Present Governance: The Art of Negligence

By Max Coutinho

Happy New Year. Not so long ago, it was unacceptable for a politician to look negligent of the People's needs. 

We are in 2023. We have been through 2 and a half years of hell (Covid, lockdowns, a horrid strain of flu that leaves people with ongoing symptoms for weeks). After the Pandemic Lockdown, people were able to breathe freedom again. But soon enough, another disgrace hit the “globe”: the War in Ukraine broke out. At this point, the prices of food and goods practically tripled, and a simple question came up: are we all dependent on Russia and Ukraine to eat, dress and sleep? When did this happen? 

This article will not address the shameful results of the Elections in some “key” nations because they reflect the extremely poor state of affairs in the Pre and Post-Pandemic Period. However, it is worthwhile mentioning there is a relationship between such results and the Pandemics…

But I digress….

A Complex Example of Negligence

Let’s take a quick look at Portugal: at the moment ,there is a housing problem caused by sloppy Immigration Policies. When I refer to immigration here, I am not talking about people who are coming to the nation to assist in its social and economic development; I am talking about what I call the “Posh Immigration” (generated by D7, Golden and Nomad Visas) - Americans and alike who get to the country with their “Passive Income” and “Investments” and feed Real Estate speculation. Not to mention that they feel entitled to disrespect the locals - but that’s another story for another day. 

  • We have more people sleeping in the streets than ever before

  • We have people living in squalid places for 150€/month

  • We have 8 people sleeping together in one room for 200€/bed

  • We have 40 people crammed in two-bedroom flats with one bathroom as we speak - now that’s a Public Health Threat. 

And what does the Portuguese Government do? Nothing because the laws of the market dictate the prices.

However, the suffering of the People should override any law of free market.

By Jove, I support Conservative politics but I know that when my People and the People who financially support the Social Security of my country are sleeping in the streets because the “Posh and Ugly” don’t mind paying whatever prices Landlords ask, I am obliged to defend the interests of the suffering locals and workers. Now imagine what I would do if I were socialist…

No one cares. Negligence is a must these days. Today we have a housing problem, very soon we will have a Hunger problem…should we call it Karma? I prefer to call it Absolute governmental Negligence of the People’s Rights and Welfare. 

Article 13
Principle of Equality

1. All citizens have the same social dignity and are equal in the eyes of the law. 

2. No one can be privileged, benefitted, harmed, deprived of any right or exempted of any duty in reason of ascendance, sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political  or ideological convictions, education, economic situation, social status or sexual orientation.  — Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

Noble words that were turned into sheer mockery. 

Where are the Courts of Justice? Who is going to defend the People?

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2023 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Hello! Welcome back, Max.
    I don't even watch politics anymore cause it's all so devious and disgusting. Nobody cares about the people, no one!!

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you so much for your comment. I understand the frustration behind your words, that is one of the many reasons why I have been in silence for so long...Politics these days is sheer rubbish.



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