New Wave: Max Is Back!

By Max Coutinho

L'enfant terrible is back. Almost two years ago, I embarked on an interesting journey (to be eventually shared in a series of posts), and after my return I could swear that world affairs suffered little change, apart from COVID-19 constraints - obviously. 

By now, my dear readers, you must be wondering: what on earth are you talking about? But bear with me for a couple of minutes and try to answer the question: what has truly changed?


  • The US has a new President - a less than desirable one, but that’s the American choice, so let them deal with it

  • Israel has a new PM - the tribes have gone mad...But let Israelis deal with it

  • Europe is in a mess - more of the same, but Europeans are not dealing with it

  • China is still trying hard to dominate the world - nu?

  • Russia shows no sign of slowing down - good for her! 

  • Portugal...well, Portugal is Portugal - but at least now it presides de Council of the EU (though the People don’t feel its effects)


  • America is back to doing the same old kind of politics that got us into troubles in the first place

  • Israel is shooting on its own foot and risking dragging the country back to 1982

  • Europe is on the verge of collapse: with “my mind on my money and my money on my mind” kind of attitude, they risk having the European population heavily infected this Winter with worse strains than Alpha, Beta, Kappa, Delta, Omega (and everything in between)

  • China now laughs at the world’s stupidity (I dare betting they were not the authors of COVID-19)

  • Russia is almost ready for the big revelation

  • And Portugal...well, Portugal incurs the risk of collapsing: its national identity is about to crash, which is giving birth to a sort of radical nationalism that I have never seen before; corruption is rife; injustice prevails; the sense of hopelessness is felt all around...but hey, it’s a great country for the foreigners to live in! 

So, what else is new? Ah yes, very little, if any, Terrorist Attacks took place in the west - apparently everything was shifted to the North of Mozambique 😱

Yeah, I’m back. And I am looking forward to sharing with you my new viewpoint of the world…

“For all evils there are two remedies - time and silence.” 

(Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2021 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Welcome back, Max!!!! We missed you, where have you been?
    You are right, the manure is the same, although now covered by a mask!!
    Israel, Israel is a mess.

    1. Hello Miriam!

      Thank you so much. I have been around, learning.

      "the manure is the same, although now covered by a mask!!" - LOL LOL true.

      Thanks for the warm welcome and for your loyalty.


  2. Welcome back Max. I have missed your blog presence. And what a start!!

    1. Hey Rummy :D!

      Thank you, my friend. I missed you guys too. I'll be dropping by your place soon...
      Thank you for your kindness *bowing*.


  3. Replies
    1. Hi Anonymous :)!

      Thank you. It's good to be back.


  4. Hi Max: The Hard Core Reality of the US is the same as it is in Portugal. Your description was right on.

    Welcome back. Swubird

    1. Hi Swubird,

      How have you been? How's life?
      The world is crazier than when we first started blogging, isn't it? They have all lost their you think it's the effects of Covid lol?

      Good to see you back, you were missed. And thanks for your comment.



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