Graffiti is against Political Correctness

Political correctness is a self-imposed gag.

Please allow me to explain: communist China came up with this “marvellous” concept (so that its regime and constant transgressions wouldn’t be openly critiqued) and the whole world adopted it; each individual swallowed it, self-imposing, thus, a gag.

Political correctness is a carnival mask.

People hide behind this mask (whose mouth is beautifully crafted and shut) in order not to say what they really think about “sensitive issues” and what they feel about certain situations.

Picture a party: etiquette commands that 4 subjects are to be avoided (religion, politics, sports and sexual preferences) but there is always someone who breaks the rules and starts denying the holocaust, bashing gays, and saying that black people do not know how to govern themselves. Some of the present guest want to tell this person off; others want to agree with the individual and others want to see the circus set on fire; notwithstanding, under the flag of PC, everybody cowardly shuts their mouth since PC dictates that one is to talk about the weather for the duration of the event. 


The fact that the word “political” is part of the concept is proof enough of the veracity of this statement. Politicians are hypocritical: everybody knows that African leaders, in general, are mobsters (it’s even sickening). But what do the politicians do? They lay back and watch their favourite reality show: African women and children being raped; natural resources being controlled by criminal militias; political leaders starving their people to death; political opposition being tortured and murdered; corruption eroding good governance; racism being used as a means of propaganda; religious differences taking its toll and diseases spreading like warms in dung. 

Through this graffiti journey, LS and I have addressed some tough issues that didn’t please many, shocked others and hurt the susceptibilities of some (I once received an email from a former US reader demanding that I’d delete a post or else...).
Some past anti-PC posts: 

By rejecting and denouncing PC rules we remain loyal to ourselves, to our values, to our intellect and its produce. 

Another Anti-PC manifest is available chez honourable LS: Here


  1. What disturbs me most about political correctness, is that it wants us to reject the idea of "right" and "wrong". They want us to believe that right and wrong are subjective, and that no one has the right to determine right and wrong for anyone else. Even standards that we have set as a society are now being challenged and rejected. But it's interesting that they really only want to discourage ideals of right and wrong among the majority. Conversely, they want us to accept the standards of the minority.

  2. Maximus Politicalus Incorrectus…

    Fascinating observations presented with sophisticated aplomb…as usual…

    I am not sure I agree with your “party” illustration…perhaps this is cultural…

    In my part of the world the politically correct party allows for conversations about religion, politics, sports and sexual preferences. It is thought to not talk about religion and politics is wise because people may differ on these topics…so there is the crux…

    Since people may differ on the truth claims and essentials about religion and politics they should not be spoken of. On these matters it is deemed that no one side can be considered to be the accurate or truthful side…All truths must be treated equally even though they are not equal in validity…

    Political correction errs in making people think that all ideas and ideals are equal, they are not.

    ALL people should be treated equally however this does not mean that all truth claims must be accepted as equal…

    For example I have found that if I am conversing with a Mormon and say that Mormonism is not Biblical Christianity they frequently get very angry and do not continue the dialogue. They want me to pretend that Mormons and Christians believe the same thing when they do not. After all if we do believe the same thing then they should leave Mormonism and become members of a Biblical Church…Now that is politically incorrect…

    Certainly sports is fully acceptable to speak of in all situations here…and talk about hockey and the Vancouver Canucks is a prerequisite for civilization ;)

    I would think that the vast majority of our Graffiti posts are politically incorrect…this is one of the core strengths of blogging…freedom of speech…and we exercise that right regularly…

    I must say that I am enormously pleased with our partnership and collaboration in Graffiti...the fact that we can work so closely together, become such true friends yet hold on some topics (definitely not all) vastly different points of view is a prime example of how weak an idea political correctness is…

    We may differ in intellectual concepts (at times) but that does not mean we cannot peacefully coexist and be true friends…political correctness would have us never discus these topics and have a shallow understanding of one another…

  3. Well, believe me or not, modern China is much less PC than North America! People do talk freely, even though the government likes to pretend they don't. It's a bit of a cat/ mouse game...

    I can't stand PC in North America though. It doesn't make bad things go away...!

  4. PC means not to criticize the Chinese communist party, the Chinese currency transvestite and lack of Chinese creativity.

  5. PC has in many ways stifled valuable conversations that impact our world. We have not changed those we disagree with we have simply sent them underground. At least before you knew who was who and what they stood for. Today it is anyone's guess who is doing real good in this world and who is undermining progress all the while hiding behind the mask of PC. Great and important post!

