More Chinese Secrets

By Scott Morgan

There are times where Diplomacy is often best off being left in the dark. There are times when the actions of a Power show that its own National Interests are paramount and the rest of the world has to acquiesce to their whims for power no matter what. 

On December 9th,2020 two different reports came out exposing the interest of the People's Republic of China and their activities. One was in Switzerland. The second item highlights just how the Huiwei row in early 2020 caused issues for the Government of Justin Trudeau in Canada. The details are interesting to put it mildly.

First to the Swiss situation.  This past August the Swiss started to negotiate a Readmission Agreement with China. The process began when it was realized that the agreement in effect was preparing to expire. This is a pact sets terms of agreement on how to repatriate nationals from one Country to another. It is a basic Law Enforcement agreement between two Countries. 

During these negotiations it was revealed that an agreement was reached on December 8th, 2015 that allowed agents from the MPS (Ministry of Public Security) to roam around unsupervised ( Noone from the Swiss Police accompanied them) across Switzerland.  According to some media accounts this was felt to be a technical agreement and it was felt that there was no need to release this to the public. When the story first broke on August 23rd A Spokesman for the Swiss Government stated that the Tibetan and Uigher Asylum seekers are not impacted by this deal.

It has also been revealed that Switzerland also has a secret deal with India as well that allows the Indian Security Services to operate under similar protocols as well. 

One has to shudder to think just how easily that the MPS gathers information on witnesses to the UN Human Rights Council and other activities in Geneva. Or are allowed to track other dissidents around the Country as well. 

Now to Canada which bills itself as the True North Strong and Free. The Government of Justin Trudeau was eager to due business with Beijing. At least that is what a dossier collected by a newssite called Rebel News states.

The Dossier which is composed of Canadian Government Documents that are unredacted paint an unflattering picture of the Trudeau infatuation with China. Some of the key elements in the document include: 

Prime Minister Trudeau raging at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) cancelling Winter Training at CAF Base Petawawa in Ontario after the kidnapping of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig during the Huawei Crisis

Bureaucrats referring to the concerns of transfers of Military Technology as "Figments of the Trump Administration" 

The Trudeau Government being more concerned of the welfare of Meng Wanzhou even referring to her as Ms Meng while not mentioning anything about the kidnapped Canadian Citizens Mr.  Spavor and Mr Korvig

Some of the Documents even highlight the idea that China is an ally of Canada while the United States was seen as the Major Security Threat to Canada.  Ian Shugart who is the key advisor to the Prime Minister was designated to quash the concerns of the CAF regarding ties to China. 

The incoming Administration in Washington would do well to read these documents as well as investigating whether or not another close ally one that shares a border is also a threat to the Security Interests of the United States as well. Both Countries also share operations at NORAD in Colorado as well. 

As for Switzerland the US should adjust Security for its UN Staff in Geneva and take reports of Activists appearing in front of the Human Rights Council seriously. 

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