Training for Jedi Knights Lesson 1 - Part II

By Stephen Cheney


As a Jedi Knight you must learn to Sense and to Feel. With each technique or advice that you learn: you need to FEEL it.

In this technique when confronted by a bully you need to immediately FEEL the FORCE. You do that by breathing out, by dropping your shoulders and hips (bend your legs slightly), loosen your arms so they can swing freely, see not the surface of the attacker but beyond him: see beyond into the void, the deep pool of Space-Time that surrounds you both: that is Gravity. The Force that is invisible, is everywhere, is powerful and is yours if your balance is right. Know that things off-balanced will fall. The Force is your friend and assistant in battle.


When practicing with a partner you have no intention of hurting them: so instead of using one finger, you spread your force into many: Instead of knuckle into the sternum nerve, simply press the palm of your hand onto their chest with a bent arm, then as you scoop up his thigh you thrust hard into his chest by a sudden straightening of your arm. Remember that both of your arms work together like steering a wheel only away from you, not sideways.

If you experience any difficulty (and what enemy will not try to prevent your actions?), then take your hand from his chest and smash your palm up his chin to press his head back.


In a life or death situation (IF you fully know that he means to kill you) you instead make a claw of your hand (the same shape as picking up a wide cup) and thrust it into his throat to push him back and down. But when training with your friendly partner you do not do anything too firmly. Protect your friends.

Working with friends you ensure that there is a very soft surface behind them, such as a mattress. The fall can be heavy for a heavy person if falling onto concrete and if they hit their head they might die. So, never practice on a hard surface with your partner.

It is important to remember the sage advice: You do not hit the strong parts of an animal, you hit the softer vulnerable parts only. Parts where the nerves are at the surface. You hit a nerve: it leads to the brain and the brain is weakened and distracted. You do not fight a great monster with your little strength against its big strength: You poke it in the eye and it will go away weeping looking for easier prey.


So, with learning all combat techniques you should do it in slow motion first many times until you understand the mechanics. Only then speed up in practice but only go as fast as your friendly opponent can handle.


The Learning of Breakfalls in martial arts such as Judo, Aikido or JuJutsu is a great asset for use in training that involves throwing. Martial artists practice in the Dojo on soft mats as they are sensible. For children/teens at home a mattress is necessary.


Whenever an attacker looms over you, a sudden shout should be yelled with your sudden thrust.


Practice, practice, practice: but with a friend so that their chest does not get very sore, use a palm hand instead of your pointing knuckle. Jedi Knights are only seriously firm with an evil enemy.

Remember: the thrust into chest and the scooping his leg are all one movement.
You wheel him into the space warp that takes him to the ground, hitting his body with the planet.

For those budding Jedi Knights who may be far too small to reach up to the attackers chest: A different and devastating single finger throw will be provided later.


{ 1 } HIT: Step forward and hit your knuckle into his sternum.
{ 2 } GRAB LEG: Bending forward grab him from behind his thigh (upper leg), pull up.
{ 3 } DRILL AND WHEEL: Drill your knuckle in and drive yourself forward, wheel him over till he falls.
{ 4 } AWARENESS: Consider all around you: any more dangers (persons)? Consider fast your next step: Run away? Walk away? Go and get help? Do not tell him off or belittle him. Do not jump on him and try to wrestle.


What is this technique teaching? That:

  • There are invisible FORCES in the Universe that you can use; Gravity is one of them.
  • You can overcome great strength by attacking NERVES.
  • PAIN distracts the mind.
  • A sudden SHOUT when attacking can distract a Bad Guy’s mind.
  • Anything that you start you must FOLLOW THROUGH to the end: With your knuckle pressure you must pull his lower body (leg say) to you. You must keep pushing until he topples over.
  • A throw hits them with a PLANET which is much bigger than hitting with a fist.
  • Your whole body is to act and move together: your arms both circle, your foot has been placed forward, your body leans forward, you voice shouts. In any technique ALL of your body is doing something to help. Through becoming ONENESS you overcome the Many.
  • AWARENESS of all around you is all important, as one is down but there may be more attackers to go. Unless he attacks you or loved ones, avoid a Bad Guy as you would a lump of poo on the pavement, for that is what he is: a thing meaning no good to anybody.

