Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 5 Spear Hand - Part II

By Stephen Cheney




A Jedi Knight Type, being a fan of Star Wars, would be comfortable with tales of foreign cultures, aliens, other worlds and other worldly ways.

From Dragon Pearl, which is an ancient martial art pantomime or Kata enacting the story of long ago, before writing was available, when the “gods” (that is, in Jedi Knight Type jargon “aliens”), came down to Earth and the events and changes to human culture that resulted. For every culture that has gods or a god, decides its ways and morality on the original directives from their god/s, even though their god/s seem to have gone and priests must dictate the rules for them.

Behind mythology there is always something of value, though ancient realities can never be fully known or recovered. Mythology is mainly about exaggeration to astound an audience, but the enhancement of the mere seeds left from perhaps true, though different, events, often serves to only mask those events from ever being known in detail. People are victims of their own local environment in the landscape of time, and rarely do their imaginations breach the barriers into the beyond.

When we land on Mars or, preferably a more hospitable planet, it is we who will be the Aliens, and up to us whether to our advantage, we allow any culture crisis to be interpreted as we being gods. The term “gods” being of course lesser beings than that of the immense and intense concept of a sole “God”. The sole God is by definition a God of souls. The lesser gods are only beings of power whether ‘angels’ or users of advanced technology. It is a matter of interpretation of mysteries. All knowledge received is incomplete and requires interpretation.

Knowledge has relationships and if, to be complete, all interconnecting relationships are detailed, there would be no time left for decisions or actions. Infinity has too many corridors. It is apparent from the diversity of cultures throughout the history of the Earth that there have been too many gods, too many meetings, too much ensuing dissention, and too many wars of egotistical dominance. So, our current situation of nation against nation, idea against idea, tradition against tradition, politics and religion against politics and religion. If we do not succeed in migrating to the stars we may become like Mars, a dead planet whose bacteria apparently died on the surface long ago before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

So here is a part of the story that relates to the exercise to which the application is a thrust to the armpit:

In the time before writing, before swords, there was a warrior who was being attacked by the Demons of Darkness (meaning that they did not look like us, and they were menacing and mean). The warrior, who in those times was a hunter, not a farmer, fought valiantly but was outnumbered, wounded and would perish. Except that a Dragon of Light (read Jedi Knight Type of alien) was chasing those very same Demons and so in searching for them came across the battle, and intervened.

The weapons of the human warrior were a bow and arrows and a short spear, the metalwork for swords not being known at the time. A short spear is a useful weapon, more easily wielded at short range than a spear. For instance, the Zulu used them. Their short spear was an innovation designed by Shaka of the Zulu, a military genius; it is called an "iklwa".

Also the Roman legionaries used their swords like a short spear to first thrust at the eyes, and when that was naturally covered, it gave the initiative and moment to be able to cut elsewhere. If you cannot see: you cannot fight. Although the Demons were technologically advanced they were having difficulty in killing the warrior as, interestingly, the human warrior was in possession of a Cloak of Invisibility and so could move amongst the Demons and they could hardly see her. This warrior was a woman, one of high rank in her tribe, as she wore a green stone in a head-band and was dressed in leather. The cloak would have been a gift given to her, a princess, some time in the past by the Dragons of Light, so this dragon probably knew the woman warrior.

For those whom assume that a Cloak of Invisibility is fantasy, they need to get up-to-date in science and military advancements,

Such cloaks or curtains are currently being made and researched with objects being masked from sight from cloaks made from artificial meta-materials, or even natural calcite crystals, etc. For instance, with calcite, light that enters it splits into two rays of different polarisations travelling and in different directions at different speeds (for you can slow down the speed of light, but not exceed it). For cloaking devices think Star Trek and Romulans, also Harry Potter, also Lord of the Rings. In warfare now, cloaks can be used to mask infra-red emissions that give away the positions of insertion teams, and warm vehicles these all being vulnerable to infra-red detectors and satellites. The cloaks can mask objects in normal light; you only see the scene behind the object, not the object itself. Much research is being done to shed light on this field.

We humans entered the Science Fiction realm, in reality, decades ago. Practically, all Science Fiction concepts, weapons and technology used in Star Trek and Star Wars are our current reality, or soon will be. Think Laser beams, robotic surgeons, teleportation. From the thoughtful imaginations of Roger Bacon (Doctor Mirabilis), of Mary Shelley, of Jules Verne, of Herbert George Wells, of George Orwell (Eric Blair), of Arthur Charles Clark comes future realities.