  6. Max, excellent post as always. Excellent point. The truth is there is lot of evil out there, everywhere.
    And the scary part is that sometimes the most evil one are in power.

    Max hope all is well. You really doing great job with your post. Don't anyone step on your toes, lol (some have guts to ask to remove the post :( ). Anna :)

  7. Hi Max,

    I think the term PC is so PC. People hide behind it because they don't know how to debate. If one knows how to communicate effectively (without offending) then PC-ism becomes refreshing. I like hearing the volley of both sides of the argument where the parties listen to various points of view.

    The subtext is still there, but we can say what needs to be said without offending the sensibility and integrity of the message.

    I never liked PC - that's why I use Mac. (Computer humor)

    Another light topic. ;D

    "By rejecting and denouncing PC rules we remain loyal to ourselves, to our values, to our intellect and its produce."

    Hear! Hear!

    Max/Mac Cheers! :D

  8. @
    X GIRLS (MaXimus Politicalus Incorrectus and AleXys Politicalus Correctus)

    Political correctness can be nauseatingly offensive… particularly as it pretends to please all which frequently offends the truth…

    Do you really use a Mac????? That would explain sooo much…


  9. Hi D! :D

    "What disturbs me most about political correctness, is that it wants us to reject the idea of "right" and "wrong"."


    "Even standards that we have set as a society are now being challenged and rejected."

    It is not the first time. For example, it was a societal standard that slavery was right, justifiable; and because it was challenged and rejected today it is considered wrong, immoral. Thus, society is not always right, is it (even though its standards are considered so for a certain period of time)?

    D, thank you ever so much for your input: valuable, no doubt :D.


  10. Hi LSus :D!

    "Fascinating observations presented with sophisticated aplomb…as usual…"

    *Bowing* I am much obliged, kind sir...

    "I am not sure I agree with your “party” illustration…perhaps this is cultural…"

    It is culturally European, I do not have "Party Etiquette" in your country?

    "In my part of the world the politically correct party allows for conversations about religion, politics, sports and sexual preferences. It is thought to not talk about religion and politics is wise because people may differ on these topics…so there is the crux…"

    Does it now? How progressive. In my part of the world these themes are avoided since they may end up in violence [either verbal or physical] (since we assume that people WILL differ on such topics and get all emotional about them). Plus, tensions should be avoided in a party (as they say).
    I personally have no issues with addressing tough topics in a party, because I have no problems with tension or discomfort and I am a civilised person (meaning that I do not engage in violence, simply because people disagree with me)...but hey, people are different.

    "ALL people should be treated equally however this does not mean that all truth claims must be accepted as equal…" depends...

    "For example I have found that if I am conversing with a Mormon and say that Mormonism is not Biblical Christianity they frequently get very angry and do not continue the dialogue. They want me to pretend that Mormons and Christians believe the same thing when they do not. After all if we do believe the same thing then they should leave Mormonism and become members of a Biblical Church…Now that is politically incorrect…"

    It is not good to get emotional; however most people feel offended when their beliefs are "under attack". Now, I do not think they want you to believe that Mormons and other Christian denominations address God and Jesus the same way; they simply say that they are equally Christian since they believe in Christ (which is true: they are Christians). If you believe in Jesus as a Christian Messiah, then you are a Christian and this cannot be denied. Just because the several Christian denominations address Jesus' teachings and God in different fashions, and have managerial differences, that doesn't make them more or less Christian...

    "Certainly sports is fully acceptable to speak of in all situations here…and talk about hockey and the Vancouver Canucks is a prerequisite for civilization ;)"

    LOL LOL I see. Try discussing soccer in a party here: if there is a Sporting supporter and a Benfica supporter in the same room...there will be violence for sure. And if you add a Porto's even worst. The same happens with Roma and Inter di Milano tiffosi. Let's not speak of Liverpool and Manchester United supporters....

    "I would think that the vast majority of our Graffiti posts are politically incorrect…this is one of the core strengths of blogging…freedom of speech…and we exercise that right regularly…"


    "I must say that I am enormously pleased with our partnership and collaboration in Graffiti...the fact that we can work so closely together, become such true friends yet hold on some topics (definitely not all) vastly different points of view is a prime example of how weak an idea political correctness is…"

    I am too, mate! I agree with you *High 5*. It has been a true pleasure working with you, man...may our partnership live long *raising my bottle of water*!

