Training Jedi Knight Types Lesson 6 Twist Top - Defence

By Stephen Cheney

Previous Chapter: Exercises


1. Suddenly send your hands to his shoulders.

You will be using the basic fundamental in JuJutsu of Push/Pull.

2. You grab his shoulders: Pull one, Push the other.

One hand grabs a shoulder and pulls horizontally towards you; the other hand pushes a shoulder horizontally away from you. Both at the same time. Twist the Top of his torso. Like both hands working a horizontal steering wheel. To prevent your pushing hand from sliding off his shoulder you may form it into a Palm Heel ‘L’ shape and strike the shoulder – but you must keep pushing (and pulling). This is an explosive fast movement before he can raise his hands.

- This sudden steering is a fast attack by you. Who attacks first gains the initiative.

- The result that you want is that his torso, the top of his body, is twisted, while his feet will remain nearly in the same spot that they were.

- He has no surface in that circular path to push or lever against to stop the movement as he does with a linear strike where he can brace, counterpush against the ground.

- This twisting of his spine makes him nearly immobile. He is now side-on to you so only his near arm can strike you (say to your groin).

- If at this early stage if there is a difficulty, or maybe the Aggressor is too tall: smash your forearm or hand into his throat. Your forearm is already there.

3. You immediately step behind him to avoid any strike, keep pressing down on his shoulders.

You will notice when you go behind that you are safe from his arms and also your forearm falls naturally across his neck.

4. You pull your forearm to pull his head back arching his spine

To further off balance him and immobilize him. If he cannot move he cannot fight. But at the moment he is still standing, change that:

5. Kick-Stomp on his upper Calf:

Lift your leg nearest to your choking arm and stomping on his upper calf press your foot to the ground to reach a position where he is kneeling. This removes his legs from levering forward and brings him down to size.

Maintain the pull back on his throat. By this time he should have his hands on your arm to pull down and take off the pressure from his throat. It doesn’t matter.

From your position behind him you have a number of options depending on how aggressive or dangerous the Aggressor is. JuJutsu gives you options of kill or restrain whereas Karate power strikes are extremely damaging and may kill when you do not wish to.

Stomp Again then run away:

To not kill nor knock him out and just to run safely away without him being able to chase you, you: Raise again the foot that you kicked him with and stomp down hard on his Achilles Heel, which is the tendon connecting his calf to his heel. He will no longer be able to run after you, nor even walk. He needs to go to hospital.

This is why, in martial arts, whenever kneeling on the mat your feet need to be flat (instep down) and you not up on your toes or you will be damaged if trodden on.

This option is also advised if the Aggressor has mates coming for you and you need to get away fast. Leaving him incapacitated will give his mates pause (mind control) to tend to him and respect your abilities. You don’t want him or his fit mates chasing and capturing you. Bullies love the advantage of a gang. A gang can kill you.

This option is good also if he pulls out a knife to stab your wrapping arm; maintain awareness of such possibilities. Anyone who attacks you unfairly, such as a street attacker, is ALWAYS to be assumed to have a weapon on them, one in every pocket, in his belt, in his socks etc. A street fighter without weapons is an idiot, one not long to live.

1. Sleeper Hold: You wrap your arms around his neck in a common Sleeper Hold.

A Sleeper Hold is a strangle, it is not as dangerous as a choke across the wind pipe. A strangle doesn’t block all blood to the brain but it does press on the Vagus heart nerve and change the blood pressure in the brain enough for the brain to activate its survival instinct mechanism and his brain, not you, renders him unconscious to fall to the ground where being horizontal will allow the heart to more easily pump blood.

2. You place your knee against the middle of his back

To further control his movement.

3. You hold until he collapses,

You are watching intently for this. CARE: do not hold for longer than 10 seconds after he slumps or he might die. Do Not lift his body off the ground as then you will not register when he is out. His automatic Resuscitation can be assisted by you (and MUST be known so MUST have been taught to you by an instructor).

4. You have the option of running away

And seeking medical aid for the fallen.

Sleeper holds are daily common in Judo in Japan since 1882, no deaths recorded because Judoka are trained by a qualified master. Resuscitation methods are also learned. So this waza needs a qualified martial arts teacher to supervise. Deaths in the USA have been because police using a baton across the throat have crushed the windpipe and the held person died. They were not trained properly and did Not know the meaning, consequences and safety requirements of what they were doing. This is why in training in the martial arts the method of: just doing as you are told and don’t ask any questions is inefficient. You should always be told the MEANING of what you are doing and consequences of faulty technique. Questions should be asked and allowed after a waza in class if not during its training. The Mind commands the Body.

