what serious pain is like; pain that a bully frequently imposes on others, whether physical pain or mental tormenting pain.

 In other words, a bully’s mind needs to be in the roll of others, to experience what they experience, to arouse any compassion that the bully may have, if any, and change into a more sociable person. Pain can be imposed on a bully but not breaking or killing them.

So, there is a dilemma (dilemma: -- DI: two, LEMMA: difficult choices). A child needs to know and respect the difference between a child-bully and an adult-attacker. A child needs to know dangerous techniques to survive in bad situations, but should not seriously damage another child, such as break bones etc. Against an adult any means that enable survival and prevent kidnapping should be used.


IF you wish to fight evil and win: you have to have done the necessary training in recognising evil and its strengths and weakness and the same for your own. To go forth and fight means you have to be deadly. Deadlier than any opponent that you meet. That is asking a lot. There will always be limitations to what you can do and to what you can achieve. If you fight a hundred fights and win 99 of them easily because you are a champion but lose the 100th fight because of a mistake and got knifed in the gut and died: what was the point of your fighting philosophy now that you are dead and unable to save anybody?

Most battles must be won by using your mind, with only the unavoidable fights having a physical aspect. It is Best to know your enemy totally, intimately. Know how he thinks, what he wants and what his training is. Prior to any battle. The physical aspect is only the use of Knowledge. It is Knowledge that is power, is force, is overwhelming whenever it is fully utilised. Physical force is just the claw of the monster. The monster has a mind that directs the claw. Study the monster. Know the ways and resources of your enemy.


In a surprise attack you do not have the planned advantages of a detailed knowledge of the enemy, but must wing it, make quick and accurate decisions, and have physical techniques that work. So child Jedi Knight Types are not sent against the enemy, they are not ready, they must have years of training, have patience and determination to practice and learn, years of experience and wisdom. However, a child Jedi Knight Type who has done some training is not a helpless victim and is dangerous. May not win all fights but the damage will be too great for an Aggressor to stand and a smart Aggressor (if there is such a thing) will quickly find out their error and leave fast.

An aggressor who surprises you should find that they have instantly awoken a dragon. How to switch your mind-set from nice and sociable into a dragon will be covered in a lesson, for combat is not for the ordinary mind that is friendly and sociable. An Aggressor does not fight fair and so you cannot either. An Aggressor however does fight to some rules; they are the rules or the mechanics of FORCE. That means that you can take advantage by fighting in unorthodox ways that are designed to never actually Clash with that Force.


It is extremely difficult and unwise to attempt to learn physical martial arts techniques from a text or book.

To learn proper technique and train in a SAFE manner for you and your training partner it requires an experienced and qualified martial arts instructor.

The techniques (waza) that I provide should be taken to the instructor to teach you as an attachment to whatever Self Defence course that they may provide. You advise your teacher that learning of these techniques is just a requirement for special training that you are undertaking and that the course requires that you use a qualified instructor for overseeing, guidance and safety.

Thus you need to practice in a supervised environment which has safety equipment such as soft mats, where a supervisor can teach you how to BREAKFALL, how to SIGNAL to your partner when a technique is on but getting too painful. You are not learning to get hurt but to hurt an attacker. You must ease off pressure on your partner when you are just beginners.

Safe Practice

Thus, these serious techniques, presented in this course, should be practiced in a Dojo with soft mats and under the guidance of a Martial Arts teacher who is fully aware of all safety requirements and the prevention of excesses. A child given dangerous techniques needs to have self control, even when pushed to extreme emotional states. This is normally an ability achieved only after years of training. Some children however have a natural inner calmness and these can be taught, but under supervision of course. Safety also involves how to clearly signal to your partner that the hold is on and might be going too far, to stop (such as clapping or yelling). The holder should then stop the pressure but not release the hold.

So this course is not suitable for every child. Unfortunately, many children have little self control, for whatever reason they cannot control what they do in a crisis moment and so will remain victims. Thus teaching such persons dangerous techniques is not appropriate. Instead they must be taught the non-physical cautions: Be aware of strangers, shout if grabbed, stay with your friends, etc.

Budding Jedi Knight Types are those determined to be warriors and that means to understand that they are not yet full warriors until they do all the hard work necessary, learning for both mind and body, to survive a battle.

(Image: Shaolin Monk in Balance - Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Cool! Purposeful action is what we all should seek to do in our daily lives and yet we don't. We act automatically and I wonder if that doesn't cause all these neurological diseases we see attacking people nowadays. I'm talking about Parkinson and Alzheimer's. Do you think there's a connection?

    1. Hi Unknown, neurological disease is a large subject. It should be noted that prior to the disease’s symptoms being expressed in a person, that person did not have that disease, or, that disease had not been activated if the virus was not activated, or if the culprit genetic code in the DNA was not activated. Thus a change has occurred and the cause of that change needs researching. A tipping into a predictable crisis or unpredictable Black Swan event. You can have an active agent mobilizing the disease or also you can have damage to or deterioration of existing processes that disables functions and immunization processes that are the capabilities achieved via evolution against outside malicious agents.

      For any problem in life you need to know the cause in order to design a cure or solution and not just shoot in the dark hoping for a usable result.

      The cause or causes protein-degrading enzymes for Alzheimer's, a neurodegenerative disease, is unclear. It is known that when APP protein in brain cell membrane deteriorates it is broken up in the cell then rejected as waste. Whatever process of elimination in the blood steam is needed, however, is not working and the APP fragments end up accumulating and naturally re-clump together. These globs are called plaques. Anything in the body that does not have a beneficial function is an obstruction and causes, eventually, problems. Cancer cells are a case in point. Another spin off effect from APP fragmentation is a clumping of Tau proteins in the cell (neurofibrillary tangles). There are other candidates for triggering the disease such as BMAA poisoning from cyanobacteria; or protein-degrading enzymes from, say, Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria. Healthy teeth and hygiene leads to healthy mind.

      Also, metallic poisoning may be looked at, such as Aluminium accumulation in the brain (the body is not designed to easily eliminate and remove metallic poisons). Metal conducts electromagnetic impulses and may, where present, short-circuit the brain’s normal transmissions along its brain axons. There are many poisons, such as DDT, that over time keep accumulating in the body until an effect is triggered. Aluminium is often an bad ingredient in body deodorants and penetrates the skin, the poison causes the sweat glands to contract to prevent entry and this results in less sweat (with the ever present bacteria and their smelly waste products) getting out onto the skin. There is the problem of the use of aluminium cooking utensils: Aluminium is a soft metal and subject to easy erosion by acidic foods such as tomatoes (Citric acid as low as 3.5 pH) or rhubarb (Oxalic acid). Such food should never to kept or stored in aluminium pots overnight for a next day feast; I understand that unfortunate deaths have resulted. If you want to foul up a car you pour sugar into its petrol tank. The engine is not designed to process sugar.

      Exercise helps the body to function properly, to move nutrients around the body and to eject waste products that are, in effect, poisons or obstructors to our body function. So the benefit of aerobic exercises and even such fluidity as Tai Chi.

  2. Parents need to teach their children about self-control. We all had to learn at some point, but there's no reason why we shouldn't teach small children how to do it.


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