Freedom of Being Free is Dead

By Max Coutinho

Society’s Moral Bankruptcy has already been identified years ago, but instead of correcting it, we all allowed it to get even worse: raise your hand if you have heard the term “Covid Denier”. Apparently, Covid Deniers deserve the utmost repudiation from the rest of the people: soon enough they will be ostracised, if no one puts a stop to the lunacy. 


Many years ago, there was a high profile Paedophilia Case in Portugal: the socialists at the time selected one target (an innocent guy) to attract everybody’s focus and judgement upon him, while the culprits not only slid freely through the cracks but were also embraced by the Political Class and now serve in high positions of public office. Bottom line: they were not repudiated. 

For years, a certain American Jet Setter was throwing parties with extremely tender young ladies, who were managed by his British Madame, and all the “beautiful and famous” attended them shamelessly: pictures were taken, champagne flew around, fake and anxious laughter slashed the air and the stench of debauchery pierced the nostrils of all in attendance. Now, the Madame has been selected to draw everybody’s attention and judgement upon herself; while the rest of the culprits who demanded the service are sliding in impunity through the cracks. Bottom line: the statutory rapists were not repudiated. 


There is a Judge in Portugal, Rui Fonseca e Castro, who dared to question this whole Covid-19 Phenomenon. He asked good questions about it and he pointed out things that don’t make sense. He also accused the Government of taking advantage of the situation to exercise authoritarianism. Now, this man is being repudiated in the media, in the political class, and the Magistracy is threatening to kick him out, as if he were the personification of Evil. 

Since when is a person forced to think like the majority and follow the herd? If the Judge has doubts and questions about what’s going on, he is free to ask them. He may be wrong but he may also be right...However, the fact that everyone is turning against him in such a spectacular way is quite revealing: the story may not be exactly as is being told and maybe, just maybe, there is something nefarious behind the whole thing. 

The Bread and Circus Tactic is a classic: it is never out of fashion. 

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2021 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. I think there is a problem, a true problem going on in this world so I don't understand covid deniers, but I don't think we should stop people from talking either! We have freedom of speech, non?

    1. Hi Miriam,

      In theory, yes...we have freedom of speech. But ever since Facebook came into the picture: in practice, we don't lol ;-)

      Thank you for your comment, darling. Shavua Tov!

  2. Since when the Portuguese became so daring? Now this is what we can consider change! Hahaha...

    1. Hi Cris :D!

      lol I think they are tired. I think we are all tired of BS.
      Thanks for your comment.



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