Sleeper Holds, where your elbow is under his chin, your forearm and biceps ‘squeeze’ the sides of his throat, your other hand is over his head pressing it into your lower arm: are often poorly taught. Normally he will go unconscious within 10 seconds, but done properly the hold should put him out in 3 seconds. Training in this can come from a knowledgeable master: involving the top hand; your bottom hand; not using strength; your shoulders; and how the place a Sleeper Hold from behind on a sentry without they being able to react and counter with JuJutsu: you do Not swing your arm around his throat.

The value of a sleeper hold in a fight struggle is that:

if instead you CHOKE a person, pressing their windpipe: they will panic, explode strength and become like a raging maniac and might even break free and then it is Your life that is in danger. A person with a crushed windpipe can still kill you in the 13 or so seconds that he rages before he collapses and dies. With a Sleeper Hold the Choke mechanism does not activate and the patient drifts off to sleep. From a strangle you recover; from a choked-crushed windpipe you do not (unless you have a biro, a Jedi Knight Type agent should always have a biro, but that is another subject). With a strangle: his brain will cooperate with you as you are engaging / activating his survival mechanisms. Cooperation, if you can get it, is always better than violence.

This waza works whether the Aggressor is standing normally or he has one foot forward. Even if he turns a foot you will still be pulling him off balance from behind. You may notice that the effect is best if your twist is towards the side of his forward leg. But in a tense activity fine details dissolve; that detail of checking his feet you may not, you should not, have time for.


This takedown is simple and fast.

  1. Strike/Pull his shoulders to twist and spin his torso, locking his legs, press down on his shoulders
  2. Step to get behind
  3. Pull back on his throat
  4. Stomp on his CALF to get him lower kneeling
  5. Stomp down on his Achilles Tendon hard and run; 

Or strangle by Sleeper Hold; Resuscitate.

What does this waza FEEL like to you?

A large truck has a large steering wheel in a horizontal position rather than the usual partly vertical. When your hands go towards his shoulders you use both to steer his torso just as you would a truck steering wheel. When one hand grabs a shoulder and the other hits a shoulder you explode into a pull and push.

What does this waza FEEL like to the enemy?

There is a sudden jolt and they feel anchored to the floor due to their shoulders and hips twisting above their thighs. They feel stuck and cannot move or kick. When on their knees from a calf stomp and pulled back their throat is exposed to attack by strike or choke so they lose confidence. A mind changer.

What Principles does this waza seek to Teach: and thus what can you Learn from Practicing this waza?

  • The Bully, confident in his strength, that has served him so well in the past, has a tunnel-visioned mind and He is focused on building His attack and not really prepared for You, the victim, to attack first pre-empting his attack.
  • Who attacks first gains the initiative. Gaining the first strike wins most fights.
  • Speed or attack mostly is too fast for a reaction time, especially when bodies are close.
  • Surprise takes the initiative (until one pauses). There should be no pauses in a waza, all done smoothly and in one breath out, from much practice.
  • Pushing and or Pulling is a fundamental way to Off Balance an opponent.
  • Force is normally linear and can be countered by a stronger linear force in the opposite direction. A circular direction is like using another dimension: you send him into that other dimension into helplessness.
  • Mobility is a necessity in war. Immobility limits all options and the attacker has the advantage.
  • In every waza your body works all together. In this one both your arms assist and your leg steps to safety.
  • You keep fighting until you get a desired result. That your enemy is no longer Capable of fighting for he is helpless or dead.
  • If you loose a dangerous fight and become helpless, the first Aggressor who showed no mercy by choosing to dominate or to attack you, cannot be expected to leave without inflicting damage or death upon your person.
  • In sports like boxing the forces, straight or circular, are enforced to cross a linear direction: each contestant must keep position in front of the other. So fights or such bashing can go on for many rounds (long term is brain damage). Combat is not like that. There is no time to waste on the battlefield. Waza must be fast and effective. You never stay in front of your opponent where all his body weapons can fire at you (head, arms, elbows, knees legs); as soon as you can you move behind him and finish. No sparring, in sparring you can get hurt. In combat you Avoid-Finish-Leave.
  • If the mind is shut down by shutting down the brain then the body shuts down. The mind rules the body.
  • This waza does a spinal lock. Once twisted, you are pressing down on top of his torso and his feet are as embedded into the ground.

A STRANGLE presses on arteries restricting blood and thus affecting blood pressure; and presses on nerves restricting impulses (the brain sends a regular impulse to the heart to regulate its pulses (plus the heart has a resident backup). The brain thinks the heart is in trouble by all of this and shuts down the body to drop and ease the heart’s function. So a non-violent effect.

A CHOKE presses the wind pipe restricting air to the lungs, the brain registers a build up of Carbon Dioxide (it does not measure oxygen levels). The brain then sends out panic messages to the body to urgently move it to elsewhere to obtain access to air. So a violent struggle happens with you. A mosquito also measures Carbon Dioxide levels to find you by your breathing in the dark. If you think that being small is insignificant, try, as is said, sleeping with a buzzing dive bombing mosquito in the room.