    "We may differ in intellectual concepts (at times) but that does not mean we cannot peacefully coexist and be true friends…political correctness would have us never discus these topics and have a shallow understanding of one another…"

    That is the beauty of our friendship. Absolutely...absolutely...

    LSus, superb comment for which I thank you :D.


  11. Hi Zhu :D!

    "Well, believe me or not, modern China is much less PC than North America! People do talk freely, even though the government likes to pretend they don't. It's a bit of a cat/ mouse game..."

    I do believe you. 274 manifs/jour in China is quite something - I told you I was counting on the Chinese people to bring down the regime.
    Nevertheless, Communist China invented the concept (not knowing that, one day, its own people would reject it).

    "I can't stand PC in North America though. It doesn't make bad things go away...!"

    It is a bit unnerving, true.

    Zhu, thank you so so much for your input :D!


  12. Hi Dux :D!

    "PC means not to criticize the Chinese communist party, the Chinese currency transvestite and lack of Chinese creativity."

    *nodding in agreement*...indeed, but at least people are starting to criticise China. On the other hand, they do not criticise Islam and its deviations as much as they should. Islam and Muslims are, presently, the biggest PC target of them all.

    Dux, thank you so much for your anti-PC input :D!


  13. Hi Mark :D!

    "PC has in many ways stifled valuable conversations that impact our world."

    So true.

    "We have not changed those we disagree with we have simply sent them underground. At least before you knew who was who and what they stood for. Today it is anyone's guess who is doing real good in this world and who is undermining progress all the while hiding behind the mask of PC."

    Very well said *bowing*.

    "Great and important post!"

    Thank you so much *bowing*.

    Mark, thanks a million for the outstanding comment :D.


  14. Hi Anna :D!

    "Max, excellent post as always. Excellent point. The truth is there is lot of evil out there, everywhere."

    Thank you so much, darling *bowing*. So true...

    "And the scary part is that sometimes the most evil one are in power."

    You know it...

    "Max hope all is well. You really doing great job with your post. Don't anyone step on your toes, lol (some have guts to ask to remove the post :( )"

    All is well, thank you, girl :D. Thanks for your generosity *bowing*. LOL no, I never let anyone steps on my toes...I let them try though (it is fun watching it lol). Those who ask to remove posts (running over the freedom of speech of others) are sketches of despotism.

    Anna, my good friend, thank you so much for your comment :D.


  15. Hi Lady A :D!

    "People hide behind it because they don't know how to debate. If one knows how to communicate effectively (without offending) then PC-ism becomes refreshing. I like hearing the volley of both sides of the argument where the parties listen to various points of view."

    I agree. PC equals castration of opinions and thoughts. I love a good, intelligent, debate, myself.

    "The subtext is still there, but we can say what needs to be said without offending the sensibility and integrity of the message."

    Aha, the problem is that people take offense with almost anything (and I suspect that is why PC was invented); not because what is being said is offensive but because people do not wish to be confronted with the inconvenient truth/opinion/thought.

    "I never liked PC - that's why I use Mac. (Computer humor)"

    LOL LOL LOL LOL I hear you ^5.

    "Another light topic. ;D"

    LOL you know? ;)

    "Hear! Hear!"

    Thank you *bowing*!

    Lady A, thank you ever so much for your great comment :D.

    X Girls Cheers

  16. LSus and X Girl I,

    "Political correctness can be nauseatingly offensive… particularly as it pretends to please all which frequently offends the truth…"

    Moreover it represents a violation of human liberties...

  17. LS & MaX,

    I totally agree that PC-ism can be nauseating and even sycophantic. Perchance you are throwing down the gauntlet? I'll allow you to choose another weapon (other than a blunt PC) I want to at least give you a fighting chance to defend yourself.

    LS is getting out of control. He's hitting below the Bible belt. Join me in telling him that Jesus loves him even if he is a PC.

  18. Hi Max,

    "...people take offense with almost anything (and I suspect that is why PC was invented); not because what is being said is offensive but because people do not wish to be confronted with the inconvenient truth/opinion/thought."

    Agreed. Very true. Confrontation is at the core of PC-ism. Most people don't want to have to defend their point of view. Have you noticed that when people don't have the same opinion, they will usually argue until one acquiesces instead of agreeing to disagree.

    Agreeable Cheers!

  19. Maximus Politicus Incorrectus,

    “It is culturally European, I do not have "Party Etiquette" in your country?”