Wizard/Martial Arts words:

Waza: A technique (Japanese)
Kiai: Shout – a very special kind of shout (Japanese)
Evil: Someone ugly in their viciousness, they do not belong in this world.
Good: Someone who cares for others; worthy of family.
Jedi Knight: A warrior who cares for others enough to fight the evil that would destroy them.


To manoeuvre within the power of the FORCE requires balance. Your bad balance and you fall; their bad balance and they fall. Maintain your balance within Nature.

To improve your balance, do the following:

A. Standing, swing one leg forward and keep it up horizontal in the air. Now squat on your supporting leg: bend it and lower your body straight down. Do a number of such squats. Do also with your other leg. Do not worry if you cannot get near the ground. This is like doing pushups, but on one leg. This gets your legs muscles used to suddenly be required to hold your weight or more than your weight. Stronger legs make for better balance. You can practice this while standing at home doing nothing. A Jedi Knight is Always a Jedi Knight anywhere. A Jedi Knight thinks and acts differently to others. That is, with an inner calmness a Jedi Knight Thinks and a Jedi Knight Acts. Idle moments can be used for training.

B. Standing, raise one foot just off the ground, in the air keep the foot flat just as if it was on the ground. Now, move the raised foot to circle round the front of your support foot until it’s on the other side (do not place it down). Now circle it back around the back of your support foot. After a number of these, place your raised foot down and do the same actions using the other foot. Keep repeating. So you are balancing on one leg with only minor adjustments your mind needs to make to your muscles. When you get good at this, gradually make the horizontal circles with your foot wider and wider. Pressing always your body weight straight down on your support foot. You sense of balance will be improved over time. Your feet have sensors that tell the brain if they are not aligned with Gravity, so if you turn your foot up from being aligned flat to the centre of the Earth your brain will read it that you are off-balanced and falling, so you wobble.

There is a lot in even simple things. For those who have questions; and as Jedi Knights you should ALWAYS have questions: let me know and I will do my best to answer you.

So little grasshoppers, hopping through the dangers and beauties of life, there is much you can learn, if you want to. At least you will not get bored.

A wizard in Shadowland

(Image: Enso[Ed] - Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society. © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. I need to practise this and then will give feedback. Thank you.

  2. In leg exercise number 1: do I have to lift the leg to a 90º angle? I didn't understand the second exercise but I will read it again.

    1. Hi Celeste, you raise your leg in front of you straight, just as far as it will go towards 90º. Straight: to maximise the leverage of its mass upon your body centre. It does not have to be exactly 90º parallel to the ground.

      In the second exercise, while standing, you are swinging, slowly, one foot around the ankle of the other.

  3. I don't think I can lift my leg that high, can I do it half way? Will it still work or do I need to do a specific exercise to increase my flexibility?

    1. Hi Unknown,
      Yes, halfway or whatever you can; lift your leg keeping it as straight out as you can. You are simply doing one arm push-ups but using one leg instead of one arm. So long as your one bending support leg takes all of your weight, that is plenty for exercising it in a safe fashion and with a focus on maintaining your balance. Whenever learning anything new, remember the saying of Elbert Hubbard: The greatest mistake that a person can make is to be afraid of making one.
      By the way, your Alias reminds me of an interesting quote:
      “There are knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns." -- By Unknown.

  4. As we are here concerned with the use of different thinking methods for combat, confrontations and life in general; the saying about Unknowns is very pertinent. For it summarises a method of thinking that is useful to sort out your position in relation to information past, present and future.
    So this Thinking Method would proceed somewhat as follows:

    1. KNOWNS: What is already known? Where does the information come from and how reliable is it? Can the source be referenced back to clarify points and obtain more. How secure is the information: Do others know it? Does the enemy know it? Information always stops at some detail point for expediency – is there enough detail or is more needed?

    2. KNOWN UNKNOWNS: There are always gaps in knowledge, one cannot know all, and yet one must make decisions for action, so judgement and experience come into play; and an acceptance in planning for errors of fact and errors of judgement. Always have a Plan B, and C and so on. If the expected does not happen, if things go wrong sometimes, then do not worry: as everything is normal. If unclear as to what is unknown then questions as to what is still NEEDED to complete processes must be asked. You do not have to know everything if you know where to get the information/expertise.

