Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 7 Red Dot Robot - Part V

By Stephen Cheney

FROM THE FRONT (continued, B)

Prime Target. This is a KILL point so not to be struck hard unless you are in the physical process of being killed by your attacker. A light blow will stun but a hard blow that crushes the larynx will cause the person to convulse, not breathe and die. Desperate for breath they may become maniacal and one should stay away from them, as a dangerous foe such struck could still kill you in the seconds that they have before going unconscious and dying.

The Jugular Notch:
Prime Target. This is a KILL point so not to be struck hard unless you are in the physical process of being killed by your attacker. This point is the ditch at the very bottom of the throat, just above the collar-bone. There are nerves and arties inside and below it. It can be pressed to push someone away; or struck with a jab to cause a coughing fit. The tool that you use must fit the lock: Wrap your middle finger over your first finger for reinforcing support and jab into the Jugular Notch. Go deep in and then down. If you hook your finger over the bottom collar bone you can pull and drive the opponent to the ground. It is not easy to get to the throat or head area as it is readily defended by the opponent’s arms. Thus a distraction may be needed.

Sides of Throat:
Prime Target. The sides of the neck have protection: strong neck muscles, in a weight lifter/ wrestler they can be like armour protecting the softer vital spots below. So attack the hollows one either side of the neck with stiffened fingers (spear hand) stab deep and upward towards the centre of his head.
You can also chop the side of his neck (Hiraken edge of hand).

Your hand coming into the neck at a 90° angle is not bad, but strong muscle can get in the way. Below that muscle are nerves and arteries: so you need to first move the covering muscle aside. How to do that when using one hand in all? You do not hit the usual way at 90°. Instead hit at 45° either coming inward or going outward, whatever is easier depending on your height and position.

Circular: So you whip your Hiraken or Spear Hand round just beyond the neck and then inward to hit the side of the neck and continue pulling to slide his covering muscle forward and pull the impact point in to you.

Straight: Or, you thrust your arm straight and hit the side of his neck collecting his covering muscle and shifting it back away so the force of your impact goes deep into the underlying nerves and veins.

As with all strikes where the target can move away from the impact: If possible use you other hand to, in this case hold or palm the head so it cannot move away from the blow. The head will then feel the full force of the blow. This should at least stun the opponent if it does not render him unconscious.

There is a KILL POINT at the side of the throat, but not easy to find, and a hard knuckle or thumb there can kill. This is the meeting point of arteries and, especially in those people over 50 years old; it is common for plaque (cholesterol) to build up there. If those arteries at that point are squished by a blow, the plaque can stick the passage together and blood not again flow through: so the patient does not recover as they normally would. This is an example of the effect on all blows by the medical condition of the person attacked and hit.

As you would not normally read anyone’s medical chart before striking them, the JuJutsu and ‘soft’ arts, where the waza allow control of an opponent as an option, rather than just bashing them, are more user-friendly than the harder more killing arts of Karate and the like, where the life and death effects of blows cannot be easily pre-determined.

The Collar Bones:
Prime Target. People strike to the head and the stomach but little attention is sometimes placed to the vulnerability of the collar-bones. The importance of targeting the collar-bones is that they are a large target, whereas many vital points are small and very difficult to reach with accuracy when in the stress of a fight you have lost your fine motor skills. A downward hard smash on a collar-bone by a Hammer-fist can break the collar-bone. A broken collar-bone means that the fight is over and you have not killed your opponent (but they still must go to hospital as very dangerous complications can set in). Broken, the opponent can no longer effectively fight.

When the arm is down or the elbow of a guard is protecting the ribs, the Armpit is not accessible. It has its defences close. But if an arm is used to attack, it cannot also defend, and it leaves behind an exposed Armpit. Any limb that leaves the body leaves behind exposed targets. If one deflects the striking arm, an immediate counterstrike to the armpit is possible, especially is you can instantly step in close. A Spear hand can stab deep into the armpit paralysing that arm. Be sure that you are close enough so that when your fingertips touch the Armpit, your arm is still bent. So when you suddenly straighten your arm your force will go deep.

Do not strike to touch the surface of the body, always strike THROUGH the body to try to get to the other side. Maximises acceleration. Keep your deflecting arm pressed on their attacking arm and strike with your other hand (unless you end up inside their arm when you use the same arm to deflect and strike, like a snake).

The Sternum:
The sternum is a bone, and normally you do not strike your bone on their bone. However, the Sternum is like the Shin, it has nerves on its surface. You hit and grind in your knuckle into the Sternum and the pain is great. There is no permanent damage. Of course one does not win by pain alone, and you need to do something else at the same time: such as your other hand hooking their waist and pulling in to you hard. With these opposing forces you can throw a person backward, using just one knuckle and the finger/s of your hand at their rear.

The Solar Plexus:
A popular spot to hit and temporarily incapacitate another person. Punches often go there. But this spot is well covered by the arms and thick clothing can prevent penetration. It is rimmed by an arch of bone making a fist not really suitable as the striking tool. Far more effective is a narrower tool, such as Hiraken. You thrust the Hiraken’s blade of knuckles vertically into the slot of the Solar Plexus where if you then twist it before retraction, you may hit the heart. So this can be a dangerous strike, if you ever get through the defensive guard.

The Fingers:
The fingers are many and separately weak. Hands reaching towards you may be grabbed by the fingers. Grab fingers at any presented opportunity. Your can pull them apart or bend them backward even when you are much weaker than your opponent. There are many JuJutsu waza for bending fingers.

Under the Ribs to the Liver (Right side) or Spleen (left side):
This is a KILL point so not to be struck hard unless you are in the physical process of being killed by your attacker. The lower ribs protect the vital organs of the Liver and Spleen. If either is ruptured they bleed and the patient needs to go to hospital urgently, fight over. The bottom ribs are not anchored like the others and if forcibly struck might break and lance into an organ.

These points are useful in making an unwanted person back away, such as a drunk or crowding unfriendly. When they are close or hugging you simply take your thumb point and press deep under the ribs and then upward, the pain will make them back off.

The Bladder:
The bladder is in the lower abdomen, just above the groin pelvic bone. A hard strike into the bladder may rupture it and the patient needs to go to hospital, fight over. A painful area if hit. It will cause a high person to bend forward, presenting their head to you for your inspection and targeting.

(Image: Jugular Notch[Ed] - Kempo Class via Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Hey Cheney,

    When you say a hard strike to the bladder, do you mean a punch? That is a new one for me (so thanks for teaching me something new).


    1. Kicking: With bodies at arm distance a front kick with the ball of the foot penetrating the lower stomach. The foot being attached to the leg attached to the low pelvis.
      Punching: As the target would be usually low, the fist attached to the arm attached to the high shoulder, the punch would travel diagonally, that means when striking with a fist the two bodies must be closer than for a horizontal punch. A 45° strike downward into the bladder can be very effective and is found in Chinese styles. With a horizontal strike the target body can move back voiding some of the force. But a diagonal downward strike gets braced by pelvis and legs and so the target body does not move much backward to neutralize the force.

    2. Cheney,

      Thank you for explaining.



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