Equatorial Guinea: More Exploitation

By Scott Morgan

It seems that the closer winter approaches the more the concern for the plight of Refugees around the World increases. Despite this interest there are several situations that continue to fall under the radar. 

Africa is one continent where it's widely known that there are several crisis spots that act as incubators for Refugees to flee from. Whether it's natural disasters, poor governance or civil strife there are people constantly on the move. 

There are countries that show how corrupt they are at exploiting people who are desperate to leave home for what they deem to be safety and security in either the EU or even the United States. During the second week of November one West African Country that is notorious for corruption reared its ugly head once again.

Reports emerged that the Government of Equatorial Guinea decided to send 30 Refugees who had fled the violence in neighboring Cameroon. That country is suffering from a separatist movement in the Northwest/Southwest region and attacks from Islamic Militants in the Far North region of the country. 

Although not widely publicized in most media reports there have been images and stories being shared on social media telling another terrible story. It appears that Africans from other countries in the region are suffering as well. The reports and imagery indicate that people are being held against their will or even facing extortion. 

Earlier this summer, the US State Department issued its Trafficking in Persons (TIP) which documents how the Government of every nation around the world deals with the contentious issue of Human Trafficking. It should not be much of a surprise to learn that a country which has often been criticized for both corruption and kleptocracy should fare poorly in the documentation collected by American Diplomats. 

Already this year, a Spanish investigation revealed that a network that sexually exploited Girls and Women was operating in Spain with the assistance of officers in the Military of Equatorial Guinea. Businessmen from EG have been known to recruit people from neighboring states such as Togo and Cameroon for the sex trade and other businesses. Even a small number of North Koreans have been sent to the country as well. 

The US has placed Equatorial Guinea on its Tier 2 Watch List. One of the reasons for this is that despite a law dealing with Trafficking, that was introduced in 2004, there has not been a single conviction brought about by authorities. 

It appears that Equatorial Guinea is another country that will do just enough to show Washington that it is serious about Human Rights to ensure that the Aid continues to flow in. Should it though? That is another question. 

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2021 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Hi Morgan,

    Countries sending Refugees to Europe and the US as a business...that's a very interesting perspective. Will look into it.



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