(Image: Twister in Florida[Ed] via Google Images)

[The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dissecting Society™ . © 2007-2019 Author(s) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]


  1. Nice. Thanks for teaching how to do the sleeper hold.

    1. Hi Unknown, the Sleeper Hold is just an option when you have their back. The Sleeper Hold is a common hold taught in the martial arts so I have not gone into its standard detail, just how to get to be able to apply it when you were in the front to begin with. In combat locks and holds are excellent when applied properly, but that is not the first difficulty in a fight. The first difficulty in any fight is: How on Earth do you get from no contact to be able to start to apply a hold/lock? Thus, at combat distance you do not consider JuJutsu at all and do avoiding/striking arts such as Kempo. Only when there is body contact when they lay hands on you, or you lay hands on them, do you then engage JuJutsu to defeat them. I have also not detailed the advanced version of the Sleeper Hold as that is perhaps too fast for beginners who must, in a stressed moment, be focused on not killing an Aggressor. It is easy to die, it is hard to live. Practice with a partner many times in slow motion, for that allows the brain’s neuron pathways to fix the memory accurately, under an instructor, using safeties such as tapping etc.

  2. Hi Cheney,

    "just doing as you are told and don’t ask any questions is inefficient."

    In everything in life, I believe. It's important to think and ask good questions. But how should soldiers reconcile this with their training when they are taught to just follow orders (hence the derogatory term MI - Military Intelligence - as in one doesn't think only acts)?

    Great lesson. Thank you.


    1. Hi Max, in the future world of Star Wars there are robots, but the AI is not a high state. You could consider that many other entities can be viewed as robotic. Those that run to internal set programs are not allowed to think for themselves. Religious fanatics must follow the orders of those higher up the authority chain in their organization than they are. Workers even must obey the orders of their bosses. Humans are robotic in their construction having bio-chemical bodies and computer-like brains with programs built in such as instincts, or programs learned such as by education. The complexity of the human mind however does allow for independent thought if that is not stifled by outside socio-political forces and peer groups. A soldier is a human who has voluntarily surrendered the right of independent thinking and acting if that contradicts orders from superiors, not in intelligence but in rank. A military force of size must act as a unit and that requires unison in obedience. Right and wrong are put aside and what is right is decided by higher ranks. So the common soldier is totally in the hands of the decisions and competence of superiors. Thus many mistakes and wrongful acts occur. Especially where the decision-maker is not in the field but elsewhere and so has not the immediate reality inputs that their soldiers in the field are experiencing. Those at the top in the military must be honourable, respectable men/women as those below give their lives and actions to their command. Much of the world’s problems are caused by the absolute command that generals have, (generals: the protectors of citizens/society against foreign invading powers) yet may be corrupt and do not care about their own citizens, selfishly wanting only personal power and profit. As is the current case with Venezuela.

    2. As the numbers in groups decrease, such as in smaller teams of specialists, independent thinking to achieve common goals is allowed and vital, such as in SAS, SEAL and Spetnaz teams. There has always been a clash or conflict between independent thinkers and dictatorial constrainers. In a sense, Freedom versus Security. Freedom is scientific, creative and advances society, whereas Security is restrictive of information in order to prevent it reaching enemies and thus overriding emphasis on security helps to ensure survival. One must do what is necessary to survive First, before one then has the luxury of expending many resources on Development. But of course the modern technological military would not even exist or be able to win without allowances made for those scientists to develop new sciences, ways and weapons for the military to succeed. To advance Science needs free communication between scientists, to know what other scientists are doing and breaking through and so there is an underlying problem of how to encourage and allow that without also allowing breaches in security. Your bird in a cage cannot fly, and if you allow it to fly then the waiting hawk can get it.

    3. Military Intelligence and Intelligence Agencies Do think, only they are highly restricted, and thus hampered in successes, by the abilities or inabilities of their hierarchy. Those at the top are not usually scientists or specialists but are administrators (the politically expedient) and so they cannot have the same comprehension of information received as the specialist analysts who know everything that can be known. Yet it is the Administrators who make the final decisions and the analysts are not allowed at their table. Bad call. There should be far more interaction between Administrators and analysts. If greater efficiencies are wanted. But with fewer at the top of the tree the workload can be overwhelming so they make do with executive summaries and only know reality through many misty panes of glass. In any decision there is no time to gather all to know everything and so a cut must be made and decision chosen. That cut requires talent and luck, for all consequences, good and bad, ensue from it. The same for any decision that you make daily.

  3. Since I am shorter than the average man, I have to kick them from behind first and then place my arms around their neck, yes?