    3. UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS: Life is full of surprises. Death is one of those. Finding out that trusted information or people cannot be trusted but are false is a surprise, but a happening that should not be unexpected. It is said of Socrates that he considered that he knew next to nothing (But he knew how to ask questions), so the Oracle deemed him wise. Self knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. “Gnothi seauton" ‘Know Thyself’. Is the Greek inscription at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. As what you don’t know can kill you (enemies always willing to help); or your business (competitors always willing to help); or your personal health (germs and the guesses of doctors always willing to help). Having a daily regimen of a constant sweeping for new knowledge and a Situational Awareness allows you to proceed on your expedition in life into the future unknown, armed to the teeth.

    4. BY UNKNOWN: Information from trusted sources may not be as vital sometimes as information from strange or unvetted sources, OSINT. Information, like ideas, belongs to no one but the user (Copyright forgiving). Scientists take in all information (if they are any good) both positive and negative to their presumptions and sift out by testing from that point on. Biased people do not think like that, they are lazy, they select only the information that agrees with their presumptions and glory in their opinions having backing. Prestige and self-love cloud the brain. You should examine any information presented, and of course you examine the presenter, but whatever the standing of the presenter, you again examine the information presented. For gold is still gold though it came from the dirt.

  5. Stephen, when you say "make a claw of your hand (the same shape as picking up a wide cup) and thrust it into his throat to push him back and down." do you mean positioning the hand in a way the thumb rests on the throat of the assailant and the rest of the fingers placed towards the back of the neck or what exactly?

    1. Hi Cristina. You thumb is separated from the fingers forming a shape like a crab’s claw, fingers are kept together, palm is curved but more or less flat. The hand forms a ‘U’ shape. In the wide gap between thumb and fingers you take hold of the FRONT of the assailant’s throat. You can use this hold/connection to thrust his head back; you can also strike with it. In a serious situation you can grab his windpipe and squeeze. That will freeze most attackers in a survival mode as their mind will know that they are in the great danger of air restriction.

      Press inward with your finger tips and upward towards the centre of their head, to direct their head upwards and take him to the ground. As he falls he will give up any trying to pull your hand away as he needs his arms/hands to make a try to brake his fall, which he cannot do without being able to turn: so you take him straight down onto his back. YOU RETAIN HOLD OF HIS THROAT TO PREVENT HIS HEAD SMASHING ON THE GROUND KILLING HIM. That is, Pull his neck up as he lands. Chop the SIDE of his throat hard to slow any rising and quickly run away. Chopping the FRONT of his throat hard is dangerous as if it crushes the windpipe he will die.

      Note that it is also dangerous to throw someone backward on a hard surface as the resulting skull and brain damage can kill (refer many Bouncers punching clients to the ground or King-hits killing). If you are in a life or death situation, if he attacked with a knife, then you do ram his head into the ground to render him unconscious. Ultimately, and only if necessary, to ensure a kill and your safety (for if an aggressor gets up again with a knife and gets you your life is over), as he falls and is near the ground you can jump your weight onto your hand at his throat and ensure maximum damage and collision of skull with ground.

      But when you are a child against a school bully all that is needed is to thrust their head back enough to get them coughing and rethinking their idea of you as a victim. Children should not be trained to kill but to confound and escape, even though that restriction may lead to a vicious adult killing them: As schools and the courts will rebuke and confine the victim, if excessive force has been used by that victim, against a violent person is later before them who is in a suit and who has been wounded badly by the victim. The attacker must have surely had a horrible childhood and deserves a court’s sympathy; while the victim may have not been the first attacker, or be in hospital or in a grave. In Self Defence use of minimal force is required by law, otherwise the victim having survived an attacker might not survive a court sentencing the victim to prison.

      Unlike a battlefield, Self Defence involves two threats to the welfare of a victim: The Attacker and the Law. In a fight there can be two aggressors: the attacker who caused the event and the courts who were never there and yet must decide penalties depending on their own judgement. There are too many cases of victims being persecuted twice; ask any woman/girl who has been bodily and mentally raped and her mind then assaulted a second time in court. Courts act like they don’t have a clue what to do (“our system is not perfect, but is the best system there is”) when it is up to them to self-govern and push to improve laws; as what do politicians who decide laws know about the law, being so often above the law with small or no penalties?

      To meet legal requirements: Against a Deadly attack you can use deadly force, but against a normal assault you use less force. Difficult to quickly judge and act correctly.


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