Training for Jedi Knight Types Lesson 2: From Clay We Came

Chapter II

By Stephen Cheney

The Universe is a corporate existence of matter and energy, and you are the same. Your atoms, as the modern science of cosmology knows, were forged long ago, not in Sol the star close to us, but our heavier elements such as iron come from a higher compression in an earlier exploding star. 

The matter from that event eventually condensing again, by gravity into Sol, the star that holds us and provides our environment. So, the link between you and the stars is real and true, and not only this planet but the stars are also our home. Your inner-here is the same and bonded to the vast Out-there. As a being you really were Stardust and now you have morphed into being eyes and hands that allows the Universe to both see and feel itself. And know itself. Thou art That. You are One. You are never really alone because you are an inescapable part of the Greatness of all Being.

Star chemistry, that is, the Universe's chemistry, is the same as Earth chemistry. Your atoms are the same as those atoms at the end of the Universe. The same from near the beginning of Time to the end of Always. What you see, looking up at the night sky, is your cousin atoms looking back down on you. Looking at the stars you are looking into space, but also you are looking into the vastness of Time. For Space generates Time. Time coming from any movement or vibration at all. Time is a function of Space. The stars that you see are no longer in their places. They have moved on, ages ago and are now radiating from another place in space. The Heavens record the past and you are viewing a Time-machine. When you look at our Sun (not without protecting your eyes), you do not see the Sun as it is now, but as it was and where it was, over 8 minutes ago due to the limited speed of light.

In your every-day perceptions you are dualistic, seeing from only a part of all being. For maximum perception you need to join the two aspects or worlds of reality together, Atman and Brahman into one. As a Jedi Knight type of person you learn to merge such worlds by using your mind.

This may be a bit too philosophical. For a child to more easily understand: You know that when you dream you are not focused in the same world as when awake. That the night-world is not Exactly the same as the Day. There are more worlds of existence or perception than just one. Learning to move your conscious, that is your mind’s awareness between worlds of being, as you will, as you wish, is a useful advantage for survival and for self development.


You are immersed in a meeting with someone and there is tension or even aggression.

From that world of existence send a part of your mind outward, to sail above the both of you, above the problem. Somewhat like Astral travelling, but you are staying nearby to help. Similarly, you do not seek to flee the world for some other heaven as in Therevada Buddhism (Little Raft), but to come back to help others as in the way of Mahayana Buddhism (Big Raft).

Looking down upon you both gives you a different, more balanced, perspective. You are using one of your conscious minds to be an outside observer/ referee/ advisor. Up above like a god or angel or bird looking down.

When the opponent says something or gestures, your outside mind, observing intently, considers what is said and gives you suggestions of how to respond. Of what to say and do. Your less emotional self advising your emotional self. As the outside Brahman is the same as the inside Atman, it is all you and you can easily accept advise and deliver relevant speech. The ‘You’ that is present with the opponent may be nervous, but the You that is farther away is not stuck in the tension and can give you good advice. It can give you commands and you simply do them. An external Command Post. Your thinking can be done by your distant self and not by your near and confronted self. You are not limited to being only in one place but can send your mind anywhere.

The mind does this normally anyway, but unproductively when you Daydream.

So, instead of just you and an aggressor, you have three persons: the aggressor, you and your advising self. Like a movie where you are one of the involved Actors, but you are also the watching Director. It is difficult to be composed and calm, like a Jedi Knight type, when alone and facing an aggressive person doing all they can to intimidate you. So, do not be alone, multiply yourself. Call upon another part of yourself to watch over all that you say and do, like a Guardian Angel. An aggressor is attacking your mind, so divide that mind to out-number the attack.

(Image: Thinking Man Study [in water based clay][Ed] - Raul Joshua)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. " An aggressor is attacking your mind, so divide that mind to out-number the attack." - don't know if I understood, we divide ourselves into several selves to outnumber the attack?

    1. Hi Unknown, The aspect of attack being dealt with here is mental/verbal prior to any physical attack being initiated. The virtual realm where all things are possible. You are not dividing yourself physically. Your mind is fully capable of imagining yourself as being outside of an altercation and watching the event, watching the people involved. When you dream you are not looking at the world from your being inside it, you are looking at the events from an outside position. You can tell if you are dreaming, and can know if a nightmare is not real and exit it: if you can see all of yourself in the event, like watching a movie, such as all of you running away from some horror (and not getting anywhere for the mind is aware that your sleeping body is not responding). Contrasting to reality where you are looking outward and cannot see all of you without a mirror (which is a medium for watching from another position).

      We are no longer creatures as we were, as reptiles still are, with only one brain, called the ‘reptilian brain’ with all of our instinctive programming. On top of that one reptilian brain, that is situate at the top of our spinal cord, we have developed extra brains so that we as a creature are multi-brained. We also have multi-minds that mimic our multiple brain structure. Normally all is coordinated, but when in discord we can end up with the psychological problems such as multiple personalities taking turns at dominance, wrecking social lives. Also damaged brains can have destroyed functions taken over (though not always) by other parts of our whole brain, even though those awoken brain areas had previously nothing to do with the functions that had been destroyed. Al the while that your forebrain is active, being a coordination from two almost totally independent brain hemispheres (which can be surgically separated into two independent people), your other brain, the subconscious, is running its own programs, as is your reptilian brain. There are more You’s to You than just you. You might as well use what you already have.

  2. Stephen, this I know how to do: how to separate from myself and have a broader picture of the situation. I don't train it, it just is like that since young age! Day dreaming IS a waist of time and we miss a lot of what's going on around us!
    These lectures of yours are getting better and better, if I may say so!

  3. This post reminds me of Matrix: when Neo was fighting the Smiths and when they shot the dude, he multiplied himself to dodge the bullets. So cool! But you are talking about a mental fight, right? It's doable!

    1. Hi Adam, you have command over your mind and little influence physically on physical reality. However, when you manipulate your mind you affect your body and can also affect the minds of others and so you Do have some sway over what happens in the Physical world. Look at all man has done, could any of it have been done if the bodies of men did not contain a mind but only the processor of a reptile? Minds can inspire other minds to great deeds, and in combative, opposing, situations can affect the aggressor's mind as you are a part of his reality environment and are the focus of his attention and his intensions. Minds change the world.


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