    1. Hi Miriam, You start in front below their height and thrust your arms diagonally upward to grab and SUDDENLY, violently turn their shoulders so that their torso is side-on to you. Your pushing arm is then ALREADY around the lower area of their neck. From that side-on position you then STEP further behind them for safety. Keep pressing DOWN on their shoulders as that locks in the twist in their legs and removes any ability to move or kick you. Then from Behind you SIDE KICK into the top of their calf muscle, you fully press down your bent leg and straighten your leg: stomping on their lower leg to slam it into the ground. Thus their height decreases and your arm around their front slides up to their neck. Make sure that your foot does not get stuck inside the clasped rear of their knee (so that is why you hit the upper calf and not actually into the knee as you are not just kicking and retracting but are doing a continuing press). Next recommended is a stomp on one of their ankles (on the Achilles Heel tendon) to incapacitate them so they cannot chase and damage you when you run away. A Strangle is only recommended if restraint is required such as by Law Enforcement, and only then if the local Law allows sleeper holds to be applied.

      If they reach up early to grab your arm around their neck, ensure that you are pulling their neck backward and you can, if necessary, deliver a DANGEROUS blow to the rear of their neck with your rear forearm or elbow to stun them and allow you to continue. Do the steps with a partner to know how it fits together. You do NOT PAUSE in this waza (nor in any waza), each step going smoothly and fast into the next.

  4. Stephen, sometimes I feel like choking my husband but now you gave the idea of just strangling him as it is safer too under the law. Thank you.
    (Just a bit of humour)

    1. Hi Carla. Ah, the frustrations of Love! The time honoured endearment though is to playfully hit your husband over the head with a saucepan. It goes to the brain and advises that a behaviour change is wanted. Also, being a man, being wacked with a saucepan is a humorous event and he can get the message without serious damage. A saucepan tells him that you still love him, as it is not a knife for stabbing nor scissors for snipping (weapons that are available in the kitchen). You can both later laugh at it, as his ego would never allow him to tell his men-friends that he was hit by a saucepan, as they would understand immediately what it means: Love and frustration.

      The relationships between men and women are fraught with misunderstandings, as the thinking is different and the wanting strong. Women are a marvellous beautiful mystery to men and it is important for men, if they want to hold long-term relationships, to study the subject of women and understand how to handle a woman mentally and also lovingly physically. Women are more meant to be loved rather than just understood, and maybe men are the same. Though men do wish to be understood and respected intellectually, deep down, more importantly, despite pretending to be brave, independent and above emotions, they also wish to be loved. One can be respected, even feared without love; but Love always requires respect, or it is not real Love at all. And with Respect is Trust.

    2. A man needs a woman to compliment his psyche and to lift his being into being a sociable animal, a psyche that otherwise tends to descend into being a barbarian. She is his angel and he is her honourable warrior. Communications are always in need of being interpreted, and those interpretations (always imperfect) can push a relationship to and fro; but Love is a bond beyond all that, binding the souls and beyond mere words and squabbles. Miscommunications or words that seem insulting or hurtful need to be addressed immediately and brought to the sender’s attention. Along the lines of: “What you said is rude, or hurtful, please explain what you mean, and what those arrows are intended to do”. When the mind is disengaged from the soul, there are gains in that, but also losses. Whenever any message looks bad, it needs to be immediately queried and clarification obtained. All words are poor images of what they represent; when a word is uttered it leaves the sender’s body and much of its reality behind. The word “woman” is not a woman. The word “man” is not a man. Words are only a virtual reality; wisps on the wind. Loving, and expressing Love, even without words, is an intense reality. Love is doing, not dreaming. Love is expressed in Action. Reality is experience, it is not symbols. Excuse me for talking as if I know what I am talking about; but sometimes I do know, although, being imperfect, I do not know all. Good people share knowledge to Grow others, and by choosing to do that, further Grow themselves. Bad people use knowledge both false and true to hurt and shrivel up others and by doing that they shrivel up themselves.

      Any communication of thoughts/ ideas is translated into words by the sender, the same as converting Clear into Code. That is then transmitted to the receiver who must decipher the message back into clear text. However, people think and experience differently so: the translation may not be what was originally intended and therefore there are misunderstandings. Thus Clarification should be communicated back to the sender to confirm “Is this what you mean?”, in other words, you repeat back a message, with further questions if necessary, to establish the true meaning of it and show Your understanding of it to the sender, and does it match to the sender’s understanding? Say what you mean and mean what you say (Alice in Wonderland). This is what analysts need to do (if there is time) to, upon receipt of a message, to direct further clarification queries back to the sender, and only Then, once all is clear and knowledge gaps and certainties established, analyse That and report up the chain with something real and not garbled or misunderstood. Quality controls need to be set in place at all stages, from the very beginning, not just at the end at the Decision-maker step when quality can not actually be resurrected and clearly determined. You can determine a lot from a few pottery shards, but best to have the Whole jar.


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