    - The beer has to be cold ;)

    “In my part of the world these themes are avoided since they may end up in violence [either verbal or physical] (since we assume that people WILL differ on such topics and get all emotional about them). Plus, tensions should be avoided in a party (as they say). “

    - Ahhh Well Portugal is an older country…Canadians do not have memories that long…except when it comes to hockey…when your parties turn violent do they use hockey sticks? ;)

    “I personally have no issues with addressing tough topics in a party, because I have no problems with tension or discomfort and I am a civilised person (meaning that I do not engage in violence, simply because people disagree with me)...but hey, people are different.”

    - Oh yes but then this is why you are Maximus Politicus Incorrectus

    Max on Mormonism and Christianity et al…

    - Well I find your words on Mormonism and “Christian denominations” to be way off the mark (particularly calling Mormons Christians) however as you are simply differing with my ideas I have no problem with that…where it changes is when attacks become personal…attacking me as a person because you cannot or will not debate my ideas…(you and yours are meant here in the plural of course not you personally Max plus this is a theoretical conversation).

    For example if I were to say to a Mormon that Mormonism is not Christian because they teach that a person can become a god or goddess and that is anti Biblical that is allowable (similarly to expressing my personal story as to why I would reject Mormonism). However if instead I were to attack the personal character of a Mormon I am conversing with and not address their ideas then that is wrong. That being said it is allowable for me to bring up character issues with the religions founder such as with Muhammad and his underage wife Aisha…or Mormonism’s Joseph Smith and his multiple wives.

    How politically incorrect is that? ROFL

    “Try discussing soccer in a party here: if there is a Sporting supporter and a Benfica supporter in the same room...there will be violence for sure. And if you add a Porto's even worst. The same happens with Roma and Inter di Milano tiffosi. Let's not speak of Liverpool and Manchester United supporters....”

    - So what happens when all of these soccer supporters get violent do they all throw themselves to the floor writhing in agony without ever being touched? ;)

  20. X Girls….

    You really should read my Graffiti article on this…but I suppose your Apple may not be able handle it ;)

    I am against political correctness when it is used to blur the truth…another example would be that some people call others racist for simply disagreeing with President Obama’s politics…however I am strongly against racism…

    Did the Muhammad cartoons cross the threshold of political correctness?

    I’m a PC and you shall not tempt me with your Apple ;)

    Does your X Girl gal pal want to control us with PC?

  21. Max, LS,


    We are making you an honorary X. From now on you will be LSX. Apple eats little PC's for breakfast.

    "I am against political correctness when it is used to blur the truth…another example would be that some people call others racist for simply disagreeing with President Obama’s politics…however I am strongly against racism…"

    Agreed. Don't get me started on the bias of the media who don't report certain stories because of PC-ism.

    "Did the Muhammad cartoons cross the threshold of political correctness?"

    All religious cartoons cross the threshold. Nothing is scared anymore.

    You know what they say, "An apple a day, keeps PC's away."

    Tell LSX that I don't control, I inspire. :D

    XXX Cheers!

  22. Lady A,

    "[to LS] Perchance you are throwing down the gauntlet?"

    LOL LOL does LS know how to do that? I have the feeling he could fight until he drops (and it is hard for him to drop and drop it)...

    " [to me] LS is getting out of control. He's hitting below the Bible belt. Join me in telling him that Jesus loves him even if he is a PC."

    No problem, I'll join you: LS, Jesus adores you!

  23. Lady A,

    "Agreed. Very true. Confrontation is at the core of PC-ism. Most people don't want to have to defend their point of view. Have you noticed that when people don't have the same opinion, they will usually argue until one acquiesces instead of agreeing to disagree."

    *nodding in utter agreement*...exactly: they do not want to bother defending their point of view, and hence pretend to be offended (which is much easier). Yes, I have noticed and I find it rather sad *nodding*. That is homey, here, don't play! I was once in a party where a certain young man asked my opinion about communism; I tried not to accept the challenge because etiquette dictates that we are to avoid these topics, but the boyo insisted and insisted...when I finally offered him my opinion he was "offended" by it...I mean, who started the whole thing? If you can't take the heat, you know what to do...

    High 5 Cheers

  24. LSus Anti-PCus.

    "- The beer has to be cold ;)"

    LOL LOL LOL ah, but that is universal: in Brazil, when they ask for a beer they say "estupidamente gelada" (stupidly cold) lol. In Portugal, Africa it is the same: beer must be cold.

    "- Ahhh Well Portugal is an older country…Canadians do not have memories that long…except when it comes to hockey…when your parties turn violent do they use hockey sticks? ;)"

    LOL oh, being an older country gives Portugal the right to act this irrationally, eh? LOL you kill me *nodding*., they do not use hockey sticks LOL...

