Afghanistan: Back to 1996

De Max Coutinho

We are back to 1996. 

The scenes of the Taliban forcing locals to dress more “modestly”, women being shot for not wearing gloves, men being flogged for greeting a woman etc still play in my mind. I remember, at the time, I was living in France; and those scenes shocked me: at 19 it never crossed my mind that humans could desecrate G-d’s Name in such a vile way. But that’s Politics for you…

Now, we are in 2021. 

The scenes of the Taliban shooting desperate people who want to flee a cruel, despotic and heretic government are shared with the world. Afghani women are being rushed out of the country (but allow me to ask the following question: who decides who leaves and stays, and based on what criteria?). The West created a mess back in 2001 and now made a mess out of the exit plan...Oy Vey…

1996 led to 1998.

Two years after the 1996 Afghani Civil War started, the world was introduced to an infamous character: Osama Bin Laden. It all started with the 1998 Nairobi Terror Attacks that culminated in 9/11. Needless to review how well that all ended…

Is 2021 leading to 2023? 

Last week, the word started circulating that soon we could see Terror Attacks against the West again. This week, they are announcing that a Terror Attack in Kabul is imminent. Is it me, or did people miss the buzz Terror Strikes create in the Analysts’ mind? I have other questions:

  • Who gave power to the Taliban to take over the country again?
  • Who decides the next wave of Terrorism against the West?
  • Who is the next "Osama"? 

The Biden Administration refused to supply guns to the Afghani Resistance Movement. All right, it’s their right; but what is the message: admission of guilt or leaving the door open for diplomatic relations? If so, then how to reconcile the values of the Free World with those of a Despotic State? “It’s not easy” a friend of mine would say…

“In politics, there are no men but ideas - no feelings, but interests” - Alexandre Dumas

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2021 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. In my opinion the West is up to something and it's no good. The saddest part is that's at the expense of innocent people. Same shit.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      Yes, you got it right...

      Thanks for your comment :D.


  2. Had never thought of it that way. Max, these things have more serious implications than the media lets on and we should all be worried about it! Do you think they are trying to distract us from COVID and then use Afghanistan for it?

    1. Hi Miriam,

      We never know, darling, you know: in politics anything is possible :-).

      Thank you so much for your comment.



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