Training Jedi Knights Types Lesson 8 Killing Recognition – Part II

By Stephen Cheney





A soldier kills, but does not murder, if the following applies:

·         Soldiers are patriots who defend their nation from the aggression of other nations.

·         Soldiers know that their killing is not personal and generally respect other non-vicious soldiers in battle and in capture. For opposing soldiers should be of the same mind; however invading soldiers might not be honourable.

·         Soldiers are protectors and preservers of their nation and its people. Thus they defend their culture and its laws. Without armed enforcement, laws have no ultimate defender or enforcement. When an invading force wins, as history shows, the old laws die and the invader’s laws replace them.

·         Soldiers do not intentionally kill civilians, nor do they kill their own people. If ordered by their superiors (often the political heads) to deliberately kill civilians of another nation, or to kill their own people who are not deadly criminals, and they do so: then they are murderers. At that stage of national crisis: it is time for the army to confirm its morals and revolt against the evil state on behalf of the people as the people are not normally armed. It is the function of the police, and not soldiers, to deal with criminals.

·         Irregular warfare: For all decisions there can be some special cases where difficulties arise from conflicts of moral sense versus necessity: Case in point in irregular warfare is the use by radical groups of mentally-challenged children who they dressed in suicide vests, or other children who are given weapons such as guns or manually operated missiles, and sent out to inflict casualties with the advantage of confusing the judgement of those who defend the good and the weak. If such children are not eliminated or otherwise neutralized then they will kill defenders/ soldiers and there will be none to stop the children continuing to kill other men, women and children. Whoever tries to kill you, you will have to kill or otherwise neutralize first. Thus: the prime target should be: those who set this devious situation up in the first place. To stop this cowardly practice of misusing children there must be a focus on eliminating the leaders who order it, thus making the price too high for the Ugly to continue this ugliness.

·         A soldier’s duty and tasks are to Righteously incapacitate or destroy those who Un-righteously destroy others.


Obeying Orders

Overlord murderers, though they are not the immediate instruments of killing, delegate the task of killing to those whom they command. The malicious overlords are the true murderers as they command the killing of non-soldiers; they motivate and initiate the deadly deeds. They have the necessary initiating mind-set, the killers have the hands and the conditioning to take orders without question. Those who command soldiers are the military hierarchy above, and the politicians in turn rule above all. Politicians can send out soldiers to invade other’s territories when that is not a national defensive necessity. Murder requires an aggressive unjust motive and killing does not. The will and thus the responsibility of killing lies with they who command the act; and the will of the commander is the driving force of any killing or murder. Soldiers seek to trust and look to their commanders for a high moral judgement and so to guide them through unclear situations such as riots, looting and revolutions.


Reluctance to Kill

The military have the problem of their soldiers firing wide of the mark as many are reluctant to kill another human being (unless they are firmly motivated as in an act of revenge or an act of defence). Firing squads are sometimes given some dummy bullets so the execution can be done with all firing, each marksman comforted by the possibility that it was not their bullet that killed. Reluctance overcome by psychology.


PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Not all wounds suffered from battle are to the body. The mind can also be damaged.
The wounding/dying of friends, comrades in arms, under your view is inevitable in warfare. Strong bonds of friendship are formed whenever groups of people or soldiers form, teams depending so much on each other, with common endeavours and intense experiences. Some armies rape and pillage, some do not. War reveals those who are barbarians and those who are guardian angels. War is the precipice that polarizes good and evil. When a soldier is entrenched deep in the mud of body parts; has the shock wave of explosions ringing in the brain for years; has seen the horrors of rape, torture and shredding of the body; the cries of women and children; the self-condemnation of not being able to do enough to win or to prevent cruelties; to present oneself to family who know little and expect on the return of their family member soldier to be the same as when he/she left them: One may feel sullied and broken with a dissipating will that impedes a willingness to continue to live.