For if you do not stretch your imagination you do not reach the future.

Anyway, the warrior would hold the cloak extending it down from her horizontal forearm and that forearm raised to also cover her head, like Dracula in the movies. Then, when a Demon came near, she would move the cloak aside and lunge a strike with her short spear into a Demon, then immediately cloak herself once more, move her position and repeat the action. A Stealth warrior. But still, she was surrounded and wounded.

The Dragon of Light came and won the fight and the Demons fled, but although physical waza are used, mainly the Demons and the Dragon fight with the forces of their minds. The Dragon then healed the warrior, gathered her up and together they chased the Demons, for those Demons had previously stolen his Pearl (which was not, of course, a ‘pearl’).

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Loved this story, the she-warrior and the Dragon! It's so Game of Thrones!

    1. Hi Unknown, yes it is an interesting story. A pity the story in question ends in war amongst the alien tribes and they leave never to return. Unless of course one assumes that UFOs are, evidence (however meagre), of the return of our Guardian Angels (for if they were The Demons of Darkness we would have been cremated long ago).

    2. When they left, however, they left something behind: Some martial arts techniques (that are also common in other arts, biomechanics being standard); but also some mental control techniques that may be useful as it is the mind that needs to be alert, emotionally stable and yet inspired in order to conduct techniques to their maximum potential. I will cover some of both of these arts.

  2. The cloak reminds me of the jet's shield of invisibility in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. I know it's a reality cause UFOS have been using the technology for decades.

    1. Hi Miriam, I didn’t know that Unidentified Flying Objects (or Unlicenced Air Vehicles) used invisibility technology; I thought that they just jump around when they disappear from view. Perhaps invisibility to radar at times, but that is old hat, we use stealth technology. If aliens exist in transversing our atmosphere: then we are rapidly catching up to their provocations to get creative and reach for the stars. If that is indeed the motivation for their standoffish behaviour. Assuming that there are aliens in current proximity and view: then motivations need to be assumed from their behaviour. Earth is dangerous to alien life, as there are too many germs down here (it goes both ways), and humankind is indisputably a mean kettle of aggressive germs. If we watch their behaviour, then conversely they are watching ours and making assumptions. Earth and humans maybe like a volcano, active and attractive to watch but no one wants to stay, as aggression might explode at any time. War and mushroom clouds make great entertainment, but only from a distance. NASA has the same standoff policy if, by chance, its surveillances detect an alien life form with some technological powers on some planet. In that case it is We who would be the aliens and the UFOs. Caution is always the best policy for maximising survival.

  3. A female warrior wearing a cloak? Love the script!!! When I read the story it reminded me of the End of Days, of the Final Battle between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil! I pray to Hashem that Good prevails and that He sends His Angels to save us all! You should write more stories like this, Stephen. Max used to as well before she became a political aficionada!

    1. Hi Carla, such stories from the Dreamtime, when there was no writing, and history was transmitted along generations by means of tradition, dance, Kata and folktales, are allegorical. The original stories may have truths, but through the mists of time what were the original happenings can, in the present day, only be surmised.

      3D invisibility cloaks are expected to become available when existing research results in production. The breakthroughs have already been made. Such cloaks are not made of calcite crystals but better, photonic metamaterials which affect the behaviour of light rays, changing the material's refractive index and give invisibility from all angles.

      Strange encounters from the past leave little behind, but yet they do leave something. A new way of thinking about the greater universe, awareness of foes as yet unseen, the tragic results of great powers warring, objects like the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan: the sword Kusanagi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama, given to them by the gods. Interestingly those items seem to be connected to the number 8, and in Asia 8 is felt to be a lucky number as seen on preferred car licence plates. It is also a vital ingredient in the movements (Kata) of some martial arts like Ba Gua.

      Different thinking or mind controls are included in the Dragon Pearl Kata (which also has an 8 base), plus a few waza. More than martial tactics, the Human race is in dire need of better ways of thinking and self control before we end up like the dinosaurs: they were once, but are not here anymore, except their bones.

      Blue, the smoke of war,
      White, the bones of man. Tu Fu

  4. That warrior sounds hot. I like female warriors, they're smooth and light in their speed. Cool!

    1. Hi Adam, yes she was. So you like women who can fend for themselves. Good for you. In other cultures you had the Amazons and the Valkyrie. Women and children should learn how to fight. You are only a victim if you chose to not to learn skills needed to protect yourself.


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