The EU-LAS Summit: Arab States Listened but Will They Comply?

By Max Coutinho

At first glance, it seems like the US was more surgical (thus more effective) in the selection of its guests and, of course, more intelligent as it knows very well that the progress, security and prosperity for all in the Middle East cannot occur without the assistance of the Jewish State. The EU, on the other hand, was very narrow sighted in its broad approach (thus less effective in the long run) in the selection of its guests and, certainly, less intelligent by not having invited a vital country: Israel.

Arab States Listened but Will They Comply?

The Europeans looked at the Warsaw Conference and probably thought they could do better than the Trump Administration (they even hinted in the Summit Declaration that the US, and probably Russia, had no business being involved in the ME since they are far away from the region); however, they didn’t do better than the Americans.

Xavier Bettel, the Luxembourg Prime Minister, got to the summit and lectured the Arab States on Gay rights – because he himself is gay (this is the reflection of the sad state of affairs: people now bring bedroom affairs into a political meeting). President al-Sisi responded that LAS will not take moral lectures from Europeans, or any other state for that matter – and he is absolutely right. However, that is the European problem: they believe they are superior to everybody else, and it shows in their relations with African and MENA states.

When President Trump said that some African countries are “shitholes” he only stated what Europeans have been saying behind closed doors ever since the Independence period – what is the proof of this? The way Europeans bribe African leaders to keep African peoples in misery.

The Arab States listened to Europeans, they smiled at them, shook hands, pretended to agree with the declaration and after returning home they started making their calculations:

  • The Europeans lecture us on Homosexuality. Next they will come with the Women’s Rights issue again. 
  • The Europeans will eventually demand democracy in our kingdoms. 
  • The Europeans are only interested in our money but not in our development. 
  • The Europeans support Iran and Hezbollah. 
  • The Americans respect our sovereignty.
  • The Americans want to stop the wars and invest on our development. Everybody makes money. 
  • The Americans are against Iran, 100%.
  • The Israelis can be a powerful partner for development and peace in ME.
  • The Palestinian cause has brought more costs than benefits to us all. 
  • The Palestinians are terrorists aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood that seek the demise of Arab Monarchies and of Secular Arab States. 

52% of the League of Arab States was present at the Warsaw Conference. 38% of LAS, present at the conference, was favourable to the US proposals and to moving forward in their relations with Israel for the good of the Middle East. The other 14% clings to the Status Quo for reasons explained Here.

When looking at the above angle, we have to conclude that the US-led Warsaw Middle East Conference was a success as it reminded LAS who their enemy really is (Iran, and this is true to every state of the League if we analyse the situation country by country), it reminded them that by obsessing with the “Palestinian” issue they neglected Iran’s advances in the region and failed to anticipate their expansionist moves, and it opened the door to improved ties with Israel – which is something that the EU doesn’t want.

The EU-LAS Summit, on the other hand, was more of the same: more Status Quo, more empty promises, more clichés, more ignorance, more insidiousness, more anti-Israel sentiment, and more tacit support for Iran. And on top of everything, one of the EU leaders lectured LAS on Gay Rights (like President Obama tried to do to Africans, in Uganda).

The question is: is the EU sure the Arab League will follow them down the abyss?


The Warsaw ME Conference invited only the most important Arab States (those who truly have the power to change things around in the region) and left the Palestinian Cause off the table; the EU-LAS Summit invited the whole Arab League (21 countries) and left the Iranian Threat off the table. Syria was not invited to either.

The EU (echoing Russia) accuses the US of polarising the world; however, this first Euro-Arab Summit sealed the European Position on Middle East Affairs. The attempt to counter the American successful diplomatic effort failed as the Europeans weren’t rational enough – for failing to realise that the ME has changed and that old formulas no longer apply.

The EU has stagnated.

Yet, there is a message to the Arab Leaders that must be reiterated, as we draw near to close our arguments:

  • The Europeans boycotted the US-led Conference only to set up a Summit with all of you ten days later
  • The Europeans, thus, turned their backs on a NATO Ally – how long do you think it will take them to betray you?
  • The Europeans lecture you on Human Rights, but when they're before the Chinese they don't say anything (the same Chinese who have re-education camps for Muslims)
  • The Arab Leaders should form a new Middle East Bloc (with Israel included), surpass Europe and finally get the credibility they deserve
  • This New ME Bloc must defend the interests of the Peoples of your region – their needs, their challenges and their culture are different from the European ones
  • Develop the Region, along with Israel, and the world will fear the Middle East. 

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Good point: to the Chinese no one says anything but to the Arabs and Jews...something is wrong cause the Chinese commit crimes against humanity and no one goes after them! Where's Justice?

    1. Hi Anonymous :D!

      Exactly, there's no justice, it seems; only interests. You raised a very good point, thank you.

      And thanks for your comment.


  2. I agree, this summit was a flop. The Americans outsmarted Europeans this time and I never thought they ever would! Good job, Max. Ah by the way, Facebook is sabotaging you again or some socialist ass reported your blog as abusive again. Leftists can't take you guys!!

  3. This Summit exposed the EU as a hypocritical bloc and you were spot on on one issue:

    "The Europeans lecture Arab States on Human Rights, but when they're before the Chinese they don't say anything (the same Chinese who have re-education camps for Muslims)"

    Socialists like re-education camps (ref: Mozambique after the Independence); so perhaps that is why they say nothing to the Chinese: they are all socialists in cuore...
    Shabbat Shalom.

  4. I don't know what you guys think but I think after Brexit it's only a matter of time until the EU falls. I agree with with Max that it will show in May for the Parliament elections and I go more far: if they have substantial votes it's either cause the populists went to the polls to take over the parliament or cause the socialists rigged the elections. If one of these two doesn't happen, there's no reason to have a huge turnout!


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