Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 5 Spear Hand - Part VI


A note for Budding Jedi Knight Types, for it is you who will inherit and live in our farther future. What may be Science Fiction now will become normal Science:

You would be aware, that technology (by the use of magnets of varying power) can move or levitate small or even large metallic objects without touching them by use of the magnet’s Force Field. This ‘magical’ property has been known for centuries and you can do it yourself with magnets. What a Force Field is, however, is still a little magical and still needs to be explored. Indeed, if you look into Science, which all Budding Jedi Knight Types should do, you would become aware of Large Hadron Colliders, like that of CERN in Switzerland which detected the Higgs particle which generates Gravity Field.

Gravity: that Force everywhere in the Universe causes movement in all objects, metallic or not, without particles touching, by folding the Space-Time Continuum.

Science builds Tokamak Fusion reactors which use magnetic Fields to contain the 100 million degrees centigrade required for the fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium to radiate and utilize the Force of the Sun here on Earth, to meet the power required of future human industry. At the human level, some Healers can use their minds to initiate changes in temperature, but only say, an increase in the temperature of their hands for Reiki.

The movement of objects without touching, at the human mind level is called Telekinesis (or Psychokinesis). 

Unlike Technology, the mind can move both metallic and non-metallic objects – such as pins and matches, across a table under glass cover. The power (wattage) output of the human brain is however low and so only light objects can be moved without touching. The effort involved for humans seems to be only of use in losing weight, such as experienced by the controversial adept Nina Kulagina.

Telekinesis retains visuals on objects moved so it is not the same as Teleportation. Nor can Telekinesis move objects through walls (atoms are largely empty space) nor lodge there as is purported to have happened to some sailors in the controversial tale of the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’. Although there does exist ‘Tunnelling’ by particles according to Quantum Mechanics.

Teleportation is where objects disappear from their placement and also from vision, whether or not they return to the same place or somewhat nearby. Perhaps other dimensions exist (as mathematics tells us is possible and Quantum Mechanics considers is an interesting possibility). If so, a vast expenditure of energy would not be required to shift into another dimension, just as it is easy for us to move in our currently known and used 3 spacial dimensions. If the subconscious could do that: then you would NOT need a powerful object disintegrator, transmitter and a reconstructor at the receiving end already set up.

Of course energy transmission at the speed of light we already do, but the reconstruction of a human body would mean that all the vast information of that body would need to be transmitted together with enough energy and organisation to reconstruct. Shifting using Worm Holes would avoid a speed of light limitation but would have its own problems. Such teleportations for interstellar transport are visualized by the minds that created Star Trek and other Science Fiction. It must be noted from the evidence of history and technology that the Science Fiction of today is the normal Science in the tomorrow.

Technology can now teleport matter, though only in small amounts, by way of the ‘Entanglement’ of particles across vast distances. This shows that the Speed of Light, which is still a set limitation of the Space-Time fabric, can be got around by other means. Changes in Entangled particles appear to happen instantly and not be dependent on spacial travel restrictions. The space between two objects being, in some sense, reduced to zero. As to Teleportation not in relation to technology but in relation to the human mind, that is vaguer. We will be using a similarity here for combat.


  • With a target board and darts (or Shuriken stars of Ninja Types; they also threw darts), use your mind to imagine the target, such as a bullseye, being next to the point of the dart; the dart is yet to be thrown. They are imagined as touching.
  • Keep your mind on the target and NOT on the dart. The small target fills your vision. Throw the dart to strike the bullseye.
  • Your mind reduces the spacial distance between the dart and the target to zero, so, in a sense you teleport the dart there.
  • Your subconscious mind takes care of all the coordinating details required to deliver the dart right on target. You don’t need to know how that is done; you just need to order your mind to do it.
  • Similar to snooker, you keep your eye and mind at the target and not on the ball you will be sending.

The Owl’s eyes
Are full of the mouse
That moves far in the field. - Stephen Cheney

You should find that, with much practice, you can throw a dart across a room to always hit the bullseye. When this gets boring you can make it harder by throwing underarm, or by making the distance much longer in which case there will be a lot more arcing and time to target.


In combat a fast strike is as important as is its accuracy. The method given below assists with both speed and accuracy.

So, to free your mind of interfering internal thoughts you use what is called Mushin or ‘no mind’. 

