Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 7 Red Dot Robot - Part VII

By Stephen Cheney


The NECK and the KNEES can be attacked from any direction and so present the best main targets for attacking. Also one is high and the other low: so attacking one and that being defended, exposes the other target area to an attack. So, a useful strategy is to hit high and then low, or hit low and then high.

These are the points that you must LIGHT UP AS RED DOTS on the body of your opponent, your ‘robot’. You no longer see a human you see a robotic metallic body with red dots at vital points. As you move and whatever position that you are in see and go for the red dots.

These red dots are an artificial creation of your mind. However, that virtual, magical creation matches an underlying reality where it allows you to connect to the body’s real tree of nerves. For we have within us a magnificent magical tree of branches from the brain to everywhere in the body. As impulse lines from the brain, that are also the brain, and thus the brain is actually not ONLY the brain in the skull plus the spinal cord. It is all cords that weave throughout your body. So your whole body is only a capsule for the brain. The brain is everywhere. The brain is all. 

By tapping into the nervous system’s Atemi Points you can affect the brain and thus the mind and body of your opponent. The trees and plants that you see, the internal branching system that they use, you also use a similar one. Branches of nerves and blood vessels. Trees and animals are, in that, similar creatures, not only because plants have much of the same but then differing DNA as you.


We are the dragon at the base of the tree. ‘Yggdrasil’ to the Scandinavian warriors. In Hatha Yoga, their Serpent of energy imagined as at the base of the spine was called in Sanskrit ‘Kundalini’ meaning ‘coiled serpent’.

A common belief in yoga circles is that a key step to allowing the kundalini energy to rise up the spine is to open up or unblock the chakras. Mostly the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are seen to have opposing functions; the sympathetic is for ‘flight, fight or freeze’ while the parasympathetic is for ‘relaxation, recovery and rejuvenation’.

The Kundalini - Our Inner Serpent

Early History

The universal power, pure nature and vast potential of the Kundalini seems to have been well understood by the ancients. Often it was symbolized as a serpent coiled in three and a half circles with its tail in its mouth, and spiralling around the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the spine. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “coiled serpent”. Over a period of thousands of years, this sacred energy of creation can be found in esoteric teachings from civilizations as diverse as the Egyptians, Tibetans and Chinese.

Kundalini depicted as a coiled serpent

The Upanishads (teachings of the masters), the sacred Vedic scriptures dating back to a period between the tenth and fifth centuries B.C., provided the first known detailed description of this phenomenon, but engravings of yogi-like figures, predating these scriptures by 3,000 years or more, have been discovered by archaeological digs throughout the Indus valley.

From the Upanishads:

The divine power, Kundalini, shines like the stem of a young lotus;
like a snake, coiled round upon herself, she holds her tail in her mouth
and lies resting half asleep as the base of the body.
Yoga Kundalini Upanishad (1.82)

In ancient times the goal was not fitness. Rather it was direct connection with Brahman, the Universal Spirit within us.

NOTE: What happens in deaths from a heavy blow to the head: is that a heavy blow rocks and rattles the brain in the skull, bashing it against the bumpy skull interior walls causing bleeding and eventual death without surgical intervention. All heavy blows to the skull area should be avoided unless your life is on the line. The much touted Delayed Death Touch of Dim Mak: where the fighter dies days later is usually because of internal bleeding in organs or brain coupled with the fighter trying to show bravery in the face of pain and having too much pride to see a doctor and so they do not get any internal damage fixed.

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