Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 3 Preliminaries - Part III

By Stephen Cheney

A Selection of Body Weapons

As Karate teaches, every part of your body can be a weapon. So you are always armed to the teeth, even when naked. Attacked in a shower, you can kill. Being dangerous gives confidence, but also calls for a responsibility in what you do and no rash reactions. Much can be said about the use of body weapons, as can about waza, but too much at once prevents ease of learning.



Foreknuckles: Hiraken (hee-ra-kehn), also called a Dragon fist or Leopard’s paw. Fingers are half closed to palm and pressed together, using the projecting knuckles like a blade (stab to throat, solar plexus, bicep, tricep, armpit. Can also use this hand formation’s side edge to chop neck, groin, collar bone. Backfist to ear, cheek. Palm slap to ear, cheek). Into mainly soft targets. It has a bit longer reach than a fist and is more versatile. More focus of force into less area than a fist and fits targets better. Your ‘Swiss-knife’.

Palm-Heel: Teisho (Tay-ee-sho), in uppercut to jaw. Cushioned so can hit bone.

Wedge: Fingers in a triangular wedge: for soft targets.

Splayed fingers: across/ into eyes.

Thumb: braced on a fist: digging into or screwing into soft targets.

Eye-of-the Phoenix: Fist with first knuckle extended: Into any soft sensitive area.


Thunderbolt: the forearm smashed with a twist into the neck.

Elbow: to spear or smash

Shoulder: to ram

Buttocks: to ram

Head: to butt, but not recommended for beginners (risk of brain trauma).

Teeth: To nip, not bite. Nipping is better: pinching less flesh hurts more.

Knees: striking. Using the Top of the knee, NOT the bend of it (the bony patella).

Heels: Stomping onto tender top of foot.

Side of foot: as in a side-kick to shin or knee, not high where it can be grabbed.

At close range, before an Aggressor can use his greater weight against you, you need to be ready and happy to fire your body weapons. So: much practice.

The rule is: Nearest weapon goes to nearest target.

The rule is: You never just strike with a limb: you thrust your whole body into a strike.



Going up the body for smaller people to use easiest:
  • Foot
  • Ankle
  • Shin
  • Knee
  • Groin
  • Bladder (lower stomach)
  • Under ribs
  • Solar Plexus
  • Armpit
  • Side of neck
  • Philtrum (between nose and mouth)
  • Nose
  • Ears
  • Foot
  • Knee
  • Groin
  • Throat
  • Eyes
  • Temple
The chapters that follow in Lesson 4 are a sprinkling, a selection of waza suitable for use against bullies and the like: those attackers whom you mean to defeat but not to kill.

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Superb lesson, Stephen. Thank you.
    I like it that you are teaching children, and adults (cause they also suffer bullying sometimes), how to defend themselves from bullies. It's an important lesson, especially for women at their work place - that can be filled with dangers. It's top, really.

  2. Hi Cristina, Yes the need is great. Muggings may be few, but intimidations and non-physical bullying is rampant. So when meeting a dominating mind you need a resilient attitude. Your aura that you radiate can be a field of defence: such as your projection of Confidence. No confidence attracts bullies like blowflies. Confidence cannot be faked as under the relentless pressure of unloving, even hateful, intimidation, acting can fray at the edges. So Confidence needs to be based on something very real. That is where your martial arts training comes in. If you are used to meeting physical attacks: fist number 10,354 is coming at your face, so you automatically deal with it, like you would swat a fly. Against mental attacks you need a mind firmly embedded in its current surroundings and sure of your physical abilities. Altercations or rising arguments can emerge, as a monster out of a dream, from a twisted mental domain into the 3D realm. If you Know that you can physically handle an opposing physical Force then you are projecting an observable and commanding attitude to the arguer, and that can form a force-field that can be felt.

    When you are confident, the Aggressor notes that you are in command of yourself despite their repeated attempts to breach your walls and crumble, humble you down. Indeed, any bully, subconsciously at least, divides people into simple categories: Victims to be crushed; enemies to be fought; friends to be dominated; bosses to be fawned over, lied to and outwitted; warriors to be respected as too much damage can happen to the bully if things get physical and he has a tiger by the tail. The bully can only know what category you are in by how you respond to their probings and jabbings. Communication: Body language and firm voice tone convey much: all come from a determined mind. Bullies are limited minds and they have few tools to influence others and solve problems or promote friendships. A hammer and an axe do not go well in fixing machinery or relationships. They also have imaginary demons and make enemies of those who, with a bit of compassion, could have become friends. A bully has little understanding and they think that all others are like them and so expect you to be aggressive unless they can dominate you first. So they bully you to prevent you bullying them. Imaginary demons. Battles are often most won by who punches first. They also can never forgive you if you know or have witnessed some failure of theirs. They hide weaknesses they do not fix them or confidently laugh at normal human mistakes. A lack of a balanced sense of humour points to mental illness.

    1. Cheney, you are saying that a bully is ultimately someone who suffers from mental illness?

    2. Mental illness is a general term that includes a lot of different mental states, behaviours and degrees of extremism. One’s state of mind and one’s behaviour are linked. As to illness, it is a matter of degree. The mind can be ill from some physical defect, or by some ill conceived notions in its software programs. Warped ideas can contaminate the mind whenever analytical criticism is discarded. It is the inability to accept analytical criticism that can define and reveal a radical. A bully or worse, a radical, believes that they are Right and that it automatically means that others are Wrong. They bond an Idea to their personality so that whosoever criticises that idea is automatically criticising and personally insulting the radical. Whereas in truth ideas belong to no person, they are virtual structures that can exist independently and anyone can shape, create, amend or use them. A bully or radical has innermost fears that grow into hatreds and uses cruelty to suppress criticism and obtain compliance. They wish to be feared, not loved; being selfish they do not know what love is. A bully may have a neurosis from different causes, but a mild ‘illness’. Whereas a cruel tormentor, even to the further extremes of a torturer must have serious mental problems. Serious in the sense that others in the near social circle suffer much even to the point of their personality being crippled perhaps for life and even suicide. Many school bullies however are just dominant personalities who lack empathy, compassion and social graces.

      Ultimately, one’s social behaviour or misbehaviour is a choice. A choice based on what one believes about one’s self and others in this world. An inferiority complex or a megalomaniac complex can both result in the same behaviour of tormenting others and belittling them and threatening them. Perhaps some form of paranoid outlook, a fear of being attacked so they attack first. A fear of weaknesses being condemned, such as poor academic ability, poor looks or economic position relative to others: so aggressive behaviour is wielded so non dare to criticize. A caring too much of what their peers think of them and wishing to dominate, contaminate other’s opinions.

      If a bully is capable of loving anything or of being not aggressive to anyone, may love his dog for instance, or treat a shopkeeper OK, then their aggressive behaviour is controllable (and has been demonstrated) and their cruelty is a deliberate choice. They pick their victims. So, for self protection: do not display the behaviour of a victim and you may escape being targeted in the first place. Perhaps, like Pavlov’s dogs, they need to be repeatedly encouraged to change their behaviour. A bully exerts pain on others: if victims could fight back enough to inflict severe pain on the bully, then bullies may become more reluctant to attack as the consequences become unacceptable. No bully attacks another in order to get hurt. Getting hurt is not in their mind-set. It is the bully who thinks only of hurting, so has tunnel vision, tunnel thinking. They need a rude awakening. In their tunnel of torture, they need a train coming the other way.


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