This does not mean that you have no mind, it means that you empty your mind of thoughts till it becomes like a blank page or still water receptive to any input any movement or vibrations so that your actions are spontaneous and fast. You no longer include thinking of past or future or of what you want to do. You just blend with the attacker. You mind is open and upon the enemy you close. Your mind needs to be clear of clutter, clear of words. Also your body needs to be relaxed so as to not clutter the mind with tensions.

So, when meeting a fearsome Aggressor:

  • Deliberately drop your shoulders onto your torso, drop your hips and bend your knees slightly. Your mind will register from bent knees that you can suddenly spring or move: and so it does not fear or freeze.
  • Your hands should be in front of you but not tensed, have them loose like whips. No fist squeezing.
  • Free your mind from fear by only filling it with the shape and distance in front of you. No thinking. No feeling.
  • Use your mind to imagine your hand/fist actually on the target prior to your moving.
  • To activate yourself, your strike: breath or spit out some air, can even Kiai shout.
  • When you fire: your relaxed strike hits the target almost instantly, like a teleportation.
  • There seems to be no gap in time between your launching your strike and it arriving at the target.

The distance between heaven and earth is no greater than one thought. - Mongolian

Open hand strikes such as Palm Heel or Spear Hand are fast and do not restrain your arm speed. A tense fist and arm has its largest muscle, the Bicep, pulling in and that is not the direction that you want your arm to go. If using a fist: keep it relaxed and only squeeze it just before impact.

Allow your subconscious mind and not your conscious mind to do all the calculating, body arrangements, all that is necessary to suddenly be there on target. Do not Think, Act. The conscious mind thinks in real time and this slows actions. The subconscious mind is more flexible in transversing time. Time of course as we know from Science via Einstein is really Space-Time. A Oneness. When you move in complete Oneness, Time seems to slow down.

It is useful that whenever you defect/ parry/ block: That when you touch the attacking limb, your counterstrike also at that moment touches and penetrates the target on his body. Block and hit instantly at the same time. That requires a clear mind and a very relaxed body and arms. He strikes through space and time. You explode in the moment.

(Image: Telekinesis[Ed] - Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Hi Cheney,

    I was always under the impression that Telekinesis involved moving objects around and bending them. Basically, I thought it was all about the mind giving orders to matter.

    Loved this post, cheers.

    1. Hi Max, yes Telekinesis involves moving Light objects around, whereas Teleportation is the term for shifting them like any electron shifts instantly from one shell orbit to another. And we are made of atoms immersed in their fields of electrons.

      As to the mind giving orders to matter, not directly. The conscious mind gives orders to the subconscious mind and that handles all the details; which are vague and thus magical-like. However, when the process is known then it just becomes more science, although we haven’t really figured out fields like magnetism and gravity yet. We know they exist and are our reality, but just what a field is, is yet to be realized. Outside of revelations, we can only truly know something not from its essence (unless we are that essence), but from its reactions and relationships to other things. Knowing is knowing relationships, not things. Just as words only have meaning in their relationships. The key to understanding Telekinesis lies in the fact that both magnetic AND non-magnetic material is caused to move.

      Your mind commands and your hand moves and that is moving a lot of mass. Your mind ‘moves’ real items. The brain is electro-chemical and its impulses reach the arm muscles by way of channels, nerves. The cells in muscles are functioned to react to impulses and so move your arm. There is a physical connection between brain and arm and so the reaction is accepted and understandable. There are knowns that move without touching such as gravity and magnetism. And you can move another person to you without touching, such as by information transfer: calling your friend over. Nevertheless it is your WISH, your thought in the mental realm that starts the process. It is your MIND in the virtual realm that starts the physical brain impulse in the physical realm. It all depends on where you are willing to Stop a process, in its detail, to decide that you Know something, or not yet. Ultimate knowledge is not given to us. We and science decide our knowledge on vague-arities, probabilities and approximations, and thus review and revision and surprise are continual constants.

