The Squad: Racist, Environmental, Anti-Sovereignty and Racial

By Max Coutinho

In spite of the technological advances it is becoming obvious that most Humans have grown thicker. And those who have become smarter are being demonised. It’s the circus of the absurd. 

The Racist Squad

The US has now to put up with four females who insist on making a complete fool of themselves in public. These fools are being applauded for it too. They are racist, bigoted, idiotic creatures, upholding nonsensical positions, defending failed policies and yet they are supposed to be an example of “brilliant women of colour” – have people lost their mind? When did the masses re-start applauding racist individuals? We thought it had been over with Hitler (Yimach Shemo). 

Then these sub-par females accuse President Trump of being racist: laughable when we think that these ladies hate Jews to the core, simply because they are Jews. They may even hate white people, for all we know. And POTUS is the racist one? 

Ladies and gentlemen, the Squad is following Lenin's strategy “our tactics: absolute distrust!” First, he generated distrust among the masses (towards the Provisional Government, after the fall of Emperor Nicholas II), then he organised a coup d’état when those masses didn’t vote for his stupid ideas. 

Whoever is behind the Squad may be planning something similar for the US, when they realise that America is not falling for their stupidity. 

The Environmental Squad

There is this group of people lecturing the world about Climate Change and labelling everyone who disputes their ideas as ignorant. There is even a certain British Prince now telling us, in the middle of a birth rate crisis, that having more than two children hurts the Planet. Seriously, after being applauded for bringing diversity into the Royal Family, HRH decided to become “une espèce d’abruti”. It seems like the British Royal Family needs to be inoculated against the Socialist Bug. 

The Duchess of Sussex’s subversive behaviour shall be addressed after she finishes breastfeeding her son. 

Italy saw 114 private planes arriving to Sicily carrying creatures to attend a Google Camp on Climate Change…enough said. “Meeting of the Minds” they called it: laughable. Question: what was President Obama doing there in the middle of such mental promiscuity? He is obviously confused about his place in society – it is so disappointing to have to admit that his critics were right about him, in spite of being wrong about the way they voiced their opinion of him. Nevertheless, their instinct was right. 

The Anti-Sovereignty Squad

Contemporary Leftists are more ridiculous than past ones because early leftists were intellectual idealists with whom you could debate with. The contemporary version lacks knowledge and culture; it hates everything and works with convenient soundbites taken out of context to defend its unclear positions. 

The New Left is ultra-radical and as violent as a dog with rabies. 

These folks attack Donald Trump in a worse way than the Tea Party attacked Barack Obama, because at least President Trump’s policies are creating jobs for everyone (from all ethnic backgrounds and all social strata) not just for some; at least the Trump Administration knows what’s right for all Americans not just for the elites – this administration’s agenda is the well-being of the People. And that’s why they hate the 45th President of the United States of America. 

These folks attack Jair Bolsonaro because he’s showing that Brazil was ill managed and abused by Lula and his ilk. President Bolsonaro is putting the Military (the only trustworthy Brazilian institution) to work hard to better the lives of the Brazilian People, not just the bribing elites. A certain far-leftist lassie, in Portugal, even pretended to speak on behalf of the entire country when she said that President Bolsonaro is not welcome to Portugal. Well, Mariana Mortágua, you don’t speak for the whole country, you certainly do not speak for me: Portugal has a lot to learn from Jair Bolsonaro’s administration. 

Even Boris Johnson was attacked by leftists as being racist (the man is nothing of the sort), sexist (right), xenophobic (for supporting Brexit), ignorant (I wish today’s left wingers were a tad as “ignorant” as he is) and all over the place…

In sum, if you defend the Sovereignty of your country, if you are against Globalism, if you abide by Principled Realism, you will be called all the names in the Marxist Dictionary. We have to wonder whether this is what they agreed upon at Google Summer Camp…

The Race Squad

The Left promotes policies to keep Black people, and other minorities, down. It’s a fact. The only time they share the spotlight with a Black person, or a Mulatto (who was brainwashed into thinking he is also black), is to have them accuse the white people of being racist till this very day. You don’t see them promoting policies to advance minorities: a good example of it is the Quotas system (a fancy term for Affirmative Action) which only brews more distrust and hatred towards minorities – and that’s the Leninist tactics, isn’t it? That way, minorities are fooled into thinking they are loved by the Left while being kept on a leash by leftists…


In today’s world, a Leftist is a shackled repetitive Sheep afraid of being excluded from the herd and, therefore, a turn off. Being an enlightened Neo-Rightist is being a Free and Independent Mind; thus, an intellectual orgasm. 

(Image: Lenin[Ed] via Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. The American Squad is a bunch of pathetic racist idiots. But just like Hitler they are dangerous cause if they could they'd kill all the Jews. So before they look at Trump they should look at themselves in the mirror!

  2. The left is realizing they are losing the battle of minds hence their desperation and ridiculousness! Even Prince Harry joined the bandwagon: is he being influenced by his poor wife or has he been like this all his life? Not sure his mother would feel proud of this moment of his! Google camp was a secretive meeting, they say: so how come we know about it? It's really the circus of the absurd!

  3. I look at what is happening around the world and conclude this is the last gasp of a dying bird. But it's funny to see their despair.

  4. Any leader wanting to fix the damage done by Socialism is initially going to be called names and be demonised! People are used to living in garbage since 1951 and now that that garbage needs to be cleaned they react cause they are afraid of the unknown, of the clean slate! But I prefer to have a clean up cause everything is too chaotic, too messy!

  5. I'm glad I'm an intellectual orgasm then hehehehehe! Those four women accuse everybody of being racist but they are the racist ones! They are the new breed of Nazis. It's a shame that American politics came down to this: we need a new McCarthy!

  6. Ilhan, AOC, Tlaib and that other chick are the fifth column. The services should be all over them.

  7. My question is why didn't the right wing prevent the left from gaining this much advantage over the world? What was in it for them? I don't understand!

  8. Oooh, I love those intellectual orgasms! LOL ;-P
    On a serious note, I hope the left dies for good soon. Like in Israel where the left has been practically eradicated. I have a dream!


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