To those warriors whose bodies have fallen,
But whose spirit ever rises:

I shall let you go gently,
no words...
An armful of azaleas
I shall gather
and scatter on your path...
On the flowers lying before you
Tread softly, deeply, and go.          -- from Kim So Wol




The world is not balanced, it is chaotic, with both dangers natural, and dangers from vicious humans. We cannot fix the world, but we can determine what we ourselves will do. What we must do to uphold our values; protect the weak; protect ourselves. When you choose to do what is Right, then you will always be penalized by others, by those evil, but also by those who are cowardly-weak. The evil-weak do not have courage, but they do have accusations and malicious gossip. Those who are evil do not have the self-control and the guts to be kind to others. The Bad never forgive the Good for existing as a contrast and thus forcing evil to face itself. For evil is a cruel ugliness and does not want to know it: which is why evil people, such as dictators, are always looking for excuses to justify their bad deeds, when they are actually so powerful that they do not need such excuses at all.


You do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.         — Patricia Fripp


Righteous warriors do what is necessary; what he/she knows is their duty; they do not actually need orders, only the weak need orders. A warrior is captain of his/her own soul. A warrior knows that there will be consequences and penalties and is willing to pay the price, even with their life. For whatever you stand for, and stand up for, determines who and what you are. You answer to the Universe that made you, and by your own actions you determine what the Universe consists of and where it is headed. We are the soft loving flowers in the bare field, we are also the adamant crystals glowing in the rocks.


We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.
                        — Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831)



Terrorists may often claim to be Freedom Fighters, that is, that they have a moral right to do what they do. However, Terrorists are not Freedom Fighters. Freedom Fighters normally fight, mainly within their own country, against a vicious dictatorship. In doing so they do not kill or torture women and children: the innocents. They fight for the rights of the innocents, who are not themselves fighters but nurturers or minors. Terrorists, however, have no qualms about torturing, blowing up or killing innocent citizens. To Terrorists there are no innocents: for Terrorists, all people who do not support the terrorist movement are enemies to be dominated and killed. A soldier generally fights under the accepted international rules of war, such as the Geneva Convention and on the battlefield under ROE, Rules of Engagement. However, a Terrorist recognises no rules, so there is no civilized conduct and savagery can predominate. Al Qaeda members may though require the sanction of a Wahhabist Imam, but that is often easily obtained.


Although Evil is meant to Fall, it often needs a Push.         — Stephen Cheney


The Courts

Terrorists, when captured, may enjoy the advantage of utilizing any rights given to them by a civilized society. So, although being held by a Court and sentenced to some years of incarceration, when released they are thus allowed to return to killing innocents. About one third of those prisoners released from the USA military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were later detected to have returned to killing Americans overseas. Such Courts, restrained by laws, as written and not amended by timid politicians, cannot be considered to be protectors of society. Such courts may be said to aid and abet murderers to do their future killing. They are incapable of imparting a full solution. Politicians are those authorized to amend the laws used by courts to be more pertinent to modern, ever changing times. In that ability they are often failures. Politicians are a weakness in any society, either too harsh against their own citizens (dictatorship), or too weak to stop squabbling and join as one to promptly overcome serious situations (democracy).


The Courts, having successfully ordered the caging of vicious human creatures, who can be likened to tigers, and then later releasing them to conduct mayhem and murder: are guilty of aiding and abetting those further murders. Thus, the criminal courts, bound up by their books and the ever-inadequate laws authorized to them by inept politicians, are not a suitable medium to try suspected terrorists. The Courts and ‘Justice’ are indeed blind when they only read texts and not the hearts of determined radicals. The Courts exist in a virtual reality, not the reality that society must face. The Courts do not protect society, but condemn it to further assault, after already proving a terrorist’s assaults/murders, but then only delaying the next murders by incarceration, and further, by Courts ensuring a release date, deliberately not preventing further death. Military courts, or the like, are needed to bring radical murderers, when proven to be so, to termination.



When you HAVE TO defend yourself against a killing attack, an attack fast and deadly, you should have no qualms about using deadly force yourself. For if you fail to fight intensely you will lose, and in a deadly fight you only need to lose once to lose forever.

If you fail to incapacitate the attacker then they, being intent on killing you, may succeed in their continuing attempt. If your first opportunity is lost, you may not be lucky enough to get a second chance.

(Image: Themistocles Helmet Sparta Ancient Greece Galea, Lc free   Sourced from:

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