  2. How long does it take until we see results of mind training?

    1. Hi Miriam, as they say, How long is a ball of string? It depends on what you mean by results. Whenever you change your mind, or change your attitude, you enter a different mind-set. You do not need to meditate for hours to become a different or enhanced person. Ultimately mind-set changes are near instantaneous. You are patting a purring cat and a dog barks: the cat is instantly a hissing wildcat. With a little practice your mind can also do such dramatic changes. Attack a mother’s baby and see the sudden rage emanate, a woman in fury is like a dragon. Behaviour is ruled by attitudes. Thus the glory and sorrow of the world. Your determination and imagination are the channels for changing yourself. It is how you think about Yourself and about an Aggressor in your face that arouses fear and submission or poor coordination. I intend to cover this topic, mind-sets and fear, as the subject is vital to surviving real fights and so often neglected by Martial Arts teachers.

      If you get hit from behind there is no fear for you do not see what is coming. Fear is an assessment or over-assessment of unpleasant possibilities in the future (too much thinking) and that depends on your attitude and perception of what is before you. A mouse looks at a cat and sees a cat and envisions unpleasantness as it knows its own limitations. However if that mouse was a lion instead, then it would still see the cat but with an entirely different mind-set, knowing its own fighting ability. Improve your fighting ability to improve your confidence. The great treasure that Martial Arts give is confidence; and confidence is also a great treasure that any parent can give to a child who must sometime in the future walk the world alone.

  3. Well, Steve, can anyone have that power of telekinesis? And what exercises can we do?

    1. Adam, that is an interesting question and probably a dangerous one. If someone can do something, and brains are brains, basically the same structure in every human, then maybe all can. Obviously those who can do have a difference, an unlocked ability. The brain does have abilities unactivated and some parts can sometimes take over the functions of damaged parts. But why, if a skill is held, is it dormant at all? Under hypnosis cases are numerous where a people can suddenly do a skill that they have never previously demonstrated. Such as a person who wanted to be a ballerina and never practiced and danced. Under hypnosis on stage they dance ballet like an expert, no faults or poises. A lack of confidence always holds people back from their true capabilities. The key is it requires hypnosis, which is a method of reaching and suggesting to the subconscious.

      Apparently only a rare few can do Telekinesis under test conditions, and of those some are known to resort to fraud. Nina Kulagina apparently had some ability (much depends on the quality of the testers), but as is so common in PSI cases, there is no consistency. No consistency: for the subjects have no clue how they can do paranormal activities and the scientists testing do not have a clue either. For all her apparent talent, claimant Nina Kulagina, when she could not perform, resorted to fraud. You may find that pattern in mystics: without an ability on tap when required, they resort to fraud. Claimant James Hydrick was a detectable fraud all the time. The literature in science that is contrary to special abilities is extensive and fascinating. One should be wary of any course promising the obtaining of psychic abilities in exchange for money, there are many of them. When I taught at Uni, all of my students in the second part of the very first lesson could propel each other off the ground and across a room (we had wall mats for safety), but that is not exactly levitation as it is explainable. Magic lies in its workings being unknown.

    2. The normal science process of major revelations due to both theories and experiments is not the case with parapsychology. Many tests, many ‘statistically significant results’. The understanding of which is near zero. So the military, a major funder, desperately seeking advantages and new skills to teach to troops, has to shelve their programs, though not entirely, as being of little practical use. So Psychology is well established but Parapsychology is an infant science, or one not yet born.

      A paranormal skill can be unfortunate if it is not controllable. A Black Swann event. If you suspect that you may have a paranormal skill then you might choose to have proper tests to determine that. There are universities that include the paranormal in their curriculum. In the Private Sector you have the likes of The Monroe Institute, a Training Management Institute, a spin off from Stargate. The Military Sector is more closed shop, publically out of the picture, but passing the function around, perhaps for valid security reasons. The military has tenacity as they have the ultimate responsibility for the survival of a nation. I do not claim to have a Telekinesis ability, but I do know something about the subject. As to exercises to detect/ enhance any Telekinesis ability, you can have the fun or frustration of moving minor items at home. However, I recommend that when you try to do so that you do NOT tense up, but stay relaxed as energy requirements are less than 1 watt; and your focus should NOT be on just any one part of an item but all-inclusive, so do not stare. I suggest that you try to grab in 3D, not 2D, vision being very 2D. Vision is also receptive and is not what emanates. I suggest that the subject is able to reduce Randomness to zero, not explaining what I mean. If you are able to move little things around, I suggest the important question must be asked: What good is it? You will be eventually tagged and not be welcome in any casino. Reality is full of marvellous things but they impede thought continuity. In this world are marvellous things but they are only reasonable if you understand the reason why. Unless you know: you don’t know.


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