    "- Oh yes but then this is why you are Maximus Politicus Incorrectus"

    LOL why, thank you *bowing*...

    "- Well I find your words on Mormonism and “Christian denominations” to be way off the mark (particularly calling Mormons Christians) however as you are simply differing with my ideas I have no problem with that…where it changes is when attacks become personal…attacking me as a person because you cannot or will not debate my ideas…(you and yours are meant here in the plural of course not you personally Max plus this is a theoretical conversation)."

    Well, Mormons are Christians despite your opinion of them.
    LOL LOL LOL I did not attack you as a person, come on. And plus, do not act sensitive because you are not.

    "For example if I were to say to a Mormon that Mormonism is not Christian because they teach that a person can become a god or goddess and that is anti Biblical that is allowable (similarly to expressing my personal story as to why I would reject Mormonism). However if instead I were to attack the personal character of a Mormon I am conversing with and not address their ideas then that is wrong. That being said it is allowable for me to bring up character issues with the religions founder such as with Muhammad and his underage wife Aisha…or Mormonism’s Joseph Smith and his multiple wives. How politically incorrect is that? ROFL"

    Like I said, I agree that you may disagree with some managerial details of some denominations but to accuse Mormons of not being Christians (when they believe in Christ as their Messiah) is not right. About Mohammed and Aisha...that will be another Graffiti article LOL... ;)

    "- So what happens when all of these soccer supporters get violent do they all throw themselves to the floor writhing in agony without ever being touched? ;)"

    LOL LOL in the field that is what happens. But Hooligans kill man. A Benfica supporter murdered a Sporting supporter a few years is a serious matter. Last month, Real Madrid came to Lisbon to play with Sporting and their supporters engaged in a fight before the match (a total disgrace).

  25. LS & Lady A,

    "[to Alexys] I am against political correctness when it is used to blur the truth…another example would be that some people call others racist for simply disagreeing with President Obama’s politics…however I am strongly against racism…"

    Oh please, most of those who disagree with President Obama's politics do it in a way that borders racism (it is the tone they use while expressing their disagreement). I disagree with some of President Obama's foreign politics but when I express it I do it rationally (i.e. emotionlessly).

    "Did the Muhammad cartoons cross the threshold of political correctness?"


    "I’m a PC and you shall not tempt me with your Apple ;)"


    "[@MaXimus] Does your X Girl gal pal want to control us with PC?"

    LOL no, no, no....she is not a fan of PC at all... ;)

  26. Lady A & LS;

    "[@LS,] We are making you an honorary X. From now on you will be LSX."

    Welcome to the X Club, LSX :D.

    "[@Max] Tell LSX that I don't control, I inspire. :D"

    LS, Alexys inspires people; she doesn't seek to control - accept it and you will be much happier lol...

  27. Hey Max! Hope you're doing well and that you're enjoying your weekend.

    Take care sweetie. *hugs*

  28. PC means that poor judgement is commonly accepted among politicians thus the notion of accountability is a dirty concept; and the consequences are the tangled deficits and massive national debt for PC is, for most, a deceiving art.

  29. Hey Liza :D!

    Thanks, girl! My weekend was quite pleasant; and I hope yours was too :D.

    Cheers and hug

  30. Hi C.C :D!

    "PC means that poor judgement is commonly accepted among politicians thus the notion of accountability is a dirty concept; and the consequences are the tangled deficits and massive national debt for PC is, for most, a deceiving art."

    Right on!! Now you have said it all...

    You guys, thank you so much for your comment (loved it) :D!!


  31. Hi! I was watching this ad on TV tonight and it involved a female with two young men. At the end of the ad she pinched one of them on the bum!

    Holy smoke! If the roles had been reversed and the man pinched the female on the bum all hell would break loose!

    As for some followers of PC I know quite are few that do it just because they are sheep!

    Take Care,

  32. Hi Peter :D!

    "I was watching this ad on TV tonight and it involved a female with two young men. At the end of the ad she pinched one of them on the bum! Holy smoke! If the roles had been reversed and the man pinched the female on the bum all hell would break loose!"

    LOL so true *nodding*. It is like when women beat up men: everybody thinks it's funny. The other way around is domestic violence. I mean, violence is violence be it perpetrated either by men or women...*nodding*.

    "As for some followers of PC I know quite are few that do it just because they are sheep!"

    Hear, Hear!

    Peter, thanks a lot for sharing your opinion :D.



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